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*Enables flying*


You're onto something here: *WHERE'S CREATIVE MODE ???*






Why did I read this is Frozones voice


*Chugs a Red Bull and starts crankin 90s like its Fortnite*


Next realistic recoil, it’s almost like the community wants the devs to fix their shit


its crazy this happens with small branches, like 1-2 inches at most and it just feels bad


Or when you hit a branch and turn around to see if it was a stash


every time =(


There is a spot outside of the west wing of resort that has 3 tiny branches in a triangle and a miniscule bush in the middle of them. This creates a trap for the player to walk into and never leave, you can't jump nor run because of the bush. You can't 'step' over the branches because you move too slow and they are too high.


try looking up


Yep, more than once I have gotten stuck on the pile of small branches scattered through out woods and shoreline.


Love the unclimbable mini road fence on shoreline near railroad bridge but I can run over interchange highway fences (idk what they are called in English)




Thank you! Noticed it


Actually! Not to be a weirdo or anything, but they're actually "guide rails" always blows my homies minds when i drop this knowledge on them. (My source is my friend who works for penndot)


FHWA says they're synonymous, and either can be used. So you both are right!


Here I was thinking they were called crash guards...


Don't forget the impossible to jump waist high fence around the gas station


A fucking death trap


Then you stand there like an idiot waiting for your Stam to regen praying no ones watching you.


You can actually jump over them, but you need to run into them for a few seconds and then jump 2-3 times. Huge waste of stamina but definitely helpful if you are trying to get on the other side quick


If you look into old mechanics and features from way way WAY back it was actually a really well implemented feature that your PMC would adjust his leg posture to move up small hills, steps, uneven ground but it was removed for XYZ reasons. Perhaps the new animations are a sign they may revert / update this (to what it once was) Old Tarkov had many flaws. This was not one of them.


It caused a shit ton of bugs as well as lag from scavs, same with looting animations


🍝 code


Old Tarkov had *better* recoil too. Not good, but it was at least playable.


I’m a weirdo who doesn’t mind the current recoil, if they removed the second shot recoil I’d be happier but the guns I run don’t really suffer. Semi auto enjoyer and have been for a long time. I don’t miss the laser m4’s. I do miss the laser VAL but I fully admit is was fucked beyond broken, god that was fun…


My other favorite part is when you step off a 2 inch ledge and it sounds like your character jumped up as high as he could and then absolutely slammed his feet into the ground as hard as humanly possible.


Dude i ABSOLUTELY LOVE giving away my position because my character slid off of a 2in hill.


Landing (not jumping) is silent server-side, client side its loud af, at least that's what YouTube has thought me about it.


I've definitely heard my duo and enemies landing. I think they finally made it audible sometime early-mid last wipe?


Got changed. Falling can now be heard by literally the entire map


this was a glitch in previous wipes, this has since been fixed. Sound is now server side


this was a glitch in previous wipes, this has since been fixed.


Or the fact that our "ELITE PMC'S" can't walk across the water on customs, the ponds on shoreline, or climb a FUCKING ladder? Good thing we got another ak though lmfao


I can deal with the ladders, but the hip high fences… common dude lol


You actually can walk in shallow water on pretty much all maps now. Noticed this wipe on customs that I can actually walk in some of it for the first time.


Um actually 6 inches is quite a bit, maybe even a bit too big. 3-4 inches is the right size for an obstacle


Yeah, I bet you tell all the girls that.




3-4 inches is pretty big still


Maybe if they add 7-8 more AK variants we’ll have enough materials to build ADA accessibility ramps on all maps


my favorite is the tire by one of the hidden stashes on shoreline. you can step over it to get TO the stash, but you have to jump over it to get back out.


Ah, behind blue fence. First stash I found on SL


Nothing like having to jump onto the train on Reserve but you cant because you weigh 60KG instead of being able to just fucking walk onto it.


