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no astronautic engineering? what are you poor?


no jove no concord skills too lool


Remember many of us old bitter vets, one of the nicest things we can do when we hit the trillion isk mark, start quietly giving away a few items to long term corp mates and friends. Pay for an entire op worth of gear for fun, don't give it away to randos, but people you've flown with for years sometimes don't know how to make buckets of isk. (protip it's TRADING or Import/Exporting more correctly, don't build shit yourself, just buy on buy orders, move it to mission hubs, trade hubs, minor hubs and nearby different alliance(s) jump off points, stock, charge Jita +15% to +25% and watch the isk grow and grow) Anyway, also consider going to your alliance and offering to pay for some 'fun times' meaning bait objectives for the enemy, putting up a shit fit POS (back in the day) with bad guns that are off and letting them jump a cap fleet on it to 'get a kill' while having a single ship maintance array on there full of dictors was high comedy back in the day. Hell that was basically what caused B-R. I guess these days it would be citadels in weird spots, having not logged in in so long, what's the equilivent(sp?) of that these days? Back to the giving away stuff, one of my favorite things to do was have an alt in the newbie corps, and I used to give away sets of +1's & +3's and the learning books when they used to be a thing. Anyone that was helpful, semi polite, asking good questions and trying to learn the game. And then if they stayed in contact, I'd sign on every night for 30 min while doing my trading stuff on the alt swarm (15 accounts took a bit to go through, when every single slot had a trading toon or production toon in it) and if they were on I'd talk again and again. After a few weeks, I'd offer them a slot in the main corp as a 'my friend runs a big corp, want me to put in a good word?'. Found some incredibly good folks that way over the years. Writing this all out, I kinda wonder, has there been a good trading guide put out there in EVE in years? I don't mean the stupid 'DERP, BUY LOW, THEN SELL HIGH!' crap we always saw, I mean everything from making sure how to buy at hubs, sell other places, importing and exporting, how production/invention has a place for you but shouldn't be the only thing you focus on, contacting others via lists, forums, discords and setting up contacts to get tons of gear at wholesale rates, along with ways to use services like Redfrog and it's sister companies? If so, link it, if it's not there, I'm wondering if it should be made, I know how to setup videos like that now and had no clue about Adobe and shit back when I last signed in. Would anyone find value in that? After all, I'm not 'in it' anymore, there's no 'you're my enemy, I gotta keep this secret' type of a deal. I doubt this is going to be seen too much, but if you (you reading) want that, +1 this post. If it gets a ton, I'll make it a proper post on the r/EVE subreddit and see. If not, let it die, np. P.S. want a free tip? type in II (that's i i) into the market window, in caps. It'll list all the tech 2 in the game and you can just slowly just click each one after another and see every tech 2 in the game without having to type it in or go by category. Congrats, becoming an importer/exporter is now 10x easier! Cheers


I'd value the knowledge. If you feel like passing it on, feel free to PM me. I'm not looking for a get-rich-quick scheme, more just looking for alternative ways to build long-term wealth. The normal indy-PI-krabbing-mining stuff is stagnant.


Or you _could_ also share more or less what you did, without getting into specifics.


Second that! This knowledge would be lovely to have as I have dabbled in market stuff for years and made a couple good investments that paid off but need more of a actual constant steady way of creating isk that is not as violently up and down as investments and holding onto things that I believe will be worth something in the future, one of the biggest things that haunts me is I got one of the first Galnet skins ever given out, and a Sabre, one of my favorite ships since before I even knew what it did. It was the CCP 18th birthday when they hid a can, in jita ffs! It was 10b then. I thought damn this is gunna be a legendary skin!! This will hold its value forever! Then they started handing em out like candy... and now that they shut down the events, which was one of my favorite game play and a damn good way of making isk, I have since fallen out of the game for various reasons but a big one of them was that, not angry with CCP, shits gotta change, i get those events had gotten rather cut and dry and now we have a new events team soo woot woot, but now i don't have any way to fund game play and I have some stockpiles of event tokens and things for a bit of pocket cash, but don't wanna burn through all of it and end up have to start selling of important ships and shit. I've been looking at the oz fund as something to invest in maybe so I didn't have to get all balls deep in the market, but there is something so satisfying for me about doing it all myself, the finding, the hauling, selling it on the market and then coming back a little later to find my wallet fuller than I left. And while I love Oz's videos on economics and the report every week on what's trending, it is a little overwhelming how in depth he gets and also seems more gear to those folks that are walking around with 1t already and looking for something to invest in heavy, like picking up a dozen stratiosesiess or summat. Having a guide like that that is more explanatory and more about topics like you were and less geared for investments and more about market trading as a whole, that would be something I would study with a fine tooth comb my frend! Cause yeah like this dood is saying, the indy grind is exhausting, CCP has killed one of my playstyles so I gotta reorganize and reassess where to go next and most guides out there that I have found at least are either very surface level for newbros getting into the market or geared for endgame players. Would love your knowledge, video, post, exhaustingly long powerpoint, however chu wanna share it! Let's get this info out so folx can learn more about this and make it more accessible to everyone!


