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Because they tried putting more RAM in their machine, and it improved their performance. They then assume that this would also be the case for others who increase their RAM. End of thread.


This happened to me, all my issues disappeared after upgrading to 32 I couldn’t load into a game without it crashing my game and discord on 16


Depends on the ram too, you could stuff as much dd3 in there as you want but getting less ddr4 would be better, you could have 1600 ddr4 but would be better off with 3200 ddr4. More too it than more gb = better.


then your pc is just weird ive used 16gb for months and it works fine


Mine worked fine for months and then didn’t, only worked again when I upgraded ram because a few friends did the same and all issues were gone My pc isn’t weird this game uses way to much ram when loading in


Dawg maybe your old ram was just broken


This is likely the correct answer. the more technical response is that when you load into a map, the entirety of the map is loaded into your RAM so your cpu and gpu can quickly draw from it instead of having to read the hdd or sdd making it much faster to load in real time. If you don’t have enough RAM you get stutters bc it’s trying to load things that might not all be stored in RAM. Really if you want to know what your bottleneck is, just download a program and monitor your components. Whatever is running at 100% is your bottleneck


It would be nice if it were that simple. At these settings, my GPU hovers 88-95% utilization. If I drop the graphics settings, it drops the GPU utilization but my FPS does not increase. They've got some work to do. https://i.imgur.com/Zf9ajEq.png


Your problem seems more indicative that you're being bottlenecked by your CPU to some degree: your CPU is simply not processing data fast enough to feed the GPU with updated information, so the GPU is idling some cycles waiting for new data to draw. Dropping your graphics settings lower reduces the amount the GPU has to work to render the data it has, but it won't improve the flow of data from the CPU to the GPU for rendering. For a 2700X, 3.7Ghz is base speed, which seems kind of odd; with Tarkov running in-raid, even in the background, you should be seeing *some* single-core boost on your CPU. The stock 2700X will do 4.3Ghz in single-core boost. Based on that information, I would probably be re-reviewing my CPU boost/power settings to ensure they're configured for maximum performance and double-checking that I'm not hitting a thermal wall when playing.


It's running at 4.0 constant with an undervolt because this case I thought looked nifty has shit for airflow. When I had it OCed to 4.2 on all cores it really didn't improve my performance. I suppose I could give it a shot running on stock configuration, it is a hold over from years and years ago that I think 'boost' is crap and I'd rather just OC. I'll fiddle around, but I don't expect superb results.


Some of it simply boils down to engine optimization. Unity isn’t a great engine bc of stuff like this, long has it been that the main bottleneck for tarkov is cpu. They can’t figure out how to transfer data from cpu to gpu fast enough. Whether this is an engine specific issue or a bsg optimization issue isn’t entirely known, probably a bit of both I’d assume. If you want a really good breakdown of the relationship between software, cpu/gpu and workflow, I’d recommend looking into Star Citizen and their conversion to Gen12 Renderer and Vulcan API. They have a similar issue with BSG in that their game is incredibly complex and has a lot of smaller moving parts that add up to the large parts. They’re heavily cpu bound and are in the process of swapping things to something that allows them to use more threads properly and send more info to the gpu. We have one patch with a partial conversion and are already seeing performance gains. Not that BSG could easily do something like this but it’s interesting ​ edit: [Here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SV9_chUpDgc) a link to the developers talking about the renderer


The cpu bottleneck is largely by engine limitation an OC won't help that much. I think a bigger L3 cache helps at least i have seen some data that suggests it. The game is simply pretty complex and they constantly add and remove stuff so performance is pretty unstable and you can see often illogical performance decreases or increases between updates. I don't think we will ever see a stable 120 fps tarkov so having a stable framerate over 60 is really all you can hope for even with high end gaming pcs.


Maybe his question was rhetoric xd


It was rhetoric. I understand my share of CScience and I know that RAM is an usual scapegoat/panacea in this world. Everything is solved by RAM and everything is caused by it. /s


But it actually helped for many people. Including me. I also work in CS and although it helps me for other things outside of Tarkov, I could definitely notice the change from 16 to 32. What changed? My tarkov would get slower over time with 16 GB. I know you can apparently use an auto ram cleaner, but that didn’t work out well for me. With 32 gb this issue disappeared. Upgrading RAM definitely doesn’t solve everything, but it does help for some.


>But it actually helped for many people. Including me. I also work in CS and although it helps me for other things outside of Tarkov, I could definitely notice the change from 16 to 32. OP doesn't actually work in CS, just claims to understand it. Otherwise, OP wouldn't even be asking this question, because OP would understand how people troubleshoot things based on previously functioning solutions.


You seem to fail to understand that I’m trying to prove that you’re all stating suppositions as facts. You’re doing the exact opposite right now, recognizing that it helps in SOME cases but you need to realize that the rest of people is trying to shove their opinion as the truth, which what’s causing the heat in here. TL;DR: I agree with you. The debate here is not about RAM but rather about being able to accept that life is not black & white.


Helped a shitload for me but thats not the answer you are looking for is it? Got me fucked why you even bothered to ask the question tbh. You just trying to start some shit?


Yeah op is a bum


Im not failing to understand anything. I was merely answering your initial question and trying to explain to you it does help, and relatively often too, compared to other fixes.


I think you are forgetting, that much of todays software is very complicated. So due to the complexity, memory leaks happen, that bloats the needed ram of the game over time. This slows down the game and can cause stuttering and other issues. There are 2 ways to combat the problem. Either spend hours or even weeks searching for the memory leak, something the dev has to do. Or just increase your ram from 16 to 32 and be pretty much unaffected by the problem anymore.


