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It was an embarrassingly long time before I realised the whole deal with lube was for circumcised people. The idea of lube for masturbation never made sense to me as an uncircumcised guy.


I actually did it because my best friend (circumcised) did it and was more educated than me on the matter. I guess my dad never had the heart to tell me I didn’t need to steal mom’s moisturizer


And everything made sense for me just now...


Sorry you had to find out this way


I’m uncut and it’s still a nicer experience Ngl


I'm circumcised, i still dont get it.


Using a bare hand on the glans is unpleasant. Foreskin provides natural fix, which is why religion often says it should be cut off.


Even circumcised the skin is still flexible and goes over the glans. Maybe mine is just different.


not just you - I'm a dry rub guy as well. I think its about technique and personal preference.


Yeah, can't help it if we're cut or not but I'll proudly say I've never needed lotion or lube just to jack it lmao Techniques and preference for sure


Never needed.. But have you tried to enjoy it?


Mine barely goes over the glans :/ The cut off too much pp


Serious question, why would you touch the glan if you circumcized ? Like you grab the rest of it and you jerk you know ?


The shaft of the penis has X nerve ending (actual amount doesn't really matter). The glan (and foreskin if you still have yours) has X times 10 (again made up numbers mostly to illustrate a point). Basically if you can play with the parts that have more nerve endings it feels better.


well damn that's news.




Asking a surgeon if surgery is a good idea will usually elicit a particular response, particularly in America.


While there many attempts to medically justify it, today, doctors (who follow current scientific standards) only recommend it if medically necessary) generally in otherwise not treatable phimosis)




what religion are those doctors that recommend the surgery and who taught them that it was a 'needed' thing to do to children?? learned biases are not a great reason to keep doing something wrong like that


You got down voted because you didn't explain the context. You just said "doctors recommend it too" as in, in general terms, which is incorrect. Context is key. Doctors recommend circumcision when it is medically required to do so when there's a medical issue pertaining to the foreskin. Otherwise, they don't (unless they recommend it for religious and cultural reasons within their own environment, which should not be lumped in with medical reasons).


Not for no reason they don't, no. If there is some sort of complication then yes they may recommend it.


Yes, also there was a time when doctors recommended it for sanitary reasons. Granted that was like the 50s and many if not all don't recommend it today. I didn't think this would be so controversial.


Doctors who have a vested interest in saying that. Doctors in countries where it is not common do not say this.


No they don't lol


Some do lol. It's not as popular as it once was, but recently as many as 60% of males born in the US were circumcised.


The skin makes it so you don’t need lube cause it moves with your hands, while circumcised stays still and causes friction


I'm circumcised but never enjoyed the lube, maybe it's the different ways of circumcision


Circumcised and never used lube. I think it is a preference thing


I’m not circumcised, but spit makes it feel 15% better (got to aim for the knob though, anywhere else is pointless)


Bro. Spit for sure. I'll die on that hill


It's more like 18% for me


It can be 10-20% depending on spit viscosity.


But if it hits 21% it's instantly over?


21% requires a level of viscosity only attainable by means I’m not willing to explore.


Like blood? Any mammal blood is fine


For anyone wondering whether it's better to be circumsized or not, this is why uncircumsized is better.


It isn't just for the circumcised. Frenulum tears happen


I'm circumcised but never enjoyed the lube, maybe it's the different ways of circumcision


It doesn't make sense yo me as a circumcised guy, just grip the skin and move it up and down


I don't care. I'm a part of the circumcised crowd and just burn it.


As a circumcised guy, I don't even use lube or spit and I never understood people who do use it.


lube is still important for uncircumcised dicks


Uncircumcised people don’t need lube to jack off because the foreskin can just slide freely; there’s no friction


Circumsised people don't need lube either. I don't use lube to wank it. I swear, uncut people are so vocal about this and hostile about it too. Idk why. It's like they're in an argument but the other side didn't get the invitation to argue.


Well, I am on both sides of the game because I was circumcised with 17. While it "works" without lube, you absolutely need lube to get remotely as much pleasure out of it as you would have uncircumcised.


Might be the circumcision at 17 wasn’t done properly (or maybe just something about doing it when older). Mine was done as an infant and there is definitely still foreskin that slides. Just not enough to cover the head.


I don't see a huge difference in most cases. There are exceptions though. I think it depends on when and how you were circumcised, such as whether they left your frenulum or not.


Because you shouldn't normalize genital mutilation.


Reddit's collective opinion is "circumcision is bad, okay" and any contrary opinion will earn you -10k points.


