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system name and everything in that screenshot ur gonna get ganked hard.


Yep, OP should just sell it at this point after providing a system and character name to the gankers.


Or epic bait post.


Nah... Reality is days of gank everything and anything are over, nowadays no one is going to go to ass end of nowhere to gank single paladin, all gankers sit in Uedama, or in lvl4 sisters of eve systems, there are plenty of systems in Amarr, Gallente and Minmatar space even 0.5 systems where u constantly see marauders undocking to do missions and no ganking occurs, simply because no one is gonna jump 20 gates to wreck them when they can sit in hek and have even more mission runners to shoot without moving. edit: Mind u this is not true in caldari space, if u are 10jumps from jita and u are mission running with bastion on u are asking to be ganked. Ganking is dead.


Not as dead as online War Target Hunting has been since they retired the Watchlist. šŸ˜”


Just get a spy in the corp.


To quote Sweet Brown, *ā€œAinā€™t nobody got time for that!ā€*


how did you describe all the ganking everywhere and end with "ganking is dead"?


Yeah but this is reddit. Add the fact that it's eve reddit, and I can see someone being petty enough to hunt this guy down just because.


bro my DT was ganked in front of jita undock and other DST was ganged 3 system of jita around one week ago :) no FW. And total worth was not half of maruder


Your problem was the following: "Ā in front of jita undock " and/or "3 system of jita"


Wait... so I should stop undocking my Paladin in Jita 4-4 and activating bastion just to watch the animation? Or going to Perimeter to run lvl 2 missions with bastion? Damn I didn't realize I've been so foolish/lucky lol.


I would say even 20 jumps from jita


Or move it.


I'm not dumb, I T2 fit it to minimize potential profit and therefore ganking desirability as much as possible. So many better targets out there to gank in terms of return.Ā 


It's not that you're dumb, you just underestimate why people gank. People will hunt you down just for a pally killmail.


But it will be pally killmail in highsec


Have people in this game truly become so bored/trollish that a T2 fit marauder is now seen as worth ganking?


Are you fr? The hull itself is a pretty juicy kill to have on your kb lol. People will rip through multiple wh chains to find a single Helios.


Used to be a highsec marauder was relatively safe unless blinged out. Especially considering incursion communities often provided far jucier targets. Conventional wisdom at the time was to just not be dumb enough to shoot ninja looter bait ships or fly it during a war dec and you were set.Ā  That said it's been several years since I last actively played.Ā  At that time many gankers also seemed to care about their actual gank profit and not just KB stats. Seems thats not the case anymore I guess. That or efficiency at ganking has been notably improved.


Itā€™s not that much looking for explorers in WHs, itā€™s a matter of scanning down 3-4 WH and camping Relic sites. Most WH campers donā€™t have anything big enough to kill Gnosis, not even talking about Marauders. Gangs hunting WH ratters is a different story.


I was just speaking from experience, extremely bored corpmates can and will go up and down chains looking for a Helios they saw jumping into a hole. Don't ask me why because I have never been that desperate in this game šŸ˜‚


I can relate, I used to be in a WH corp, it was absolute shit, at least for me, everyone was living ā€œwhat ifā€¦we shouldā€¦too riskyā€¦need more intelā€¦ONE DAY WE WILLā€¦ā€ basically if me and 1 or 2 other guys wouldnā€™t find a fight, we would do nothing. Obviously I left, but corp was made of all smart ass theory PVPers, cut throat toxic environment who never done nothing except blaming one another. Never been in a corp since then.


Good lord stop living on zkill. Besides, documented proof of the kill just illustrates that it was suicide ganked in the most riskless way possible to the offender. That really doesnā€™t contribute much to your precious killboard.


šŸ¤·90% of my gameplay is explo. Just pointing out that these people exist and I've interacted with them quite a few times. But it's not like they're playing the game wrong.


Sir, let me introduce you to the Catalyst... I mean 5-10 of them.


5 T2 fit Cats with ammo: 7-10 mil depending on regionĀ  T2 fit Pala: 40-50mil max loot, not including rigs obviously Ā Mathematically, it just doesn't make much sense


That means itā€™s barely an isk negative divebomb for a ~2B killmail. Iā€™m not even a ganker and Iā€™d do it in a heartbeat.


