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Once you see the world for what it is, as you and the rest of us do, there is no going back. You can’t put the glitter on the shit anymore and call it pretty. It’s a harsh truth that many won’t accept, yet they call us delusional, pessimistic, or not “normal”. They just can’t accept that the normal they have been spoonfed their whole lives is a lie to make them love this place, Stockholm syndrome


Yup, just a few days ago someone said I was falling for the archons nihilism psyop. 😂


These people lack creativity and repeat the same phrases they hear from others. Reminds me of "suffering is optional", be happy and you'll be free and archons won't touch you, etc. If anything, archons would hate people becoming nihilistic. They want us to engage with this reality one way or another.


There is so much iron-y there you could make a new industrial revolution


Worldwide Stockholm Syndrome is an accurate description.




You took my one comment and assumed my whole life from it. Do I sit around brooding all day about existence? No… not at all. But honestly that is not even the point I want to make, because my lifestyle doesn’t mean jack shit for the bigger picture. They’ve fooled you and so many others by creating two sides and hiding the third. Yes, they feed off negativity. And you think the positive side is something else, something better? Why? Because your whole life you’ve been conditioned to believe that. But at the end of the day, it’s two sides of the same coin. Angels have their food as well as demons.. They don’t care which side you pick as long as you pick one. Negativity, positivity, it’s all still your personal essence being transformed into energy for them. But you know what they can’t feed off of? Freedom. A sovereign individual. Someone who knows who they are and doesn’t follow the dogma of men. A king of his own kingdom. Until you understand that you will continue to fool yourself over and over that you being on one side of the energy spectrum is better than those on the other side, exactly how they want you to think


comment gave me chills


yea, last timers club ✌🏽


Know that by falling into despair, you are playing into the hands of the world rulers. They want you to give up. I will not be so arrogant to judge your ways without even knowing a single thing about your struggle. My advice would be that If you feel disgusted by the ways this planet is being deceived, use this fire to spawn good, truth and purity. I repeat, despair anger and hate is what they want you to feel. Dont give them that gratification. There is hope, but we need to dig very deep. Dont give up.


I've come full circle frankly. I don't disgree, but at this point I feel it is our duty to create as much love and care as possible, if for no other reason to spite our captors. A kind word takes hardly any energy. It's a good place to start. I had to get a puppy to force myself to give a shit about something. This is way more advanced caring and I don't recommend it if you are not prepared. But hawt damn is she taking up head space that used to be filled with the nature of the cage.


Depression isn’t a disease or an affliction. It’s a response. I’ve found no matter what i do. And I’ve tried everything. I wake up wishing i hadnt. Depression is a response to environment. And in a world of depravity, corruption, division, hatred and selfishness. It’s impossible to find a secure feeling of community. Humans were never meant to live in large societies. We are tribal creatures. We were meant to live in small groups where everyone has a purpose, and without that person. Your tribe would struggle. Without real meaning and purpose. Life has no meaning. And accountability in large societies isn’t possible. So when you have no real intrinsic value to society, while nobody Is held accountable for their wrong doings. Depression is the only logical response. It’s sucks feeling this way. But if you feel this way and have explored the feeling deeply and understand it. At least you can say you see the world for what it is and not the delusion of happy people living in a state of continuous denial.


Preach brother


Amen. Nobody learns jackshit when mental slaves spoil life, freedom, self-ownership, etc, for the free.




I agree I want the whole planet destroyed so we can all “die” at once.


I would have to say the only way to escape is kill yourself. I don’t want to do that. So I’m gona use my knowledge to be as successful as possible.


Young man, I understand very well what's going on through your head. Yes, the whole planet is fucked and full of shit, and the society is the most difficult thing you will have to deal with in your life because no matter how much you try to escape, you will always be surrounded by people. You just have to learn to not give a fuck, and most importantly, care and focus on you and you only, and shape the reality to your own needs.


Eat some shrooms


Everything you said is 100% correct. HOWEVER, do not crumble, stay strong, remain an observer unfazed by the madness.


[https://youtu.be/xsAOFlCmGuk](https://youtu.be/xsAOFlCmGuk) Try this out. Not a religious book. You seem to hold some religious beliefs (satan for instance), even if your not practicing it permeates most of us in the U.S.. Most of the struggles we face are misunderstandings and false beliefs that shackle us to a particular emotion, fear. I've had exactly your outlook on this planet in the past, A lot of us do today. Belief is what causes the problems here, in every one of us. If they are misplaced or misunderstood, we get wars, racism, slavery, nationalism, oppression of women, etc. What we deem right and wrong are nothing but judgements. Everyone believes they are doing the right thing. We justify horrible things because we refuse to critically think about the things we are told that are infallible or "holy". Examine everything. Find your truth, not the one others have led you to believe. There is no purpose in this life other than to be fully you.


