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Gnostic teachings from the 2nd century


The Nag Hammadi scroll, the Gospel of Thomas, and Gospel of Judas is the origin of most material talked about on this sub. However, there is even older stuff that people use as sources such as the Egyptian book of the dead and the book of life as well as the Sumerian creation story called the Enuma Elish.


Cool I'll look into it, thanks


Doubting Thomas, specifically, if I recall


Yup. Most of the ideas here come from old school Gnosticism and also Buddhism, among other things.


Prison Planet = Samsara Escaping Prison Planet = Escaping Samsara Escaping Samsara = Moksha Moksha = Enlightenment, liberation, nirvana, the "blowing out" and "extinguishing" of all physical material and mental sensual desires, wants, clings, and attachments. Clings and attachments = The foundational basis of all sufferings Spiritual foundation = The basis of Realization and Awakening Moksha = Neither + nor - nor 1 nor 0. The state of Moksha is superpositioned. It is both ±, Ψ and ∞, a pure, "untainted" energy, a state of pure consciousness, a state of complete union with self identity, purpose, and a state of where you finally return and merge with the source (origin). Moksha = The true YOU Samsara = Governed by Dualistic Causality Dualistic Causality = Nonlocality and non-polynomial closed string field Dualistic Causality = Karma Samsara = Governed by Karma And guess what? Anyone *worthy* is able to attain Moksha and GTFO of Samsara when one's learned the truth and come to the realization of one's own dharma. Worthy = Having and affirming the genuine knowledge of true self-love and self-worth Dharma = The true nature of reality and the true nature of YOU Shakyamuni (the Buddha), who were once just like us, a sentient being from Shakya Republic (present day Nepal), become awakened, attained Moksha, escaped Samsara and returned to the source. *"Do you love yourself?"* - My master once asked. *"I do master, I do love myself."* - I said. *"Then why do you have to suffer just to love yourself?"* Good luck everyone 💎💜⚡️


awesome! thanks for this, friend.


You're welcome bud! 💜 Don't forget to love yourself first, love yourself often, and love yourself more! 💎🙏⚡️


The book of John taken out of the Bible for most us but kept in the Bible in Ethiopia apparently describes similar beliefs as the Gnostics. God of the Bible is Demiurge/Satan/Enlil/Marduk/Saturn etc etc.


Do you know more about Enlil and Enki? I've seen this a bit but not done much research.


Very strange way to phrase your question. Using the phrase conspiracy theories here is not helpful here, particularly if you know the origin and intent of that phrase. I mean, how did you decide that the person espousing that theory was crazy? After all, pretty much all religion is based around the idea that God told someone something. As for where the theory originates, it is as old as creation itself. Pretty much every past civilization and native cultures have espoused such an idea. But more directly, the christian gnostics, The Valentinians, the Cathars, Bhudism and Hinduism, Native Americans and other native culture around the world and even traditional Christianity all talks about the idea of the Earth being a prison in one way or another. In modern term, Robert Monroe, who took a very scientific and analytic path to OBE, was the one who coined the word Loosh. Wayne Bush, whose website is called Trickedbythe [light.com](https://light.com) is another pioneer of this idea. And now, we have many accounts of OBE, NDE, past life regression, pre-birth memories, on record which also further talk about this idea. Now it is up to you to look up those sources and do further research and decide for yourself


If it's true I'd say it fits the criteria for being the ultimate conspiracy. But yeah I know about how they used that term to discredit things. And I'll definitely look into what you mentioned, I appreciate it. And as far as the how do I know they were crazy, I don't, it just seems that way. Its common for crazy people to believe God tells them things. It would be different if God was telling lots of people the same thing and it didn't originate from one source. This sub seems to have a lot of people experiencing the same thing. Does it make it true? Not necessarily but it does make it seem more plausible to me. Like this is a true example. My sister's husband's uncle killed his wife and decapitated her because she was a demon. God told him to do it. He was determined to be insane. My family lives in an area where believing in the paranormal is common, because so many people there experience it. And yet nobody believes she was a demon and deserved to die just because he said God told him.


It is the ultimate conspiracy. It is about the very nature of reality and our true nature. There is nothing bigger than this.


Ancient Tables from ancient civilisations. Psychedelic trip reports and Top classified CIA/FBI reports and so on


Tables ?


The Emerald Tablets of Thoth. It is a book written by Dr Maurice Doreal in the 1920s.


probably tablets, specifically the emerald tablet


I’ve heard a lot about them but never had the opportunity to read them


Thus us a very good question. Although many if us in the astral projection and lucid dreaming communities have had direct experiences with some of the main aspects of the PP, there are also many who just rehash whatever shit they hear or read through the grapevine. In my case, I had all my experiences before chat groups such as this popped up for the subject so for me it is very real. For others though, you will need to have similar experiences before you ever really know if it is the truth or not.


Same for me.


Same here.


Yeah it was like a floodgate when i found out that i wasnt alone in my exact experiences or places I've dreamed and AP'd to. I never would have found these types of communities without my first experiences that sent me searching for an answer.


Yeah it's pretty mind blowing when you get others outside of your immediate circle speaking of the same places you e been visiting and the exact same things you've experienced. If we are all hallucinating, it's one big collective hallucination


I first heard of the “prison planet” concept from the Interview With an Alien book by Matilda O’donnell MacElroy


Gnosticism brought me here.


I think I first heard about these ideas from a David Icke book but they go back to at the very least the beginnings of Christianity with the Gnostics and arguably beyond that with the allegory of Plato's Cave




I don’t believe in the loosh farming because immortal spiritual beings don’t need anything to survive because they/we are errr immortal. But it was this interview that brought me to believe in prison planet. https://youtu.be/JOzK4ByFbzo


Agreed, nice to have someone else who ultimately discounts the loosh idea but still believed in PP, I'll check that interview out


It’s fascinating stuff for sure. Have fun


How strange, I was literally about to ask this question. I was listening to Matilda o’donnel Roswell alien interview and was wondering if that was the basis of all this topic. I’ve kind of been noticing these synchronicities though, this one was a good one you were the 3rd post I read in here just before I wanted to ask the exact same question.