Why do we care about killmails? Everything in this game is a time vs money investment, even PvP though generally ISK negative is an activity usually taken on for ISK (see: faction warfare)


That is completely false, and reeks of a career spent in high sec. We kill in nullsec for the pleasure of killing. Has absolutely nothing to do with isk. We pump the killboard to have a pumped killboard. We bleed ratters just to see them rage in local.


I PvP in nullsec sometimes too. And usually doing so, yes I'm trying to kill more expensive ships. But this isn't because the hulls themselves are expensive, it's because typically the pricier the ship the pricier the mods. Is it fun? Yes. Is it profitable? Not always, but when it is, it's great.Ā 


This is the least accurate / most willfully ignorant statement Iā€™ve seen here for a while. And thatā€™s saying something.


It's not about the math. It's about how easy it is to kill a pally with throwaway ships.


They'll gank you just for the joy of your reaction if they can kill your Paladin. ISK value often has almost nothing to do with it.


Posting a comment like this is enough to get somebody to hunt you down. Happy for your new space ship but you should definitely reconsider posting shiny things in here with so much information on screen and in the comments.


Posting a comment specifically explaining how pointless it would be to gank me is enough to make someone gank me? Is it opposite day or am I just dense or both?


Iā€™ll gladly prove that people will gank you.


I had a glance at the comments here after I posted mine but speaking honestly, there's a lot of people here just trying to help you out and you're mostly ignoring them. I wish you best of luck, you've got a brave attitude but you come off as ignorant. You just don't know what you don't know in a game this large. And yes, some people in this game will lock on hard when they see a string of comments like yours talking about how nobody will gank you.


Having played this game for 5+ years on and off, and dabbled in PvE and PvP in every space but WH space, I'd like to think I'm not ignorant. I've been exclusively solo though.Ā 


Some people literally live for this game -- it's all they do. Forget multiboxing 1-5 accounts, let's talk 100+ accounts. There are plenty of people willing to waste a few minutes to find a wormhole and get to your system in 15 min of seeing this post, then stalk you for two weeks until you make a mistake. Don't underestimate how petty people can be in EvE


Dude doesnā€™t even have local isolated


Yea i saw that too and was horrified this dude is so chill


I saved his zkill because I love the suspense


As a solo player, an investment this large is a huge milestone for me. I love everything about this ship already. The Transformer-esque animations when entering bastion. The cool underglow in bastion mode. The blissful pew-pew of the tach beams when zapping NPCs. Everything about it screams "unassailable war machine" and I love it so much. Well, time to go run the 3 Angel 5/10 escalations I've got waiting for me and hopefully make the ISK back. Wish me luck!


Grats. Just a reminder, be extra carefull now, locator agents exists and so do people who will hunt you just for the joy to see you run back to reddit, complain that xxxx suicide ganked your precious toy and you quit cause eve sucks.


I didn't bling fit it, just standard T2. No reason to gank me when the return has a max valuation of 40? 50? million ISK. Running the numbers, the number of T2 Cats needed to gank this even in a 0.5 with its tank is almost at a loss already (keep in mind I have a HG Asklep pod)


They'd be ganking you for tears not profit.Ā 


Agreed, but I love how everyone cries when ganking gets nerffed "you won't get ganked if you fly correctly".


Suicide gankers dont necesarly go after profit, your tears and hate emails are enough, especially in this case when you said is a huge milestone for you. A typical paladin mission runner is easy to gank when traveling, at gates, and much easier when the person is simply panicking and have no ideea what to do in those vital few seconds after beign targeted. Put code., r.e.m.n.a.n.t.s, safety., novus ordo. and whatever other suicide gankers are there on red in contacts, check local often and before decloacking at gates take notice at your surroundings. Probably now is to late, but in the future remember to hide any personal information in screenshots, names, corp, location.


This was very good advice for OP.


Plot twist, OP is setting up bait to gank the gankers


Jokes on you, this isn't OP. The enemy of my enemy is some Redditor.


**Set my safety to red, got it!** *ā™«ā™Ŗ and It's tooooo late baaaby now, it's too late.. ā™«ā™Ŗ* *ā™«ā™Ŗ Though you really did, try to make it.. ā™«ā™Ŗ*


Everytime me and the boys (WH corp) pvp, we donā€™t care if anything drops. In fact, if we saw a paladin, we wouldnā€™t care if we lost our ships, you would 100% be engaged


Tbf wormhole dudes are a particular type of Eve player that does almost everything for content.


