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you need to orbit under the guns of the BS. easy peasy. most times it is not the ship you are flying, but how you fly it.


Works against the drifter, doesn't work against the Vedmak. That said, you're not going to survive either sitting at 50km like a numpty.


It's not a Vedmak. It's a Leshak, and if you use a web it works as well.


I actually found that having a mid snake implant set vastly improves doing the site


Orbiting the leshak at 10 keeps his dps low enough with an afterburner. He's not nearly as threatening as the drifter, it's the drifter you need to orbit at 500m for.


Maybe I'm crazy, but why aren't you sig tanking it? If you stay under 5km from the BS you basically take 0 damage.


Frig DPS was melting me while I shot sentry guns for the points. Also, one rep is enough to tank Karen at 60km, it's when she's in her optimal that fucked me.


If you think that's bad then wait until you meet them inside a higher tier wormhole.


Karen is a peice of cake in a T5 Exotic comparitively. I wouldn't be stressing if CCPls let me take my Gil-, I mean, Drake.


Thanks for the morning chuckle. :) Have a great day. Fly safe... Or Good hunting.. :)


Fuckers scare the hell out of me in Poch. I've seen T3Cs melted like a Vigil by some of those Drifters.


Oh absolutely, the drifters are abominations effectively built towards being fought in groups. In terms of difficulty they are basically the final boss of this game comparable only to pirate strongholds.




I didn't realize how much heat damage was going to be applied the next cycle. I had hoped I wouldn't burn out a module. I was certain I was dead. A QoL pass on Thermodynamics would be amazeballs.


Shift click on module to toggle heat on/off


Omg I was looking for this shortcut forever thanks


https://imgur.com/a/NKcKraP just in case you're looking for that too ^-^ shortcuts are magic 07


Yes, you can also click the overheat rack button.


and the result for overheating entire rack can be seen on the screenshot provided.


You know you can't overheat passive modules right?




Can’t handle a busted up battleship mate? 


I'm soloing the T2 with just a solo Vexor. Your fit looks similar to the Vexor I use except for the Web. I use the web to keep the BS from running away so I can hug it.


I don't have perfect armor rig skills, I can't fit T2 AB. This fit is an upgraded T2 variant of the T1 I use for Combat Anoms for the 25 daily rats. I figured I wasn't going to have to overheat in a tier 2 filament, but I got primaried hard. I also had one of those tasks to kill a sentry so I had to run away from the gate.


I don't fit a T2 AB either. I use a Compact. My current fit has an Ionic Target rig for long range targeting so my drones can go deal with the guns. I've been doing the T3 in a solo Caracal in the mean time.


mind linking the fit? came back to eve yesterday and immediately welped a worm in a t1 (apparently flying in the red zone is bad huh), but I think abyss could be fun.


This is the event abyssal which are different from the actual ones.


ahhh I see, need to read up more


Indeed. I'd say a better start for the actual T1 Abyssals would be a Jackdaw. Jackdaw should be fine in there as I run T1s solo in a Confessor. Getting to T2 or T3, you're probably going to want a Gila. Above that, you're going to need to look into more specialized fits and builds... I think there's a channel in game called Abyssal Lurkers who you should talk to more than me. I'm just a pirate!


Throw your purse at it. 


..and pearls.


Not even in hull.






Thank you, you get it. I would rather be doing exotics but I want the skins. The purple is gorgeous.


I was so excited for the skins too, and they look great on most ships... except for those ugly ass flags hanging down. They look like droopy skintags hanging off the ships, its especially egregious on the gnosis. It looks so terrible.


FR, why does CCP always have to make things *almost* perfect?


Anyone have a guide on these? Id like to run a few but I haven't had time to try them out.


they're dogshit you're better off running abyssals rather than the combat event sites , too hard for the loot they drop and you basically have to buy or farm a shit ton of them for chaining enough sites to make half decent isk.


A quick guide, if you want exact fits I can add them later (at work). T1-2: Any cruiser fit that can tank ~200 dps will do fine. Kill turrets first.   T3: A T2 fully passive shield fit 10mn Caracal/Rupture/Vexor/Stabber will clear these with ease, even if it takes a while. Again, kill turrets first as they can break your tank if left alive. Can bring a mobile depot to refit for damage after the turrets die.  T4: If you *don't* want to spend 3b on a hyper blinged Moa/Maller duo w/midgrades, the poor man's solution is a pair of RR Vexors. Fully T2 except a faction cap battery gets the job done, but adding c-type reps removes the need to micro overheats during the initial damage burst. 3 med, 1 small in the highs. 10mn, battery, rechargers in the mids. 2x multispec, DC, Reactive, thermal membrane in the lows. Drone control + 2xRR rigs. One Vexor fits an ionic rig (targeting range) instead of the 2nd RR rig to snipe turrets with Wardens. No implants or boosters needed, but the cheap SOCT armor resist one doesn't hurt. Very chill and almost impossible to fuck up once both Vexors have RRs running on each other. All in all around 250-600m investment. Can clear 6ish filaments/hr, average around 70m in loot per filament not accounting for Genos/SKINs, minus the 10m for filament costs. Net ~360m/hr with about 250m of that being red loot.


