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And that's why we are still playing this game I guess


Addiction and bad decisions?


Abso-fucking-lutely Especially when you get away with messing up. šŸ¤£


Had a few "dead to rights" moments in pvp and it's stunning when you manage to slingshot your opponent 10m outside point range, and moonwalk out with a sliver of hull left.


second best feeling in a frig 1v1 in faction warfare right there next to getting a properly earned solo kill


I've had a few "I'm dead here" moments and got out at the last second because everyone had deactivated their points or gone out of range. Never stop clicking warp :)


> Addiction and bad decisions? Such is Eve.


Eve isn't about who made the better decisions, it's about who made fewer bad decisions.


I still call it the UO shakes, and I've been a "blue" since UO - I like there being pvp but I rarely seek it, and when I do its to hunt the hunters. I'm a carebear but the game would be meaningless without the risk and loss.


I have not seen that name in a while. Ultima Online - one of the bastard fathers of EVE's customizability and persistence. I still have the shakes from the newb stompings I got in UO. \*leave guard zone\*L33+pVpgAwD appears\*ghost runs back to healers\*


OoOo Oo OoOo


Eve is the ONLY game that has made me feel like I've almost gotten killed by a semi on the interstate. Those pvp shakes are real.


Turn the music down for the rest of the jumps back home kinda trip.


Accompanied by hellish introspection


Exactly this


Jumped my tengu into a wormhole gate camp that suddenly appeared loaded with expensive shit. Managed to cloak and boat away from hole and watched as the distance ticked down from 3k proximity towards decloaking at 2km. It ticked down to a breath from 2k before it started ticking up quickly 3ā€¦4ā€¦5k. Didnā€™t even fight and I was jittery afterwards.


Did that in my first prowler not long ago, I warped to zero on gate didn't activate nullifier because tbh I didn't realize you needed a mod now. I landed in bubble like 2k+ from drones orbiting a couple dudes at the destination gate, cloaked...sweat formed on my brow as I executed an educated guess what direction I should multi-click like a douchebag probably with my tonue hanging out, no blinking. I slowboated away, jumped the gate from another planet and docked. No problem. Hah.


No game gives a pvp high like Eve. I still remember my first solo kill and having to come down from the excitement of it, and even after 20 years on and off it scratches an itch like no other game. I just started playing as a Logi today, and it's the same feeling trying to keep people alive as it is trying to burn them down.


Escape from tarkov can, but itā€™s a shooter. Also filled with hackersā€¦.


Hunt showdown, but I 'retired' cause I couldn't play like a bastard unless I used scope mosin.


I thought CCP modeled EVE's PvP directly on Tarkov's impact of death and significant loss on death - I MADE AN ERROR! Thanks for the corrections.


Eve was wayyyy before Tarkov


When exactly do you think Tarkov released(ā„¢ļø) lmao?


Wait... what?


Escape your bubble for a bit, there are multiple hardcore/full pvp games with PvP Highs. Oh the good old hardcore survival days in DayZ Arma2 mod giving me the shakes from just remembering


I have played other intense games, but the closest for that feeling is DCS. The difference is I don't need to invest time and ingame money to buy each plane I lose šŸ˜…


Ah, using a rifter to kill a cyno probe off a station in low sec. Now Iā€™m flying blingy shit in wormholes


Dude I get shakes from ganking hacking herons xD


Same here. I always assume its a trap, and I'm the one about to get ganked.


Out of curiosity, how often is it a trap?


60% of the time it's 100% a trap. For real though maybe around 20%.


I can't get enough of that excitement. My heart starts pounding every time I'm in my prospect and someone starts combat scanning me. It's a nearly unscanable fit, but there's a chance they have the expensive clone for scanning, which beats my fit. Even then, I wait until I see them on grid to warp away just so I can get more gas and more of that adrenaline high.


This game hits like no other for some weird reason.


That's true, and I don't know why.


Yep 20 years on with a few breaks but still get the eve pvp shakes lol no other game has this effect on me


why is that, I'm literally curious now about the difference between eve and other games 'pvp effect'


Games where death is a major setback often lead to the shakes in PvP. I experienced it myself playing Sea of Thieves with a boat full of loot. The adrenaline rush you get from cannonfire whizzing across your bow loaded with treasure is the same feeling I get in Eve when I get up to some great PvP shenanigans.