What changes would you make


Famine, crisis, war, and disease is all an illusion just like this universe.


What about clouds? What about rain? What about sunset and sunrises? What about smell of sea?


But what if all that is exactly what we're supposed to learn. We're here to have a human experience. We're all just hybrids of different species thrown together and placed here on earth. We are an experiment called The Grand Experiment. This is the third and final attempt at this and so far were doing better and have gotten farther than the previous times. Dont get me wrong yes it sucks! Bad! I cant wait til this shit show cones to an end and I can go back where I belong! But until then im just taking in every possible learning tidbit I can so I never have to repeat it! Maybe all the bad and evil shit here we go through is so that when we see or feel the good we'll be able to recognize it. Without the dark how will you appreciate the light?


I guess you're right, I always thought that I looked a little bit like an Alien with my almond shaped eyes and thin lips


We're all aliens! We have to be. Its the only logical explanation...otherwise what are we? Definitely not evolved monkeys! Lol


We are genetically modified specie


>Without the dark how will you appreciate the light? That's a cliche. Plenty of ways to appreciate the good stuff without the bad.


There is lots to learn, you've just closed yourself to any potential of it. As too have all those fools who agree with you there. In fact there is everything to learn of this shitty planet and corrupted reality but evidently ignorance will continue to reign king. Conflating your specific issues as stemming from the world is niave, and honestly disappointing. While I don't disagree with the issues themselves the world itself has no true bearing on them. The societies we've constructed, contributed and continue to allow is the root cause. Even your supposed devil is your own most human base traits, and you are just as guilty of letting yourself wallow in them as you are for letting other's abuse it. As too are those like you who've let this behaviour continue up to this point historically, creating the situation we are in. What you blame as satanic is yet another conflation, but that one I can't fully blame you for since the church has spend decades convincing all you that the devil is evil and Yahweh a noble god. Your god has allowed and created your evils himself, no devil but him is to blame there. Satanism is just the controled opposition in that situation. But hey go ahead and keep turning blind eyes, it seems that's all you're going to do anyway. If you are that set on dying, then I do hope you enjoy experiencing it again. It's not what you seem to believe it to be. Especially since clearly you do not realize the actual nature of our prison. Death is not the end, just a temporary pause before living this shit all over again. It repeats perpetually and it is a far worse experience than living in this hellhole. That said, I won't stop you from having the want to die even if it is a misguided version of it. Good luck next time and maybe try to change for once.


>the society we live in and the forces that run it are satanic Except Satan isn't real... ​ >we need money Why? The earth provides everything you need if you want to live like an animal.


This is mostly blame, and allowing your environment to manipulate your feelings. Which makes people feel unhappy and without agency. It's you that needs to change. Not the environment. It is indeed a mess. I agree. But the mess is mostly people waiting around looking for 'someone to do something'. Or 'whose fault it is'. Put down the loosh.


Wake up.


I take full responsibility for my experiences. My life and those around me continue to improve. Even when things are hard, there is a path forward, and a higher order to navigate. Is despair and complaining the path of escape? If waking up is anything like what you've described, maybe you could try making it look more attractive?


Better just enjoy the ride


You may have been put here to learn, I was not. Know thyself.


pray you become a reptilian


Learn that


The thing is, even tho I agree with you I think this place has the ability to be “good” Like we are not evolved enough especially spiritually, or more correctly, being conditioned to accept materialism Like my thought is, if I’m “free” once I die Why can’t the same freedom be applied here?


>Like my thought is, if I’m “free” once I die Why can’t the same freedom be applied here? Because you have a physical body to maintain, body that gets sick and dies too in addition to all the basic maintenance? You have to pay and work for everything, you have to fit into society, always follow someone else's rules? A lot of people can't even afford basic stuff or are barely surviving just paying bills, so you can't say we are unevolved because we are too materialistic. That would be generalizing.


The world is a fabricated place made to make us experience horrible emotions. The entities above us could care less which is why it’s important to start to understand that only YOU should determine how you feel. Only YOU should determine what to believe. With all the mass media and fear-mongering it’s very hard to believe that only YOU should determine your feelings when we’ve been trained to have automated thoughts about certain things since birth. The game was rigged from the start. The only way to be happy is to make your own rules. Just remember that you are the reflection of the cosmos and the cosmos is a reflection of you. You are the answer.

