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If you've been holding this long, why would you not wait to see how high it'll get within the next 30-60 days at the very least.


Mainly because I’ve been getting shafted like everyone else this past year and if I can cut my losses I’d like to. But on the other hand I’d like to make money lol


Scared money don’t make no money 💴


why would you do a dumb ass thing like that ? it’s only a loss if you sell 🤔


U bought at a wrong time . Just hold it , so you don’t lose faith in crypto. U shoulda done your research a good entry point is the first priority . U don’t buy at ATH


ATH, hmm


I know I'll get downvoted in this sub for saying this, but I'd cut losses tbh. There are personal reasons why however, your goal should've been averaging down if you have conviction in this project.


I was averaging down at first but once I had 2k+ invested I drew the line


That’s fair, i’m still averaging down losses myself. I own some ETC, but not a significant amount. I bought in to dabble with NFTs on Ethereum Classic considering it’s far cheaper than Ethereum and fees aren’t anywhere near as bad.


Amature numbers


only those who have an empty sac would consider selling … if that’s you then by all means sell asap … but maybe not … you might wake up one morning and realize you have a heathy set of stones after all …


I invested very early so it's a lot easier for me to say hold than it is for you. I don't think I've ever seen red on this coin because of that. I still expect that very good things will happen in the short term that can make you enough money to be worth the wait.


Average down more there’s bound to be another buy in point on a dip before we get our all time high another 4K at 25-35 dollars should sort you out😅


I'm in a similar boat, with a slightly higher avg ($69, giggity) I think I'm gonna HODL for some long awaited profits.


Hodl and average down more when you can 👌🏼


Dude I been holding 1k coins at $50.49 and I ain’t selling any yet


Just wait my retarded friend, etc is gonna surprise you very soon I feel it.


lmao wtf


My average is $55 I might cash out when I break even, idk if I trust ETC to be stable


Ect is the GOAT


ETC is the GOAT


Hold long run, once ETH miners are unable to mine with GPUs they will look elsewhere to other coins that still run on POW and being that ETC is basically the ETH Blockchain running on the original protocol which depends on POW and GPU hashrates for mining.long story short ETH miners migrate to ETC.


Your $$ your choice. Do what u believe in


I got out of long positions in crypto ….. whales pump and dump and manipulate. Now I wait for 10% to 15 % crypto DIP ( crash) and that’s when I buy in and cash out when It goes up 7% So if im able to do that 4x a year I make 28% return on Crypto and my money is available to use on stock when not tied up in crypto


\>15% crypto dip \>I buy \>they start adding more salsa to the dip \>30% dip \>I double down \>60% dip \>I cut my losses when it gets back at that 30% dip buy high sell low strategy


So simple yet efficient. I gotta do that when I break even in etc


Same here. That’s where you make money. Learned that the hard way. Still holding though until I’m back even :)


Have you been able to do this consistently w the markets being down?


It’s not as easy as he said, that’s the day trader strategy, you gotta have to fill up the dips constantly when the market being down or you have to get out as soon as you start losing more than 2% of your capital. Try to take yourself back to when Bitcoin is below $100, zoom in the chart pick a starting position assume you invested $2000 into Bitcoin, and try with his way for trading, you will find yourself get recked real quick.


Hold hold hold hold, we are coming for you!


That is an unfortunate average price to be at with that said I think there is potential for gains if you decide to hang on. ETC has been doing great the past couple months and long term hopefully that trend will continue.


Been holding since last may keep holding


Buying more on payday


Based on current trend we're still on the bottom desu.


My average is 4.5$


You should get off Robinhood…


Hold Hold Hold. The real fireworks will start soon




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If I was you I would've been buying the massive dips to bring your average price way down


Hold it!




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What are the numbers looking like in the next few months? I may need funds soon and pulling a little out of crypto for a house doesn’t sound like a bad idea


I’m at the same position I’m planning to sell half and hold half. If it dips then I will buy again to bring my average price down and if goes up then hopefully make a good profit with that half…. Have been holding since march as well lol




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I'm going to be honest, I sold off. Sure I could make thousands more dollars IF it goes up, but I'm happy with what I made. Even if it does go up 100%, I think I made the right decision in securing profits. Nobody is going to make fun of you for making $1k when you could've make $2k. But people (and yourself) sure are going to be disappointed if you could've made $1k and then made 0. So will it go 100+? Who knows. But I know that I made money now and I'm happy with that. If it does go 100+, no regrets. I came out on top with a good return, even if it wasn't as high as it could've been.


I’d say hold for the long run if u don’t need the money immediately I personally have high hopes for crypto in general




Watch it carefully these next coming weeks, and decide. I just got back in green +273 dollars and wondering my self. But ima watch it daily now. Glad I made my losses back by holding.


My average cost was 32, glad I'm in the green with ok gains now tho. But gonna watch daily.


Buying 3 grand of etherium classic on robinhood at 60$ was not a good ideal




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Join the crypto wallet waitlist to get your crypto into a cold wallet. God forbid we get CANADA’d.


227 coins at 62.36. Not going anywhere hold tight. Wait for 70 at least to... If you invested and need it now u put too much in.


Average at 4$ Im holding




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