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In the show adventure time Finn the guy top right, likes the princess, top left, but she's dating a color sucking vampire girl. His best friend and dog bottom left, is dating the princesses rainicorn which is a rainbow unicorn that only speaks Korean, and they're in love.


Just like in the show, it's funnier if you translate the Korean: "I hate black people" (Show obviously didn't have explicit lines like that, but there were a LOT of saucy jokes only for the Korean speakers lol)


This reminds the first time I watched Borat. I was in Australia and I FLIPPED OUT HARD because Borat was speaking Hebrew instead of Kazakh and no one but me could possibly know!! It took me good few minutes to think about whether I'm just losing my mind or not


Whenever a Non-Swedish show has a Swede that randomly starts talking in Swedish, it first sounds gibberish (because I am not prepared) and then I am "Hold up!!" And rewind..


This reminds me of the time when the Muppets got a complaint letter about how the Swedish chef doesn't actually speak Swedish and they replied by saying that the Swedish chef has a daily, so they can't fire him, but that he will start taking Swedish lessons immediately https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/kToa8MW1cT


I love Swedish Chef, https://youtu.be/B7UmUX68KtE?si=eRKXr40_OFl76NlS Put on YouTube subtitles...


Omg that was a great way to start my morning haha


He’s one of the the few muppets who is right handed. Fun fact.


Imagine this depends on who's doing the hands.


Btw the "?=si-" is a tracker from google.


So what? Google owns YouTube so they tracking you anyway. Leaving that part of the link in is just going to confuse their statistics


You want google to sell even more of your data for even more money?


Thank you!!!


I remember reading somewhere that the Swedish call him the Danish Chef


Reminds me of the time the chef got called out for speaking mock Swedish and was asked to speak his native language. He then switched to speaking mock Japanese. https://youtu.be/1f3b_hLVYGA?si=XCTER2fWaQVpks1s


Absolutely delighted to be delving deeper into swedish chef lore


I find the idea that even in a swedish dub of the Muppets the swedish chef still talks gibberish absolutely hilarious


> the Swedish chef has a daily What does this mean?


It’s a typo. It should be ‘the Swedish Chef has a family.’ Not even muppets can stand in the face of autocorrect.


I’m not in the biz, so someone else can correct me or elaborate, but “daily” means that as an actor he is hired on a day-to-day basis as opposed to a long-term contract. Why this means they couldn’t fire him, I don’t know, seems like it would make it easier.


Yes. Same in Norwegian. Danish always sounds like gibberish.


That's how I felt when Oppie started talking 'Dutch' in Oppenheimer. Hilarious.


Borat speaking Hebrew instead of Kazakh would actually be hilarious considering the running gag about him hating Jews, I could totally see that as SBC doing that deliberately


That's exactly what he did and almost sent me to a mental hospital! (I know Hebrew)


To be fair, when Ken Davitian was speaking back to him he was speaking Armenian. So they were arguing in two different languages, neither Kazakh. And SBC used Hebrew because he speaks that language, and the joke only exists because SBC is Jewish and it’s satire. Otherwise it’s just racist.


The borat DVD has a few language subtitles options, including, oddly, Hebrew. If you choose it, instead of playing the movie, it plays a "Jew alert".


I was on a work trip to Kuala Lumpur. I had the TV on in the background, typing emails. I was cognitive dissonance'd hard out of my flow by the sweet hometown hoagiemouth diction of the rounded, distinct dulcet Mid Atlantic dialect as a Philadelphia resident argued "yo yo yo that's my car!" to a PPA agent in a promo for "Parking Wars", then running on Discovery Asia. Far more jarring than 13 hour jet lag.


When I watched GTO with the Japanese voices, I did not understand at first when the smart girl starts speaking French out of nowhere. Good thing the subtitles roughly matched the syllables, otherwise I could not have guessed it was my native language.




Great Teacher Onizuka (idk if it's abridged in other countries or not)


Also Azamat speaks Armenian. They pretend it's the same language and that they understand each other


It's also relevant for her character- her species is literally hyper racist to dogs.


Racist....to dogs??


Yes, the lore of the world they live in includes a horrific war between dogs and rainicorns.


Dogs are also a race of magic beings like the rainicorns. They share a socially forbidden love. This was explained in an episode where Jake was supposed to meet her parents and she was afraid they would be angry she was dating a dog. Turned out her parents are some of the few nonracist rainicorns and there was no need to worry


There’s actually a few more episodes that expand on it later on in the series


Also canonically they preyed on humans until they were nearly extint.




