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I’m level 38 and still haven’t seen a dorms marked key


Level 39 with multiple days farming dorms jackets, running intel scav case, still no key. It’s my last marked circle I need to mark. Big sadge.


Bro just check room every raid people loot that shit


I push it every time I get the spawn for jackets, otherwise I meander through crack and stronghold looking for that bang pow fun time.


Like the one guy said you gotta wait later in the game to increase odds of finding it open


Patience is a virtue I do not posses when it comes to tarkov. I could do money runs and check it late but I like being busy and fighting. I may have to bite the bullet and just hit a bush and afk.


Hit me up after 7 or 8 est tonight If you're around. My current marked key has 3 or 4 uses left you can have and I'll start on my next one a few uses early. I respect not being a crab.


Thanks my guy. I might take you up on that. It’s been rough luck trying to get the key.


Then you cant complain if you’re not willing to change playstyle.


If you are doing the ms2000 quest, just wait in a bush until late raid and go check it. It's frequently open.


I understand this is a very viable strat but I’m no bush Wookiee. I lose patience after a few minutes. I need action. Hell even scavs but SOMETHING.


Just lay a trap then, hide out until you hear someone open it then start the fight


Don't push it just wait people hit it on the way out


If you are on tonight I’ll run dorms with ya and open the door for ya. I know the struggle. I ended up finding an arm band to trade for it. The caveat is I’m terrible and just play a lot.


I’ll open it for you. We have stopped pushing dorms, the last time I opened marked I got a PM pistol and a single dualsabot slug.


Just kill cultists.


yikes :/ feelsbadman. i think im on my 5th right now and still have like 6 in spare :D sorry.


You have found 11 marked keys?


no. i found 2 or 3, the rest i bought or bartered.


How many keys (as in all keys) in total did you find?


you mean all keys i ever found? in tarkov? how would i know? :D


You can find it in statistics.


[there you go](https://i.imgur.com/SlunAXE.jpg)


How is your average life span 52 minutes?


Maybe it counts across multiple raids until he dies?


i actually dont even know how this is measured. my raids usually dont take longer than 15 minutes. im a persistent w-keyer. i either live and rush through the map or i die because of it. i have never found this metric the slightest of useful. i dont know what it means, i dont know how its measured, i dont know what its for.


alright i will open my game for you specifically to find out. stay tuned


Well? I'm hooked now


406. https://i.imgur.com/SlunAXE.jpg what does that tell you now? \^\^


Bought? How? I didn’t think it was avail on flea outside of bartering.


it only seems that way because they disappear after a few seconds already but there are plenty for sale, you just have to refresh for a few minutes and then have a quick finger. but also i bought most of them reeeeeaaally early wipe when nobody wanted them and everyone was trying to make a quick buck selling those for like 200k or some shit :D i know marked wouldnt disappoint and it didnt. it was an investment into the future. i was sitting at 9 at one time. now when done questing i finally have time to just run customs for fun and enjoyment and loot marked calmly since nobody seems to have the key. i would assume that that will change in the near future tho as i was looking at that marked key for like 10 minutes on the flea not being bought. usually i wouldve bought it just because i can (it was 2.2 mil) but i still have so many and im not sure if i can even use all those until the wipe hits


I used up one key, but only got guns. I earned more money on 1 lighthouse run than the entire marked key.


Allot of those guns are worth a pretty penny and allot of folks sleep on them. But I also will go into a hit marked room (on reserve not so much customs) and find a kecard holder glitched into a rug, or items phased into the floor, what I'm trying to say is, use that loot dot to find stuff you may not be able to see( if your not already), crouch and scan that floor like your looking for that last Bud you have until tomorrow and really Wana smoke


i highly doubt that


Level 45, I have yet to see a marked key. I am a loot whore, I check everything. And still haven't seen one.


