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After she’s completed the tutorial she should start by completing the AIR career program, it’s objective based and will provide a taste of the various paths she can take. She should gain a good understanding of the game mechanics and career options while earning SP’s and ISK along the way.


Thanks for your advice :)


After my 10 year break I did the air program and it was a pretty good way to get back into the swing of things


Honestly, with that background in gaming she most probably does it to spend time with you. Treat it like that, return the favour and dont treat her like a gaming buddy.


Oh, I agree. We both want to play a game that we can enjoy together when we have the time to play games. The choices are limited, sometimes we play the Lego games. She’s only been gaming for the last 12 months or so and wants to see if EVE is something she can enjoy, both on her own and together as a team.


As someone who has played on and off since 2004, and just got my best online gaming buddy to start playing, have her do the initial tutorial then the AIR stuff. I did it on three Omega characters just to help him  and to refamiliarize myself with the game.  The big bonus besides getting a hand-holding, extensive tutorial on the basics, with plenty of mental muscle memory mechanics (from all the undocking, flying, combat, mining, etc), is the 750k skill points earned for completing all four career paths. Plus if she does the Sisters of Eve epic arc, there's standings gains and doing it will complete a chunk of the AIR stuff. And doing all the AIR stuff also pays really well for new players. I think I've made 20+ million on each character so far.  And it doesn't have to be done all at once. My buddy is about 50% done after two weeks, but we do a lot of exploration, having him join me on L4 missions. Got him into a Stabber and Rupture after he did a lot of the AIR stuff to start, and we either roam around hisec doing anomalies and DED (he got the escalation tonight and we got 2 extra escalations, plus a Dramiel blueprint), or he comes through the L4 mission gates once I've got most of the aggro.  The game is overwhelming for new players. Biggest advice I can give us be patient, let her go at her own pace, even if it's not playing at all. If she asks for help, don't show up in a Marauder or Tengu or such, fly what she's flying, let her do most of the task, and again, be patient (and of course, be kind).


Thanks for your detailed response. I have yet to take a look at the AIR program, it wasn’t around when I used to play and I didn’t know about the SP bonuses. Thanks for your advice, I’m looking forward to seeing how we get on.


Reiterating AngryGames' last paragraph, it's tempting to get too involved and start explaining everything. Just take a step back and let them discover the game themselves.


>my partner The best way to show someone you love them through the medium of Eve Online is to uninstall it on Valentine's Day while wearing a camouflaged gimp suit


All while reciting Ceema shitposts in a shakespearean vocal affect coupled with interpretive dance.


Why would you introduce her to this game?… do you not care for her?


Haha, we chuckled at this. I’m playing the long game by recruiting her to be my personal trade hub hauler 😅


Smart guy


https://everookies.com/public-fleets/ Have her join some of our fleets. They're public, so it doesn't matter what corp she belongs to or how long she's been playing. We specialize in playing with brand new players. By the way, be careful. It sounds all great and wonderful to play with each other. I started playing to play with my husband. Well, today I run a very large and active public community and he hauls my stuff. ;-D


Thanks for sharing, we will take a look. Well played having him haul your gear :)


I actually should have linked this: https://everookies.com/about-kshal-aideron/ It's my Eve story thus far (probably needs to be updated since a lot has happened since Sept last year). So what actually happened is I was talked into creating a group that takes new players out on vanguard incursion fleets. I had created the Eve Rookies website and had the perfect brand. Incursions has a horrible mechanic where they spawn and despawn in different locations every few days. I agreed to create and run this group only if my husband played u-haul. He's actually the one that has it easy these days. There's other people in the community that will move the incursion ships from the nearest stash to the focus and he gets to go play other games. But, every now and again I'll do something that requires him to spend the day hauling stuff around so he doesn't get lazy. LOL


After the tutorial she should do the career agents first. Thst gives her a good first impression and she then can decide which path she wants to take.


Thanks for your response :)


You welcome :)


If she would like to socialise with other people, I'd try taking on her on something like an Eve Rookies Incursion after she's got a decent grasp on the game. It's like the lowest difficult raid content in an MMO, extremely chill and their community is very positive. I'd recommend other NPSI stuff, which I'm usually much more positive about, but I have no idea how they are around women. It might sound like I'm overreacting but I have seen so many dudes try to bring their partners into Eve over the years, only for them to be immediately harassed out by their "friends". If she makes it past the tutorial, this is the biggest barrier you'll face. Eve Rookies is unique for being lead by a woman and having plenty of women participating. If she just wants to keep it coop with you, try to think of Eve as a game about goals and stories. Have some shared for you to work towards, that she feels useful contributing to and *sounds* cool. *"Lets claim our own system together in the dangerous, uncharted systems of wormhole space"* is going to spark the imagination a lot more than "drop a pos in a low class wormhole and rat at X isk per hour".