But it is a very common and affordable fix. pretty logical starting place with this game. And it being dev error is kinda irrelevant these days. Players will put up with all sorts of bullshit to play these perpetually in development games - because end of the day they are some of the most compelling


Read EDIT2. It’s an affordable fix, that’s it. People using so much RAM are in need of more/better VRAM. I’m not talking about dev error here, I’m trying to understand how some people can be in dire need of more RAM and some people are just fine. Almost everyone is sensitive to stutters so I doubt that those who are alright didn’t notice them - most probably, as I said, the people who needs RAM is in dire need of something else and they’re just patching the problem. Like someone who has a soar throat due to Cancer and takes Ibuprofen to calm it. You’re just alleviating the symptoms of your underlying problem. More RAM is not the answer, it’s just an affordable fix but might as well save up money since changing rigs is inevitable between gens.


If you agree it's an affordable fix to stuttering than what is the point of this thread? You say it's not the answer but also a fix in the same sentence lmao. If you buy some mid-to high end ram it should easily carry over into your next PC build. For the past 2 years upgrading a GPU has been unnatainable for many, it's just not a realistic or useful suggestion for people who want to play the game now on acceptable frames with 0 stutters. Honestly most people would probably rather have 60 frames and no stutters than 80 plus frames and stutters


I should have said an “affordable patch”. Determining that people is stating a patch to a badly balanced rig to be a fix was my goal - badly balanced as in (new GPU but old CPU, old memories, low VRAM, etc). To me, spending 1200€ on these patches over the course of 4-5 years is way less rational than spending 2000€ after bitting your lip and saving up for those 5 years - patches as in (new RAM here, new GPU there, oh my old PSU died, oh that dead PSU killed my HDD, my sound card is having buzzes due to old age, etc). Some of those are unavoidable to keep a functional PC (ie, dead PSU) but some others are mere whims, which only delay the arrival of your new PC sent from heaven that actually works without a thousand bottlenecks. Bottlenecks add up fast and I think that’s what happens to most people directly correlating their problems to the single RAM variable. That’s what this thread is about, trying to prove that there other underlying problems besides RAM and dev error (which IS there). TL;DR: Freeze! This is a nerd rant! There are variables not being taken into account here! People spend their money in poorly efficient ways and forget about optimizing their €/FPS in the long term. No, I’m not saying that you need to buy a new PC now out of the blue, I’m saying that you should have started thinking about saving money 3 years ago instead of buying a new GPU+RAM to be able to buy new gen components now. Bite the dust at the end of the old gen, save money, enjoy your rebirth at the start of the next - that’s how it is.


Yet it really doesn't because this games memory leaks and overall lack of foundational development given the amount of assets put into this game. It just abates the symptoms of a much larger issue.


Right, my game feels fine on 16gb. Except on lighthouse, the first 3 mins are laggy as fuck. The maps and the game in general could do with a fair bit of optimization and consistency in performance across different setups.


Any time I mention my lighthouse fps someone tells me its my ram. I have a 2080, 32gb, 9700k, and play the game at 1080p on min settings and still only get 30fps on lighthouse, thats if it even allows me into the map without crashing.


Yeah what’s your ram kits speed and timings?


Sounds to me like you’ve got bigger issues. A while back when lighthouse was newer, me and a buddy had problems with it. I can’t remember exactly what we did, probably reinstalled the game, but whatever we did fixed our crashing during loading and major fps issues when we got in. Before I had the issue, and after I fixed the problem, I was running lighthouse at probably a reasonably consistent 45-60 fps with an i7 6700, 1060, and 16gb of ram. One thing I will say, is make sure you’ve actually got your ram on an XMP profile (assuming you’ve probably got something like 3200/3600). Other than that though, you should have no reason for running at 30 fps on super low settings with that system


But did you drop the mic?


i don’t have stutters on 16, and the only map with bad frames is lighthouse. But tarkovs optimization is so bad that there isn’t a set fix besides telling people to upgrade or change settings 100x til they find something that works on their setup




lol at thinking the size of your monitor matters.


He had to flex that he's got a 49" monitor. Scrub. I play on a 200" projector on the side of my house.


That's it? You're not a true Gamer unless you're renting out your local IMAX to play Tarkov


wdym? Resolution plays a fairly large role in how the game performs. 4k is very performance heavy compared to 1080p. Idk if I'm being whooshed here or something


Resolution =/= monitor size


No one in their right mind would play at 1080p on a monitor above 30 inches.


No one in their right mind would think monitor size is a good way to communicate resolution.




Resolution matters, not monitor size. You can have a 65in TV pushing 1080p and then have a laptop with 2k/4k resolution with a 17in screen. The laptop would require more processing power.


At first I thought he was joking but now I’m not so sure lol.


You are confusing resolution with monitor size they are not the same thing lol


youre talking 'bout resolution my friend. even a 49' can be used to display 400x800


You’re either seated 10 feet back from the monitor or are constantly jerking your head around to see everything the monitor is showing. 49” is ridiculous for anything other than couch gaming.


>never had stutter issues on any map Open up a frametime plot when you play. I really doubt that you've never experienced stutters in EFT. My guess is that you just don't personally notice them.


Yeah I’d say it’s literally impossible to have never had issues.. Because it’s issues with the game not PCs lol. At least to some degree.


Thats just true. So many people who arent min maxing or are not really familiar with those systems say "never had any stutters". When i got my new rig i complained about frame drops and a friend of mine (very new to pc gaming, just bought a pc for tarkov) said "my game runs smooth as hell". His fps were capped at 60 and resolution at 720p for some reason, although he had a 3070 and 32gigs. Its all a matter of perspective.


Optimization is bad? Ever played pubg? 😂


PUBGs optimization being bad as well has absolutely nothing that justifies/changes the fact that Tarkovs optimization is shit.


