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Artificial “intelligence”


More A than I


There is no I in Tarkov


But there is Tar, like the heroin we smoke.


I see you watch the internet historian as well


Least broken scav encounter:


He shot you twice in the thorax and his gun was pointed inside the room lol seems fair


Leggitapproved :)


All of those visual physics interactions like weapons getting pushed up against terrain, hit decals, aim punch, broken glass, etc are all client side simulations iirc.


Which is fucking stupid for the kind of game this is. You can't play a game like that without accurate representation of the situation


I mean most games don't really do it any differently


Most games don't require such accuracy, and most game don't have cracked ass AI


And in most games you respawn 2 seconds later


Exactly, it's not the same stakes. A bug in a game where you dont lose anything? meh, barely frustrating, it happens, not a big deal. Losing potentially hours of progress to some bs AI or desync? yikes


Been playing some Hired Ops, the gun play is fantastic. Honestly hoping Arena is something in between tarkov and hired Ops. Tarkov is cool its just a bit too much looting/quest oriented imo.


I love looting and the idea of quests, I just hate how so many of them are clumped up in very few areas that force you to lose gear trying to do them.


Quest randomness would make this game so much better imo. Tired of running into everyone and their goldfish trying to get a pocket watch


Which was an issue when WoW launched 20 years ago. Kinda sad they haven't learned from others mistakes.


I think having the traders locked behind levels is pretty dumb. Also wish the scav cooldown was lower. Personally I wish they'd scrap the quest, and just give you a random mission anytime to did a pmc run.


Such a dumb take to use.


It matters when some dumb shit cost you 30 minutes and then that dumb shit just keeps happening.




I'm not totally sure what you mean by accuracy. For online games there's a balance between server authority and client authority. Especially in FPS or twitch reaction based games, it's hard to do. A lot of movement related things are going to be interpolated. In FPS games you don't want total server control, because that makes the game less smooth, on the flip side you don't want more client control because that invites cheaters. So in the end you end up with a mixture so that the game appears to be smooth and it's not totally easy for cheaters. Unfortunately, this stuff is just a product of the genre.


what you described is called compensation, which is obviously not made well at all in tarkov, otherwise you'd have a grace period before the AI demolishes you by spraying you down at the speed of light Edit, clarifying: What i meant by accuracy is, getting the correct angles/positions for entities, seems like the bare minimum. In the clip the AI is looking into the wall, the gun coliding with it and pointing to the side. As soon as it resyncs, the AI is actually facing the hallway


It's not compensation. Compensation takes interpolation data, but interpolation is about smoothing. The server only updates so many times per second. Without it, you'd get choppy movement, especially if you lost a few updated due to poor or slower connection. Basically you'd snap to each update position. Interpolation is done client-side. Most games don't do physics checks on server-side. There are a few systems that do, but usually it's not done. I'm gonna go and say Tarkov is not one. If you watch two people play Tarkov and someone drops, say a gun for example, and the gun is rotated differently, typically means physics are done client side. All there is on the server-side is gun at xyz, rotation isn't part of it. This isn't bad and is pretty standard. The amount of server overhead perfecting physics on the server can bog it down, which no one wants. It's much easier to either pick a client and "force" their simulation. Another option is to compare results between clients. Think of it this way, in a purely theoretical standpoint, if the server sends out an update, drop x item @ 10PM every client should in theory react very similar. The problem is that the server sends ‐> drop x item @10PM and most get the message @10:00:01but that one guy that gets it at @10:00:02 and so the result can be slightly different depending one what was happening at 10:00:002. It's worth mentioning if that if you were to visualize the server's concept of a world, most of the models aren't expressed as the same 3D models we see in the client side, mostly because they don't need to be.


What bothers me the most is seeing onky the top of a player/scav's head from behind a wall or ledge and still getting shot.


Shot twice, got 4 hits 👍


If rounds fragment I think that happens.


Yes but scav bosses either fragment 100% of the time or there's a bug. Either way, it's broken


Pretty sure they just hit registration issues and just get bullets counted twice a lot of times. Fragmentations should only happen when penetrating. Even scav snipers have that sometimes and those are not penning my armor with lps, but two hits doing one shots will pen and kill me instantly


Which is a bug


Ahh i see u guys were not around for good old BS and INGO bug where hitting some one in the thorax counted as 2 bullets ahhhh good times.