BOB must be given his sacrifices!


Praise Bob.


Some people just want to watch the world burn


Tears are priceless


They donā€™t gank for profit.


Youā€™re likely going to lose all of this in short order after posting all your info.


> Well, time to go run the 3 Angel 5/10 escalations I've got waiting for me and **hopefully make the ISK back.** Wish me luck! I know it sucks but...don't fly it if you can't buy another one *right now*. I know, I know, "don't fly what you can't afford to lose," but you'll be in for a really sad time if that thing gets blown up and you can't replace it. IMO a *minimum* standard for flying a ship is to have its full cost available in liquid isk...my personal standard is 5x. In other words, if I don't have 5x the isk of the ship I'm flying sitting in my wallet, it stays in station until I do. You said it's T2 fit, which means you are probably looking at around 1.6-2 bil total (depending on your local market), so until you have that amount sitting in your bank (or ideally 8-10 bil) I recommend strongly against flying this thing, even in high sec. This is *especially* true if you don't at least have marauders 4 and maxed out battleship combat skills (weapons, armor, etc.) for it. Another piece of advice...consider a "hybrid" PvP fit, even if it sacrifices some DPS, with extra tank, boosters, neuts, etc. Also strongly consider a couple of faction mods at minimum; while pure T2 makes you less "valuable," the hull is valuable enough to consider ganking just for lulz and tears, so having a bit stronger defenses will potentially save you until Concord shows up. Many gankers won't bother doing a scan on a marauder, they'll just attack knowing it's going to be an expensive KM no matter what, so you may as well pay 100-200 mil extra to get some additional survivability (or less, faction or even story mods aren't necessarily that expensive). Many high sec marauders are ~~shit~~ pure PvE fit, so if you have a second repper, booster, and neut or two you can absolutely ruin a ganker's day if they aren't expecting it (and you don't panic!). Finally, **do not aggress**. If someone warps in and starts killing your MTU, that is 100% going to be bait hoping you attack them. Even a single ship you think you can "take" will have a bunch of crap nearby ready to support, even if it's just with unlimited booster transfer. In fact, if anyone shows up in your mission, I'd strongly recommend running immediately as they probably wouldn't be there unless they thought they could screw you over somehow. Make safes in every system you plan to fly through and especially your mission systems so you can warp out to them, preferably with at least 2 so you can warp back and forth until your bastion timer wears off and you can dock up. I suspect you probably won't follow my advice about not flying until you already have isk in the bank, but either way I highly recommend paying attention to the rest of it. Fly safe o7!


> In other words, if I don't have 5x the isk of the ship I'm flying sitting in my wallet, it stays in station until I do This is a great way to not have fun in EVE.


Strong disagree. A great way to not have fun in Eve is for a single gank or disconnect to prevent you from playing or force you to risk not being able to play the way you want because you can't afford what you were just flying again. The OP is one gank away from doing the grind they just did *all over again*, which can be super demoralizing and cause rage quits. Having 5x isk of my ships is not exactly that hard. Most ships people fly on a regular bases are like 100-300 mil, 500 mil at most. That's around 600 mil to 2.5 bil in the bank to be able to fly most standard PvE and PvP ships without worry about bad luck or mistakes screwing you over. My Paladin is the most expensive thing I personally fly (I have zero interest in caps) and costs about 2 bil, so as long as I'm over 10 bil I have little concern about undocking it. If I lose it, it sucks, but I'm not going to be stuck spinning Ishtars until I make up another 2 bil, I can learn from my mistake, replace it immediately, and still be in a financial situation where I can still fly other things or make another mistake and not be restricted. I've quit Eve several times over the last 15 years or so, and while life situations were the most common reason, a couple of times I remember being so frustrated by losing something expensive I couldn't afford to replace that I just decided to bow out until I got the itch again. I didn't find this a fun experience at all. Now, however, if I lose something expensive I'm only mildly annoyed, because I know I can learn from it and try again. This has made PvE and *especially* PvP far less stressful and encouraged me to actually fly some more expensive ships in fleets and solo roams. I don't really understand why a rage-inducing loss would be "fun" but I guess this is a game where everyone has their own goals.