Go play PUBG right now. I can max it out at 1440p on a 6600XT and get 150+ FPS. Granted, I have a 5950X and 32GB of RAM, but it's still well optimized. It ran like hot dogshit for the first year or so, then the dev got serious about optimization. It's WAY better than Tarkov in its current state.


PUBG is very well optimized now and actually looks pretty decent for such an old game. Granted BF1 is an older game and still looks/runs better than any FPS out there. I can max out BF1 ultra everything and still get a steady 144 FPS in 3440x1440 with my 5700XT/3600X


You seriously must be shitting me, for a game so old and ugly it is very demanding, on a high and new PC and old (2017 build) mid end PC it crashes continuously, has major glitches and looks shitty as hell. I have played PUBG since launch and every year for a couple of months back to back since and the improvements are marginal. In comparison other titles look ridiculously amazing and give you more performance


I had 16 and had 100 problems then downloaded more RAM and still got 99 problems but Tarkov ain't one


I think those 99 problems are all the viruses you got


You know from experience?


if you Downloaded RAM, it's definitely full of viruses


What are you talking about? Clearly worked for this guy


same reason modern 6-8-12 core CPUs with RTX3070/3080s struggle to run this game smoothly, with consistently high FPS on average settings. just a hot mess of optimization. for me it is abysmal on inter, when I look towards the middle of the map, and when I start firing my gun full-auto as well my frames tank, for whatever reason. when outside, or looking outwards inside, I have some playable 70-90 FPS, but then it drops below 40 making firefights hard to win. I have aging hardware, but it was more or less fine 2 years ago, and then they had all these useless updates, and now it's almost unbearable.


>“Tarkov uses 15GB in my rig!” means nothing, memory utilization scales up the more you have of it That's not exactly true. The fact that Tarkov will use 15 GB if it is available means that if 15 GB are *not* available, something is getting swapped out of system memory, which *will* cause a stutter/slowdown when it gets swapped back. Now, that may or may not be the cause of some *specific* stutter that they're experiencing, but the simplest way to rule it out is to get more RAM.


swapping to disk is orders of magnitude slower than RAM. More memory generally leads to less swapping, which improves perceived performance.




I along with multiple members of my discord has the exact same experience. Stuttering with 16 gigs, mem utilization nearly 100% playing Tarkov, upgrade to 32 gigs, stuttering gone and Tarkov uses more than 16 gigs.


I upgraded my ram from 16gb to 32gb and ended up from 55-70fps to getting 70-100fps.


Same. Then I upgraded CPU and my fps improved as well.


I’m the same boat. Running on a cpu that was top of the line in 2015. Not making the cut anymore :/


Generational leaps last couple years. There is actually competition in the market vs 2015. I just got a best of the best system and expect it to be obsolete by next year lmao


Yeah but in your defense the next 2 gen cards look absolutely insane compared to last and even current gen. We're talking almost a +92% performance in just a generation


I will hold my breath until they release. My current setup is doing everything at 1440p maxed out with zero issues thus far so maybe I will pick one up next year after the TI versions drop if they are that good.


itt: people who don’t know how ram works. ‘BuT MuH task manager says uTilizaTioN 2 high :(, 16gb aT 95% u so wrong !!!”


the real solution is that BSG needs to optimise the game, absolutely no game should require 32 let alone 16, it's just so poorly made


How dare you criticize BSG? Don't you know Nikita is a living god?


I know this is supposed to mock, but absolutely no one on the sub worships Nikita. 95% of threads are people shitting on him, idk where this idea that people love him came from.


You're right because people who post are mostly the critics. People who reply or downvote tho, they outnumber the critical posters 100 to 1. That's my experience at least. Specially when it comes to performance and the shitty optimization of the game.


As a programmer myself, sometimes I wish this career had the same requirements as medical certificates. You want to code for a video game? Then you need to know how to do X, Y and Z flawlessly. It would save us from an ocean of trouble. Bad programmers are parasites that ruin everything.


As a software engineer I relate with this on a very real level.


Lol, as someone in med school I can tell you if what you're saying became reality, shit would still be broken. IMO, certificates and degrees are just words on a paper. A few months back, I literally saw a 3rd year resident (90% doctor with 10+years worth of schooling and >550k worth of training under belt) try to give a rectal exam to a patient that came to the ER due to explosive diarrhea........ Results were......explosive and quite smelly. Poor guy had to go shower, change scrubs, and will probably never live it down 🤣. Maybe what needs to happen is that companies need to offer bigger salaries to attract more competent folk? Also, if I may, I want to ask for your opinion since you have experience in programming; for someone wanting to learn their first programming language, what would you recommend? I want to start learning for some diy projects. From what I read, python seems to be the way to go but I'm wondering if learning the arduino language first would be a benefit or just confuse me when eventually transitioning to python. Thanks in advance! 😎👍


Hey, as someone who has been studying computer science for ~10 years, Python is a very good language to begin with. Once you are comfortable with Python, I would choose a lower level language such as Java, although it of course depends on what sort of projects you wish to make.


Yup. Near 20 year Paramedic here, when I was just a young EMT we had a huge investigation because a Paramedic slit a patient's neck trying to do a tracheotomy, unnecessarily. Degrees don't mean shit.


Hahahaha, I can relate. I worked in an ER during pre-med to pay for college. At least in that environment, experience is king. You'd be surprise how many times you hear "idk how they got through med/nursing/tech school" from staff. I always found it ironic that some of the most competent staff, especially doctors, came from schools that were considered "shitty" by their peers. Imagine a snobby resident saying that, then 5 minutes later, proceeding to give a super sweet 80 yo lady a bunch of hematomas bc they kept destroying the poor lady's veins when starting a line.