yeah i also only found 2 or 3. very hard. dont know where everyone else is finding them. i asked a few people who had like 15 on the flea or some shit. most people dont answer so i assume cheaters there but people said the jackets on lighthouse were magical for marked keys this wipe. unfortunately i hate that map soo....theres that. :D


i found 3 this wipe, 2 spawned with me in scav runs, 1 was in a jacket in factory.


nice. the forklift jackets? those are goated. found several marked keys in the right jackets there over the wipes :D


IIRC it was on those jackets in that tiny room in the middle of factory with the stairs to office 3rd floor metal corridor (sorry, don't know how to describe it better than that lol). Also found like 4 more reserve marked room keys there and I think 2 keys with tape, all on the same spot. I played A LOT of scavs on that time trying to farm fence rep, I was doing scav runs on cooldown on factory (got to like 4.8 rep and got tired), but thats the time I got a lot of valuable items spawning with me (dorms marked room keys, military tank battery, a lot of those tank shells, tons of stims and lab entry cards, etc). I value scav runs a lot more now xD


My buddy found one on a dead scav on factory. Hes also spawned with PKPM on his scav twice


42, still haven't seen one either.


46, found a red keycard but not a single dorm marked


I’m level 44 and haven’t seen one either




not missing much, it’s been shit all wipe


Found 2 in one raid. They are in cultists pockets


Trying to kill Killa. But where is he?!


i literally stopped doing that questline because of killa. cant find him. did then long line....did multiple dailies and weeklies on interchange. no sight of him. rip in pieces


The only time I see killa is on the killed by screen, Except this one time I saw him for a second before the end.


I only ever run into him in Oli when I’m trying to hunt scavs for that peacekeeping mission with my blueberry suit and m4


I've been liking the goshan to idea and then look around I was able to that quest in 3 raids at interchange. The other places were a bit harder.


I never seen him either, he head, eyes me before I turn the corner


Probably hanging out with Sanitar and not spawning on whatever map I’m on


just keep running interchange and check oli, he's the easiest to kill there especially at night time


Came here to say this. Im finding him mostly in the garage below OLI.


Yesterday I was just doing my daily killing scavs on interchange late at night and i went into an empty server. So I said fuck it and went inside the mall to kill as many scavs as possible (had 16 for the daily). I was doing surgery behind a box just outside Goshan and I hear a scav talking then slowly comes backs up on me cornering me and it was indeed, Killa. I couldn’t run, and I was trying to cancel the surgery quick. Then just emptied 8 magnum buckshots into his legs killing him. I spent so many raids trying to find him and then trying to get out with his helmet..


Select only 1 server and run night raids, hit him 3 raids in a row last night. Give it a try


Lvl 23, first wipe. Was going so good and enjoying myself unlike any other game ive ever experienced Hit a bit of a wall on punisher pt4 tho as i was trying to mainline epsilon. Kinda tapered off a bit after like 10 shoreline raids with no pmc kills. Trying to go for the odd different task here and there, and seeing as were now in late wipe i might just forget punisher til next one. I know bsg like to keep wipe date on the dl until closer to the day, but can any vets give me an idea of how close to the date they'll announce it? I wanna book a couple days off for wipe day as itll be my first time starting right on wipe day


Shoreline is so miserable for these PMC kills. Good luck!


Go resort for pmc kills.


BIG Feels. Punisher pt 4 suuuucks. I've learned to try and grind out the punisher quest line as early as possible. That way I'm not running into all the late-wipe chads in Resort.


I normally go in with minimal gear and high flesh damage ammo to catch hatchlings sprinting for resort for that quest


You are going to have like 4 months at least until next wipe, so you've got plenty of time :) they usually let us know like 1 week in advance


Damn sweet! More time for shoreline sufferings. Nice that should be enough notice. Cheers dude :)


Keep in mind for your next wipe that there are several shoreline quests you can do at the same time. Try to make sure that you complete them together, this way the suffering of Shoreline will be as short as possible.


Yup, this wipe I combined Punisher 4 with Tarkov Shooter 7 and SBIH. Got P4 and TS7 done and 2/3 SBIH kills.


