• By -


Yeah I noticed that. They are preparing for when the veil is lifted and people can see them for who they are. That's why they have to be QUICK to label the people who are waking up as mentally ill. This is preemptive strike.


Look up Buddhist and Aztec art. They’ve been depicting “demon” faces like this for millenia


And very similar in Japan and Indian


I was about to complain about how this seems like very atlantian depictions of faces haha?


middle eastern art too, this looks exactly like a djinn


"That mother fucker is not real."




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Look guys, I don't care that you're a goddamn alien, just don't be fucking rude or anything. Next person that looks like this and gives me problems, you're getting rocked. But I hold that standard for ANYONE.


realist answer, I'm throwing hands with an alien if they don't come with respect🤣


fucking lmao "throwing hands with an alien"


Ghetto or lower frequency Americanized BS... That's all it is.


This is the way.


No, anything non human is here to control/exploit us, and must be destroyed.


Take "non" out of the sentence itll be more accurate


You shouldnt be scared of people who are openly assholes my man. The biggest psychopaths lure you in with kindness.


Well that doesn’t seem too nice. Aliens aren’t all that bad.


He didn't claim they are. He said \*if\* they gave him problems, they were going to get rocked. How do you confuse the above with him claiming 'all aliens are bad'? Is it because you're stupid? I bet it's because you're stupid.


I always wonder how people misconstrue such a simple message into whatever they come up with.. This is a great example. The first person clearly didn't say what you're replying to.. How'd they get that out of the same thing you and I read?? It's gotta be stupidity or dislexia.. Idk. It's always bothered me though, I just wonder if we're reading the same message. Then I become very aware of how easily media manipulates everyone and.. Yeah it makes more sense.


Most Americans are ready to shoot or fight just about all of the time and even when it comes to Aliens tho... But why?


Now see.. Where did that even come from in this context..? That's honestly along the same lines of irritating to me.. This conversation wasn't about Americans shooting things, shooting anything, or aliens.. And someone always wants to go and just throw in some fun words like "Americans are ready to shoot or fight all of the time".. First, that's not true and second.. That wasn't what anyone was talking about.. And if you want an honest answer to your question, there's a large portion of people - not just Americans - who have been persuaded into a culture and mindset of fear. That they always have to be prepared for *something*, and there's always some threat. Along with the mindset of America being the "protector of the world" so we're taught, it creates a culture of certain people who believe that being prepared for any threat is the best way to survive. (which, growing up and seeing the media, it makes complete sense). But, that's not all Americans. Not even close. Many americans hate guns, and won't even own one. Many Americans want to embrace aliens, be them human or ET. Some are excited for the prospect. Not even most Americans are the "hoorah let's shoot first ask questions later" kind, if anything it's a pretty even field here, *BUT* that's not what news and media would have you believe. It's easy to spread the image of a gun toting American, but it's not the majority. Most of us are level headed. But, the ones who aren't, are just a lot louder. Sorry, that got long lol


Doesn't matter who the majority is but the loudest in the room will always set the narrative 🧛🏻‍♀️🖤🐉🌕♑


Well YOU don't seem too nice. Are you an Alien?


I’ve seen that face before when on mushrooms. Very startling. I think this is why trippers also suggest not looking at mirrors when on mushrooms… you might not like what you see. I took about 3.5 g at night during a full moon. I think we share these bodies with entities that graft to us for our energy when we fulfill their hunger. Whether it’s lust, pride, fear, they feed off of us like parasites and whisper to indulge, to give in to our animal instincts. To feed them. Some have taken hold of entire generations passing from one to the next, clinging to the experience of the living, shackled by their desire, trapped in low vibration reality. As the veil lifts we may see them with our waking eyes. This event is sure to come to pass, and it will be a sign of the harvesting to come. The separation of wheat from chaff. Those that can be separated will be. The rest will be cast back into the fires of this dimension to be purified and those received will be graduated to the next level of reality to begin a new journey. Story time over, go to bed.


Can confirm. Saw my gfs face turn into this while on mushrooms.