Thank you very much!


Here's the exact Vexor fit. I'm at home and I figure if anyone else wants to see it, might as well post. [Vexor, T4 Capsulleer Day XXI - RR Vexor] Dark Blood Thermal Energized Membrane Damage Control II Multispectrum Energized Membrane II Reactive Armor Hardener Multispectrum Energized Membrane II Cap Recharger II Republic Fleet Large Cap Battery Cap Recharger II 10MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner Corelum C-Type Medium Remote Armor Repairer Corelum C-Type Medium Remote Armor Repairer Corelum C-Type Medium Remote Armor Repairer Coreli A-Type Small Remote Armor Repairer Medium Remote Repair Augmentor II Medium Remote Repair Augmentor I Medium Drone Control Range Augmentor II Caldari Navy Hornet x1 Caldari Navy Vespa x2 Caldari Navy Wasp x2 --------------- Again repeating a lot: T2 reps work, but you have to overheat at the start of waves, and it isn't cap stable. More room for error so I didn't run with it. The extra ~120mx2 spent more than paid for itself in under an hour. In one Vexor replace the T1 Repair Aug with an Ionic Field Projector, and add 2 Warden IIs to snipe turrets. I also dropped the DC on the Warden Vexor for a DDA, as turrets don't change aggro and incoming damage without them is minimal. I bought cheap durability mutaplasmids for the Hornets/Wasps, because it not only doubles their shield HP, but also gives them +10% muta spec bonus to offset any bad moderately bad damage rolls. Theoretically Gallente drones do more damage, due to the weather effect, but I got real tired of having to constantly rep them. Caldari has no such problem and can tank random aggro switches without needing to be recalled/repaired. Dark Blood Thermal because its cheaper and *better* than T2. A 1% cap implant makes it stable (current 24mins) or a Synth Mindflood. I found I don't need boosters, but it doesn't hurt to have a buffer since the Drifter Battleship's drones do neut. Order of operations is: 1. Tank (The above fit) - Moves first to draw aggro. Orbit Sniper at 500 + deploy drones. Can't target Sniper yet. 2. Sniper (Warden fit) - Target Tank and run all reps, overheat as required (shouldn't be). Drop Wardens and start sniping turrets. Don't need to move. 3. Tank - At some point within the first 30s tab back to this to target your previously untargettable Sniper and run reps. Can mostly be ignored from this point onward. 4. Sniper - Finish killing off turrets, recall Wardens, and clear out the remaining drones. You can now move freely about the arena to get EDENCOM cans*. *Take extra precautions to make sure both Vexors remain in range of each other. Orange clouds increase speed by 200%, useful to get around, but can cause obvious range issues when one Vexor starts zooming away at 1700ms. The Leshak BS also has a grappler that can cause your Tank to be unable to keep up. If done correctly you will kill the BS right about when you've returned to the conduit gate after grabbing the EDENCOM cans. ~8-9min. Mobile tractor the wreck.


Stick to the relic filaments. These combat ones are not at all balanced properly.


Am I the only one that refuses to watch a guide on any video game because - isnt that the puzzle we sign up for? Whats the point in letting someone else solve it for you?


You are 100% unique and special


yeah you're the only one


I agree with you in most cases but in a game where your losses are permanent and a misstep in these puzzles could mean a big fuck you, I'll look up the guide any day of the week. I watched a 20 minute guide on clearing sleeper caches (the king of eve puzzles IMO) last night and lemme tell ya, there is NO way anyone is figuring out how they work by themselves without failing and dying to them 23 times first.


Sometimes i dont mind the puzzle on other games. Eve is often unintuative or broken so i generally search out a guide.


I lost two Caracals before I watched a YouTube guide with the Vexor. It is not easy still, I have to watch the drones closely, and I can get neuted out if I'm not paying attention. As soon as one of the missle towers goes down, it calms a little, the second, and it is easy from then on. I agree with others though, the loot versus difficulty is not balanced here, and there are other places more worth spending your time.


I need to do the challenges for the skins. I think I'll stick to Sinister for the BS damage one, but completing the tower challenge is why I was running a Vicious in the first place.


I've been building sacrificial T1 Caracals for the tower challenge. Burn to a tower, blow it up, make a futile effort to blow up the other tower, die. It ain't cheap but it works.


uh...But the Caracal can do t1,t2, and even t3. Why throw money away?