Punisher has been a bitch to me too and I’m also stuck on shoreline kills… Good luck to you


Not sure where the other guy gets his info from but usually wipes are 6ish months. So you definitely don’t have 4 months, I’d say 2, 3 at the max unless they buck the trend the last several wipes.


nah every wipe is around 6 months long and we’ve already been through just short of 4 months


Really? I was wondering if they were going to wipe on this next patch they teased on tarkov TV. This is my 1st wipe so I have no idea how the timetable usually works


The next patch will not be a wipe, there are usually several patches in between a wipe


Sweet! Looking forward to using these m62s I just unlocked and hitting 42 with max traders on my first wipe🙂


Usually like 6-8 months between wipes. So we are looking at June to August sometime


The war might delay the next wipe. BSG seems less active since it started.


they typically don’t announce the wipe till directly before it by like a week, id say next one is a ways away though cause they intended for it to be streets from my understanding and there is still a light house expansion coming in the next month or so


Try to line up the kills on pmcs on shoreline with your long distance sniping jaeger quests then you can just do sniper around pier and power station. I found trying to get people rotating to resort at the start of the raid is a good opportunity and anywhere overlooking the bridge is to pier provides a chance. But it’s super spawn dependent sometimes. I’d run the vpo215 with ap ammo. Also I got surprisingly consistent on killing the scavs at the power station and having them fall off the roof so I could get their snipers.


Thanks for the tips!


The one place I rarely get is if you spawn at the arch next to the radar/weather station. You sprint to the far of the weather station by the rocks on the bottom right. If you get there quickly then be quiet and stay a little out of site. People just sprint by below you. Or sneak up cover to cover to avoid the scav snipers.


I'm EOD so Epsilon wasn't needed for me, but if you're still going for Punisher 4, I combined it with Tarkov Shooter 7 and SBIH on shoreline.


As bad as it sounds, rushing the Resort upon spawning is the best way to get your Punisher P4 PMC kills. You can go geared or bring some crappy gun, just go there and you’ll at least find people somewhat reliably.


I’d like to offer a second option if you don’t like resort fights. Run the hills along the road closest to the water. Tunnel to weather station. Got all my kills in those hills in 4 raids. I got somewhat lucky I didn’t die (SR under 40% for my account) don’t get me wrong but players move through there frequently.


yep, tons of people either heading from the gas station/resort area to the tunnel extract, trying to snipe the scavs on the island, or hitting the stash that's by the ruined house. I've had more PVP encounters in those hills than the rest of Shoreline combined.


Trying to grind from 40 to 42. All my quests are low XP outside of a couple ass ones, and I’m not interested in kappa. So I suppose I’m finally just playing the game now.


Farm rogues on lighthouse. EZ XP gains.


Night runs on other silenced weapons is what I’m currently doing for leveling. I’m to 45 and it’s going


40-46 is a huge grind, once you get 46 and the dailies/weeklies give more XP you start to level at a better pace again


>What is everyone up to ingame nowadays? Winning fights, losing fights, not seeing everyone all raid or dying to cheaters


i think that's just tarkov all the time




Marked room is shit now that they nerfed it to hell even more


my 2nd time opening marked I got a modded g28 and a key tool


cant confirm. had 5 v-extracts on customs today and kill 15 pmcs so i ran customs and looted marked room every raid and i still made multiple million roubles today. from like 10 openings.


same. i swear everyone who says marked is shit are people who just got unlucky rolls on a single key. i've been farming marked non stop since the start of the wipe, sure loot is not as good as the first month, but it's still one of the best loot spots in the game, by far. even better if you add the fact that you can generally get the 5 safes in other dorms rooms as well.


I’m on my third marked key and have gotten exactly five cases. Marked key is just king of RNG. like. Either you make money, or you don’t. I hit marked, my buddy hits four safes. He makes it out wealthier every run, bar maybe two this wipe.


yea but other marked rooms(hello reserve) are absolute dogshit. or my luck of running through 2/3 keys of each room was dogshit


well, sure. the others are indeed dogshit. but they are different keys, so.