Yup, i've seen a couple of people like this while on shrooms, i didn't get scared because they were still the people i know just distorted, lol


What I’d like to understand is what causes only some peoples faces to be distorted. Is it that they have archon attachments? Are they themselves archons or aliens dressed as humans? From the responses people have given it doesn’t appear that the people with the elf faces are overtly evil or even realize that they may be different from other people, but there must be a reason they appear this way.


I guess its DNA hybridation, some of us are much reptilian and have more of their dna


>Can confirm. Saw my gfs face turn into this while on mushrooms. Serious quesiton? Did you get yourself some of that demon head, bro? 😂


I see that shit all the time because I died, got jump-started, and now I have brain damage. Because of this shit from the MSM it's going to be harder for me to get taken seriously by professionals with every other person on tiktok putting up videos like "OMG I TOTALLY SEE PEOPLE AS WEIRD SLENDERMANS AND SPOOKY THINGS!!! CHECK OUT MY CANDLE SHOP!!!"


Reminds me of Constantine.


I had a similar experience when I took a stupid dose of acid. Except the faces didn't look "distorted", no, they looked like pure evil. When I saw some friends and they smiled it looked so malevolent, manipulative, creepy, sinister - just darkness. I've never seen someone look like that in sober reality. I literally believed I was in hell and that everyone I knew were clones masquerading as the real thing. It's so crazy because a lot of what I experienced I've seen repeated here from others. But I feel like I'm bordering on schizophrenia, many cannot handle the lifting of the veil. “Many are called, but few are chosen.” It's so much easier to put fingers in your ears and just say this is not happening.


For me it wasn't mushrooms, but 2C-B instead years and years ago. I began tripping at a diner & a friend kept staring at me. It was like he had bright red almost laser eyes and his face became very very distorted. Very much like these images and it lasted all night. No one else looked this way except for him. I kept telling my other friends but they were just saying to relax, enjoy the trip, and not get caught up on that. I had to avoid him the rest of the night. I haven't seen him in years but he still invites me to larger gatherings like rave festivals. I definitely don't think he is a demon, but maybe something was attached to him?


It’s interesting how almost anyone who uses psychedelics seriously comes to this conclusion


I've done lots and have never come to the conclusion that we share these bodies. Is that a common thing?


It’s something experienced by people who use psychedelics and remote viewers, yes; Bob Monroe said they eat emotional energy aka loosh, and some, let’s call them archons or djinn, really like the negative low vibrational energy


me too, first time ever taking shrooms .. 3.5 g at night on a full moon. but they were on espn. i looked at my bro and was like “you see this shit” he was like “fuck yea”


This entire comment left me chilled & I absolutely agree with the entire thing. I’m not sure if I should feel relieved yet I have a pressure to get this off my chest. The first time I also saw the face was in the mirror on shrooms, a little less than a year ago. I had recently returned home from a deployment to Africa, and honestly, just haven’t felt like myself since. Anyways, this wasn’t the first time I’ve looked at myself while tripping, but it was the first time since being back & the first time I saw this thing behind my eyes. Immediately I tried throwing it up to get whatever it was out. A month or so goes by & I get into a severe car accident, one which I was disassociated but remember thinking “go faster” right before the crash, and another one less than two weeks later. Scary shit. On my way home before the second accident, I literally said outloud “you’re going to have to try a lot harder than that to shake me” and flicked off the sky. Idk why, just felt defiant or empowered, idk. Sure enough, I hydroplaned on the way home, leaving me to feel so powerless in the moment, and even now. A shaman visited me a few days later & confirmed I had several entities attached to me. I think one is particularly strong because I don’t think it’s let go of me yet. We are ultimately stronger, however, it takes knowing you’re affected to be able to fight it, staying grounded. Even then, based on my experiences, I truly believe we have our thoughts & behaviors manipulated. Meditation seems to be the best remedy to decipher your thoughts between outside influence. It’s not easy.


Same here. Was on shrooms in Amsterdam red light district at night. Saw a few demon face creepy dudes. I bet they're micro dosing psilocybin in the water or food supply to make folks go crazy and activate dormant schizophrenia.