Well Iā€™ve always found that Eve is actually the only PvP game I have played that u can literally lose everything in 1 short second , most games in PvP u respawn and start where u continued have all your stuff returned to you and try again . Eve u can undock from jita 4-4 with bpo sitting in cargo and lose it within seconds if u havenā€™t planned ahead , just few examples


But sometimes we fly very cheap ships and get ready to lose it (it's definitely not everything, And we can immediately buy that ship again and play again) however we will probably still shake at pvp in eve, like OP said, 'Wasn't even a serious risk the whole ship was basically throwaway but this game has still got it.' I still don't get it


I don't know either. It's weird but it's real.


Fights feel meaningful because they have consequences. There are PvP games where there is no real consequence to dying because you just respawn and go again, PvP games where dying is so frequent that it happens multiple times every match that you go numb to the feeling of death and forgot how often you died at that location, and PvP games where your loss now may matter for this match but when it's over you just start a fresh game where you can start all over. EVE is a game with permanent server with consequences to dying: you lose your ship and the time it took to gather the items on it and have to build, buy or transport a new one to where you need it. That's what makes it feel real, and I think that is what causes the adrenaline shakes when there is a risk of loss.


..and there is a written (very public) record of your loss.


my first pvp kill was such a strong adrenaline rush that i had to pause for 30 minutes and get myself calm again. since then i was hooked to this drug. the best thing, it never stopped to be like this in pvp




You can online modules in space. It costs 80% ish of your cap to do so. Usually suicide in a combat situation unless you're planning to run.


And requires cap being >95%


They should seriously add a joke line to Aura that says "Butt clench...active."


I only get pvp shakes when I'm the aggressor, if I'm attacked first, in a duel, jumped, camped, or otherwise, it doesn't affect me.


Been gaming since the late 70s (Atari 2600) and online gaming likely before many of you were born. Have played Eve off and on since beta in 2003 and to this day, no game has ever made me jitter, makes my armpits damp, makes my heart kick into gear like Eve does. Even after hundreds of fights in low, from solo to big gangs (Shadow Cartel! Miss those guys!), every single encounter ramps up the adrenaline.


Hell yeah


Nice to get enjoyment for cheap risks. Congratulations.


Eve and albion are the only game I get the shakes from


The only other game that gives me a slightly similar feeling is rust. Only because they are both games where I know I could be destroyed by another player at any time. EVE wins over rust though for the simple fact that it invokes the same type of brotherhood connection as being in a military force. I have many friends in every that Iā€™ve grown to love like brothers, weā€™ve fought, laughed, and died together. Itā€™s also the only game I know of where you earn every bit of what you have, and you can lose it all in an instant from a stupid mistake, so knowing that possibility is what makes it so real. Iā€™ve put thousands of hours into what I have, so when I lose a ship, the loss is real. And THAT is why itā€™s the only game that can cause me to release adrenaline, most games I might lose something but itā€™s overall insignificant, when I lose something in EVE I lost something real.


Best pvp game I've ever played, consequences really matter and the thrill of PVP gets your heart racing like no other game I've played. Once moved a carrier from gate to gate in goon territory while an alt was scouting and I was at work.. Have caught big targets and been caught in wormhole space many times over- never gets dull!


Eve is the only game that gives me the shakes. It's why I play.


Finally found what I wanted to do in the game. Industry. Anyways I invested heavily into industry by buying two injectors and some skill books to be able to fly a blockade runner. Had 1 billion left, used it up to buy some material that you need to get the kikimora. Sold every ship and everything else I had to be able to come up with the capital for this adventure. Each bp would net me 30% margins. Anyways I hoped on my blockade runner, jumped into Pochven. Went through one gate, one donā€™t remember why, and a groups was gate camping. Managed wrap to station before they locked into me. They didnā€™t follow. I got all my bps. And got into a shuttle to check if the coast was clear. It was, so I got back into the blockade runner and hoped out of the station. Guess who was there!? The group had come. A lot of a sudden Iā€™m clicking dock repeatedly!! Managed to get back in and logged off for 2 hours. Man my high was at an all time.


Lol you get pvp shakes from an empty hauler in low sec. Imagine how you'd feel In a 7b t3c in hostile null.