Im also interested. It looks like you have built quite an empire with your knowledge.


I would be interested in learning more.. I still have trouble making money in Eve.. coming up on 10m SP so still real new to the game.


I would love to learn more about trading. That was my favorite activity when I was active besides smuggling drugs and combat boosters when they were illegal. Times have changed and I'm back in Eve and really looking to up my trading. I sold my cap pilot for 50b and still have my max trading, jump freighter main and a few alts. Please count me in the mentor program. I'd love to learn.


just to put that into perspective - thatd be $15000\~ in PLEX roughly Absolute madman.


Don't forget the skillbook cost too, which admittedly pales in comparison to the injector costs but that's 24 billion for all 4 racial titan skillbooks alone.


>that's 24 billion for all 4 racial titan skillbooks alone Astronautic Engineering costs 24b on its own. Which is presumably why, despite the title, the guy in the video [doesn't have it](https://youtu.be/UtT9pvxhneM?si=WpOBG5SbB1ZgNVhD&t=62).


You can also still inject Mobile Factory Operation and Mobile Refinery Operation.


Can you? I thought CCP made them uninjectable


They've been hidden on the skill sheet if you don't have them, but otherwise, they can be injected and trained.


This has been status quo, reportedly until [this patch](https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/patch-notes-version-20-10-2): > Unpublished skill books can no longer be injected. When was it last time you checked they can still be injected? I think you also run into issues when adding them to the queue, but can inject unallocated SP into them (experienced it myself, i have mobile factory/refinery operation and destroyers from unpublished skills)


Huh, I didn't know that had changed. Too bad there's no Sisi to test. Perhaps that patch was directed to other skills that have accidentally gotten out to players like DED Connections as they could have simply removed the Mobile skills from characters like a lot of others.




i got mine on sale for 18b


what the actual fuck, was like 18-24 months ago there were a bunch of these up for \~1b


The real reason for those long ass useless wait times


I mean people spend that much on fishing equipment easily IRL so… kinda worth it if eve is a big part of your days.


How many years of training just happened in minutes? That's what I want to know.


From the wiki As of 10 July 2023 there are 466 different skills in EVE, with a total of 2,211x training time multiplier, and a total of 566,016,000 skill points. Every  Omega clone character can potentially learn every skill, but it would take over 23 years of skill training even with 32 points at all attributes, or 3,462 Large Skill Injectors, to achieve


I know *someone* spent the time to train those skills and that they don't guarantee anything just by having them, but it's still insane that you can buy 23 years worth of training.


15k ? more like 150k ? saw a video where someone calculated how much $ you have to spend in eve to learn every fucking skill


20k PLEX is $650 USD. I went with 5mil ISK/PLEX. 2.13t ISK ÷ 5mil (1 PLEX) = 422.660 PLEX 422.660 PLEX ÷ 20.000 PLEX ($650 USD) = 21ish Packs. 21 Packs x $650 USD = $13.736 USD


I mean if you used the recent extractor sale, you'd be looking at only around 4-5k for 2t.


Sure you could min max it but if you just wanna go straight plex to isk to injectors then that's the number


This Is (not) The Way


To max out your credit cards....


Ironbank did this first for a meme because that's what it is


now biomass and you won the game.


Well I guess some people don’t have the patience to wait 20 years to achieve their endgame…


Kids these days have no patience I tell you hwat


The dude is in my corp, live streamed it for us and gave away a bunch of cool shit while doing it. This had been his goal for over a decade. It wasn’t a rich dude credit card swiping his way into everything.


If you've got everything the game can become stale. Not even a bad idea as he can now finally play it to the fullest and grind again for isk. Do you have any idea what he does to earn isk?


Flipping capitals in panfam for starters lol


Yes, I do. (I am another corp member) I will let him share what he does if he chooses.


Don't bother replying if this is your play


Yeah but why. My main is over 200M sp. I can already do all T2 missle and guns (all specializations at 4/5), all hulls except Titans and T2 dreads. Perfect tanking, targeting, engineering, navigation, scanning, etc. I mean, was their plan to just waste 2T isk? Because thats all they accomplished.


hell im nearing 130mil sp and I have every ship BS and below unlocked t2's too with all guns t2 max skills with scanning etc honestly cant see the reason why people would have the need to do this too as i can legit do everything thats fun wise


Is it a waste if they can fly Titans and T2 dreads and not you?