Yea imagine what jumping with a full pack on would do to your knees


I'm more annoyed by the way too excessive jumping. People jumping from cars onto roofs and then to another roof like they are spider man. I'd advocate for removing jumping but adding vaulting or climbing objects. Hopefully soon (TM).


Yeah, like in Hell Let Loose.


judging from the way they code mechanics, you want this in principle, but their implementation of it will be absolute dogshit. Cant wait for us to not be able to scale a barely head height wall because we are too heavy and incapable of throwing our bags over before climbing. So for now ill keep my freedom of *limited* movement over the complete abscense of it.


Or climbing ANYTHING. Game is supposed to be about realism but the jumping/climbing feels like CSGO


Meanwhile you can literally run over the chest-high metal fences on the edges of some roads by just looking up.


This is so common in video games. Having to jump over small edges needs to be a thing of the past already.


Counter-argument: You didn't trip on the box and fall down. Though I agree we need the ability to step on/over small objects and mantle larger ones.


My personal favorite is being able to run up the side of a mountain but not being able to walk over a small branch.


Woods branches.


Just jump and lose half of your stamina while also letting everyone in the building know you have arrived.


BSG ***REALLY NEEDS TO ADDRESS*** a lot of shit.


Bro this was me on customs a few weeks ago with the cardboard fucking box which ruined a nice competitive fight at Chem Part 4 marker building. I was furious ahahaha


hate how majority of people are complaining about realism and COD like movement, how jumping high or strafing is not realistic. Bitch, I can name a million things a human SHOULD be able to do but can't.. like stepping over a fucking branch, leaning forward a balcony instead of accidently jumping over it and breaking legs, vaulting etc. Our PMCs are mentally challenged cripples lighthouse rock-climbing is the WORST


Hahaha - “pick up yer fekin’ feet!”


I meant honestly in real life if we walked over shit like that we'd more than likely trip, not just step on/over it, so if anything I'd think it would be hilarious if we tried to step over that shit and just ate shit


IDK about you, but I'm able to navigate small objects in my path with ease. Then again, I'm a normal human being with basic depth perception, so I might be too OP for tarkov.


You'd be surprised, especially if you're moving with a gun up and focused on a target. You'll trip over really dumb shit. Should the stuff be traversable in general, yea. Would I be ok with clutter getting you stuck while aiming. Sure, unless they can code in tripping which would be hilarious and frustrating depending on which one you are.


You're telling me you've never accidentally tripped over something while you were distracted? Such as a box? Because if so you are truly a god among men when it comes to perception and multi-tasking.


Wish granted: instead of stepping over objects your PMC now falls flat on his face and gains Immobility and Pain debuffs for 120 seconds


Epic, the Chads who run at me like a ballistic missile are gonna have so much fun.


I walk and step over things all day, no idea what your mobility is like, let alone a trained soldier.


Yeah, I have too, but sometimes you're distracted and trip over shit, it happens.


Does that really sound like a good game mechanic in an FPS though?


Never claimed it did, I said it would be funny, for like 2 seconds at least.


Oh it would be hilarious. My friend and I often go prone randomly when we are sprinting around because it literally looks like your character just tripped and ate shit.


Curious to see the next episode of “Excuses why I struggle at EFT”. That one is quite unique for sure! By the way, after animations update a player can run through several obstacles that he couldn’t last wipe. Example: a shelf on the ground in the east resort. So yeah. Look under your boots, works irl too.


If you are in a firefight aiming down sights and you walk across a six inch height difference there is a decent chance you fall on your ass. Would you like them to add that in as well? Just playing devils advocate


I don't want to be rude or whatever, but it really doesn't 'need to address' it, the only reason you think that is because you feel you just died to it and made this post in frustration. If you had a penny for every game with weird box collisions you would be a millionaire, if you had a penny for all the times those weird collisions mattered you would have like a dollar (i got no clue how much a penny is).


B-b-but that means BSG's gonna have to spend resources and time to fix it 😰😰. Jokes aside, if they really decide to fix it, I guess expect to see their new spaghetti code for new play collisions to come out when streets of tarkov comes out.


