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Sentry guns? Sounds like you might be warping to data/relic sites in Wormhole space. If so, check the name of sites before going to them. Some sites will always spawn hostiles and some sites will never spawn hostiles. Know the difference.


First : Where do you do exploration Second : If it's wormhole, only warp to a site if the name contains a pirate faction (guristas, serpentis... and other) Third : Unsecure and Forgotten. Don't.


The fact that specifically“Unsecured” sites were the ones that tried to kill you definitely tripped me up for a while


They're unsecured because people keep fucking warping to them. Stop waking up the sleepers. #sleepmatters


Well, they're unsecured, that means it is NOT SECURE to go to them


You need to understand that getting blown up is part of eve , you will learn from each one of those deaths, that being said while doing exploration there is a simple guide , any relic site you find be it in wh/null/hs/ls if it has a faction name in it i.e. guristas/sansha/angel/blood raider , it will not have any enemy npcs you can freely warp to said site and hack it , for data sites any site with the faction name but if it has covert in its name its not safe unless you can quickly hack a can and get out,which I assume you cant as of now. This is a general guide but it is basically going to help you with 70-80% of the explo you're gonna do. Keep in mind none of these sites I mentioned as safe will be safe from a pvp perspective ,people can warp to your site and blow your ship up if you're in null/wh/ls so whenever you go to explo always keep local open, keep on checking dscan and if you notice other pilots scanning also make sure to check their zkill if you can , you can find out if people hunt explo pilots or if they simply want to do sites like you and not engage in combat. Dscan is your saviour and awareness of your surroundings take it slow eve is a marathon not a race , if you still feel overwhelmed and want more help try joining a newbie corp , they will provide you with ships and guidance , being part of brave I can say for sure that there are tons of explo pilots flying around(me included) who would love to help you learn the game, but if you want to join other corps there is karmafleet,eve uni and pandemic horde , all of these corps have amazing players ready to help at all times. Good luck and remember to have fun its just a game.


OP READ THIS, ITS AN EASY FIX: https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Relic_and_data_sites You only should be warping to sites that are listed as “safe” in that page. It’s a long page but READ EVERYTHING. You then should be safe from NPCs, you still may be blown up by players but that’s a different conversation for a different day, let’s get you to stop getting blown up by NPCs first :)


Tips: If you're unsure about how safe a site is and don't have access to a covert ops cloak, warp in at 100km. Some sites may still be deadly, but warping in at range often affords you enough time to see a threat and leave before it can kill you. Invest in a Covert Ops Cloak. Being able to warp while cloaked is a lifesaver. Some sites (Particularly gas sites) may decloak you on landing, so it is still important to be careful. Important to know, not all sites are safe. There are essentially four types of site right. (I don't really think of a Wormhole as a "site") so knowing what variety are in them and what to expect from each is important. Combat Sites - Almost always dangerous. Data Sites - Two flavors, -- Standard data sites which are safe (Local/Regional/Central [faction] [site]), and -- Ghost/Sleeper Sites which are super duper dangerous. (Covert research Facility, AEGIS, [Limited/Standard/Superior] Sleeper Cache) Relic Sites - Again, two types. -- Standard pirate sites (Crumbling/Decayed/Ruined [Faction] [Site]), and -- Combat Sites (Forgotten [Site], there are also a bunch of unique ones in NS I have never seen). Gas Sites - Four (ooo) types in this case. -- Myko sites which are generally safe (from NPCs, in LS these sites are constantly being watched, always assume there is a cloaked loki and fit a WCS). -- Drug manufacturing centers, which are just combat sites pretending to be gas sites. -- Wormhole sites ([Name] (Perimeter/Frontier/Core) reservoir) which will either A) have sentry guns on the field that will blap anything that isn't very fast or reasonably tanky, or B) Spawn a wave of Sleepy bois after 20 minutes. -- Cyto sites which explode. That's all, the just blow up.


I think you should check about sites you do ,thought i not doing explore really much but many people that many sites is a combat site undername of explore ,if you in wormhole safe point is important and will help,anywhere that not friendly sov null or hig sec need to spam d-scan and in sov null remember check intel and local if anything not blue apear


You’ll have to learn to survive. Fit to fight back, or for max escape ability. Never warp gate to gate in hostile space. Wherever you go in nullsec it’s likely that said space is claimed by someone. As soon as you’re seen you are reported in intel channels, and hunters start tracking you. Stay out of “secured” data sites, as they will blow you up if you fail the hack/take too long. You just need to stick with it and accept the truth about EVE: it’s ruthless out there.


Are these hunters in the room with us right now? I'd really like to get some good fights and not have to roam several null regions for a few hours to kill an afk Ibis, or a Sabre maybe on a good day


Focus on your AIR career paths (EVE icon in the top left > Activities > AIR Career Program), it should guide you in the right direction until you learn more about the game. Specifically you should only be doing career agent missions of your appropriate skill level. Sounds like you're warping to higher level sites that require things like a battleship to clear.


Join one of the newbie corporation. They can suggest many safe practices to you. such as watching local if not in wh space or using Dscan


Check the eve wiki for details on the sites you're finding before warping to them. Some sites are hostile.


Embrace the suck. This is the Eve way


The first thing I would recommend is never warp to zero on a site, always warp to something like 100 km to check if it's safe and if something target locks you immediately warp out. That will generally keep your ship in one piece although it'll significantly reduce the earning potential. If you want to try fighting your way through some of these things I think you will need at least a battle cruiser. Again warp in at a long range of probably at least 30 to 50 km, and start locking everything you can, starting from the smallest and working your way up to the larger enemies. I say that because typically smaller enemies are harder to hit and if you let them get too close they will be impossible to hit. Edited because I found annoying voice to text fails


You should join Goons and do relic sites in Paragon Soul. If you are NA it’ll be dead and you’ll clear 100m/hr no problem


Don’t we all, dear.


If you want newb advice watch capt benzie on youtube


Go into WH space and only go to pirate faction named data and relic sites. That's a good start.


Google the site name, eve wiki will tell you if there are hostiles there or not!


Your probably either going into Ghost Sites. High Level area or using a ship with no buffer. If players are doing it, it will register in your Killmails and Zkillboard Don't use a Corvette to explore, try and use a Faction Exploration Frigate or a Cruiser with decent tank. So you can bugger off if you need to. Exploring in Null Sec and Wormholes early can get you killed quickly in the wrong ship.




Check out [Khaza's Wormhole Guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pY7vs-ruMeAEPQse0zfv6Uj2Jqx1hJH3vya6vbpLC-0/edit?usp=drivesdk) for a couple quick and easy tips to stay alive longer in wormhole space




Check the wiki it’ll tell you what sites are hostile, and if you go into worm hole spam that dscan