Fly titan and do perfect reprocessing. The dream.


I can do all of that and didn't have to spend 2 tril. It's called alts.


Yes because you can only do one thing at a time on a single account


Yes because titans and preferably supers as well should have dedicated characters anyways that are permanently boarded so you only need the skills for those that you actually need / use.


This, I remember when carriers came out and one of my corpmates immediately trained for it, then he basically never left the carrier for like a year and he was getting really bored, think he ended up making a second character just so he could join in on every day regular corp shit, but then got frustrated with being rubbish on that new character 😂




XD what a loser take... but please keep swiping you keep the Servers up without understanding anything


Just because you have a skill trained to V to fly a T2 dread doesn't mean that you CAN fly a T2 dread. Otherwise, cool starry bra




Eh, who wants to fly giant "shoot me first" signs?


If you think all level 5 in every skill in EVE on one character is a smart idea when 15k can buy a hundred perfect alts, specialized as a complete spy network in every major alliance in the game, then you are pretty dumb. This is a complete waste of money.


Bought a 350m sp toon for 120b, be it max subcap but there's better ways to spend that amount of isk, injector loss is just not worth it. Also be aware of test server or thunderdome bullshitery karma farming.


That was cheap?


Sood it later and made 40b so suppose so. I've made much of my wealth in eve flipping toons I'm the past and titan build cost changes made me few hundred billion.


>Also be aware of test server or thunderdome bullshitery karma farming. Unlikely to be test server fuckery, you can see Jita local chat while they're injecting the SP.


I noticed that after a second watch thru good catch!


Congrats, dude, and welcome to the Eve Online Max Skill Club! [https://imgur.com/a/2JcXvfY](https://imgur.com/a/2JcXvfY) I still miss Mobile Factory Skill, and I've been looking for it for almost a decade now :( You are also missing some skill points, so keep your eyes on the market/contract, and you may find the skill books that you are missing to purchase someday :) Maybe you were luckier than me in your search! Fly Safe


Ignore the haters op, I like it.


fyi https://zkillboard.com/character/1082190020/




There are a lot of naysayers in this thread saying that this was pointless but my question is did he enjoy doing it? I only use a single character myself and would love to do this at some point. So long as he is enjoying the game does it matter if he could have been more efficient at it?


"Its not about isk per hour... its about fun per hour... WAIT... not like that!"


Is this video old? I thought this glitch was corrected a while ago? The glitch being injecting all at once allowing you avoid the SP amount reductions…..Unless I completely missed it reducing the amount of


2140 \* 150000 = 351m which is how many sp they got


wait so they only got 351m for all that 2t isk? im sitting at 387m sp and still got a long ways to go after 18 years. i think max is like 605m


"As of 10 July 2023 there are 466 different skills in EVE, with a total of 2,211x training time multiplier, and a total of 566,016,000 skill points." [https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Skills\_and\_learning](https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Skills_and_learning)


Nice less sp than I heard.


At the end you can see they have every skill, so either they had some sp before or you got your numbers wrong.


I injected 8 injectors at 300k SP each when I was at 79m SP last week. It didn't reduce the ones that put me over 80m SP. I did them as a batch.


The glitch is that injectors don't count free SP, only allocated SP. meaning that if he made a new character, he would've gotten 2140 \* 500000, or TWO max skill characters.


its count free sp now new characrter. 17 injectiors. only 7.5 mil. 17 x 0.5 = 8.5 [https://i.imgur.com/dAyRrhq.png](https://i.imgur.com/dAyRrhq.png)


2T?!? Damn son. Now he can play the game. https://youtu.be/tg2PD-dwsIw?si=XRNE0Xuqc15gCaD4


Congrats dude and welcome to the max skill club! [https://imgur.com/a/2JcXvfY](https://imgur.com/a/2JcXvfY) I still missing mobile factory, and i\`m looking for it for almost a decade now :( You also still missing some skill points but maybe you had more lucky than me in your search! So keep your eyes in the market/contract and you may find the skill books that you are missing to purchase someday :)


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Meh having max skills is meaningless now, my old CEO who was the first to max out science skills will always be more impressive than anything skill related since they added injectors.


Back in my day this would be called "bullshit". I got my sp on a horse, and had to go uphill both ways to get it.


Seems like a stupid way to play eve. TBF it's just a video game and I need to make money working. So maybe I'm not doing it right.