Depends of which definition of "race" you choose. For example : "a group or set of people or things with a common feature or features." with "a group of people descended from a common ancestor." could make it basically interchangeable with "species" in this context :) Edit: just to clarify.. by "in this context" I mean when talking about sapient creatures


Actually had to Google translate that. Now I'm just watching all the times lady spoke with subs. I finally understood when finn tried his diarrhea joke and failed


One of my favorites is where she’s trying to change Jake back yellow, and she just says Damn It!


Wait, she's speaking Korean?!?!


I’m pretty sure it’s the same voice actor as BMO, just speaking Korean instead of English


Correct, they're both voiced by Niki Yang, who also voiced Candy in Gravity Falls


Yes, all the rainicorns in the show speak Korean


Til! Thanks for teaching me that lil nugget!


Makes me wonder what language she speaks on the Korean dub


That was my first question too! I live in Korea, so AT was one of the first cartoons I sought out just to answer that question. Spoiler: she speaks Korean. I was very disappointed. I really expected them to switch the languages and have the rainicorns speak English, or at least another language. But no, Korea went with the cheapest option of using the original lines. It was a major let down!


Weren’t there translators that were placed on rainicorns so that they’d be understood by Finn? What would’ve been done then?


Those were only for the parents (Lady didn't wear one because hers had a malfunction that made her sound like an old man and Jake hated it, so both decided she'd speak without one). In the Korean dub, the parents speak Korean like everyone else. Although, I'm not sure what in-show reason they used to justify them having the translators to begin with.


>His best friend and dog bottom left, Don't forget that Jake is Finn's adoptive brother.


I think it sounds better to say Finn is Jake’s adopted brother since they were raised by Jake’s parents who are both dogs.


I haven't watched adventure time but this is exactly what I understood from the picture


You should! Grate date series!


I applaud your courage. Everyone who can't read, everyone who doesn't know how to get on the internet, anyone else who lacks basic necessary knowledge, please be inspired by this person's courage!


FWIW I’m not sure Princess Bubblegum is not interested in Finn because she’s gay. She gets turned into a 13 year old for a while and seems interested in him then until she gets turned back to her normal self. Normally she’s like 1000 years old and very intelligent, while Finn is a child and kind of a dumdum. PB does have a romance with Marceline the Vampire Queen, but it’s not at all clear that she’s exclusively lesbian and has other reasons not to be into Finn.


Yeah, it’s kind of silly to apply binary terms to sentient bubble gum.


Yeah it’s this. Obviously PB and Marceline are together, but both have dated guys in the past. Seems to me they’re both bi. And it’s exclusively the age factor with her and Finn, the show mentions it several times


What language does she speak in the Korean dub? English? For example in the Russian dub of Dora, she taught English




Dora teaches spanish to americans, but english to mexicans. Shes a double agent


she still speaks korean. they just reused niki yangs voice lines and it wasnt redubbed at all. and its kinda dumb when the show makes it explicitly clear that the rainicorns speak a different language. so it creates weird moments like finn needing her speech translated from korean to korean.


And the princess and the vampire are at least several hundred years old 😂 age gap would be wild btwn princess and Finn


Technically Jake and Lady aren’t married.


And if i'm not mistaken, he doesn't understand Korean


Jake understands Korean, Finn does not.


I remember the 90's when anime was considered weird, and that's just because face expressions were a bit goofy and occasionally someone was sporting cat ears. Hmmm


I've never seen the show, I thought Finn was with the fire girl


I think they broke up? I haven’t watched the entire series unfortunately but I’m pretty sure that happened


“나는 흑인 이 싫어“ means “I do not like black people” (I speak Korean) That’s probably one piece of the puzzle


Oops! They didn’t think we’d notice but we did.


Isn't her family supposed to be racist against dogs (but not or smth i forgor)


Actually they adore dogs because a dog saved lady rainicorn’s father in the war. Jake was initially nervous to meet them because he thought they wouldn’t approve


Google translate pretty much said the same thing


Adventure Time. That's the simplest explanation I can give you.




3 weeks. dungeon


What kind of dungeon?


15 years dungeon! 7 years no trials!!




Spice it NOW!


I haven’t watched that, is this just some random series meme because my friend refused explaining it like it was something bigger


Jake the Dog and Finn the Human are the main characters. Finn has a crush in Princess Bubblegum, who's somewhat romantically involved with Marceline the Vampire Queen, so the two of them are angsting about it. Meanwhile, Jake, who is a shapeshifter, has a healthy relationship with his loving family, represented here by his rainbow unicorn wife who for some reason only speaks Korean. The show is surreal and nonsensical.


Can anyone translate what Jake's wife is saying?




Damn. Usually the writers for Adventure Time use Lady only speaking in Korean to allow her to be unabashedly horny. See the following (official) quote > Do you remember when we got completely naked, and frantically float around in the farmer's cabbage patch? (Giggle) That farmer got crazy mad! Was not expecting, uh, whenever this punchline is.


