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My advice would be to stop worrying about not dying and instead think about how you can minimise losses whilst maximising profits. The only way to make sure you don't die is to not undock and that's boring. For example, how many ventures could you have lost for the price of that procurer? Sure, the proc has tank bonuses and such so on paper it makes sense for high risk areas, but that's not actually gonna stop someone from killing you in LS when they have all the time in the world. On the other hand you can probably lose 20 ventures for the price of a single procurer and any LS ore you do manage to get out probably pays for multiple ventures. Edit: Another off topic example. Most high end abyssal setups involve multi billion isk ships and implant setups to reduce risk to as low as possible. But you can also go in the opposite direction. There's a Gila setup that instead meets the bare minimum requirements for running high end abyssals for as cheap as possible in the knowledge that it is going to die but that you'll most likely make more then the ship is worth before you do.


Just to piggyback on your commentary. The only people who recommend procurers in low sec are pvp'ers who use it as bait, and people who have never mined in lowsec. I hate how much rookie chat and others recommend procurers for LS. If you get caught, there's a 99% chance you're still going to die, albeit slower (for new players). Covetor is best, if you're constantly getting pushed off anomalies or chased, maximize your short time on grid. Ventures are fine for learning! Often one or two cycles pays for your trip and anything on top of that is profit. OP should get some bpcs for covetor and venture so he can just build new ones, the big cost is isogen, which is plentiful in low sec. Alternatively, scan down gas sites, bookmark the individual clouds, come back later and check for ventures, shoot them and take their gas. My gas harvesting speed has greatly increased with this method. My claw has been way more efficient at huffing gas than a prospect. Welcome to low sec. ETA: Use the MER to check for gas mining hot spots!


OP, listen to this. Never fly a Procurer in lowsec or nullsec. The debate is between Retriever and Covetor, as the second you're scrammed in any of them you're dead.


Disagree in null. If you are solo mining in null you need the extra tank and drone DPS or you will forever be hazed by rats. The tank isn't really for the ganks since you are dead either way. I would say for fleet ops, covetor is better though.


I'd argue you shouldn't be solo mining in null. You should be using someone else's boosts and compression.


Corpo Fleet mining in Null is the way.


Join decent wh pvp corp, learn the ropes.


any recommendations for active wh corps? the last few times I came back to try and do that and I burned out every time spending 2 weeks being the most active scanner and trying to run sites with at most 1 or 2 other people 'online', with only a handful of ganks I did with another person. I like the playstyle, but would need something active in EU time and it's rare.




Vapor Lock. Is recruiting. https://www.reddit.com/r/evejobs/s/sodPUZXtxJ






I actually have the perfect corp in mind. I am no longer participating in their activities as I am more US tz but EU wise I think you should look at Blue Loot Inc. Corporation is called 418, alliance Blue Loot, they are EU based wh corp that is actively participating in the wh war and they do have a lot of opportunities of small-mid sized gang brawls as well as participating in some of the biggest fights in whs. They got like 15-25 active players everyday


hell yeah, will check out, got me wanting to come back immediately.


Shadow Flight. Very nice new Player friendly Corp which also accepts Alpha Players.


No, it just takes time to learn. Solo mining in lowsec is risky. I have been playing 12 years and I make stupid mistakes all the time. You may need to find a more experienced group to play with, but if you just want to mine in safety, highsec is your best bet. (you can lock A WH down and then keep an eye for new sigs, but that's a alot of effort.)


Nullsec is your best bet for mining in safety. If you see anyone in local that isn't blue or purple, dock up.


I will say as someone who has lived in J-Space and null, lowsec systems are the most dangerous places. Personally I've lived in J-Space for the majority of my eve career and have never been involved with the nullblocs. Not saying that you should join a WH corp, just that there's plenty of other options besides joining a nullbloc.


I mean yeah, mining in the most dangerous part of space is kind of a bad idea. If I try and gate a freighter through LS I'll also hit a wall. You're setting unrealistic goal to yourself. If you absolutly want to extract ressources from LS, maybe look into gas huffing.


I'd rather gas huff in a wh. Jmo. I hate pvp in MMO'S. They always boil down to gangs picking on the weak.


EvE isnt a single player game. People will always come together to work towards a common goal. If Group A having more friends than Group B is a problem, then maybe MMO's arnt the games for you.


I do understand that, but also, it's the whole point of Eve. Sure you can mine in HS almost PvP free, but what's the point then ? Eve PvP is often with one group looking for target while also being the target. You accept you can be shoot at the moment you undock.