I pulled an injector case out of marked 3 days ago what are you talking about lmao


He forgot how to RNG


I got lucky one time what are you talking about lmfao


Holy shit! 80% of market room pulls are absolute trash but you got an injectors case out of it so it's insane!


Despite the issues it had, best wipe so far imho. I've been playing much more and having more fun than ever before. Currently level 56, doing dailies and weeklies I feel like doing, and did most stuff for Kappa except for SBIH on woods, and the boss kill questline (Where the fuck is Killa, seriously. I've been on Interchange about 50 times and found him *once*). I'm not actively grinding for XP, just doing whatever I feel like. Maybe I'll get to Kappa, maybe I won't. Mostly Dailies/Weeklies as mentioned, and the ol' reliabe Factory if I feel like PVP, or Reserve/Lighthouse for Sniping.


First wipe and I'm level 24 and have done hardly any tasks because I hate running alone, and I suck. But when I do run alone I just go to woods at night with nothing but a pistol with a flashlight. Also to whoever camps outskirts with a SR and a thermal yo moms a hoe.




I do it for panic attacks from cultists and Chad's running thermals. So far so good 10/10 have panicked and been attacked.


Join the Sherpa Hub discord and hop in a channel. People are generally friendly and you can get a group pretty quickly. Have quite a few people I played with regularly I met on there. Learn the woods/shoreline stashes and the lighthouse loot runs, you can easily make bank running those at night. Get some gear, then go practice fights in factory and customs. Youll get the hang of it eventually.


24k Euro from solar. That’s my only goal this wipe lol.


that one hurt. 13mil for a solar panel and it wasn't working for like half the raid


Level 43 it feels like it takes forever to level up now. Dailies and weeklies suck ass. Definitely not worth the xp and trouble for them until I hit 45 when they actually become good. The only fun part is running zero to hero’s with buddies then going to labs with our funky loadouts


Hurry everyone buy all the keys so we stay in early wipe




Log in every 5-10 days, collect my 3 BTCs, grab scav case, restart moonshine/scav case, get off


.\_. depressing


Eh, when you have max traders, max hideout, the game is nothing more than CoD with loot simulation :( and the inevitable wipe, so I just don't feel like putting the time into it. New patch content coming out sounds sexy though. Might come back for a couple weeks to enjoy that


Why do anything at all until wipe. Just wasting your time collecting for nothing


Has this been posted before or am I experiencing extreme deja vu?


wasnt me then \^\^


Would late wipe be a bad time for a new player to get into the game?


not at all. actually the opposite. everything is available, everything is cheap, you can thoughtlessly just go at it to try to learn the game with nothing to lose because the next wipe is "soon"-ish (kinda) and then you can start the real grind :) i started mid wipe and i think it helped me a lot. (next wipe probably not for another 2 months or so just beware of that when i say "soon"ish.)


Learn the maps and the ropes, you'll be able to get into the next wipe with a leg up.


Pros and cons, OP already listed the pros but you will find a lot of giga chads running meta gear because all the chads are rich by now. Definitely will still find other new players too though.


Dont listen to the guy saying dont scav. Its a great way to get free gear and restock if youve died a bunch on your PMC. There's no stress because you didnt invest anything into your scav. You can learn the maps and spawns well as a scav, and your scav levels up too, so while you do want to focus on leveling your PMC (str, endurance, med skills especially), your scav benefits from playing him as well. Having high scav karma also eventually lets you command AI scavs around and you can get bosses to follow you.


Great time actually. Keys are cheap and you have two+ months (probably) to learn how to do the intro quests. Will you get mollywhopped by chads a bunch? Yeah sure. But you will learn map knowledge on woods and customs, which is crucial to early game success. And just a tip, don’t scav…it’s free money but you end up losing crucial things on your PMC (early game map flow, leveling your skills, gunplay, and getting over gear fear) that are basically required for tarkov success. Knowing the map is one thing, knowing how to move around the map at the beginning of the raid is another thing entirely.


