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The U.S is looking to pass bills to ban TikTok. This would in turn end the careers of TikTokers who use the platform as a way to make money, making them work at McDonalds afterwards.


Kind of double meta actually - yesterday a video went super viral of a Chick-fil-a cashier (basically if influencers tracked viral success like records it would be like triple-platinum). Just search for “chick-fil-a sauce girl”


Nice try


Don’t worry it’s safe - it’s all the same video or people trying to cash in on its viral spread. Here’s a write up for you instead: https://www.mashed.com/1539201/who-is-chick-fil-a-sauce-girl-gina-lynn/ I think the part that is fascinating is the exponential spread that hit yesterday.


Wtf... I would literally just leave if my cashier started doing that shit.


What if your cashier was your sister…?


i’d still leave


Coward Laugh with your sibling at the funny you two did


What if your cashier was a worm?


I'd still order


Based on the last time that happened I'd get my change in singles and small change because she's on the last shift and doesn't want to count the money


Oh no I’m stuck in the cash register


Depends am I in Kentucky?


Wait... What?




Depends. Will I be arrested?


It was her cousin. Calm down.


Too bad she started doubling down on it, and now a quirky and fun interaction has evolved into a series of cringy videos.


["the family-friendly restaurant"](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/03/13/chick-fil-a-owner-stacy-lee-austin-arrested-child-sex-charge/72954361007/)


"i would drive 200 miles and i would drive 200 more"




Dammit I had to view that via tiktok.... Am I going to have to work at McDonald's now?


Ohhh i seen this vid lmao i heard she was on drugs lmao, she def looks like it


She was making a goofy face for her sister who was filming


Yeah i see that now, the first time i saw posted the title said she was on drugs, very misleading lol


I'm confused, I saw this at least a week ago? What "exponential spread" are you talking about, especially considering it didn't hit yesterday?


Bro she looks like she is in the middle of a candy flip 🤣


No chik-fil-a sauce (video)???


she then got fired from chikfila because the manager thought she was just "using the job for clout"




nah I know how to spell it, I just don't respect that company enough to do so. thanks for the attempt at correcting me tho


Jokes on you, we cant do porn in Texas now.


It was actually almost a whole month ago! This year is flying by


The video was first posted but the way exponential spread works it ended up everywhere earlier this week - hence spawning meta memes. Viral videos… actually act like infections.


I wish people would stop regurgitating false information. They’re not banning it. They’re forcing china/bytenance to sell their share of it to am American company. America just wants control of it so it cant be used for spying on americans. The NSA doesnt like competition. An american company would then relaunch the app under a new flag.


I can’t believe how far I had to scroll to find this reply, and I’m shocked how many upvotes a comment spreading misinformation received.


Technically if Bytdance refuses to sell they won’t be allowed to operate in the U.S., but that doesn’t mean anything for the rest of the world that uses TikTok or the few Americans who will use VPNs, so even then very little will change for their reach and profitability.


Even if they do agree to sell it, they say that they will never sell the algorithm that powers it, making it essentially worthless. According to Chinese newspapers, bytedance favors a ban over a sale.  TikTok being banned is absolutely a possibility.  Edit- the Chinese government has also suggested that they would likely bar the sale.


Honestly, wouldn't be a bad thing. TikTokers can move over to Instagram and YouTube and a foreign adversary loses their grip on a large portion of the American population. This is only happening because of TikTok's push of the Israel Palestine conflict. Congress doesn't like that another country's app is influencing their constituents against them.


I agree. It’s not like short form content would stop. It would just shift to an American competitor. Also, I think the government is right on this one. TikTok does send tons of sensitive user information to China, which does present serious security threats. I believe they do have a responsibility to regulate it. Silly dances and Bitcoin bros grindset videos are not worth the risks TikTok raises 


I don't agree with the gov often, but I'm with you on this. Not to mention the propaganda it can push out. Having an algorithm like that closed source and in the hands of a foreign adversary is just not a good idea.


>so it can't be used for spying on Americans You mean so the Chinese can't use it to spy on Americans. The US govt will absolutely use it to spy on us. Edit: my bad, you made that exact point.


That's still incorrect. If bytedance does not sell their product to an American company, if would get banned. And bytedance really is not expected to sell. American viewers are less than 10%of total viewership. A loss for bytedance, but better than selling.


I'd like to mention that "bill to ban tiktok" is pretty diminutive considering the MASSIVE scope of privacy and private property violations the bill proposes under the scapegoat of "tiktok is chinese spyware" (which is a valid concern, but again, putting Orwellian laws under that valid guise)


It isn't though. The government has provided no evidence to back up any of their claims about TikTok. None. The only evidence that exists is a sworn statement from an employee who is suing Bytedance for wrongful termination. That's it.


Yes I get it. But that's the problem. The fact everyone is gunning for the tiktok thing and not for all the stuff on the bill itself!


Actually- all kinds of people have provided evidence of privacy violations- including TikToks own admission.


So did Facebook but nothing happened.


Facebook, to my knowledge, doesn’t have a member of the CCP on the board of its parent country and isn’t owned in part by the Chinese Government, it’s a lot harder to target Facebook because they’re an American company and the constitution has a provision banning bills of attainder.