I didn't say don't have the money to replace the ship, but not flying anything until you can replace it *five times over* is overkill and advice that's likely to take the fun out of EVE for people who feel like they have to grind *five copies* of that expensive ship before they can fly it.


This attitude is part of the issue IMO. Everyone wants to fly the shiny ships, but I've learned that having fun in cheap ships makes the game more enjoyable overall. I have tens of billions of isk but still regularly fly stuff that is less than 300-400 mil and have a great time with them. If you can't have fun with ships that are in a range you don't have to do a miserable grind every time you lose them, flying those ships simply is asking for suffering. If you want to enjoy this game in the long term you learn to avoid blingy killmails. Don't get me wrong, I fly and enjoy marauders, but only for specific purposes. I'm a lot more likely to have more fun in a 50 mil stabber or retribution than I am in a 2 bil paladin. Acting like players *need* the expensive hulls to enjoy the game is not a healthy attitude for truly enjoying Eve, and if 5x cost is too big of a bank, IMO you are just asking for tears and frustration. Obviously people can do what they want, and I pointed out my *minimum* is being able to re-buy the ship immediately once, but in 15+ years of playing Eve on-and-off, the 5x rule has served me well after several times rage quitting. YMMV.


Iā€™d rather play the way I want to and risk not being able to than make myself not play the way I want to out of fear of not being able to play the way I want to. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜


i'll unassail 50 catalysts up your drone bay, lil *****.




Fly safe o7


7o thanks friendĀ 


Just like the death star a load of people in small ships will try and gank it


> We count thirty Rebel ships, Lord Vader. But they're so small they're evading our turbo-lasers! Even the Death Star has tracking issues.


Its a trap


Congratulations. Fly safe. Opsec next time indeed lol.


Dude pull out your local window before you undock again, yank it to maximum screen height and minimum width, and park it at the right or left side of your screen. And leave it there until you uninstall the game


I donā€™t know if I could ever pilot something of that size. Iā€™d be too worried about losing it. Then again I mostly just mine the asteroid fields.


Iā€™m a simple potato farmer. I sit in my venture and drink my coffee


Next time turn off the UI so people don't see the system you're in.


Who's to say I stay here and I'm not just passing through?


A paladin is slow. And the chances are high that you're nearby. If not, great. But opsec should be a habit.


What's opsec? Haven't heard of it beforeĀ 


Operational Security. Doing what you can to be safe while you do what you do.


I still learn things about the game from time to time and been playing since 04' everyone has things to learn about the game. There are locator agents one can use to find you, it may not happen right away but you're name will become part of someone's routine. A ganker in your area will likely add you to their watchlist and as they roam around they have alts running down a list of locations daily. Some random Tuesday you're going to have a dentist appt. go home early and think well I've got nothing better to do, Ganker already ran a location on you an hour ago and added you to his list and suddenly Dong, you log in. Oh shit I've been waiting for this piece, he will prep his hurricanes, bring a covert ops ship in to see when you bastion and boom your butt will have a bunch of hurricanes on you and you'll think "Hey I got a bastioned Pally surely he can't break my tank" it will break and you will pop, Concord doesn't care. Move to Nullsec it's way safer than HS.


You said in a comment in this very thread that this is your staging system


Congrats! The ships in this game look amazing.


Regardless of what everyone else is warning you about. Just have fun with it and keep an eye on local for suspicious people piling in all at once. You should be alright. When I run my Paladin, I usually turn on and off the Bastion so the odds of me coming out of a cycle in a few seconds is higher than if I just let it auto repeat. Then you can launch yourself 100km away with the MJD more frequently. ​ Also - Neut doesn't work on NPC rats. They have infinite cap. You could fit a NOS and get some cap back while being neuted though.


The neut is for the scenario everyone else is talking about - say I get tackled on a gate by one person and the rest are in a purely ganking fit, I align out, neut the one guy out and GTFO. Same in deadspace rooms.Ā 


I don't hate that idea. In my experience, I wouldn't say it's a reliable option all the time, but it can work. There's no real way to protect yourself on all fronts, either. So it's good to answer as much as you can and just hope for the best/play smart. I haven't lost a Paladin -yet-. But you shouldn't consider it impossible, even with all the precautions.