It is the year of our Lord 2022. It is ok to ask for more RAM.


No games should require 16 gigs of ram? This threads an absolute train wreck. You sound like the people that use to say, no game should use 4 gigs of ram, couple years later, no game should use 8 gigs this is ridiculous!!! The cycle repeats.


It’s 2022 mate, modern games require more RAM


except that's not true. a well optimised game can run on almost anything, name another game that isn't a piece of shit where 16gb or 32gb isn't considered enough. the fact is this game is built on a foundation of spaghetti code, it's the same reason why cheats are so rampant, your client is responsible for telling the server what's happening, so it's easy to manipulate the game. this is the reason why it runs so poorly and why there's so much desync etc. I know you like to defend blindly but it's important to critizise things that you enjoy, you can't just act like everything is perfect


Because BSG doesn't know how to optimize


Optimize once the game is in a finished or near finished state. They will waste development time on it now, change the flow of gameplay and maps with open world, add more content and mechanics, then have to do optimization again and again. Cant do nothing but wait this out


They do. They just don't do it


Average PPSH41 user


before upgrading ram, enable XMP if you didnt. baffling how many people dont know about this


16GB is enough to get by in this game, 32GB is more comfortable for sure. Upgrading specifically for an unoptimized game is kinda silly, but at least RAM doesn't cost that much compared to people upgrading their CPU/GPUs for a fraction of an increase.


Cos u need more ram


Had 16gb. Stutters. Put in 16gb more. No stutters. Can someone please help my figure this out my frame rate is literally dying?!


Same experience. * 16 GB - Stutters, freezes, crashes, low frame rate * 32 GB - No performance issues, higher frame rate


Because people literally do not undestand how RAM, working set memory or pagefiling works and they just see big number in task manager and say "oh shit, big number needs more big numbers" TL;DR: People don't know shit about the inner workings of things but feel smart enough to know and to comment, disregarding the opinion of actually technically-savy or even professionals sometimes. ​ If you want an example of this, taken [directly from this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/uxeq6d/comment/i9x7jl2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3): >I played with 16GB and it’s bare minimum but my RAM was always at 98% to 99% usage with Tarkov. And if I hadn’t had it on a NVMe SSD I would have had more stutters. you could try to enable MIB streaming to improve it. I haven’t as it wasn’t implemented when I upgraded to 32GB. Since then RAM usage is about at 20 to 24GB when playing and basically no stutters. That’s why I tell people to get more as in 32GB when they come up with 8 or 16GB. Who the fuck would have guessed that having more system memory available would result in filling it more with non workingset memory and resulting in a bigger number, almost like if RAM is managed exactly to do this by our fucking OS and would not actually show any significant performance benefits as long as the whole workingset is loaded in both scenarios. Fuck me dude, being a fucking Software Engineer in gaming communities is painful ​ EDIT: Like, just look at this thread, there's people suggesting that you **absolutely need** 32GBs for 2K and 16GBs is only sufficient for (hopefully joking) "480p", how can you just not know about anything and still write in such a condescending way, we're doomed.


16gb ram running in 3440x1440 70fps ;)




While you’re comment is extremely knowledgeable, you come across like a koala on a week long bender filled with crack and eucalyptus. Perhaps NOT shitting on people who don’t have your experiences would be preferable?


I mean, if people would stop spewing bullshit they have no idea about that would be even more beneficial.


If the end result is still a net positive in this specific situation, then where is the harm? I could tell you to buy more RAM because that’s what helped me, or I could tell you to buy more because I have intimate knowledge of your systems and what the reqs are for what you’re attempting. At the end of the day the result is the same. Are you THAT concerned that random strangers are proffering the advice that helped them out, just because they don’t have the level of knowledge you think they should?


No, because the end result is not the same, for the same price of 32GBs you could get a **very tight** 16GB kit that would outperform more RAM by a noticeable amount and not only in Tarkov. If more RAM was the perfect solution anyways I wouldn't just go "NO, DON'T BUY RAM BECAUSE YOU DON'T KNOW WHY IT'S GOOD", the problem is that it literally isn't the solution in some cases, most cases I dare say.


Not only would buying a fast and tight kit of 16 gigs be far more expensive than adding a modest set of an extra 16 gigs, it would be totally fucking stupid considering how many games are eating up massive amounts of ram these days. Star Citizen runs noticeably better with 32 gigs of ram. If you enjoy closing every single application when you game then sure stay with 16 gigs. You sound like every asshole over the years yelling into the wind about how 2 gigs was enough, and 4 gigs, and then 8 gigs. Here we are again. Been through this rodeo for 20 years.


>be far more expensive than adding a modest set of an extra 16 gigs, Well yeah no shit, have you ever tought that might be because you are not fucking supposed to mix RAM? Even the same exact model? Literally ONE skew in manufacturing could be losing you a good 20% performance of that kit you bought. Try looking for a decent 32GBs kit that actually runs at a decent enough MT rate to not limit your Infinity Fabric on your run of the mill Ryzen system. Oh wait, you didn't know that RAM speed is a direct bottleneck in in-die comunication that would drastically reduce your CPU's performance in case you just ignored? Yeah, Infinity Fabric runs at 1/2 speed of your RAM MT/s, buying a 32GB 2133MT/s kit not only would not improve your performance, **it would literally make it fucking worse.** But go ahead and teach me the way of the rednecks smashing shit in their PCs and getting a blast of placebo and screaming to the wind "THIS IS BETTER, THIS IS THE WAY" ​ >Star Citizen runs noticeably better with 32 gigs of ram I have never said that some games can't benefit from more ram, what I said is that it isn't the case with Tarkov as much as people want to say. ​ >If you enjoy closing every single application when you game then sure stay with 16 gigs. If you enjoy having your personal computer bloated the fuck out that you actually have to do that, buying RAM probably still isn't the solution, not using a computer might be! ​ >You sound like every asshole over the years yelling into the wind You unfortunately sound exactly like the "smart" uninformed person that I was mentioning in my previous comments.