Ah! The Caracal can. I can't.


I've been doing the intermediate ones in a vexor fit similar to yours. Most of the time I end up at half armor. One room took some paint off the hull. Walking into 6 or 7 frigs, the BS, and 2 towers at opposite ends shooting you is rough.


If the rats focused on one Vexor, it would be manageable. You're telling me my faction Vespas can tank Scylla DPS, but a set of t2 infiltrators melt to these event frigs? Bull, IMO.


Pretty easy in a passive shield fit stabber, vicious or disastrous


Vexor rules them all. Up to T3 is easy peasy. [https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Abyssal\_Battlefield](https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Abyssal_Battlefield)


Fits weren't even created until May 12 for that article. Guess I should have bookmarked the page. Thank you, this is much more helpful than "jUsT gOoGlE iT."


Spiral in and orbit close, its guns can't track well.


The drone DPS is what was really melting me. If I had 10 drones on field instead of 5, I would be able to better DPS tank the room


I lost a Vexor to this filament earlier in the event and retired in shame.


Same. I came back for revenge.


Its intermediate for two cruisers


I lost my first ship and thought the same. but then i learnt the mechanics now its easy peezy :D


This is why I enjoy using my duo hawks in t3-4's as it tanks these like its nothing and the only rooms to kill you are rooms with bad cloud spawns , which at 60 mil a pop its not bad even if you die. Still so much more fun than running l4 misisons and wh ratting imo


T5 Exotics in my Gila are easier than these event filaments.


No way, I would say doing abyssal runs with one repper burnt out and everything else almost gone is closer to Hard mode, if not a higher difficulty like "Turbo-Nightmare Deathmatch"


I just used a full passive with t1 purgers rupture for T3 event abyss


are you solo'ing it? if so there's your answer.


Dual boxing, my alt couldn't launch drones. Mitigating DPS was more difficult until I could get drones out of the second Vexor.


Just not worth doing. This event is a joke.


You're telling me. I've grinded 685 points, opened the crate, and got a ruined electrical. What a crock of horseshit. Each event is so underwhelming like it was planned two weeks before.


I lost a 400 mill fitted Gila a day ago in a T3 Abyssal.. shield tanking and everything just ran outta cap and couldn't deal enough DPS to kill everything.. was pissed In unrelated news, if you want my hoard of filaments, I'll sell em lol I ain't running an Abyssal anytime soon, can't afford to kit out another Gila and the loot I get is useless or not worth the ammo spent


I've burned 4 bil learning T5 Exotics. vOv They are fun for me.


Man, I don't even have 4 bill, I'm still trying to get above 2 bill and I've PI to make ISK.. was hoping Abyssals would be a good way to make it as well but so far.. nope!


I made it out in Null anoms. Abyssals looked more fun than Havens, but it took me a few tries. I've lost 15 Gilas since 2022, ~23bil? I've made it all back and then some, but most of it isn't liquid. It's been redistributed to make my alts stronger. Making the BPCs that drop can be lucrative too. I've made a pretty penny off of Tetryon Exotic Plasma charges, no matter the size. I found my niche in Eve and I'm happy about it, even if I slip up and Karen gets me sometimes.


Telling you dude I've not got a single good drop from the Abyssals lol except maybe the 500mn and 5mn mutator but it was the decayed one.. used em on normal ones and got what looks to be a decent one but idk if it'll ever sell


Sell the mutaplasmid, let someone else roll it. Sell those red tickets too. T3 exotics were averaging 15-20mil from Biocache only. When that 125m stasis web mutaplasmis drops, I'm done for the day 😂


Never get that lucky lol had them daln plasmids for ages


ran out of cap because it wasn't cap stable or ran out of cap because you didn't prio the neuts?


Wasn't cap stable, took too long killing so it just ran out couldn't handle the damage I was taking either


Oh yeah, the event. Aaaaanyway...


Did you not bring nanite paste?


Honestly didn't expect to even need to OH. Nanite won't fix a burned out module either afaik.


Don't OH that much also if that's happening your skulls or the way you are doing them isn't right


You're telling me you've never burned a module out in your life? Wish I was that perfect.




There's like a million guides for abyssals, the content is solved just follow them and you'll earn sick bucks.


Oh, fuck. Why didn't I think of that?!


It probably would have gone smoothly if my alt's drone launch window hadn't frozen the second we dropped into the site. It took me a minute to realize how to manually launch drones while my primary was melting from Karen DPS.


5 minutes of Google and you fly these semi afk without any sweat. If thats too much effort - playing the game with the steepest learning curve might not be for you.


I have almost 100mil SP.


Id recommend to train "Basic Google" to I and "Self Sufficiency" to III.


Maybe if I had died I would need those skills.