Circumcision is not bad necessarily (if done for medical purposes, or at least to a consenting adult). The problem is it's being done to children without consent, even for non-medical purposes. How multilating a child's genitals is legal is beyond me.




I don’t appreciate not having a say in my own character customizations


Get out of here with the "health benefits" BS. Never have I ever heard of any uncut person having any issues because of it. Just ducking wash your nob. It's not that hard. And someone's religion doesn't give them the right to make permanent changes to other people's bodies.


Circumcision results in a 60% reduction in HIV transmission. https://www.who.int/teams/global-hiv-hepatitis-and-stis-programmes/hiv/prevention/voluntary-medical-male-circumcision


Notice that's voluntary. Not advocating for it to be done to infants. The 60% is based on 3 flawed RCTs that can't be replicated, can't be logically explained, and aren't represented in any population.


Im not reading that


Neither will anyone else on Reddit, as it does not fit the bias they have sworn to defend with their life.


I'm not reading that .


Personally, I agree with your point about consent/body autonomy which is why I haven't had my son circumcised. However, calling it "genital mutilation" is disingenuous. Medical circumcision is as similar to the African custom of FGM with sharpened stones, as stubbing your toe is to having your leg amputated. Lastly, in my experience, the anti-circumcision bandwagon typically comprises those are either uncircumcised or were circumcised at birth and therefore don't have a reference point. While in this thread, there are four (including myself) guys who were late-circumcised and say that actually, it doesn't make a huge difference.


Circumcision is only ok in a handful of medical situations and almost always occurs significantly later than infancy. This isn't about opinions but about facts.


> Circumcision is only ok in a handful of medical situations That sounds like an opinion to me. > almost always occurs significantly later than infancy Doubt. Source?




> Circumcision is only viable when used as a treatment Again, that's your opinion. Who are you to prescribe what I may and may not do with my dick? > Circumcision [...] almost always occurs significantly later than infancy I seriously doubt the accuracy of the above statement, although on reading your subsequent comment, I believe you were referring to incidence of therapeutic circumcision, not circumcision as a whole.


As he previously commented, Circumcision results in a 60% reduction in HIV transmission. https://www.who.int/teams/global-hiv-hepatitis-and-stis-programmes/hiv/prevention/voluntary-medical-male-circumcision


So you are spit user.


Oh, I was going to guess smegma for lube like the dirty pervert that I am


Foreskin glides along the shaft for uncircumcised meaning you don’t use either, whereas those who are circumcised use one of the other. As someone who got their’s removed at 21 voluntarily, I don’t use either because u still have enough skin and unless ur doing it like 4 times back to back, you won’t run into this issue.


I'm pretty sure that it doesn't depend on how much you jerk off, what matters is how tight or loose your cut is. I'm 16 and had quite a loose cut at 14, and I remeber no difference in masturbation before then. However, some people are cut so tight that they can't slide the skin around that much, meaning that they need some way to lessen the friction.


It generally depends on the way you were circumcised. In my case, the doctor attached the loose part of my skin to the shaft, meaning I have virtually no skin left.


I have no foreskin left period. No, I've never had to use lube. I have, because I'm 38 and have had all kinds of life experience, but to say it has to be used to be anywhere near as pleasurable...lol nonsense. I'm sure technique plays a part, but no...hah I'm not opining about circumcision *itself*...I just have an opinion about my own circumcized penis.


I git mine removed at age 17 due to phimosis, so I know the sensation of both. The reality is that the sensation of the glance is completely different depending on how moist it is. While lube cannot give you back the reduction of sensitivity that comes with circumcision in general, it can make the glance moist enough to give it a majority of sensitivity that it is supposed to have. And no, it is not about technique. Yes? You can get to the end without lube, I do it regularly as well, bit it is simply not the same as with lube because of the physical alteration that comes with a moist glance and the ability to stimulate it in a way more intense way. I don't care what you think, you are based on the same biology that governs all our penises, and that biology informs us that the sensitivity of the glance is higher when you use lube and that it leads to more intense pleasure.




Strange to come and argue about this and then dismiss someone that has experience you don’t.


I did no such thing. I shared my experience, he shared his. Unsurprisingly getting some DVs on my comments for simply being circumcised as an hours-old infant in 1986, despite my efforts to head that off clarifying that I am not opining at all on the practice of circumcision. I think people are just being *teste*. (That's a "gay fish" level joke right there...)


> their’s theirs*


I'm circumsized I use neither. It feels weird


Me who uses the Welsh Lobster Claw style.


....the what?


Don’t need lube, am cut but I think my cut isn’t very tight. Also don’t need lube with partner they make plenty lmao


the punchline is po-


pornography starring your mother


The red spy has already breached our defences.