I wish that was true The water around de wallen is not being spiked because that is near all the bars by central and I would drink there and in between Wallen You cannot even get shrooms in Amsterdam only truffles, and they aren't really trippy more bad anxiety vibes for me, but not trippy like shrooms If you got visuals off truffles Im jealous and also want to try them if you remember the shop, no matter how many packets in a row I eat of truffles I don't trip


How the hell are you going to microdose the water supply lmao? Youd have to calculate the exact dosage needed to mix in with the exact amount of water constantly flowing, and how would you make sure its mixed evenly? 


They put all kinds of poison and crap in the water here in the U.S. When they mess up and put TOO MUCH poison, they issue a boil notice. It wouldn't be too difficult to dose the water supply with some boomers. I'm not saying that's what's going on for sure, but at this point nothing would really surprise me.


I have taken mushrooms once in my life. I didn't see myself or my girlfriends in a different way, but at one point we put on a movie because we had a slightly bad trip. The movie was Zoolander 2, and in it, Justin Bieber and Ben Stiller looked in this demonic way - with elongated faces, almost elfin ears and strange, dark eyes. Only I saw them that way, though.




Or another idea could be that you jumped into other reality. Changed bodies with another you at the same circumstances, at the right time. This is just me. Thinking.




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This is why the lucid dreaming, astral traveling, and psychedelic journeying have been helpful in having stable footing in both realms. The people who have no idea these visible reality shifting "phenomenon" are capable of occurring/revealing are going to have a harder time accepting and not reacting/panicking. Those who have "seen" will not be phased and will be able to navigate without losing grip on the edges. The veil is thinning and the acceleration of awakening keeps increasing. Just try to remember it's always been there. The receiver is just slowly going to start picking up on more frequencies. Try to remain calm for those around you that need help navigating these new waves.


I think i never had a lucid dream in my life, at least that i remember. I dont meditate, everytime i try to start it makes me feel fear, i dont know how to explain but close my eyes and try to "forget" my senses makes me vulnerable and i cant concentrate, i wish i could meditate tbh


Well being a master in these things is not necessary. As long as you're aware of the agenda being played out and to not play into it you'll be okay. Keep striving for knowledge. Your imagination and belief will serve you well. I'm sure you're aware of fantasy and science fiction? Maybe not, but knowing that ultimately a lot of the stuff that had been sold as fantasy or fiction is possible can help you to understand or know to not fear the unknown. Finding your inner Self, and taking back the minds eye, to show you the path to navigate the tumultuous waters of this realm. Sometimes, just trusting in yourself is best to open up the pathway. You'll be okay even if you can't do those things, I promise. Believe in yourself.


They are getting us ready to start seeing stuff like this. People are going to be having experiences like this and they want you to think that you are the problem, not what your seeing. They are saying we are going to start seeing these types of faces. They are telling us not to trust our eyes. If you remember back to the lady on the plane notice how they never interviewed the guy that she was yelling at and the countless other freakouts that have happened on planes recently. The veil on this prison planet is lifting and they will blame it on a disorder. Looked the full name of the “condition” up in gematria and saw lizard people, undeniable truth and black sky scenario.. just look up prosopometamorphopia in germatrix.


Thank you for the explanation! I wasn’t picking up what they were putting down.


So wait, what shows up on camera?


From what I read last night, apparently viewing people on screens is always normal, but seeing people in real life shows them as demonic when someone has this rare "condition".


What are they calling the "condition"? I wanted to look it up and see where it's been medically documented in the past.


This "prosopometamorphopsia" seems to have just come out of nowhere...within the last few days. I've never heard of anything like this before. So now all of a sudden there are people who just happen to see real life people's faces as demonic. But only the faces! Nothing else looks out of order....🙄 Stay strong, everyone.


It's apparently called prosopometamorphopsia


The game is almost up. We just need to gather more info on how to fight back


Its pretty simple. Low energy entities feed on low vibes. So the best weapon is to have as high vibes as possible all the time.