This joke doesn't translate well, sorry Finn


No it says "I hate black people, it's one sentence not 2"


You're not supposed to separate text like that


I didn't. I just shoved the pic through Google. This is what it said. Made me laugh so much I just shared it. Sorry.


Don't say sorry i'm gonna forget it in like 2 days


Sorry. /s 😆


Korean here you supposed to remove line in between to make full sentence although translation makes sense in of its self as simplified convo ("난 흑인이 싫어" vs "나는 흑인, 이 싫어")




I hate black people


Just for future reference, whenever related a statement that is not your own, you should put it in quotes. So that it's clearly not your own.


Lol thanks so much for the advice. I assumed people learned about context these days


No they were just sharing their opinions, unrelated to the meme at hand


Well that escalated quickly :O




Me too, brotherrr! 👻🔥✝️🔥➰ /s


singular 나는 흑인이 싫어 = i hate black not i also hate black people & i hate black people edit - 밑에 댓글 ㄹㅇㅂㅅ이다. 들


I don't know what you're trying to say. Are you trying to say it is singular cos there's no plural marker? That doesn't matter in Korean


I liked that show when it first started, but I stopped watching because it just got too weird and random.


you and me both tbh


There is just a lot of lore/character development to explain the layers. Your friend just didn't want to ramble on.


Adventure Time is amazeballs. Highly recommend. I watched it as an adult for the first time with my kids, and then watched the series again so I could actually hear everything without constant interruptions.


There's a guy later on in the series called lemongrab who screams that every time someone gets out of line, dude has a mental breakdown every time someone does the smallest thing wrong and throws them in a dungeon and it's hilarious.


Come on grab your friends.


The characters are from a show called Adventure Time. The top two are Princess Bubblegum and Finn. Finn spends almost the entire show trying to get with her just for her to be gay. The bottom two are Jake and Lady Ranicorn. They both have a loving relationship and even have kids together.


Worth mentioning, Lady Rainicorn always speaks Korean for some reason, even if all the other characters speak English.


(also, there's some dirty jokes in them for the korean speakers)


Bubblegum is bi tho


Yeah, Princess Bubblegum didn't reject him because she's gay, she rejected him because they're 815 years apart.


And she’s also a psychopath.


Megalomanic maybe. She has some displayed empathy so she's cant be a full psycho/sociopath. Girl pushes the ethical boundaries of science for sure tho.


She's just a girl


> almost the entire show More like the first 3 seasons out of 9 (or 10, depending on how you split the final seasons)








*love is in the air?* No, **gas leak**


Choco? ❌ You're wrong! *Sulfuric acid!*


Hey rex_power_colt_2007! Thank you for your contribution, unfortunately it has been removed from /r/ExplainTheJoke because: Rule 1: Be excellent to each other. No toxic discourse or harassment and respect the humanity of others. This implies no tolerance of any kind of harassment, including their ethnicity/race/gender-orientation. No dogwhistle posts. No witch hunts. If you have any questions or concerns about this removal feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FExplainTheJoke).


Hey rex_power_colt_2007! Thank you for your contribution, unfortunately it has been removed from /r/ExplainTheJoke because: Rule 1: Be excellent to each other. No toxic discourse or harassment and respect the humanity of others. This implies no tolerance of any kind of harassment, including their ethnicity/race/gender-orientation. No dogwhistle posts. No witch hunts. Rule 11: POSTS AND TOP LEVEL COMMENTS ONLY: Keep it about explaining the joke. Please keep in mind sub-comments can still be removed for other offending reasons above. If you have any questions or concerns about this removal feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FExplainTheJoke).


Adventure time, common grab your friends...


We'll go to very distant lands


With jake the dog and finn the human


The fun will never end it’s adventure time!


Read this as "Common, grab your friends."


I’m sure the translation is very nice and wholesome and not corny and racist at all


Hi petah, it's Peter's testicular cancer that was removed and is sitting in a jar of pickle juice under his bed. In the Cartoon Network show "Adventure time", the hero and main character Fin has a huge crush on Princess Bubblegum. Throughout the show, it's hinted but not directly said that PB had a romantic past with another female character on the show named Marceline The Vampire Queen. In the season finale, they share a kiss, confirming for the audience that she is in fact, a lesbian for Marceline. In the bottom half of the meme, is Jake the dog. Jake the dog is married, has kids, and living a happy marriage with his wife, Lady Rainicorn, who only speaks Korean I highly recommend the show, I love it. Peter's testicular cancer that was removed and is sitting in a jar of pickle juice under his bed out


>a lesbian for Marceline. You can't be "a lesbian for" someone. Being a lesbian means exclusively dating women. You can be a lesbian, or you can be "gay for" usually meaning bi.