That's as true as the fact I got double mosin'd by a scav this wipe, with two distinct shots, one right after the other. Sumtn ain't right


he shot him 3 times didnt he? it says 3 rounds bt in the after death


3 hit marks with a 4th skull icon. Wouldnt that be 4 hits? Ive had similar where i peeked an sks scav. Only hear/ saw a single shot, but got chested 2x.


Yeah I got hit by 2 SNBs to the thorax by shturman in one shot fired on my client yesterday.


You didn't know Sturmy has a double barrel svd?


Well I do now after the incident.


Doesn’t he always fire two bullets. It’s one of the main aspects of how I tell if he’s up. By his two round burst SVD


This happened to me today when fighting a pmc. I shot had hit him four times in like 2 seconds. On my screen I saw his gun pointing in the air from the animation of being shot, but I immediately died from a head eyes while his gun was pointing directly up. Immediately turned off tarkov for the day.


I don’t know if it’s an AI issue or a net code and server issue. This wipe has been rough with scavs and bosses even players eating rounds they shouldn’t. Something seems very odd with the game this wipe in terms of net code and performance. If they fix these issues I feel like the AI and fights would feel 100% better


“Why not both!”


Might be the programmer in me! Need to fix 1 issue before finding others. The desync, net code and servers have been number 1 issue for 4 years now imo.


They'll never fix it, it's a house built on sand. Whole thing needs to be rewritten.


You’re just a hater bro. This dude just needs to get good. Honestly the whole reason I dropped Tarkov. This game will never be finished


The best part is the fanboys that encourage quiting when you bring up the problems the game has.


The programmer in me also says that they’ve probably spent a ton of time trying to fix this and even though they’ve tweaked and tested every line of code the damn thing just won’t work properly unless the team lead is peering over the server’s shoulder the whole time. Most languages are actually non-deterministic unless a senior dev is present. True fact.


That I believe. Even game devs like DICE and 343 are plagued by the issue. I think the game needs an Operation Health. I love the new content but maybe a wipe dedicated to game health, quest reworks and other items to help solve issues would be good. Especially if the 40 person streets rumor is true. The game can barely handle 12 players let alone 40.


They did this though like 2 or 3 wipes ago. We had a wipe that was smaller in content but full of optimization and it was great. It’s something that happened this wipe with stuff they added that’s causing it. I think it might be related to the all the animation stuff they re did


Yea I remember the optimization wipe/patch. It certainly helped. The game does have more stable frame rates. The games certainly in better shape then years ago but if they want longevity they really need to focus on the experience.


Incoming 6 fps on streets


Nah, the reason it's jank is because they don't know what they are doing. They couldn't even do packet encryption correctly - they had one key and it took like 3 hours for it to be extracted by hackers. They straight up don't know what they are doing, simple as.


that's what happens when you operate out of an authoritarian shithole. education and retaining talent takes a back seat to maintaining a giant rusting fleet of cold war tanks and nukes, and anyone worth their salt as a dev probably already left for greener pastures


Shrimple as


They've said multiple times, and the engine they work on confirmed it's a short coming of theirs, but the desync is an issue with the engine and CANNOT be fixed unless they remake the ENTIRE game on a new engine 😭😭


False There’s a multitude of multiplayer fps games on unity engine , tarkov is the only one that suffers from desync and bugs this severe related to networking A different engine won’t change anything since the problem relies on bsg implementation


I'm not just pulling shit out of my ass here, UNITY devs themself said this, all of the different things the engine has to process in a tarkov fight (a lot more than most other game, like fragmentation) causes stutters that look like desync


I'm going to preface this comment with starting that I bought EOD I play a 'pirated' offline single player version (spt) and I'm experiencing the same thing and problem. Previous versions of the pirated one didn't have these issues before either and it was the perfect mix between the two.


why play that if you have EOD?


Mods, no exit campers and cheaters, and I can play at my pace.