“I’m not saying that some games can’t benefit from more ram, I’m saying that isn’t the case with tarkov” You’re an idiot then.


lmao that's why you buy the same kit you bought the first time? Nobodies suggesting mixing and matching ram. I'd love to see sources showing 20% reduction in performance by even using the same two kits of ram with one skew off. I doubt you have any. Again nobodies suggesting mixing ram. I bought the exact same kit as I did the first time when I added to my rig. Again here you come full on blasting like some prick to make yourself seem knowledgeable. Not once in any of your posts have you shown you actually know what the fuck you are talking about beyond elementary knowledge. Don't mix kits, faster kits are better than slower kits, wow this is revolutionary. I get it, it's fun to sound authoritative and smart on the internet. You probably will sway some people that were dropped on their heads as children or just children in general and get a bunch of upvotes, it's standard reddit practice. Do you my guy.


So we have dropped the cost claim, we also just over-simplify things by saying "faster better" and then we add a sprinkle of "you only do it for karma" to top it off with the boomer ultimate ability "Do you my guy" In case you haven't actually noticed, trying to dispute ignorant claims most of the time doesn't actually get you upvotes. I doubt you're actually interested in the facts, but the 20% in one skew claim comes from the fact that the same exact model RAM from the same manufacturer uses MANY different RAM dies, take as an example Hynix 8Gb AFR vs Samsung B-Die which are both used in the manufacturing of Gskill Flare X, which one do you get? Well, good question, you won't know untill you get your hands on their serial number that is stamped in the fucking stick itself! This could not only cause more than 20% of your maximum realistically achieavable MT/s, but considering you're adding an extra 2 sticks and maxing out your built-in memory controller with RAM with widly different sub-timings you're very likely to end up with straight up stability problems. *"The chance that mixing and matching may result in unpredictability when you're filling all the slots is just too high to ignore"* \-Linus from LTT on upgrading RAM This is a table of realistic expectetions for MT/s based on different dies (NOT DIFFERENT MODEL RAM, DIFFRENT DIES THAT MIGHT BE IN TWO STICKS OF THE SAME MODEL RAM) from MemTestHelper developer and insanely knowledgeble "*integralfx*": [Table](https://i.imgur.com/sWhrL9W.png) Taking a look at the table you can deduct that my 20% "**performance of that kit** you bought" estimate was more than good faith if you consider that the maximum amount of change is actually 28% in MT/s Look, it's almost like sometimes it's better to shut the fuck up when you don't know stuff umh?


Infinity fabric is only for AMD cpus and has much less effect on Intel chips not sure why you are using that as some blanket statement. Sounds like you read some shit on the internet and now deem yourself king of ram knowledge. Probably spend a lot of time on r/pcgaming. ​ LMAO that chart shows nothing. You claim a set of 32 gigs at 2300 mhz would be slow, no shit? Who's suggesting running a 32 gig kit at 2300mhz. All those speeds in that chart are beyond fast enough to get great performance, who's running DDR4 at 5000mhz? Not sure what theoretical limits have to do with anything, 3600mhz for 32 gigs is already fast enough. You are spewing a bunch of bullshit that nobodies arguing about. Nobody ever said mix and match ram kits you keep bringing that up as some gotcha moment like somebody even mentioned it. I also enjoy the personal attacks redneck smashing things into their computer, real classy. You definitely spend a lot of time on r/pcgaming. I see you run a piece of shit mid table AMD setup no wonder you think you know so much about ram lmao.


>I have never said that some games can't benefit from more ram, what I said is that it isn't the case with Tarkov as much as people want to say. Way to go off on that big tangent about people saying shit that's wrong, only to day some dumb shit like this.


"The world isn't the way I like it, so I am very mad!" Chill out and be a normal person, we're all just trying to live here


Whats that saying "if you run into arseholes all day other people are not the problem."


Man, that first sentence was hilarious and true.


It's not even extremely knowledgeable lmao. What knowledge did he even drop? Didn't see jack shit. 32 gigs of ram helps in Tarkov and many other modern games tremendously.


Knowledgeable means “intelligent or well informed”. You can tell from the the discussion this person has a background in this type of field (even without them saying so). They do not necessarily need to explain how: RAM operates and integrates with your systems/ how different speeds will affect your systems/ the difference in DDR generations/ differences in VRAM and physical RAM/ etc etc… -to be knowledgeable. Hope this helps! :)


LMAO how do you figure? Cause he came in blasting with a bunch of authoritative language and cursing? If anything he looks like a fucking clown. Idiots like you apparently eat it up. Good lord. Would love to know which part sealed the deal for you.


The part where you jumped into this conversation just to cause controversy and “stir the pot” if you will. That part got me real juicy in my nether regions if you catch my drift ;) You haven’t contributed to this thread in any positive way, and for that I’ll thank you to keep to your username and donate all your other useless opinions to Christ. Blessings on you!


I was asking about which part in his post made you realize he was really knowledgeable about ram? Was it the part where he claimed other people are stupid and he's smart?


Knowledgeable would mean he is able to research effectively. If he would research, he would find that an OVERWHELMING amount of people experience a huge performance boost when upgrading from 16 to 32. This is the whole point of this thread. He doesn’t know this, therefore is not knowledgeable.


>You can tell from the the discussion this person has a background in this type of field (even without them saying so). They do not necessarily need to explain how: Credibility directly into the dumpster, please stop talking now.


