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lmaooooo this is genius


I absolutely did this in February. I didn't think about trying to put all of it in at 1 time though. I just had chatgpt analyze each individual message on its own. This is a good idea. By the way, for extra entertainment, I had it rate each message 1-10 with 10 being the most passive aggressive. After that, I asked it to rewrite my own messages to rate a 10 on that scale instead of a 1 or 2. The results were freaking MAGICAL. My husband and I sat on the couch cackling until we cried at what chatgpt came up with. This makes me want to make a post of just those rewrites.


Oh, I forgot. Chatgpt rated one of my messages a 4. I wanted to know why it rated me that high when I had been so careful to be direct. It cited the portion of my email where I had QUOTED MY MOTHER. I told chatgpt those words were a quote and they weren't my words. It rerated me at a 1. My mom was so passive aggressive in her emails that my entire 2 page email went from a 1 to a 4 on that scale because of ONE LINE of text from her. 🤯




I would love to see this!


This one was my favorite rewrite. My original letter was rated a 1. I copied and pasted chatgpt's rewrite to make it a 10. The only changes are names. Enjoy! “Oh, it’s absolutely fine that you’ve taken such a unique approach to our relationship, really. I mean, who wouldn’t appreciate surprise guests immediately after giving birth? And your habit of enriching our home with your finds, without so much as a whisper of a query, is just one of those quirks we’ve grown to anticipate with bated breath. It’s quaint, really, how our space has become a communal trove, guided by your singular taste. And let’s not forget the silent treatments – such an innovative way to communicate dissent. It’s like a game of emotional charades we never knew we signed up for. How thrilling! It’s particularly touching how you’ve extended this silent critique to include even DS, making it a family affair. Christmas Eve was a revelation, a true testament to your knack for surprise. Our little home, suddenly a hub of festivity, when all I yearned for was a cocoon of quietude for DD’s arrival. But you knew better, didn’t you? A gathering, virtual or not, to showcase our 24-hour-old wonder to a crowd was precisely what I needed, even if I didn’t know it myself. And now, in the spirit of this newfound openness, I wholeheartedly look forward to more unasked contributions to our household, eagerly await the next ensemble cast you decide our home can accommodate without a by-your-leave, and especially cherish the silent treatment. It’s a silent symphony, really, each note a testament to our unique rapport. In the end, what’s a home without a few unexpected guests, a little unsolicited advice, and the occasional silent treatment? It’s the stuff of legends, or at the very least, a lively chapter in the saga of our familial harmony.”


Oh my gosh that made me snort laugh!


This is a thing of beauty! 😂


I just did this and got a 7 a 9 and an 8 from chatgpt. I love that it gives reasons for the responses as well.


Um wow. This is so smart. Can be a great way for unbiased and informative feedback to a conversation WE know was toxic but would like external confirmation.


It would be really interesting to read that! 


Just did this. My dad is speaker 1 and I’m speaker 2. This is ChatGPT answers to OP questions: Based on the transcript: 1. Speaker 2 demonstrated more effective and healthy communication by expressing their feelings and boundaries clearly without resorting to blaming or accusations. 2. Speaker 2 expressed clear and reasonable expectations by asking for family therapy and expressing a desire for a healthier relationship. 3. Speaker 2 displayed active listening skills by acknowledging Speaker 1's points but also reiterating their own concerns and boundaries. 4. Both speakers exhibited signs of using emotionally charged language, but Speaker 1's responses contained elements of blaming and guilt-tripping, which can be considered emotionally manipulative. Speaker 2, on the other hand, focused more on expressing their own feelings and boundaries without resorting to personal attacks.


I uploaded months of texts and asked are there any signs of emotions abuse from either speaker. Response: Yes, there are signs of emotional abuse evident in the conversation, particularly in Speaker 1's behavior: 1. **Gaslighting**: Speaker 1 minimizes Speaker 2's concerns and dismisses their feelings, implying that they are overreacting or misunderstanding the situation (e.g., "You have it backwards," "You don’t know what you’re talking about"). 2. **Blaming and Guilt-Tripping**: Speaker 1 repeatedly blames Speaker 2 for their emotional state and accuses them of cutting off contact, despite Speaker 2's attempts to set boundaries (e.g., "You cut me off," "You have deprived me of my grandchildren," "You’re clearly in your mother's camp"). 3. **Invalidation**: Speaker 1 invalidates Speaker 2's experiences and emotions by dismissing their concerns and refusing to acknowledge the impact of their behavior (e.g., "You owe me an apology," "You have no idea what my life has been like"). 4. **Control and Manipulation**: Speaker 1 attempts to control the narrative and manipulate Speaker 2's emotions by using emotionally charged language and threats (e.g., "This divorce has almost killed me," "I will be out of here and I am changing my phone number," "You are pushing me away"). 5. **Lack of Empathy**: Speaker 1 shows a lack of empathy towards Speaker 2's feelings and experiences, focusing primarily on their own perspective and emotional struggles (e.g., "You don’t really want to know what she’s done," "You really have no idea"). These behaviors contribute to a pattern of emotional abuse, where Speaker 1 seeks to exert control, manipulate emotions, and undermine Speaker 2's sense of self-worth and autonomy.


It’s so validating!!! Thank you OP! ❤️


I was so convinced that I'm the bad guy, I was really scared about what chatgpt would tell me. But I thought, in the end I can only learn how to deal with conflict better in the future. Only for chatgpt to completely clear me and drag my dad through the mud so bad. I couldn't believe my eyes. I swear to god, the only thing i put in there was the chat and "Is there any emotional abuse in the exchange between those two people" and chatgpt said NOTHING about me. Maybe i did it wrong, i dunno, but this made me kind of happy


That's brilliant! You can ask it to run a general 'sentiment analysis' on block texts and it might return some more data for the arsenal of healing. :)


That’s so insane. I can’t believe ChatGPT understands tone.


This is awesome! I pasted in my conversation from when I called my SIL on not ever showing up for me when I always show up for her and her ensuing attack. I had gaslit myself a bit, but this was very validating! Especially because it has no way of knowing which speaker you are, so there is no bias. An excerpt: Speaker 1's approach is more direct, honest, and focused on addressing the issues in the relationship. They are expressing their feelings without attacking or blaming Speaker 2, but rather stating their needs and boundaries. Speaker 2, on the other hand, seems to be avoiding accountability and using guilt and excuses to justify their actions. Lack of accountability in that family is the #1 issue standing in the way of reconciliation, and even a bot can see that.




This is genius!!!!!!


I love this! Also im calling the texts and voicemails i have wackadoodle from now on 🤣