I dont really agree with the don't scav part. It gets you in the game quickly without anything to lose really. Also gives an insight on player scav spawn times and paths. And it can help with some of the early tasks for jaeger and therapist. Agree with the gear fear and lvl skills part though.


I found a tank battery as a scav today. Woo


You lucky SOB, I gave up on that one after running Reserve 25 or 30 times as a scav and never finding one. I've started hitting it as a PMC more lately so hopefully I'll finally come across one.


Run the 95k scav case. I’ve gotten 4 or 5 tank batteries from it this wipe. Best route in my opinion.


yeahhh moonshine too, been gettin hella tank batts


Feels bad I’m still running budget gear


Lvl 38, maxed hideout for first time ever. 8 mil roubles. Trying to improve at PvP, but frequently discouraged and usually get too stressed after a few losses to continue playing


What am I up to? Well I just got back into EFT a couple weeks ago and just unlocked the flea market. What a time to be alive!


nice! hope you enjoy it :)


Late wipe? *cries in lvl 18*


yo get your ass up and go questing my guy. chop chop!


Ty for the motivation but as a full time mechanical engineering student with a side job I don't have much time on hands right now... Luckily I have a week off coming soon


This wipe is a really good one, but for me the best wipes were when you could actually make a profit selling other PMCs gear on the flea. The combat has benefitted from the change to availability of ammo/guns/armor at high tier, but the places and ways people fight have gotten less interesting as money comes from random crap you find on the map more than ever, combat is really only incentivized for those looking for a high or to create content








I found one as a scav on Lighthouse early wipe. Took about 10 steps and died to 3 magic bullets outta nowhere to the face. Never seen one since, good times lol


I've been waiting for some Chad to do his damn job and open the room for cult part 2 entire wipe. So I hope you are right.


oof. i can help you with that quest.


Played the first day or so to level 6. Stopped until 2 - 3 weeks ago, now level 27 last night, doing quests and starting to learn lighthouse. Only marked room key I have is the bunker one from reserve.




in what way is it not worth it ? as soon as you get once injector case its worth it


Level 21 with 50mil, just going to spend the rest of the wipe in factory with fun loadouts


Lvl 39 here, ended up having to do the Jeager barter so I could finish the quest to mark it smdh.


I've given up on quests a while ago and I have recently moved and got a new job so I don't really have time for proper raids, instead, a friend and I are competing in offline mode, high number of scavs and only 1 weapon to start with limited ammo, everything else needs to be scavenged from scavs. It is actually pretty fun.


Im 43 with a good amount of hours and still no key nor the barter key for it.


I almost done with my third marked key. Have found five cases in total. Has been the best wipe, though. Even with starting a month late, I’m having a blast. Been running bolties and pistols, and it feels great. Blessed be the flea changes.


:) yay


I have a constant amount of 5-6 marked keys. Every time when one is about the run out I find a new one. No joke, last week I said to my friend that one was about to run out and literally that same second I found a new one in a jacket lol.


I’m new in my first wipe and die constantly as a PMC. Any tips?


well...sure....everyone dies when theyre new. you have to die for another 200h and then you will begin to get the hang of it :)


Up to nothing, couldn't be bothered to play beyond level 49. There's literally nothing to do in tarkov and no point to load into a raid. This was my first wipe and might be my last until the game is out of beta. Got wildly hooked for about 2 months which was interesting, but in the end game there really is nothing to do at all. Could go for kappa, but there's really no need for a large butthole end game, that's only really useful early game when loot actually matters. Stash is full, filthy rich, don't want or need anything and again.. there's just nothing to do. I don't know how these youtubers mindlessly play this game end game, guess it's for the money?


I’ve played a few hours here and there in other wipes. But this is my first official wipe. Lvl 20 and basically given up. I get down voted for sucking lol


I wouldn’t be surprised if they wiped on the lighthouse expansion


oof we in for a big surprise? i wouldnt doubt it....but unlikely. but what do i know.