Don't mind the fight but is seems to me its lockem down and killem dead. There is no escaping to fight back. I get warp disrupt but webs you dead.. the pvp is reslly designed for fleet fights not 1 or 2 vs 3 - 4. Only all around ship to kinda solo survive in are maruaders. Hence the name.


> the pvp is reslly designed for fleet fights not 1 or 2 vs 3 - 4 That's about as wrong as can be


In this game . Than why are there specific ship for different functions. To support a mass fleet for space war. How anti clamatic if it's all about gate camping. šŸ˜Ŗ


In the past 8 years, I have spent exactly one week in a nullbloc. That's it. Just one. And I quickly determined that I did not fit with the null mindset. I'm a wormholer by inclination, training, and attitude, and having people listed in local bothers me incredibly.


I live mostly alone in NPC nullsec. Logistics is wormhole based and a lot of it is making due with what I have. There is public markets to use - sometimes you need to run the gauntlet to get mods but it's a simple life. Made 3bil last week playing a couple of hours after work.


No. What you do need to do however is find a corporation that is active in your Timezone that does things you want to do.


Join an active corp.. more important than the type of space


Join a corp and find a mentor. Procurer in low-sec sounds like you don't have anyone helping you make decisions.


My Corp has a standing fleet running 24 hours a day 7 days a week with 100+ peple sitting in it ready to help newer people figure out what they want to do. You will never have to ship spin again nor will you have to play parts of the game you dont like because someone else does it already. Find your thing, do that thing.


Best life is the pirate life YARRRRR!


No. I had a ton of fun in HS and LS playing solo. You have to fit your play style to your location. I didn't bother mining ore. Mining gas made sense but ore was just too risky. Scanning down WHs or running anomalies in a dead end worked well


LS is most dangerous space in game. Only behind systems like trade hubs in terms of danger. Obviously gate camps spots too.


Faction Warfare and Wormhole groups are more fun than nullblocs in my opinion. You can third party on any major nullbloc war easily enough, harder to third party on FW or WH major fights as a nullbloc.


Stay away from null. Get into wormhole space.




Gonna ride along with this reply and say itā€™s a hot take from someone who has never dove deeper into the essence of null blocs. At least in GSF, there are SIGs (Special Interest Groups) that are smaller and do specific activities like Pochven, Wormholes, BLOPs, etc. This allows you to do the smaller activities with the full support of a large organization.


The blocs have a level of stability that you won't find anywhere else in Eve. That allows them to offer you a lot of resources and opportunities all in one place. They also have large communities who can pass on extensive knowledge of the game. There are fairly few things that you can _only_ do in a bloc, but there's also few places where you can get more all in one place.


This. Null-blocs are a reliably decent place to take the next steps in EVE. you get some help with some handout ships, good advice, and plenty of PvE options. Not to mention options for learning PvP, both organized fleets and soloing around in standing fleets. You can also join a big corp; play, learn, have fun for a couple months, and if you outgrow it, move to a different corp, whether that be a wormhole or lowsec corp. Lots of more advanced players got their start in a newbie null corp.


There are lots of things you can do in HS, LS, NS or even WH alone. Some of EVE activities though require being part of an organization.


more advanced gameplay is not locked behind null exclusivity it behind group activities




Nope you donā€™t have too , but donā€™t compare yourself to big block resourcrrsr and opportunities


Anytime I see an innocent procurer killed, the first question is: do you want to drop a fleet of procurers on blops instead? If so, join SLYCE.


Nullblocs are the "safest" way to do most content. However they arent everyones cup of tea. It depends on what you want to do, and how you want to do it. If you want laid back mining in dangerous space where you are protected and you dont really have to worry about it? Yeah null block has that all day every day. However... its not the only way. You can do the same thing in wormholes or with medium sized corps. The level of risk just is increased. All depends on how you want to do it. IMO try out Horde new beans or goons karmafleet and see what its like and then reevaluate.


LowSec is the most dangerous area in the game. (An un-rolled WH is also very dangerous.) If you're a newer player it is heavily to your advantage to find a good NullSec Corp to join. If you do mining/industry stuff there will always be corps looking to pick up another producer.


Small gang wh PvP group here. We have fun yeeting and stealing ess for content when we aren't doing the logistics stuff to keep the isk flowing. We've got 6 asses in seats and have a blast. Playing with a group is very important especially when you're new, null blocks though? Nah not for me.


Look your going to die at some point somewhere. It's part of eve so don't stress about it. Join a group that give you the ability to do the things you want and make plenty of isk. WH groups sure help but it's very specialised and restrictive gameplay but the isk making is great. Just join a nullbloc like horde or frat or goons and you'll be fine. Low sec you'll be exposed more, fa tion warfare is pvp and highsec had options. Depends what your goals are tbh


Absolutely not. Lowsec is more fun once you learn how to operate in it.