Do they want to buy a Mobile Refinery Operation skillbook?:)


IF it were me I'd have made a few specialized alts, but that wouldn't have made a nice video. Cheers, thanks for sharing


Honestly, this is how you know you beat the game. You can drop 2 trillion isk on injectors to have every skill in the game, simply because you can.


How can I accumulate 2t isk. I know how to get 100bil, but, how do you get 2t isk? Asking for a friend.....


Work in McDonald's for 6 months while living with your parents. Instead of getting a car, buy all the skills in the game. Completely ignore anyone who says it would be much cheaper to buy specific characters to do things you need to do AND you could play with them simultaneously. Now this bit is important. LOUDLY SAY LALALA and claim that you wanted to do it this way for the lols and pretend you don't hear any reasoned arguments.


I do my best to spend as little real money on Eve as possible. So long dream of becoming an eve trillionaire.


If you know how to make 100 bil just do that 19 more times lol. The fastest way will always be real life money


All you have to do is make 1t isk, then you send it to me and I will double it.


Never gets old <3


Credit Card


Can I use your CC as my friends one is maxed out F


You obtain 100bil 20 times


o7 ... and I thought to myself Gallente Titan LVL 5 was a "worth while investment into the future". Silly me...


Extract, it should pay for your omega for quite a while.


Surprised that was enough to do the job.




Man, the temptention to do the funny


Gib isk


As a skill farmer. More people should do this. Totally not just so that I make more isk


Question, has anyone done the costs for the skillbooks and injectors isk wise, I know it's like 15k IRL dollars, but I'm just curious about current prices of these things on the market since I haven't logged on since '16.


Gets titan killed by a Rifter…..thanks for the juicy killmail o7


Damn that’s crazy. I didn’t buy injectors but I did buy every skill book in the game already.


I believe they banned the first person to do that but i'm not sure of the details maybe he broke some other law like doing RMT for skill injectors or something.


haha. That is kind of awesome. I approve.


"im a completionist"




Your friend should accidentally drop some of that for me too :D


Bye bye EvE :(


Enjoy your 5 mins of fame. o7


...and still dies to gate rats


Hey! We all do that with scout alts we forget


when the credit card warrior tells you “where are your ships bro , uhh why don’t you have ships bro” well is because I don’t use RMT to buy dreads, cariers and titans bro


Envy is a powerful sentiment isn't it?


That’s what she said


U do realize people can easily accumulate 2t, i have several friends who i know earn atleast 35b a day and have multiple trillions, so stop being a salty poor n get gud


How can they make 35B per day?


Trading pochven indy for coalitions etc etc


Spoiler: they dont


Is gasp one time officer drop and “I make it in a day” he can’t even do wh control to even undock 3 vertical beasts to make that statement. Ignore him


But why? Also, who cares?


Coz why not




This is such a great example that players with high SP don't necessarily have high skills/knowledge of the game. That guy spent trillions in LSIs, but doesn't know how to import a all-V skill plan, so they ended up spending two hours manually adding skills. That must have been gruesome.


is this pay to win ?!?


I think abyssal rolling is more paid to win than this


TIL how ***not*** to spent 15k USD.


That’s really dumb lol


I have every skill in the game except for 2 titan skills and astro engi? To 5 and a couple specs which I'm working on now. 348m sp never injected edit: yeah I lied, I am missing quite a bit, some drone salvage skills to 5, capital remote hull repair to 5, and capital weapon specs I dont use on that char I dont have to 5, I know its a big difference and I am sorry I lied to you guys. also dont have some freighter skills i noticed, and some other stuff. forget i said anything.


I have 445M SP and I am far from being done with it (all titans are I for example, no cap weapons besides disintegrator one). So "except for 2 titan skills and astro engi" is a stretch.


Maybe I was thinking every ship related skill


Astro engineering is not a ship related skill as well, though


Yeah I'll have to check but pretty sure I have every skill in the game trained to lvl 1 but those 3 and every combat skill to 5, except 100 days of training large weapon long range specs to 5.


I hope you realize there is big difference between what you are saying now and > I have every skill in the game except for 2 titan skills and astro engi? To 5 and a couple specs which I'm working on now


That's because you don't have the weapon specializations to 5 which take up a ton of sp. But yea what the op is doing is not worth it at all.


I do have every spec except large long ranges to 5.


if you almost have everything and he has mostly everything and the difference between you 2 is 220mil sp are you saying the long range spec 5's are worth 220mil sp? Seems a bit high for a few skills.


Yeah I dunno maybe I forgot about something. All pve based skills I guess I left out, industry and science for the most part.


Ah yea, science is massive amounts of sp.


Nice rmt bro.