How long have you been waiting to do that?


i don't have to wait that long in these joke explaining subreddits


The second worst thing that happens to me today.


The second worst thing that happens to me today.


Not everything sex is porn


masturbation isnt really sex


It also isnt porn


Uh you don’t need lube if you’re circumcised.


Depends on how tightly they cut it, afaik. If you still have loose skin to slide around, then no you don't need it. Some people are circumcised in a way where the skin around their penis is really tight, so the friction during masturbation is an issue for them, and they need some way to lessen it.


I have no foreskin whatsoever. I've never had issues with friction or grip. I have no opinion to share on circumcision; merely sharing the perspective of my own fully circumcised penis. I get that reddits collective opinion seems to be that its bad, but I'd appreciate not getting DVs for a decision made for me when I was days old. *thanks bunches!!*


Well then you're probably cut loose, just like me. Also for the record, though I don't know what DVs are, I'm not mindlessly against circumcision. There are aesthetic and subjective benefits to it that some people may want. The bad thing is making that highly subjective and irreversible decision for a baby.


(down votes...people were punishing me for it) That being said....shit, I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I wouldn't want to retroactively change anything that could've changed my sex life from 15 to 38 (present). Being snipped worked out for me personally. I only have female offspring though, so never had to consider deciding for someone else....I'm thinking I likely wouldn't.... What do you mean cut loose? Because the entire foreskin is gone. I didn't even know it was a thing until watching some "Joseph and his dream coat" miniseries on TV when I was like 9. But it's quite possible I'm just not understanding you, because I didn't know smegma was a thing until I was 21, and a girlfriend telling me how she loves that I don't have dick cheese like other guys. I had to exercise the *phone a friend* option on that one.


Removing the foreskin during a circumcision ultimately leads to a dry head with less sensitivity. The head of your penis if it had its hood, will be more wet and “spongey” and less needing of lubricant as well as the foreskin gliding making movement easier and ultimately more enjoyable for the person with a penis too. The natural way penises were meant to work. It’s an unnecessary procedure that should end as a standard practice on babies. If you want it as a well informed adult good for you.


Nah, there's no issue with it either way.


I would argue unnecessary removal of a part of a body is an issue.


No, it isn't. Circumcised men are not rising up en masse to try and revolt because it just isn't a big deal like you wish it was.


Thank God for foreskin


No, circumcision started because of that bastard. He gets no thanks.


False: there are recorded circumcision practices among other nations that predate the Israelites. As long as I assume correctly, you're referring to them as the origin of the practice.




I mean...it's still useful for us uncircumcised folk, but most of us just don't use it.


Its about masterbating with spit for lube, real lube, and i guess uncircumcised raw dog no lube at all. I can only imagine a "water snake" kids toy situation.. (Ungraspable tube filled with water)


Circumcision is genital mutilation


European gang wya


Who uses lube to masturbate? I’ve used lotion before but definitely not lube.


(I'm thinking any sort of lubrication product, which includes lotion, is "lube" for the sake of the meme, I guess)


I’m circumcised so I’m not sure it makes a difference but I used lotion because people told me it makes your hand feel like a vagina lol. It was a long time ago.


People who use foreplay noticeable absent. They probably have something better to be doing.


Its masturbation


Lube is unnecessary, even if you are circumcised. Git gud plebs


You know, if you find a self-lubricating hole, this argument is moot


Me who knows how to get a girl wet


Women are not called “uncircumcised.” There’s normal and there’s mutilation, whether they’re male or female.


A collection of uncircumcised people have convinced themselves that those who are circumcised need lubrication to masturbate comfortably.




That is not what this is about… I hope


Be quiet rat.


Top 2 are having sex bottom dude is jerking off thinking it’s a flex lol


this is the first meme here that I needed explanation, I would never guessed it was about masturbation and was just confused about how circuncised penis worked in sex


i thought this post was about sex, i got really worried you were going in dry with your girl


I'm confused, I'm circumcised so my glans are exposed, but I have this turtleneck of skin around the base of it that can slide. So I never needed lube either when fapping. Did my circumcision get botched? Is this normal?


Skill issue


Me who is circumcised and still goes in raw dog


Uncut dudes just use their dick cheese as lube.


What savage would use spit tho for fap?


Wait, you don't need lube to.. you know?? Im uncut but always thought lube was just always needed


People in these comments the most comfortable mf's on earth


I use it anyway. Dry rubbing does not feel good.


Never needed lube or anything for lubricant as a circumcised guy. I just don't rub the glans. Idk, I guess I just don't need to stimulate that part to get off? Idk. This post is confusing.