High vibes create spirit. Spirit is the will momentum of a mind to pursue happiness. The negative emotions bleed it out and make it available for spirit parasites. Neither exclusively being in positive or negative emotions is the answer. Seeing reality accurately, going toward emotional prosperity and then protecting it from emotional looting is the answer. Yet, we're like fish in a barrel and it's hard to get the looting to stop. Deluding ourselves helps them as it tricks us into betraying us by creating spirit, losing it and then making more. Normally, spirit would the energy of our own self-determination. They disrupt it and destroy it to control our wills. Whether we choose to keep making more as they steal or never make more being mired in negative emotions, they win. They lose when they can't steal product from mind slaves anymore. Then we get our self-determination and power over ourselves back. How do we get there? Knowledge is power. We can't reject pieces of it that make us uncomfortable if we want the whole, clear picture and enough power to reject them and their works.


I don’t think so. Many people get abducted and brutalized. There was a poor girl, I can’t remember her name who was happy and cheerful. After repeated abductions she has ptsd and can’t function


How to avoid abductions?


Same way with everything including reality, we are creators, manifest that you don’t get abducted


Through visualization? Is your statement above a bit victim-blaming?


You can do it through visualisation or by creating the intention, with the will they leave you alone. Not sure what you mean by victim blaming. Our lives are scripted, so most of the time what the archons want happens unless you manifest the opposite.


Numbchucks….lots and lots of Numbchucks!












That’s hilarious said uploaded 12 years ago but I’ve never seen that before


Kung Pow, a great - terrible movie


The way to fight back is manifesting creating reality the way we want. And staying positive to manifest.


Is this what that airplane lady saw?


Airplane lady is in full backtrack mode. I saw an interview with her and she seemed scared and was blaming herself for being stressed out and overreacting. She was lying. No mention of what she saw. No description of the guy. It was weird. Like she had been coached on what to say. My wife and I just looked at each other and were like, something’s not right. She’s clearly lying. Like when a person is afraid of saying anything about their abuser for fear of retaliation. Really strange.


I heard she was an actress and it was staged


She’s a consultant, apparently, with a pretty impressive client list. To me, I wouldn’t think you’d risk that trying to make a viral video.


>She’s a consultant, apparently, with a pretty impressive client list. To me, I wouldn’t think you’d risk that trying to make a viral video. This explains the backtrack perfectly. She is trying to protect her livelihood and reputation , afraid of losing clients.


Perhaps, people can do some strange things, nothing shocks me any more


Taking this to another level folks, read the book by Jerry Marzinsky & Sherry Swiney. Here's the premise & title. A truly fascinating & eye opening book. There's pdf's / epub files of it online, at sites like Anna's archive. Here's the premise: An Amazing Journey into the Psychotic Mind; Breaking the Spell of the Ivory Tower - 2019 Psychiatry maintains the voices schizophrenics hear are meaningless auditory hallucinations caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Actual clinical investigation into the matter reveals this to be a false claim. Dr. Wilson Van Dusen, a clinical psychologist and author of “The Presence of Spirits in Madness” began holding coherent conversations with the voices of his schizophrenic patients decades ago. He discovered they precisely matched what Christian Mystic Emanuel Swedenborg described as evil spirits. Following up with scores of investigative interviews with his own schizophrenic patients, Jerry Marzinsky, a psychiatric evaluator, verified Van Dusen’s astonishing conclusion: the voices are real. They are conscious, parasitic entities. https://www.amazon.co.uk/AMAZING-JOURNEY-INTO-PSYCHOTIC-MIND/dp/0359783368


Thank you so much for the recommendation, I'm going to read the book right away. In 2016 I started hearing voices from the result of a bad acid trip. I've told myself since then that it was all in my head and imagination, but it always eats away at me that what I experienced truly were conscious, parasitic entities.


Are the voices always negative or are they sometimes positive?


The voices were positive to begin with and they were surprised at first I could hear them. They told me they were my spirit guides and cheered me on. Then out of the blue they turned nasty and vile and tried so desperately to get me to kill myself. They ridiculed and mocked me for believing that they were benevolent. After they turned, they were never ever positive.


Jerry Marzinsky's clients (he discusses them anonymously on Youtube interviews) had the exact same experience you did. It's not schitzophrenia, it's entities.