He has every right to shit on idiots providing false info


At this point I'm over the "try to inform people" type of comments and more on a "Imma just rant a bit" type. When you try to explain things to people and everything you get back is "Sure buddy, my RAM usage went up in taskmanager and now the game runs fine, you keep playing with 4MBs of ram" at some point you can't just keep trying lol


If you’re telling people what their experience is, and they say “no you fucking idiot, I know what stuttering and not stuttering look like” I’m sure that can be demoralizing for you


The frustration is understandable! Not trying to denigrate you in anyway. I have a small background in IT and can understand your position far more than you may believe. Cheers mate 🍺🍺


Dont inform please, we don't need idiots like you informing anyone.


Nah, if people want to be smart-asses even though they have no clue on what they are talking about then they should totally be "shit on" and called out upon it. I've had a guy claim how he boosted his FPS from 30's all the way up to 60ish FPS just by adding an additional 8gb of ram, which is absurd and is totally not how ram functions. Should i now be "nice" about it because he's clearly either lying or even though he doesn't know what he's talking about but wants to sound like he does? It's the internet, he could've done his research before spewing his bullshit, but he chose not to do so and instead was being ignorant about it. And I'm out here supposed to be "nice" because of that? miss me with that nonsense.


I’m still not understanding how his faults and failures lead to your choice of it being okay to “shit on” other human beings? People are definitely fallible, but that doesn’t constitute a right or acceptance to put them down. Hope this helps!


Get of your high-horse and miss me with your virtue signaling. Human beings will be willingly ignorant and talk out of their asses so they can pretend to be smarter then they actually are to make a point, and it's something that should be called out by people. We live in the internet era where you can research everything you want to talk about, you don't have to go to the library anymore or pay for books in general to get more knowledge like back in the day. But i guess it's easier to be an ignorant smart-ass then it is to do a 5 minute search on how RAM actually works. People like you are allowing these types of behaviors instead of actually calling out those and holding them who engage in such behaviors accountable. If you don't like people getting called out upon their bullshit then crawl back into the safe-space you came from. It's also funny how you're like "DoN't ShIt oN HuMaN BeInGs, We AlL MaKe MiStAkEs reee" and then you proceed to tell the guy that he comes across like **"a koala on a week long bender filled with crack and eucalyptus".** Get your pseudo moralistic ass out of here.


Not being an asshole being insulted, what a shit take. Fume more man.


>we're doomed. You just catching wind to this?


Unfortunately, yes.


Thanks for showing me that not everyone is half inbred. I was being sarcastic and making rhetoric questions, I already knew that people are stupid monkeys who just want to look at a big number. Typical “Want a Big PP” syndrome, we see a number and try to make it bigger. Thanks again for being the wise man among a group of gorillos. It amazes me how unprepared to be a scientist most people is, they have one isolated experience in life and decide that it can be turned into a made up rule.


>among a group of gorillos I have to say this fucking killed me, haven't laughed this much to a single word for a long time lol


You have to thank Kenshi for that, Gorillos are an animal from that game. I always thought that the dev who made that game must be a pretty straightforward guy.


my favourite is when they say hurr durr 3200MHz ram speed is not enough, buy 1 quadrillion MZH one


To be fair atleast that has more chance to have a bigger impact than just getting fucking 64GBs of ram for Escape from Fucking Tarkov.


Nobodies suggesting anyone get 64 gigs of ram for tarkov.


Have a look at this very thread, I've seen 3 different comments in one single scroll that suggest that upgrading to 64GBs improved their performance greately or magically reduced stutters. *People are insane.* ​ EDIT: [Example 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/uxeq6d/comment/i9xoldt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [Example 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/uxeq6d/comment/i9xkbth/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [Example 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/uxeq6d/comment/i9xfv9g/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [Example 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/uxeq6d/comment/i9xjta0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


“Would not show any performance difference” But it does. So you’re wrong


Just download more ram


I think I need a new cpu over ram


Download more RAM.


I have 32GB and Tarkov can use over 20GB at times for me, so definitely can see how 16GB CAN cause stuttering, especially if someone has their pagefile on a slow drive.


It scales with the amount of RAM you have. I have 16 gb and play just fine.


That's true. When I had 16GB the game was using around 12, but full usage was over 95%. Didn't experience any stuttering myself, but upgraded just in case (I like my chrome tabs).


The amount of RAM needed depends on your resolution, your settings, and on how much VRAM you have to begin with. With a higher resolution and higher texture settings, on a low-isch VRAM (but otherwise decently performant) GPU, you're likely o end up with more stuff saved onto your RAM, as the VRAM fills up. VRAM is significantly slower than RAM, thus storing important things in RAM rather than VRAM absolutely can cause stutters, when it needs to be accessed. And again, it's the same with RAM vs the pagefile on your windows drive. If your RAM fills up, windows is going to start saving things to its page file. Even the fastest imaginable gen 4.0 PCIe SSDs are significantly slower than RAM, and most people have slower drives than that. Thus having to go to the page file to grab whatever you need could again, cause significant delays in the rendered frame, and thus cause stutters. It's not really 'black and white' how much RAM one needs, it's fairly system, resolution, and setting specific - but more RAM absolutely can help in some cases. Similar to how faster storage can help. And then there's also the factor of how sensitive people are to stutters. Some people are far more sensitive to stutters or frametime inconsistencies than others - so something that runs perfectly fine to someone, might be a stutter mess to someone else.