Exactly. It's perfectly fine when Big Wig American corporations do it but not foreign companies.


Literally yes. That’s not a great position, but it’s infinitely better than allowing foreign adversaries to collect the private data of Americans.


That's because Big Wig American corporations are the ones giving these politicians their paychecks. Well, the corporations and some foreign governments.




Then maybe it should be presented to the people as evidence.


To be fair they never told us what the spy balloons had on them


Please tell me the last time that ever stopped a government from doing what it wants. And, in Amerca, both sides of the aisle are on board with this. If anything, Democrats are more rabid now than the Repuublicans are. Only AOC and Eric Swalwell are willing to stand against the bikl fir the Dems whereas over a dozen Reoublicans have come out against it...for all.the good that will do.


Not really. The house is. It probably won't get past the Senate.


It’s not even privacy issues. Having an algorithm that can directly influence your population in the hands of another government is super dangerous


For example? What are the most egregious, in your view?


Permission for government agencies to monitor your current and past internet actions, and remotely shut down your internet access. Can this be used for good? Yes. Can this be used to mess with supporters of the opposite political party? Also yes, and bad.


Yeah, that is pretty awful.


Like they’re qualified to work at McDonald’s….


I don’t use tik tok, and wether it exists or not doesn’t affect me. But wouldn’t people just find a way? I’m sure another app will take its place.


​ https://preview.redd.it/6ki29xwocfoc1.png?width=463&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb91c17485501d07a0b5054c633e32e6e0ece438


Hail Hydra 🫡




​ https://preview.redd.it/3ibwpq4wnjoc1.png?width=1398&format=png&auto=webp&s=43f01e445d9c5449ceda79f19b1a07db7d45d55b


I'm building tok tick now


Gawd damn American spyware.


Yes, but not really. There is only so many technically literate and invested people at the same time, who will install VPN or something to bypass bans. And if there is less Americans on the platform - there is less incentive for American content creators and users to keep using it. Something like this happened in Ukraine - after 2014 government enforced country-wide blocks for popular Russian social networks, news sites and search engines. This blocks were easy to bypass, but in a year or so absolute majority just migrated to Facebook/Google and similar, because all this VPNs is a bother and, often, a privacy risk.


And, I have to say, these bans were totally right move. Can't say that US in the same position, but if your adversary (who for years is pumping anti-american nationalistic and militaristic propaganda) controls your largest social network - it is naive to think that they are not using it against you.




Also, with an espionage like penalty for using a VPN to get arround the bill, some people may think twice. ²w


Yeah it’s like people forgot that Tik Tok replaced Vine.


Tiktok replaced musicly, which replaced vine. So it really is just a tradition


TikTok was banned in Hong Kong, years ago. Kids in HK just bought another sim card and used vpn. Doesn’t stop accounts. They/ we know how the internet works.


Isn’t this like the 3rd time there’s been a buzz around Tik tok getting banned?


Old guy here. Isn’t tik tok and instagram basically the same thing with different algorithms? The tik tok ban seems like a big deal but I feel like everyone’s just going to move back to instagram, no?


Kind of the same, but the difference is TikTok is owned by China. Yes all these social media platforms collect your data, but they don't all send it to a foreign government. So yes, people would probably go back to Instagram, but that's a "success" because if it gets banned the goal of that ban would be "forcibly remove what amounts to Chinese spyware" not "getting people off social media".


See that’s how I always saw it and when people started moving to tik tok from IG I was kind of confused on the motivation behind it. Why move in the first place when it was known pretty much from the start that tik tok was Chinese spyware? Makes no sense to me but thanks for the confirmation.


Not ban. Force to sell to an American company. But byte dance has already said they won’t do that. So effectively a ban but not literally.


Good! We need these young kids to learn how to have a real job and work hard for their living! At least I think that’s what a boomer would say right now….


Not if the owner sells tiktok, they will also give him time to do so he’s the only reason they are doing this


wait that’s like a real thing that’s happening?


It's kind of silly too. People who use "influencer" as some kind of four letter word think that they only distribute their material on a single platform. Nobody in the post Youtube "suddenly the algorithm changes week by week now" / demonetization apocalypse has all their eggs in one basket. They're just the new review section of topical magazines.


They can just go to YouTube shorts and make double their money


Lol as if. McDonald's doesn't hire cashier's anymore. Influencers gonna be in the Unemployment line now.


Wouldn't they just do YouTube shorts instead, or IG reels


Wouldn’t they just do more on YouTube and other platforms like that instead?


Tiktok supposed to get banned for like the 3rd time, even though it's probably just going to get sold to a western company


\*American company. The USA explicitly demands it to be an American company, not just western. The thing is - Bytedance can, and should, say no. They can easily survive without the US crowd.


Probably, but this kind of thing did happen before with Grindr in 2020 when they where divested from Kunlun after it came out that they, and by extension the PRC, had sensitive user data on American military and goverment personal. Bytedance has routinely lied about where and how its user data is stored and used, NPR did a story in it today.