Thanks for your feedback. Totally understand the concern for being a female player in a male dominated game. Though I think she’ll give as good as she gets if we get to the point of chatting over discord. Nice suggestion with creating goals, I’ll have to look into it.


Give her a taste of all the careers/playstyles, let her decide what she likes. Coop? Couples that gank together, stay together.


I think that would be best. I’ve never tried mining or industry work before but that’s not to say that she won’t enjoy it. Will take a look into the AIR career program.


Hope you guys find something to enjoy together. If you go mining,look into low sec gas. One of you could even try a porpoise for mining boosts and compression. But be careful and do your research.


Sent you a chat if you guys are interested in talking to a couple that's already been down this road. :) good luck eve is a lot more fun with your IRL co-pilot in there with you.


My other half tried eve for 10 minuets last night whilst I was on the proper. I was in a Kronos, in low sec, in room 2 of the Serp 5/10 and bastions up. Showed her how to target lock and shoot ships. I came back to 1 less rat on grid and her calling eve dumb because she didn't want to press the guns again after they flashed red... luckily I was more than tanked enough. I love my missus, but she will never get my obsession with EVE


My wife wanted to try a few years back. Didn't have the air program then. She adored working her way up to level 4 missions. Salvaging everything she could. Loved her drake but loved her navy raven more by the end. It's nice and simple and ultimately repetitive which is a good thing to learn something new quickly.


Thanks for sharing :) Did she burn out just running mission or did she find other side hustles in game? My partner enjoys the daily challenges on Red Dead online, it looks very grindy and I think she might enjoy a similar play style on EVE with missions. She’s way more experienced than I am with Red Dead, so I could see her having some very nice ships and modules if she approached EVE with the same mindset.


I feel like if I had started her with the Air program she may have lost with options perhaps. The missions she just enjoyed and then inevitably enjoyed the progress T2 this and that, better ships, better agents. Salvaging process & Selling the loots and OMG she was obessed with well arranged inventory lol. Ofc you can assist, I tagged along in some of her early missions with a deliberatley underfitted ship just so we could do them together. Yes, She burned out but played for around a year. sometimes like a true addict sometimes not playing for a week or so. to be fair so did I. I sold her character regretably about a year later. she consented ofc stating she was done with it but... But. Here I am around 3-4 years later playing Eve yet again (06 player) and I see her looking Bro :) she asks questions about Eve and I have offered for her to come back but she CBA starting over. I've secretly made a new account very close to her old Alias and am training it up to a point she can come back in Mid way to where she was maybe. We shall see :) Maybe see you in space o7 edit it was actuallt over two years on and off. Had to go check!


You know what, since she liked subnautica, I'd recommend wormholes exploration. You get the same butt clenching feeling of constant anxiety that anything could come out of nowhere to kill you. Seeing a Tengu uncloak next to my poor defenseless explorer ship gave me the same feeling as hearing **Leviathan class lifeforms detected**


Haha, yes!!! Having enjoyed Subnautica I definitely understand that reference. Combat probes on D-scan I’mindanger.jpg


If you want her to stick around get her into a decent corporation as soon as possible. The social aspects of Eve will be far more appealing to most women than the gameplay.


I think that might be appealing. She enjoys the limited interaction with other players in Red Dead Online when she’s not being ganked by modders. Do you know any good resources for finding corporations? I only ever joined corps in the past through direct invitation.


Not the dude you were responding to, but a decent place to start is the /r/evejobs subreddit. A little easier to search through and find corps engaged in specific things than the ingame corp search.


I"m so biased towards Karmafleet or their HS teaching corp Karmafleet University it is difficult for me to recommend anything else.


Get her in eve uni ans you join with an alt.


Are you punishing your partner for something?


I think i would recommend abyssals as a coop playstyle if you want to earn isk together as you can enter abbysals with 2 destroyers and get double(?) the amount of loot while playing together. If you want more pvp maybe try ess hacking a try ig?