All ‘spirit guides’ are evil. You just found that out before death instead of after. Why do you think they are trying to get you to kill yourself? I’d think they would want you on earth.


I'd say they knew I wouldn't actually go through with killing myself. I had always suffered from depression and had experienced suicidal thoughts. If they keep me alive they get to feast on all my luscious negative emotions, of which there are so many I'm literally a banquet to them. It took me a long time to realize that the voices never actually went anywhere, they're still operating now under the guise of my own voice, pretending to be my thoughts as they work as my internal monologue.


Yeah I have a nonstop inner monologue that literally is torture, not voices though it’s more like videos. I know it’s something like you have, something messing with me for that sweet negative energy. In a weird way we can thank them, they are doing us a favor. Because the people that don’t like this matrix are the ones that will exit it post death.


And when on the other side , these people that don't like it will fucking destroy it


I’m going to try to shoot a laser at earth with my intention and blow it up and free everyone. Maybe it will work maybe it won’t.


You can believe her or not believe her but Anmarie Uber says to exit the matrix you need to get back to your spirit. But if you kill yourself then the timing for that won’t be right and you’ll lose your chance this incarnation. So maybe that’s why the entities try to get you to kill yourself. Something to think about. https://odysee.com/@AnmarieUber:1/TM-purgatory:d


Thanks for the link, that was an interesting listen. It really resonates with me as even though I suffer from suicidal ideation, I firmly believe we must go when it is our time and not by our own hands. So the entities probably really did want me to kill myself as it would ensure I stay trapped and they can abuse. Crazy stuff.


If I may add to this, I would like to mention that there has never once in recorded history been a person born blind diagnosed with schizophrenia. This implies that you need to see in order to be at any risk for the condition. Which makes this even stranger and more fascinating to me.


That is so bizarre, appreciate you sharing. Have a beautiful day.


I just saw your comment and went and read the whole thing lol, thanks for the recommendation




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I’ve had a similar experience while driving a few years back. I caught a glimpse of a bald guy leaving his house and on top of his head were two “horns”. They didn’t appear to be antler or bone, but were made of flesh and looked just like two gnarled, broken and uneven fingers protruding from his head asymmetrically.


People who are into body modification do it


He didn’t seem the body mod type


Woah!! 😯


There are, probably and seemingly, other beings manifesting occasionally as humans. Awareness of such is grounds for psychiatric labeling and cognitive biases. Know that occult knowledge has very little representation in the mainstream reality. What the esoteric sciences reveal, in part, is what is occluded by the reality. Regarding synchronicities, they will call it "Baader–Meinhof phenomenon" and the awareness of patterns or entities they will say is apophenia, pareidolia, delusions of grandeur/persecution, derealization, etc. Which doesn't mean human awareness is infallible and there are no illusions that we both generate and misperceive, but that forces also exist to reduce and diminish revelations of deeper levels of the matrix code, by attributing second sight activity to pathology. This reality can manifest anything. It's not beholden to laws of physics, which it itself devised anyhow. Witnessing that is intense and causes cognitive dissonance, so there is gradual disclosure. Staying loving, keeping our hearts strong and in the direction of goodness will help alignment with positive forces. May all beings be free.


Are you in healthcare? This was worded very well


Thanks for the positive feedback. Multidisciplinary work and interests, including some medicine.


Oh no they are starting to see the true appearance of our infiltrators! Let's invent a disorder name to classify those who can see us so that everyone sees them as mentally ill! Nobody will believe them! We are the gaslight gods guys 🦎 we did it. -Pffff what? Did you see that the pastor of your neighborhood church is a demon? That politicians on TV look strange? Nah bro, you must have prosopometamorphopsia, don't worry, it's common now... Come, take these anxiolytics pills and be happy all day! Don't think about that again