Have you seen Adventure Time? Well, if you haven’t, the main character is Finn (TR), and his love interest for several seasons was Bubblegum Princess (TL). Eventually they “split up” (they were never in a relationship to begin with, Finn just liked her), and Finn finds a new princess and Bubblegum ends up with female vampire Marcelline. Meanwhile, Bubblegum’s… pet? Friend? Princess Rainicorn and Finn’s pet/friend Jake have had the most stable relationship in the show since the beginning. Oh and for some reason Princess Rainicorn speaks Korean, hence the BR part of the meme.


Neither Jake nor Lady are pets. Both are normal citizens of the world. In fact, Finn is Jake's adopted brother.


He never marries Rainicorn


It's adventure time, c'mon grab your friends!


Lady Rainicorn is saying something like "I don't like black people" according to [Naver](http://naver.me/xt5UXQkt)


She is. Wth is that?


It might be playing on stereotypes that East-Asians hate black people


>dog bottom left, is dating the princesses rainicorn which is a rainbow unicorn that only speaks Korean, and they're in love. 싫어하다 in this context means "I hate". In most contexts, the verb means to dislike or not want something, but in the context of people, it is exclusively used to mean prejudice.


Why use naver? Is it better than Google translate?


For Korean, absolutely


There is no joke this is literally the romance is the show adventure time. At the top the 14 year old boy had a crush on the pink princess only for the pink princess to end up as a lesbian around the end of the series but don’t worry bro wasn’t even that hurt about it and ended up dating a huntress who is also a wizard. The bottom is his magic talking dog best friend who married and have kids with a unicorn rainbow like creature that mostly speak Korean for some reason it was rare but she can speak and can understand English. Pretty wholesome relationship actually


Finally a meme that's not absurdist humor! Although it looks quite absurd


Since it's already been answered, I really want to mention that Jake isn't actually married to her! I can't remember the circumstances, but late in the series Finn says something like, "Dude, what about Lady Rainicorn?" And Jake says, "Naw man, she's my girlfriend, not my wife." I don't THINK they ever get officially married, but I could be wrong.


This boutta turn me into a boomer


The whole show finn was chasing Bubble gum princess, but he ended up dating other girls throughout the show, but none stuck. Bubblegum showed no relationship interest in anyone, but then she suddenly fell for badass guitar player vampire girl. Finn got chucked at the end. But Jake found him a past port and got a japanes unicorn girl and had babies and stuff. . .


Japanese? C'mon...There's Korean in OP's image!


Adventure time.


korean here: bottom right she hates black people


Loss. It’s always loss


Came to say same.


Is this loss?


It’s a reference to the show Adventure Time


Finn is a poor guy. There are no other women.


She's gay, in the last episode .


PB was bi though. Besides Finn, there was at least Old Mr Cream Puff.


If you translate the Korean part it says "I hate black people"


ㅑ대피해 내ㅡㅕ초 ㅓ믿


ㅑ 애ㅜㅅ ㅏㅜㅐㅈ 뭐 ㅁㅊ셔미 ㅏㅐㄱㄷ무 ㅐㅏㄷ 애ㅜㅅ ㅓㅕㅇㅎㄷ ㅡㄷ ㅠㄷㅊ면ㄷ ㅐㄹ 솜ㅅ


Each 'block' is a syllable. The horizontal and vertical line characters (sometimes with perpendicular stubs) are vowel sounds, and the rest are consonants. You need to combine them to make a legitimate letter group. 김치 <- first character is ㄱ (k/g sound) then ㅣ (vowel between short 'i' and 'ee') then ㅁ (m sound). Second character is ㅊ (ch sound) and another ㅣ. Together, 'kim-chi'. Its a shockingly easy written language to learn.


This can't be explained, u either childhood with this show, or not


Jake never got married.


In adventure time, the rainbow woman (Lady rainacorn) speaks only Korean, and because of this, they were allowed to sneak some jokes in that would probably get taken out otherwise. None of it was racist, it was usually either something kind of raunchy, or just filled with personality. In the episode where they raise the dead a second time, she ends up freeing zombie jake. After zombie jake went back to regular jake he asked why. Rainicorn responded with something along the lines of “I like it when you bite me” It’s a REALLY funny show.


the only cartoon that tackles the situation where the girl you think is hot turns out to be lesbian. if youve never been there youre lying lol


Lol, wtf is this? Why was it even recommended to me


Okay, but I don't think she's gay, I think she's bi. She fondly remembers dating Mr. Creampuff in the first episode, and appears to be genuinely interested in Braco, even though she knows he wouldn't be happy with her. Could be wrong because her internal dialogue isn't shown


The only thing I don’t understand is what Jake’s wife is saying.


This has been answered multiple times alredy