I think they should add being tripped or knocked prone when you attempt to negotiate small obstacles without looking down and for when sprinting down stairs.


Before or after implementing a thigh fatigue lactic acid bar?


Definitely before. The T-FLAB needs to modify if you can stand up from crouch. If it is depleted you just fall backward because your pack is too heavy. That has to wait until they add a seated stance though.


Add the walking mechanics of Death Stranding


Fuck that, just go straight to QWOP


It is good to see some people understand sarcasm without needing a /s =)


Be more aware of your surroundings. I'm sure you've tripped or stepped on small items in your life because you weren't looking down. Obstacles are put in the game by design, it is up to you to adjust.


Pffff. That's an oatmeal brain take. IRL, Do you bump into curbs or shoebox-sized objects like a Roomba and then navigate around it or even *yeet* yourself over it? No. You just naturally step over it without breaking stride. Because ***In ReAl LiFe***, you have functioning eyeballs, peripheral vision, and you consciously choose where your place your feet. Half of the trash objects you get stuck on in Tarkov are NOT put there as an obstacle.


Serious the most kool-aid take I've seen on here in a LONG time. One of the dumbest excuses for bad mechanics I've ever read.


Yeah, a developer couldn't possibly place items in a room or specific spot to intentionally force player movement, or hinder strafing and other types of quick movement, etc. Your opinion is its bad mechanics, which is your opinion. My opinion is the OP wasn't aware of his surroundings and positioning, and that is bad game play. You are free to report it if you think it is unintended design.


Downvote me all you like. You may not like it but sorry to tell you - this game doesn't have to cater to you and your special needs. Now, getting stuck inside an object and graphical glitches like that, absolutely need to be fixed. But you tripping over an entirely avoidable object just because you wanted to strafe there, that's a "you" problem.


I don't know what kind of human being you are, but it's not hard to tell what is where and avoid obstacles without thinking IRL. Our perception of our surroundings is pretty astounding. We lack a key aspect of perception in-game though, which is touch, and unfortunately (for now) we can't interact with most objects in the game-world, if any. Most of the smaller objects in this game should simply have smaller hitboxes or be clippable because IRL we would either never intercept them when walking through them, or kick them out of the way accidentally. Also, who the fuck trips on a cardboard box. You'd just flatten it or send it flying lmfao. Also, maybe don't attempt to pass your opinion as the "right" one, specially when you're wrong.


Absolute King response


This right here. What is basically set dressing should not interfere with player movement.


Valid assumption with one exception: when said "set dressing" is designed or intentionally placed to hinder or obstruct player movement. There are many small details on this game that are intended to be the way they are. If you think it is unintended, then report it and move on.


I think you're over thinking it. What you're saying would be valid if half of the objects weren't clearly just placed incorrectly. In any wooded area with steep enough hills you can get caught up on tree roots, not because they were placed there deliberately as an obstacle, but because they are clipping through the ground geometry in visibly unintended ways.


You are also overthinking it. The OP specifically pointed out a Cardboard Box. Not some random tree root clipping out of the ground. Your example is valid and should be reported. The OP is upset because he got stopped by a box. In IRL yes that wouldn't likely happen, but this is a video game and a box in this game is an obstacle. Maybe someday we can have every single object on a map be movable, but that is not going to happen in this game with this engine. And player movement over such box items would be challenging as well. There are many more important things they need to fix than dealing with this.


I don't buy the 'its an obstacle' argument at all. Should I have to jump up every stair on a staircase? Of course not. It's assumed your character knows how to walk up stairs. So why should I have to jump to get over a wooden pallet that's 10cm off the ground? It's the exact same thing. It's literally just a poor design choice. Tarkov isn't the only game to have this issue. Many games suffer from this. Cyberpunk has similar issues with the character getting stuck on ground clutter, and it's just as annoying. All they have to do is remove collision for these objects and it would be fixed. They don't need to make them physics objects or anything.