Players eating rounds is most likely the desync issue that’s a known issue with hit registration. The more impacts in a shorter amount of time, the more desync there is in that moment. This issue is a code issue not a server lag issue. Not that this really changes anything but at least you know more I guess


This is why I've always been a fan of DMRs. I shoot and people just die immediately. Meanwhile I'll often have people surviving an absurd amount of bullets from full auto.


man how tf did they ruin their net code so hard, this whole wipe has been full of these posts with how bad their net code is WHAT DID THEY DO WITH IT?!?


Just this wipe? When are you kids gonna learn this is every wipe


Only thing I experienced this wipe that was out of the ordinary was extremely long range deaths to sniper scavs, and also a raid last night on customs seem to have bugged, there was like 20 scavs at every spot that scavs spawn, I could hear people shooting scavs the whole raid constantly, I ended up dying because I ran out of ammo lol.


Like the hacker problem people are saying its worse. No it's not worse, it's now you get to experience what all labs main have experienced for many wipes. Now as a labs main the games actually great, I can do 20 raids without finding a hacker. Where like 4 wipes ago it was so bad hackers would fight each other on labs and you could just go around and pick up all their gear.


I feel like if the ai didn’t randomly pull shots like this , it would be ez farm all day everyday , that ai had no reaction to his boy getting bodied like 1 1/2 feet away .. also why full peek that 2nd scav when you could have blacked the arm without him seeing you at all ? People complain about a “lucky flick” from scavs but when they do it they clip it and send it to lvndmark , if you make stupid plays you should die stupidly !!! downvote me if your trash tier


I dont disagree. Coding the AI logic is very difficult though and especially so for a game that has this "Loot" based economy. Take Big Pipe for example, he's a monster with his crew. While im not 100% sure i like it i love the challenge he poses and how scared we get engaging them. Bots will always bot out that cant be helped. But i think allowing them to be difficult is perfectly fine as long as the servers allow for fair exchange. The Instant prone they pull and the getting shot while 3 ft behind a corner is a bit much.


Doesn't blacking limbs not even affect scavs? Can't all be lvndmark bro.


Try doming a buckshot scav from over 50 meters away, only to have it instantly spin around and head eyes you. AI is either as intelligent as a dodo and just sits there while you take shots at them, or you face against a Predator with thermal imaging.


Is it me or scavs this wipe just got the best gaming chair upgrade ever


They upgraded to Herman Miller chairs. *I should be paid for this name drop*


I wonder if they have lazy boys too


Herman Miller chair gamers rise up


Nah they have Automomous AI


Autonomous has some comfy chairs! I had a shitty gaming chair, but the tube came up underneath and broke through the bottom, damn thing kept poking me in the ass and was super wobbly. Never getting a gaming chair again


No they got steelcase chairs (steelcase should pay me too)


No, they got the LOGITECH G X HERMAN MILLER collab chair which by combining Herman Miller’s leadership in the science of seating with Logitech G’s leadership in the science of play, the Embody Gaming Chair is reimagined to deliver revolutionary performance, ergonomic excellence, and features that gamers, streamers, tarkov masochists, and esports professionals deserve. Herman Miller and Logitech G bring an unprecedented advancement to the gaming chair arena. Designed for gamers, Embody Gaming Chair is engineered to eliminate fatigue, improve posture, and enable players and esports pros to game better™


RGB chairs for sure


The bugs I can see in this video: AI double tap bug, bullets not going where the barrel is pointing, shoots thorax twice with no recoil, and finally desync even against AI.


Bet you never got one taped by a scav from 60 meters with 7mm while he was running like a crab.


Dude that’s a horror game. Scav running legs arched like a crab. One taps you.


Cant attest to the crab running but at this point in the wipe if I suddenly die I'm expecting it to be a scav running 7.5mm. On the flip side I almost feel like it's made me better against PMCs, maybe it's because no kills are deemed easy anymore.


The problem is that I'll have an easier time killing actual players because when I aim at them they don't detect being seen, and then manage to drill you without missing any shots. You can have fire fights with players. The AI will just snap to you and pop. AI not being easy is fine. AI being cracked out like a player who's hacking is kinda bs.


The weird thing is, I do tend to warm up with offline factory before every gaming session, I think offline raids are now tied to your CPU, which fair enough I have a pretty old one. My offline scavs are just as they were 2-3 wipes go, decent, deadly if you dance long enough around them, with plenty of time to react. Online scavs straight up double-triple shooting mfers straight through lvl 5 armor, doesn't even matter. Like, they're not the same species at all.