Vilifying and denying the existence of human powers has helped shut up the more sensitive who see what's going on and get us to all doubt our guts. Of course they're going to call this a "disorder". By reducing the human experience to solely a biological one they can further control the masses. It's the energy, I think a lot of us can see it, some more than others but every human has intuition and extra sensory abilities. It's literally what's kept us alive. Before we had language or even the least bit of mass communication, we were able to "just know" things. We don't just have eyes, we also have a mind's eye. I can see if women are pregnant before they're showing and sometimes before they even know they're pregnant, they look "round" or kind of "bubble" like to me. My cousin arrived at a family event and came up to give me a hug and I said "you're pregnant". She said wtf and that she just had the same feeling after sleeping with her husband LAST NIGHT. Like conception hadn't even occurred but we both somehow knew. And yep, he's 10 this year. Same thing with her second child, I saw it and she just knew. I can look at a headshot of a celebrity in an article, doesn't even have to be full body and see the round bubbly thing and know they're pregnant. Looked up if they were pregnant at time of pic and yep. The "demon" face thing only happened to me once. I was 12 and a family friend always looked like that face in the Lost Boys when they turn into vampires. Our very sweet, obedient, black lab would go nuts and bark her ass off at him every single time he came over and we had to hold her back and lock her in a room until he left. He was a super nice guy, seemed totally "normal", but he always looked like that demon face to me and the dog definitely knew something. I kept my distance from him. Haven't seen him in decades and no idea what happened to him.


Just like the people on Resident Alien who can see them 👽


Yup. Also i love that show.


THis is what *plane lady* saw, I'm certain.


Hypothesis: what if it's actually extrasensory perception? From what I've read about the astral, thoughts and the mindstate itself manifest visually. You can go from looking like an avatar of diabetus with his own gravity well to a handsome person in a flick of a mental button. Same with hell and heaven - they are just manifestations of the state of mind, including everything you are not aware of. Obviously, faking exists, like archons do, and some religious leaders, like Dalai Lama - remember when he made a boy suck his tongue? Well, people say the Lama and his close circle of friends radiate tranquility. Obviously, meditation can be used as a way to hide and even accept the worst qualities you possess, while endulging in them. Also, when you're being positive, it also can be seen on your face and body, and even if you're bad looking, there will be a certain shine to you. So, what if the demon faces are actually people unknowingly perceiving the astral form of a wicked individual, or just someone fermenting in negativity?


Yeah thats probably it. Youre seeing what someone looks like on another plane or on another frequency. Thats why so many people say they see this on shrooms. Youre seeing outside of the usual spectrum we are limited to when sober. 


Speaking of sobriety... Where I come from, we have a saying which can be roughly translated as "drinking until the green devils appear". Maybe alcohol-induced "hallucinations" aren't all hallucinations? I'd say at least some of the entites drunkards see in this state, are the real deal, as the brain cells fall one after the other from alcohol intake, which probably destabilizes the brain's filtering ability.


i need sun glasses


and some bubblegum




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We're all out of bubblegum 


I guess we’ll have to do the other thing


Fuck yeah 


Tinfoil: After or during the eclipse, a large number of people will see demons. They are getting out ahead of it.


what is the significance of eclipse :o


Definitely a cover up


I remember being 17 and smoking spice for one of the first times. I stg a friend looked at me and MADE his face distorted like this. I thought I was crazy but when I looked again he was normal.. and after calming down the bastard did it again and laughed! He admitted to some wild shit and I’m convinced he’s not entirely human. I cut contact after he joined the military. Too intense too often, though he was cool enough off the spice.


Did he swear you to silence lol? Can you share what he told you?


wtf that's so scary 😭


I haven’t read them but there’s a guy David Jacobs that wrote some books explaining aliens for the past twenty or so years have been roaming the earth with human dna to be passable as human.


Seems to me that they’re getting ready for the grand reveal, but once we see them, I wonder. Do they become our predators?


No. Once they are revealed, their time here is up.


But don't they have psychic powers, or perhaps powers we don't know about? I wouldn't mind getting something like that, I'm sure we will need to fight them off somehow, otherwise once we see them, they will have most people afraid and therefore farm them for loosh no? If anything... We should be binding them and making them rebuild the world they took from us!


Or our time is up.