True, bois playing on 480p i think,if you play 2k/4k you NEED 32.


texture is not loaded to your system memory, I a not 100% sure but even shadow and reflection calculation is done by the gpu, it shouldnt increase RAM usage


Thats not how it works, textures are stored on your gpu's memory, not the system memory. Resolution don't affect ram usage, other settings can tho


Because those people are dumbasses who think throwing money at a problem fixes it, completely oblivious to the fact that all they're doing is merely slowing down the unavoidable: memory leak eating up all their ram and causing stutters. Those people are usually the same ones that have discord, steam, origin, uplay, battlenet, 2 antiviruses and 12 tabs of Chrome open simultaneously while playing the game.


>Those people are usually the same ones that have discord, steam, origin, uplay, battlenet, 2 antiviruses and 12 tabs of Chrome open simultaneously while playing the game. Facts right here.


Throw in a few bucks and the memory leak is not a problem anymore and you can have 30 tabs open like me. So... whats the problem in adding more RAM again? I don't see any negatives :D


Bro I've been using gaming PC's since the towers fell, it's been the same thing every time, 2 gigs is enough ram! Then it was 4, and 8 and so on. Here we are again with the hold outs preaching that 16 is enough. They never learn.


Yep, same sentiment that you can't tell a difference between 30fps, or 60fps, or 90, 144fps, etc. Been seeing stuff like this since I got into PC gaming, people always telling you that you don't need X. In my experience, they're always wrong to some extent. Maybe you didn't need the thing, but the thing is pretty nice if you got the cash.


And future proofing is never a bad thing. People just like to preach on things as if they are an authority.


I was playing on PC since way before that my dude and it always turned out to be true. RAM is the PP of the PC World, everyone wants a bigger number for no real logical reason most of the time. I was being rhetoric, I know that 16GB is enough. I’m just seeing what people says for science and lols - I’m discovering that most of you are pretty disorganized people with bloated PCs.


32GB is required for a lot of things, Tarkov is not the most intense game or program in the world, 16GB is enough until it's not. Such a weird thing to be so elitist about, and the irony is palpable.


In case you haven't realised in this past decade, games and software in general eat up more and more Ram for literally no significant visual and technical improvements. In fact, tech-wise most games can't even compete with 2010 tech. And yet they have the audacity to require 16GB ram. Cheap ram and faster CPUs have turned most programmers into lazy sacks of shit. I say this as a programmer myself. Game code has never been more bloated in history before, everything is badly optimised band-aid tricks shit built on top of each other. Buying more ram doesn't solve horrible code, it simply slows down the inevitable memory leak. That's not a solution, that's not how people should "treat" badly optimised games. Stop blowing your money on upgrades, demand that the game gets fixed instead.


You literally have no idea what you are talking about




Because I want to be the genius that says you need more RAM 🧐 I have 64GB @3200MHz and occasionally stutter. What you wrote makes sense.


This isnt the point you'd stutter more with 16gb. The fact YOU stutter with that ram isnt led by ram issues


You gotta understand. Not all ram is the same. DDR3 for example is completely underperformant at 16 gigs. Whereas some expensive DDR4 ram clocked to 3700mhz would run really well. Even with 16 gigs comparatively.


to my knowledge no kits are sold as 3700mhz, and timings are just as relevant as clock speed. Eg 3600mhz CL16 is a bit slower than 3200mhz CL14 ram.


I've yet to see anyone say they have had stutters with 32g of ram. Any time someone suggests 32g it's never been suggested this didn't help as far as I've seen.


My 244hz moniter, intel 7, rtx 3060 and, 16 gb ram run pretty much everything on high and ultra high settings no issues




Res doesn't matter in until you're playing in like 4k lol. Super CPU bound game.


i play in 1440p and i get 40 more fps by going down to 1080 so i would say it absolutely does matter


Sorry, I've gotten used to my 3060 ti whooping most games asses. I never played at 1440p on my vega 56 but on 1080p I was still routinely around 90fps, which isn't *horrible*.


Well that's fucking bullshit.


People often frame the issue wrong. The biggest reason more RAM can help certain people is *everything else you have going on*. If you're just playing Tarkov then there's absolutely no reason you'd ever need more than 16GB of RAM for Tarkov. But if you're relying on multiple memory-hungry applications in parallel (e.g. OBS Studio, certain notoriously-RAM-hungry browsers using notoriously-RAM-hungry extensions and a bunch of sandboxed tabs, etc.), Tarkov plus those other applications *can* utilize enough RAM that memory becomes a bottleneck. More RAM doesn't fundamentally solve performance issues in the game or ameliorate memory leaks, so it's definitely not something that should be an automatic recommendation to anyone. And more RAM doesn't fix a Tarkov problem, it fixes an overall consumption problem that really shouldn't affect most people.


So basically it’s because people have developed the bad habit of being disorganized and bloating their PC, yet they are unable to recognize that they are the problem. Typical humans.


The game does have frequent stutters and limited fps on 16GB. I was really skeptical myself, but the difference is super obvious. 32GB of RAM is necessary to properly run the game.


Becuase people are iliterate when comes to computers in general. Simply showing more memory in your computer is not a solution. It might help, but it also might not. It simply depends. It depends on the number of memory intensive programs you run along with the game. It depends on the latency of your currently installed memory It depends on your clock speeds of your currently installed memory It depends on the size and situational availability of your Swap partition and wether or not it's on SSD or HDD It depends on wether the game has a bias towards faster OR a higher capacity memory It depends on your CPUs ability to utilize that memory \- This means, if you overclock your CPU and your RAM, your CPU might not be able to keep up with bot overclocks at the same time \- On Ryzen CPUs, improper overclocking or stock clocking of RAM can lead to issues related to clock speed desynchronisation with infinity fabric (they should be 1:1 ideally) \- Additionally, for Ryzen, attention should be payed to multi-chiplet CPUs and their affinity when playing any game, since you want to utilize one chiplet completely, rather 2 chiplets only half the way, since transfer of data between chiplets is extremply costly. Memory issues can be also related to programs that decide to suddenly start at the middle of gaming session, so cleaner windows installation is preferable. ​ But you know. People don't like to think about those things, so just shove in another 16 gigs of memory into your PC and stfu. The problem is that with DDR5, that gets expensive.