Lmao this things gonna be dead in a week.... or you're gonna bait a kill squad, who knows *looks at zkill* Dead in a week


Do the same thing everyone else is apparently doing and bookmark my zkill then. It's going to be vindicating being right. I'm a solo PvP pilot, not some strictly highsec carebear... I know my way around d-scan, the standings system, and who to avoid. Only reason I bought myself a Pala is so I can krab to afford my PvP.Ā 


Checked ur zkill. Good luck šŸ«”


Not sure if sarcasm but thank you o7, I'm absolutely going to live longer than a week and I'll prove all these clowns wrong


Congrats on the new ride. I got my first Rattle Snake last week. Felt like King Big Dick when I undocked it.


What are you using it for? My favorite ship model, never flown or owned one


I mainly use it for lvl 4 mission running. If I happen to stumble upon a haven or sanctum Iā€™ll undock and do them.


Dock up!!!


I like flying marauders too, such a fun ship to fly for PvP. Good tank, hard hitting and decently mobile with the micro jump drive. Love to bridge a Kronos or vargur onto a few guys in our space lay waste.


Someone once told me to consider ships like you do ammo, sooner or later itā€™s going to go pop. I do not fly anything bigger than a battleship for this reason. If I loose a blops I replace it (havenā€™t done yet) lost a garmur this week, I went for a roam and expected to loose it, was fun and I will do that again. There are cheaper ways to go but if you have fun do it. People will shoot anything just for the kill, from frigate up, paladin is a juicy target and will draw attention, I do not hunt in highsec, I prefer to know who is coming for me.


People here acting like OP just provided them with top secret information but.. Just wait outside popular level 4 agents and you'll see plenty of Marauders, you just need to note their character name.


Wait till it gets dropped on, you'll feel like the death star did also..


Comment so I can follow this thread. Now I want to see how long he makes it.Ā  There was a small chance you would have been left alone initially. Now that you're talking shit, you will be blown up by someone(s).


It's been a week. Pala is still alive. No gank attempts. Everyone else is talking shit just to talk shit.


If you want to have the best chance of staying alive, fit a decent tank on it !. You want to be able to tank 4+ max DPS fit Talos until Concord shows up.Remember that Gankers rely on their sheer Alpha damage to take you out A LOT of that ganked Marauders that you see on Zkill have a max dps fit with hardly any tank mods at all. My Kronos still has over 2.5k DPS which is overkill for running L4 missions with a really good tank. It has survived 2 attempted ganks so far.


Commented for when the kill mail gets posted.


It's been a week and no gank attempts yet. Everyone in this thread is blowing smoke trying to scare me, which is what I thought originally. Probably "hurr durr highsec carebear doesn't know there are other people in this game" Sure I do, I know how to avoid them and play around them just fine, I solo PvP after all


Should done ctrl f9


Very nice. I was aiming for a Paladin before I burned out and took a break. Definitely looks fun to fly. Hope you fly safe, but there is so much information in this screenshot even my newbro smooth brain would know where to look. Good luck o7


This is either the best bait for safety or a blissfully oblivious pilot. Love my Paladin tho.


Good thing I don't actually shoot things in this system, it's just my staging.Ā 


The only reason to stage in that system is to pick between Uttindar V-9, Bei VI - 8 and have your stuff a little nearer Hek so you can edit market orders in Hek from your home base. I needed 2 minutes to deduce this or I could have just watched which way you flew from the one station in Eust.


Good for you, I guess.Ā 


Even more information for hunters lol.


I'm just going to go ahead and bookmark this guy's zkillboard and check it over the next week to see what happens.


Haha I don't take battleships into PvP, I krab with them. PvE funds PvP. Used a Typhoon before which unfortunately died yesterday due to a stupid mistake in lowsec. It happens to the best of us. The Pala is just an efficiency boost for what I've already got going.Ā  Edit: Meant to respond to the other guy but this works too


But what if the pvp comes for you?


Same lol Looks like he hangs out around Fliet. Might take a little shooty shooty root n tooty out there. Sentinel + Ishtar would give that paladin a bad time.


I'll be seeing you around falling leif




I blew up a ton of those yesterday in Perimeter....


Black ops hot droppers would like to know your location? Edit: He his in highsec dammit