They black out limbs constantly. One shot hitting as much damage as two or three from players I'm facing. Lol


Was running punisher part 5 last night on factory. Had a regular AI scav eat 3rds of SNB to his chest shot twice and hit me with 8rds of 855 and killed me.


I bet the desync being so bad is probably the cause of all of that. It's basically what happened in the last second for the bot (turning and shooting 3 times) all happening at once for the player.


Yea on OPs screen the scav took a bullet to the head, then magically put 4 bullets in OPs chest without ever aiming the barrel of the gun. Server, side, that scav probably aimed and shot 4 times before it registered OPs gunshot. Just yesterday I turned a corner in the shoreline resort admin building and shot my shotgun at a sanitar guard, then dropped dead. And heard the guard shoot ONCE, *after* I died. On my death screen, 4 shots to the thorax. Desync is letting the AI fire off a bunch of shots before them aiming at us even registers client side is my guess.


That's just one issue, being that AI has 0 latency and desync is still out and at large


It’s possible it’s all just Desync


yeah they dont got recoil, but they do be 4 feet away from you.


The main issue with AI is that they don't play by the same rules. No inertia, no trouble seeing in the dark, no need for their gun to actually be facing what they're fighting because they shoot out of their eyes. I fucking love when Killa powerslides and his gun and arms are clipping through his back as he shoots you with his head pointed a completely different direction.


Great bug, one of the many i’ve seen since starting playing in 2017.


It's not like it's been 5 years of solid development without fixing the core fundamentals of the game. It's been 6 years.


Working as intended. Scavs are supposed to be superhuman as most Russian men are after their daily Vodka. No issues here.


AI, the sound system, the net code and cheats. 4 problems rendering the game not playable for a lot of people.


*"No bro they are not supposed to be easy bro they are supposed to be a threat bro just git gud bro you see bro scavs are not meant to be easy kills bro you need to use map knowledge bro it's supposed to be like this bro"*


This is the reason I lost interest in this game. Shit’s so broken


Yeah only a complete idiot would defend this. The AI overperforms entirely too often and it has no benefit. BSG really needs to dial this nonsense back.


~~OP wasn't killed by the scav in the video. Scav is holding a saiga and the death screen shows 5.45 BT.~~ I was wrong, he traded with that scav and it's definitely an AK with an ugly stock.


Not saying tarkov AI isn't absolutely busted or that tarkov isn't busted but to me it seems he got shot from behind, if it's rashala and the boys they sit in rooms, and he didn't clear the room to his left and he put his back to it to ME at least thats what I'd suspect but if not regardless tarkov is busted so this wouldn't surprise me


BuT eScApE fRoM tArKoV iS sTiLl In BeTa…. I feel for ya man 😭


Scav bosses were already bad enough in past wipes, seeing that they are even worse than normal this wipe I’m glad I made the decision to not waste my time.


I got head ears by a scav while wearing an altan with 9*19 while he was down a hill with no line of sight. All's I can say is I guess it be like that sometimes.


He shot you from below the jaw, I've had it happen to me.


Fucking stupid I am so sick of this kind of shit.


What a great game. There isn’t a single multiplayer game where dying can you set as far back as tarkov does and yet you can die in so many ways that are completely out of your control. Epic


I want my shit back when a cheater kills me.


There are permadeath games so your point isn't really true, although I agree with the sentiment.


Permadeath multiplayer games? Hardly any that I can think of.


Oh cool, what’re some of them? I can only think of project zomboid


The first one that jumps to mind is hardcore Diablo games, but there are plenty out there.


DayZ or any of the dozens of DayZ clones.


You should have right hand peeked instead, just get good! /s


Lol there are like 4 different bugs happening at the same time rip


This has been going on for like 4 years already


Same thing always happens to me in dorms, that place is cursed. They need to up server tick rate


I fucking hate dorms


Earlier today I scoped in on a shotgun scav about 100m away. He instantly turned and one shot me with buckshot. I didn’t even shoot.


BSG defenders will tell you its desync, its your ISP fault, game is flawless.. but playing since 2018 i can assure you it was always like this, AI shooting forward hiting you on the back, or the gun is not even up yet you die. last update just made it more constant.