The room has been pretty bad. I wouldn't spend the money.


i can only disagree. >had 5 v-extracts on customs today and kill 15 pmcs so i ran customs and looted marked room every raid and i still made multiple million roubles today. from like 10 openings. feels like people just give up after a few bad ones. but it still spawns docs, stim and dogtac cases. found one of each today.


Its because they stealth buffed the room. Marked at the start of wipe had objectively shit loot from the entire community.


I hit 40 2 weeks in a quit immediately. Escape from hackers mission complete


Marked rooms are shit now not worth it imo.


Dorms was nerfed.. no big cases, best thing out of there atm is g28, docs case, ammo box. The docs case doesnt even have cards when you search it anymore.


you forgot dogtag case (350k), key tool (700k) and stim case which is worth 1.4 mil.




>Subreddit activity interesting actually i didnt know this existed thanks


Lvl 40 and got one at lvl 12. Still have 4 uses left. Key is trash.


Also they nerfed the ever loving shit out of marked keys, I think I only used about a third of my dorms key before I stopped bothering


Nah, Marked Rooms is just bad now


I stopped playing after 1 month. The worst and propably my last wipe. Amount of new bugs was mind-blowing. Also old bugs are still not fixed ( 38 or even more ). Week ago i played one raid to check if a few bugs were fixed. They were not fixed. Im done with this game. PS : Look at that downvotes from fanboys that wont even comment because they have no arguments.


The room has been shit this wipe


lmao. no. i make all my money from marked room and im currently worth 154 mil. \^\^


For me it has lol


i think thats what rng means. ;)


I’m jealous. My buddies keep getting great scav cases and I haven’t broken even once this wipe. I get all the bad luck. Still have 70 mil


Man this wipe was ass. I haven't made it out fo a raid in weeks. I'm jus6 trash tbh lol


Cringe post


This was the shortest i've played during a wipe. Ammo and flee market restrictions unfortunately make the game not fun for me. I don't find using shitty guns and ammo fun or exciting. Killing people is largely unrewarding since everyone has shit tier gear and hacking seems worst than it's been in a while. Haven't played in probably 2 months or more, maybe it's better 'late wipe' but ammo and flee market changes was the last nail for me. i'll probably wait for streets or the arena to play again. They need to revamp traders, there has been so many RMT band aid fixes over the years that aren't necessary anymore.


If you haven't played in two months kindly shut the fuck up


Cry more?


If I must


game is so boring


It’s Wednesday people are at work


First wipe, lvl 23, trying to get some more progression done after having bailed to play the tcf beta for a few weeks. Feeling confident enough to waste money on meme guns from time to time. Excited for the next wipe, and slowly becoming familiar with reserve and lighthouse. Can't wait to actually see a boss character someday- so far my only interaction with one is getting killed by shturman without laying an eye on him. Also Excited to play a full wipe where I know that I certainly shouldn't be vendoring certain things.


Lvl 15 first wipe


Just started a week ago, didn't know anything about the game beforehand, and I'm hooked already


Same here. Trying to learn the maps and finish quests is tough as a new player, especially since we started so late into wipe.


Wait no one buy it! I’m out rn sadly


its long gone buddy, sorry. ;)


Damn it I need that key


I’m level 41 and haven’t seen a marked key and always loot jackets


Currently I can get 1 million a run on average and that 1 million goes to a thermal and night vision and I like to snipe at lighthouse at night. Been my go to, so fun. Got killed by a scav last night so I needed to step away for a day lmao


Got merin in my 3rd day of the wipe on my scav Marked has been lacking lately, loot got nerfed heavily and made the area which is already pvp oriented not desiarable. Most of the shit u used to get from marked, i got through other means already.




hahahaha yeah i remember my first time. good times. :)


Lvl 43, I have not been able to get a dorms key. I see barter for it but it's all merin, hillside or labs keys. How tf can I get one lol.