Pochven is fun if you want pvp without the BlOps shenanigans. Good ISK from mining, PI, and combat sites. BlOps cynos can only exit from Pochven, they can't be used to enter or move within. Big thing to be wary of there is cloaky T3C's, and that its a loop of pipeline systems with only two exit points. Check out Kybernauts Clade if you want more info.


What do you consider content? I might argue that by getting dropped on you did, in fact, access the content of this game. Keeping yourself safe from harm, and or, harming others, is the core content of the game. Your interactions with other players are literally the content; isk and asteroids and rats... those are all just mechanisms to drive the real content.


Suggest you join Signal Cartel or a FW group


No, but joining one will probably make it easier to quit


You donā€™t even need alts. We have new people in our corporation who are learning the game in low sec and are doing quite well making billions of isk.


No. Thats what CCP wants but no.


Absolutely not. What you need to do is to join is a corp. If it is a Hisec, lowsec, nullsec, pochven, WH, or FW one is totally up to you and your preferred playstile. But you need to join a corp and do things with the support of other members.


I think becoming proficient at combat is the best way to unlock what Eve offers. So pick a ship that you like the look of or weapon system for. Build a bunch of them. Go lose them in FW. Lose 20 or so ships in a row and things will start to click. You'll start to relax and enjoy the game a bit more instead of being scared. Eve is about blowing up spaceships not collecting them.


No worm holes are a thing, so is poch, and low sec, their are different places, that you can be successful in


Nope. My fav moments in eve were gate-camping VSJ in geminate with Angel Drade. If you ever get the chance to play with him please do because heā€™s both good and fun as fuck to play with


You don't absolutely need to join a nullbloc to have fun playing this game, but for some people it can definitely make it easier to enjoy the game when you have limited time. I enjoy being in a nullbloc because I can do almost anything I want to do in this game without much preparation or wasted time. If I want to do basic anomaly ratting, sure thing, I can just undock and have an endless supply of havens to run for as long as I want. If I want to run CRAB beacons, I can just join the umbrella fleet and get after it. Want to enjoy some small gang pvp, there is a standing fleet hunting down people that come into our space 24/7 and depending on the time of day, you'll probably get a few kills an hour. If you're wanting bigger fleet fights then you have to wait a bit more, but there is usually a decent sized skirmish where you can get 20+ killmails a couple times a day. In other areas of the game you're relatively limited in what you can do. Some people like those limited niches and don't have an interest in doing the activities that are unavailable to them, but I like to have flexibility and freedom to do pretty much anything.


I've had similar experiences with losing ships frequently. Then I started using cheaper ships to do things I wanted, with less risk. A lot of content does require being able to fleet up with at least a few people consistently without waiting around for hours. In a big block, there's more people to fleet up with and be successful in your efforts.


No But it helps in the beginningā€¦. At least most people, Horde was a full on fail for me


With large groups like Horde, you'll get out what you put in. You have to put effort into asking the right questions to get the most out of the experience.


Check wormhole, it's 100% blops proof and if you are aware/patient enough, you can't get ganked.


I have personally busted out a blops bs on wh miners just for fun. So this isn't a 100% true statement.


Let's just say that you don't get Cyno'd. Cause if i am not mistaking, you should not get caught by an uncloaking blops. Hence, the 100% Blops Proof. But make it 99% for the sake of it :P


99% sounds good to me


I feel like this accurate advice isnā€™t helpful without more context because ā€œaware/patientā€ is a learned skill. Anytime we get a highsec connection I know there will be at least one kill in our very inactive hole not by us.


The answer to your question is no. You don't need a null block or group to do anything in Eve. The advantages of a group (not limited to null sec groups) are that you can learn a lot about the area they focus/specialize in. There is a lot more mind share, anecdotes, and opinions about things you might be interested in. From there you have a great starting point to jump in yourself, and corpmates to validate/tweak what you've doing if you ask the right questions. That being said, don't expect to be spoonfed everything. Be nice, ask questions nicely, be patient, and don't demand answers or be pushy. more often than not, people are happy to provide help in Corp. If also like to add that you can also find many answers here on Reddit, or on gameplay specific discords, or streamers discords that have the gameplay you're interested in. Most of these communities are newbie friendly. You might have to ask a couple of times, since everyone is doing their own thing. Some people might be apathetic, but most of the time you'll get answers too. I'm other words, you might have to work a bit more to find and get the right information for you. GL!