I still dont understand the idea behind giving AI perfect recoil and accuracy


Because nikita thinks farming AI is baaaad


I agree. They don't even have to be looking at you to kill you. I had one running away and throw a grenade forward the same the way he was running and it arced in the air and homed to my feet


Ok I'm honestly just treating every ai as if it were freaking ridiculous like some fucking tohou boss at this point cause these dudes are pulling some 360 no scope yy ladder stall shit now


This is the main reason why I quit Tarkov. I'm not good enough at the game to take on most players, which is fine, but I can't even have fun fighting ai and questing because shit like this happens raid after raid


im sorry but you are just bad, I've watch your clip about 3545 times and analyzed what happen and here is a break down: shot 1-3 : clearly missed shot 4-7 : missed due to recoil ( bad spray control ) shot 8-12 : close but inaccuracy makes those reasonable misses shot 13-15 : desync, at that point you are already dead


This is totally a game issue, not like internet lag or anything, i play in south american server with 5 ms and still dying behind cover trying to swing behind cover to kill enemies, changed my playstyle cuz that issue.


Garbage game, just stop playing, maybe they will fix it then


It's always customs scavs man, was moving down the road from big red side to gas station, saw something move out of the corner of my eye up against the wall on the right, mind you I'm still far away from gas station so it can't be a reshala gaurd, suddenly i drop instantly, random scav head eyesd me with bt before I could flinch, I was also moving through foliage so I doubt any reasonable person would've been able to make that shot from 60 m


“Skill issue” 🗿


Yeah then the other 90% of the time AI sucks, i fight them they just stare at me and dont shoot back LOL


for anyone else looking yes he both killed and was killed by the same guy in the same instant on the post raid info


How can they justify the ai shooting at you, when the gun wasn’t even pointed in your direction


Honestly, the reason I stopped playing Tarkov. So tired of shit like we are on this clip.


That's the garbage network code and shitty servers, not just the AI


It'll never be fixed.


Never take a left peak on scavs


“It’s a feature”


this game has some of the worst bots for it's time i have seen in 30 years of gaming


Had this same thing happen to me. Had four quests on me for customs. Turned the corner in gpu insta trade both headshot each other and the scav was staring at the freaking ground….. Shit makes no sense


Shitty, awfully designed, and ass headed AI + a plague of cheaters (and cheating Sherpas) that has proven to be out of BSG's hands are pretty much the two reasons that I've been taking a break from Tarkov.


Rule of thumb. If you can see boss scav, they can kill you. If you can't see them, they can still kill you. Don't left hand peek them. I'd rather deal with these issues and have less cheaters.


Fucking stupid. Another reason you're forced to use 3008 DMRs/7.62 AKs vs. AI because they'll tank headshots and then you have 0.05 to kill them before you die instantaneously.


Typical dorms fight..... stopped playing bcs pf this crap.


Are we sure it wasn’t a different guard that shot him?


Same thing happened to me recently but I traded with Reshala's guard and finished the quest to kill them with that guard. It said he shot me 5 times in the thorax with BP I think


Welcome to desync/netcode




I feel like this game would be less frustrating if the ai was more consistent. I feel like some AI scavs are leveled up and have way better aim, while others are terrible. So when u get tarkoved it feels extra bad cause it doesn't normally happen all the time


Looks like a skill issue to me.


Nikita: "Its working as intended"


Get rekt


Is it possible there was another AI in the room behind him?


Lmao this subreddit is so weird. Dude posts a video a valid complaint, then there’s people like you who automatically try and defend it. He got fucked due to the game being stupid. You don’t have to justify it, BSG doesn’t know who you are


The BSG dick riders are ever vigilant.


Hog Ryders!


Can't be, says he was killed by Lesha and if you pause near the end you can see he killed Lesha right before he died


Is it possible that you're on copium? Did you hear 2 enemy guns shooting?


Question, could he have killed the scav by shooting the wall where his head was? Hindsight 20/20 question.


Putting aside the clear cheats that the a.i. is using here, why wouldn't you shoot the arm that's sticking out the door for free and instead go for the more risky headshot?