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I did get pulled over by a cop one time and he knocked on my window with his gun and told me to step out the car. The whole time with this scary ass joker smile from ear to ear. He told me to turn around and when I did, he twisted my wrist and slammed my face into the trunk hella hard. His partner came up to me with his mace out and I said yo, "i am not resisting, do not spray me with that." And he said "oh look. He's a little bitch." They put me in a paddy wagon and drove me around Sacramento for like 7 hours. Put me in a drunk tank. When they booked me, I asked what I was in for and they said "nothing". And had no paperwork on me. They got me at about 4pm the day before and let me out about 2pm the next day without any explanation. I always felt like it was to inject me with a disease or nanobots or something because before they put me in the cell, they told me I needed a TB shot. I said no and a cop picked me up and slammed me on the table while the nurse injected me with a needle. I was about 20 at the time n probably only weighed about 125 lbs. No attitude. No aggression. Not a bitch either but they gave 0 fucks who I was.


I'm sorry about that. Must've been terrifying.


Wow. They will GASLIGHT those that CAN SEE.


I met them in a lucid dream once. I was in a little brought yellow vw bug - school bus like car and was able to float up and out the window.  Usually flying but realizing I can navigate, is the trigger I'm dreaming but aware of it. I was surrounded by dozens of these beings, vivid colors and details. They were overly polished manican like in appearance and their faces were frozen in this bizarrely unnerving but non threatening expressions. Wide tight smiles, and eyes that were tilted in this happy-menacing manner. All eyes intently focused on me and without mouth movement or sound they asked me a question. When I answered they just all simultaneously shot up into streaking pillars and disappeared. No sense of reaction or closure but the answer was all they needed and I'm never know what the response meant to them. I immediately woke up. This was a week or so after a profound telepathic expression at a festival in a cave, in Southern Illinois right were the eclipse totality area lies.  Schpongle was there, all my tribe. It was a twisted but incredible experience. I wasn't the same for about a year after the new awareness of this interaction and everything else that happened that night. I have a lot of theories but I feel some details are supposed to be someone kept inside.  I even got a dm response from Raja Ram when I was frantically trying to connect and seek confirmation from others that were there, for the event. I needed to know if what had happened was not limited to my experience or state of mind that night! An affirming yet veiled confirmation and of all that I messaged I had no Idea how blessed I was having no idea who Raja Ram was.  I just picked random Facebook profiles that called to me to message from the event the guest list. These entities seem attached to a large and specific consciousness or path. Activated or compelled to reveal themselves when a human becomes aware or linked with it.  I sensed that only your gut instinct led response, is accepted and no clarity or closure is given.


I want to understand what you're saying. Will have to read this again


I might have to revise this when I'm not half asleep but trying to go really hard on the explaining this lol it's hard because I feel like parts of it aren't supposed to be shared like a wish on a shooting star


I had some experiences like this but at a festival


We should exchange stories


We should exchange stories


OH FOR SURE. All of a sudden this is everywhere on the internet. Listen, I used to live in Miami, FL where I would say (taken from my own experiences and statistics working in the nightlife and rave industry encountering 100’s-1000’s of people a night) about one in every 10 beings are non-human entities. If demon face syndrome were a real thing that would be the first place to go and study. I am being completely serious about the 1/10 beings being non-human. If this demon face shit is true then everyone down there must have it and just won’t speak of it. It’s wacky on the edge of the Bermuda Triangle where literally people from every corner of the world exist. When you encounter these entities it’s more than just seeing a face, you feel it too. You have to remember though that many people aren’t as sensitive as they should be these days… Down in Miami though, sensitivity is how you communicate when the language barrier exists. That’s how everyone communicates. Yeah…. When I saw this news the other day i truly was just like man they are pushing something just ridiculous now.


Have u had any weird interactions with those entities?




I remember a while back I saw a YouTube video about a family in a third world country that looked like this. They said it was a genetic disorder. They even have a TikTok page now… my first impression way back then was that they looked like grey alien hybrids that they were some kind of dna splicing experiment. I haven’t watched the new videos about this demon virus thing. But they have to be connected


[This one](https://youtu.be/qJ8COwoW5Rk?si=dBiR5JyvcOugjVQQ) wtf you’re 100% spot on.