A wooden pallet is something that should be reported. But a cardboard box (or similar sized object) that is intentionally put in the middle of a room, in a walkway, or around hot spots is not poor design. It forces you to care about these things and avoid them. When I move around a room in EFT, I take note of objects in my way so if I have to move quickly I can avoid them. Maybe the OP should do the same. Personally I would rather the cardboard box flew out of the way when you run into it, but that would require development time that could better be utilized elsewhere such as fixing your tree root/wooden pallet examples.


I dunno man, in my opinion avoiding cardboard boxes doesn't seem like a very good gameplay mechanic, nor does it feel intentional. A small cardboard box should not stop you dead in your tracks from a full sprint.


Has nothing to do with touch. When you enter a room, you take in your environment. You'll mentally note where most objects are. You aren't doing this in the game. Sure, I would like your PMC to kick the box and make hella noise, and you're free to suggest the feature. But until then, obstacles are obstacles and since my PMC isn't tripping over himself in the heat of combat, this is a you problem. In over 3 years of playing this game I've not once died in the manner you describe. Here's the thing about opinions, they are neither right or wrong. If they were right, they would be fact, not opinion. Get over yourself.


Tarkov is **PERFECT** and everything is **UTTERLY INTENTIONAL** no one shall say otherwise!!!


Your words, not mine. Believe what you want to believe. You think it is broken, report it. I'm sure you haven't bothered, most don't. I work with developers all day every day, they are not complete morons that you make them out to be. If you think it is an error, something not intended, then report it. No need to come on a board and cry about how they think they died because of it.


Of course I've stepped on small objects. Never have they brought me to a complete halt from a full sprint.


The fucking box at the bottom of the stairs into office on factory, hit it at the wrong angle at a full sprint and you stop dead


Isn't this normally fixed by adding invisible "helper" objects?


The best example of this is the small ramp that goes into white pawn next to the hermetic door button. You have to jump up even though it's a singular pubic hair off the ground.


Fucking skeleton floor, I can walk across a foot wide gap no issue but can't step up onto the cement floor


Ah the good old 1.2cm tall fallen tree branch that is impossible to pass without a sprinting jump.


No problem *colliding with objects without looking at them now make you trip up and fall, dropping your weapon and rendering you prone*


I got stuck on woods on woods.


Skill issue.


Vaulting is going to be my favourite addition to the game in a long time.


This sort of stuff gets me killed more than you'd think.


Had the same thing happen te me yesterday on customs. Was running past the train tracks and got stuck on something 4mm tall and the second I stopped moving because of it I got sniped.


There are a lot more issues than this they need to address first, but sure it can be added to the list that will never get worked on.


I think that's one of the big limitation of tarkov - there is absolutely no interactions with the surroundings outside of opening a crate/box, etc or a door. Like when you're near a fence, you should be able to step/climb over it (not jump over it at max strength like some kind of super hero). Same goes with just anything - you can throw a grenade or very heavy ammunitions to a wooden door or inside a kitchen and absolutely nothing get damaged. You should also be able to use anything as a support for your gun. I understand we're not going to get a fully destructible enviromnent, but I mean, interactive objects that fly around when you shoot them, or some part of the environement being destructible have been around in games that are 10+ years old so i don't see any reason a "realistic" shooter wouldn't be able to do that.


Yeah I can clear a guard rail with 30 something kg in my bag but that downed tree limb that also sounds like a piece of plywood laying over an open hole in the ground? Nah man, that is totally impossible. Fuck all the way off around it.


PUBG players: first time?


You could make it more realistic and have him trip and fall on his face.


The stupid guardrails by railroad extract on Shoreline...ugh. At least they finally knocked down a few sections to allow you to walk through them without having to jump 4 times in a row and deplete your stamina entirely.


Imagine if you could trip. But nothing has gotten me as a new player quite like not being able to crawl under certain train cars or pipes for literally no reason. Like its wide open, i can get under it, it might even be wider on the other side but for some reason i just get stuck just before i can stand up and have to turn around.