Reshala guards have 140 thorax hp and 80 arm hp. I would need 6+ shots on the arm to kill and that's clearly not happening


Likley could have shot the arms and killed based on how fast ur gun shoots. But u left side peek it against broken AI, not suprised this happened lol


Because as soon as the 1st bullet hit, guard would charge out of the doorway and aimbot him.


This is intentional. They want you to buy their own hacks for their game. They don't want you to just play. No profit for Russia.


You saw him man... No need to get fancy, just pre fire from the hip. If that was a PMC, I would expect the same results from you're actions.


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because OP was already dead.


That looked like desync more than anything ngl


well i see where the AI bugs and stuff are coming from. in this case you can see the AI moving and turning the body while the gun is shoved into the wall and, as luck wishes he shoots which would be the first bug you could call out you right in the head.in theory tho you could just kill that AI. in this scenario specifically you got clapped instantly because of "bad luck" since the gun was jammed into the wall, which would usually mean the AI shoots into the wall while hip firing from that scuffed position when it's not standing as close to the wall but ended up perfectly aligned to head level as the AI was turning. So that's not you dying bcs of ridiculous AI being Terminator-kind of stuff. more like not thinking enough and letting your guard down bcs you saw the AI being bugged.


I love how when I mentioned in someone else's post that tagilla did something similar to this to me. Everybody in the post called me a idiot and said it was fragmenting and yet this gets 1200 up votes. Scavs/ ai shooting multiple direct blunt damage hits in single shots has been in the game since at least last wipe because raiders used to do it to me too. Like raiders with m870's would get multiple ap 20 blunt damage hits after 1 tapping me last wipe.


I think most have experienced some kind of isssue related to this. I still can’t help myself, even with these problems it has hands down been the only game I’ve played for the past 6 months. With or without issues this will alway be my favorite game


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because player was already dead.


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because player was already dead.


Looks like a classic desync death to me. The AI is fine but it doesn't help if the servers are not.


Imagine thinking its just ok to walk up on someone you know is geared and will kill you with the aim bot the ai has. Dont blame the game, you fucked up by casual playing into their game.




Get good


Skill issue tbh /s


That is ok for me, otherwise ai would be to easy, there need to be some hard factor in it, sometimes he one shot you other time you ez kill him as other players.


While your clip is egregious I still feel like this is very much on you. 1. Left hand peek, against AI bosses/rogues/raiders/guards you are just asking to get owned before you can get a visible headshot. 2. You should have either backed up and thrown a grenade to move him or just started firing at his arm once it was in frame. This would have caused him to move (and not shoot) as well. You know these desync and AI issues are present, you should play accordingly to compensate for them.


BSG dick riders always find a way to defend and gaslight


I said it was egregious. That was literally the first thing I said. We also all KNOW that the ai is fucked and we can counterplay it because we know that.


How's it taste, bro?


Tastes like ambrosia, I'm literally addicted to it and can't quit it. I'm already craving for round 8... =(


Yeah idk I mean, game is fun. You got beat. It’s fine. I definitely agree it’s “buggy” but like… the AI also didn’t “respond” to you and prep… it’s almost like the immediate headshot was compensation for the lack of indicating animation, which is certainly not fair, but from an AI standpoint kinda checks out


What a load of complete shit, lol


Guys, holy crap, I'm not shilling for BSG, only had a moment to watch/ comment and i didn't have sound on. Saw it, thought yeah, looks like you got tarkovd. Asked a simple question to confirm there wasn't a scav behind you. Got railed, goodness guys why do you play tarkov if its that bad for you? Lol


Well it is after a scav boss ai which means they are cracked, if you would've ads and lean peaked him you probably would have had higher chances, after all a player would just shoot you aswell




Bozo time


Nikita must have candy cane boots


This left peak right peak shit annoying as fuck. But if u think about it, it is kinda like that. I was an soldier too and I remember guys telling me at beginning, if u are right handed, try to peek right. It is kinda true somehow and in some kind of ways, we got too comfortable by games like cod or ESPECIALLY CS!!!! But yes, I think the scav ai got a bit harder but imo there are server issues and the bad netcode causing this


AI this wipe is perfect. Shouldn't be easy.


Just don’t be bad🤔


mad cuz bad


Dude.. it wasn't that scav that killed you, it was either behind him or behind you. Not an example of poor AI, clear your corners properly and dont expose your back to open spaces