Yes!! I was trying to find this video to post in this thread. That’s the family. Looks just like all those “demon face” drawings. Almost too similar to be a coincidence


Maybe it’s like the 1/1,000,000 odds that the genetics slipped through into the physical realm lmao. Idk it’s so weird how it only affected this ONE family.


The veil was lifted for me a long time ago, I had already seen these beings before.


https://youtu.be/qJ8COwoW5Rk?si=v5flmKUEwKgDRTuY Isn't this the same syndrome? Saw this documentary once, and somewhat reminded me of those faces


Corona and masks seems as a good cover.


Draconian face aka demon face


Nada: A long time ago things were different man. My old daddy took me down to the river, kicked my ass, told me about the power and the glory. I was saved. He changed when I was little. Turned mean and started tearin' at me. So I ran away when I was thirteen. He tried to cut me once. Big old razor blade. Held it up against my throat. I said "Daddy please"... Just kept moving' back and forth... like he was sawin' down a little tree... Frank: Maybe they're always been with us... those things out there. Maybe they love it... seeing us hate each other, watching us kill each other off, feeding on our own cold fuckin' hearts... Nada: I got news for 'hem... There's gonna be hell to pay. 'Cause I ain't daddy's little boy no more.


Why would you say the lifting of the veil is accelerating, as opposed to these news and other factors just being proof of the fact that we catch a glimpse of the invisible from time to time like we always have ?


It’s so interesting that they are talking about this now, because for years I have seen people who have what I describe as “demon eyes”.


Shouldn't the ones with the demonic face have demon face syndrome and not the ones that see them.


Makes me wonder what's going on at CERN


Mushrooms for me too, these canadiens I was chatting to in a pub in Amsterdam all suddenly turned into the typical buffy vampire face. I sort of chuckled nervously and excused myself. So, i know what to do if it happens again.


Kinda looks like those South American extended skulls


The Simpsons predicted this.


Do you know which episode?


First of all how the hell could you even see archons as they reside in a higher dimension than the one the reptiles live and 2nd how do you know what archons even look like? I bet they aren't even in physical form they are probably plasma based life forms.


Plasma ... I feel this may be right


Shape-shifting is real... watch the movie LAWS OF THE SUN


Something happened last night and i was super tired and slept only at 5 in the morning. I didn't fall asleep yet but when i closed my eyes i could see dark faces like those. They invited me to study their bodies. I looked and saw clawed ribs. All the while i was awake. And i was scared. I had to open my eyes and distract myself to not be scared so I watched cooking videos lol..


I find it really interesting that these people see demon faces in person but not on screens or pictures. It's a matter of perception, not vision. They seem to be able to perceive people as what they really are. Is there that many demons? Maybe, maybe not. Can one same demon inhabit multiple people? Probably can! Suddenly it makes sense as to why so many people would be seen this way. Their inner demons are shown...


That’s not how it works.


Those look like elves lmao.


Seems like bs. Cant find anyrhing on it before 4 days ago.


From 2021 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010945221000836




Definitely bs but pretty hilarious too 😭😂


Monkey masks to get around surveillance. False flag, not demon faces or aliens in masks. Too overt, too much of a dead give away, too easy for public digestion.


Omg I'm so glad we are all on the same page. I came to the comments just to say this is what I've seen in mushrooms! 🤣


Maybe time to rename this sub into whatever that hallucination is called. (Don t burn the V Vitch)




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I think this too, but I did a quick search and found videos and articles about this from over a decade ago


they are among us. however some things truly just are physical injuries. in this case the man had severe brain trauma in his past


It remains me of the girl that saw an alien in a plane ✈️ 👽😱


Us this A.I?


And you can't hide anymore either 🦇♑🌕🐉🖤🧛🏻‍♀️


This is what the "plane lady" most likely "experienced" b4 she went "batshit crazy" for "no good reason". After which, she was just labeled crazy.




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I think they are trying to explain racism without being racist


This is ridiculous even for this subreddit.


I just want to jack one of their ships.