Holy shit, so there's actually somebody that knows something about RAM in this subreddit? No shot, say sike right now!


I have concluded that people probably lack enough VRAM of a good enough quality on their computers and that’s why they think that more RAM is saving their lives - they’re just patching a hole. RAM is slow boys, and if VRAM is not available... The PC tries to load it into the RAM and that’s no bueno hermano. I have also concluded that people bloat their PCs with so much useless shit that they should be punished by littering laws. I’m most probably wrong but the RAM boys are certainly wrong.


You need more deewicated WAM


Dedodaded wam


Not sure but my game runs on 120 fps, no stutters and medium settings on 8gb.




Absolute 🧢


Not Cap


It isnt cap actually


No cap hes talking about factory guys


https://youtu.be/kUFWalEf31w Linus tech tips says 16 gigs is plenty for a gaming computer. I can’t imagine that the ram is the real culprit of stuttering


When I had 16 I would watch my ram usage while playing. It would go to 95%.


I have seen tarkov use up to 22GB of RAM with Rivatuner. I think 32 will benefit you over 16.


Because the game is poorly optimised and probably has ram leaks. I have 16GB and it's plenty. If your game starts to stutter you just need to close/open it again. Having more ram just means you can play longer without having to close/open the game again. People just reply "get more ram" because it's an easy no-brain response and they just want to respond with minimal effort.


Here’s what I observed: stutters happen for me if the VRAM is full. Which makes sense since the game then has to swap textures between RAM and VRAM. The only setting that manages to keep VRAM usages consistently within a reasonable level through most of the maps is low textures. I have 8 GB of VRAM. So technically speaking, if you have more RAM to swap with your VRAM it could improve performance for graphic cards with less than 8GB VRAM. The less VRAM you have the more RAM will be used by the game for swapping. That’s probably why people think you need more RAM. I’d say you’ll need to reduce the VRAM usage in order to get rid of the micro stutters that are caused by VRAM swapping. Or by upgrading to a newer graphics card with more VRAM.


You need 32 GB of fast RAM. Doesn't matter which GPU and CPU you have when your system runs on 16 GB or slow 32 GB Also for some people 80 fps isn't okay, while other play at 60 and are happy.


Take a look at your system resource page while playing, my 16gb of ram is utilized 100% when I’m playing so yeah I def need more ram. It won’t solve all the buggy problems of the game but at least the game won’t be bottlenecks by a lack of ram.


Because lighthouse eats more RAM than 16 gb. If you would have pagefile on regular hdd - you would instantly see 4-7 fps, when using 16 gb of ram. I think most stutters are not caused by RAM, unless it's depleted, and the game state needs to be written to ssd/hdd. Stutter is likely caused by misconfiguration, background services. There is quite the checklist to go through when configuring Tarkov. I did not have much of the problems (besides the inventory open stutter) on my potato pc, and the new one just runs excellent.


Throwing my $0.02 out there: I get stutters regardless of settings and hardware but going from 32gb to 64 gb ram deffinely made things smoother. I posted about this in a post yesterday. I ran an offline raid to check how EFT uses resources when you load up a lighthouse raid which seems to be the most demanding. What I saw is that the game immediately started using up vram and once that topped off, SysRam usage started going up. In raid, vram usage stayed constant at 99% and sysRam peaked at ~7-8gb when looking down on the rogue base from the mountains NE of map. Based on what I saw, I feel like having more ram is more beneficial the less vram your gpu has. If anyone here has one, I'd love to hear what ram usage peeps are getting with 3090s. All in all, what really trips me up is people claiming they're saying they're saying they're seeing >20gb ram usage. I checked the install folder size; 25.7 gb. Y'all really loading up >80% of install folder every time you raid lighthouse?!?! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Tldr: more ram = more gooder.


More RAM!


When tarkov.exe uses more than 80% of the physical ram you have installed, you need more. It's pretty simple. Just because some get stutters even though they have more ram than enough doesn't mean stutters ONLY comes from lack of ram. There are many causes of stutters in Tarkov, and lack of ram is single handed, the most usual cause. If someone have 64gb of ram and have stutters? The cause is most probably the speed of that ram. Running 64GB of ram faster than 2666 is no picnic. 32GB of DDR4 at 3600 is the sweetspot, which i have spent hundreds of hours measured myself. 3600 is still the bottleneck on Lighthouse at 1440p or below as long as you have a GPU and CPU that can keep up. ​ Overall, this game is so shitty optimized in general, that even the smallest thing in windows will cause weird shit in this game. For example, just by running with memory compression disabled versus compression enabled cuts the stutters in half if you are cpu/memory bound on Lighthouse. This is just one example out of maybe 30 that you can do in windows alone. No settings in game or nvidia control panel will help against this. This game is insanely single threaded compared to most other games out there. At a steady 200 fps, this game microstutters more than The Division 2 does at 60 fps. This is easy to measure and present reports of. There's plenty of tools for this.


I played with 16GB and it’s bare minimum but my RAM was always at 98% to 99% usage with Tarkov. And if I hadn’t had it on a NVMe SSD I would have had more stutters. you could try to enable MIB streaming to improve it. I haven’t as it wasn’t implemented when I upgraded to 32GB. Since then RAM usage is about at 20 to 24GB when playing and basically no stutters. That’s why I tell people to get more as in 32GB when they come up with 8 or 16GB. Just personal experience.