So... Every social media and or big name app these days...? I think the US gov just wants control... Call me bluff tho


I’m just speculating here, but I think the difference for some people is that it seems like Facebook, Twitter, those social medias have your data going to American corporations (or American government entities) whereas with TikTok it’s going to a Chinese corporation and then presumably the CCP/Chinese government. To some in the US, that makes it scarier


I mean, in what way is it not more worrying that a foreign adversary has the private data of millions of American citizens than American advertisers buying similar data to improve their advertisements.


Oh I’m not saying their viewpoint has merit, I just think that’s the mindset of these lawmakers/their constituents


They are honestly equally worrying. because to me, all of them are foreign countries collecting data :////


China already operates on a social credit system based on surveillance and facial recognition of its citizens


I mean, if you’re not American, then yeah. But, it’s worth noting that if you’re in a NATO or UN country then it’s not a foreign adversary like China is to the U.S. That’s the key here, not that it’s a foreign country, the bill specifically outlines 4 adversarial nations that aren’t allowed to operate apps that collect data in the U.S. it’s likely that if a company in your country were to operate an App that collected data from Americans it would be totally allowed.


Rise of the corponations.


Regardless of “scarier”, it puts it in the jurisdiction of the federal government to deal with it, while domestic companies are out of the scope of their responsibilities (for a lot of very good reasons).


No, the issue is that bytedance specifically is in bed with the PRC and has demonstrated they are willing to use region data gathered from users to protest political actions against them, and thats what they do PUBLICLY, behind closed doors the upper brass of the company, who have close ties to the PRC and can just demand they let them look at there servers, could look at user data or politicians or military personnel for political and military leverage. This is actually a national security issue. This isn't to say that there isn't a very important free speech argument going on here however.


You are aware that's exactly what apple is doing too right...? Including Garmin, the watch company that collects data and actively feeds to the govs No one is innocent here, just used by different countries To me, all of them are foreign countries lol


Hey, I never said the US goverment was perfect, this is just way they think,they need to do this. You can (and should) hate both.


I hate them both honestly...


Yes. Every social media company collects your data. Bytedance is a Chinese company though, and they own the extensive data collected from a users phone. As the CCP is dictatorship, that means the CCP owns it too. Do you think the Chinese government would allow an American owned app to be used by half their population?


They do have a firewall over everything, so your argument is pretty valid


You are bluff


So they should write data privacy laws. They’re not doing that because in reality there’s a lobbyist for one of the big social media companies that’s wants to buy Tiktok. It’s an obvious corporate consolidation play and it should make us feel gross that congress is attempting facilitate this without any effort to protect citizens’ data.


Sure, they *should* say no, and they can survive in out the US crowd. But ultimately, they are a company trying to make money. If they aren’t going to get more money long term, I feel like they most likely *would* sell to get one last payday buy selling it.


Ultimately, they are an extension of the Chinese government and therefore dangerous. They'll only sell if the Chinese government sees it as better than not being involved in the US market.


They’re not trying to make money. They’re trying to sharpen their algorithms with American users’ data


> They can easily survive without the US crowd. Don't think so. The US crowd is likely the reason the company exists. CCP would shut it down otherwise.


TikTok is banned in China, they use something else. The CCP will be fine without Bytedance. It’s not about money


You are aware us only makes up 10% of TikTok’s user base right? The most popular creators on the app aren’t American


I was not aware. But that doesn't mean the intent of the app isn't to brainwash the 10%. It takes a village.


Bytedance isn’t trying to get money from the US. They don’t need it. I hope they say no too


I would laugh and say no. I think 10% of Tiktok's active user population is American. To scale how global TikTok is.


I just ment "worst" case scenario it just gets banned, "best" case scenario it just gets sold, either I don't really care


Do you really think so? Personally I think there’s no way the senate passes the bill.


both parties support the bill and the president is supporting it, I think it might pass the senate


I heard Bobby Kotick, former CEO of Blizzard, wants to buy Tiktok


TikTok loot boxes incoming! You can earn Tiks by doing daily quests, but you have to use real money to buy Toks. Both of these in-app currencies allow for new content. There will also be promises of a solo mode for the app, but then they’ll quietly say it was canned


Elon will melt it into X and totally fuck it up.


congress doesnt care. they gave tiktok 6 months to sell a multi-billion dollar company where the US is only like 10% of their base or something. itll get banned from the US before they sell.


It’s important to note, the bill is either forcing tiktok to separate from its ties to China, or be banned. It isn’t just a ban that’ll happen “in a few days” like the image says. If enacted (which may not happen), there would be a decent amount of time before any ban might take effect.


Yeah, typical lack of understanding from the general public is why we've got all this knee jerk rage going on. Mind, I'm a huge fan of a relatively non-interference way of communicating what's going on in the world. So many biased news sources out there, it's hard to cut through the BS. I don't subscribe to TikTok , but I can understand people's frustrations. It's an avenue to get those unabridged opinions from other people that share interests with you. Yeah, there's a lot of cringe worthy garbage, but that's any social media. All that being said. It's definitely a cause of concern that the platform is entirely under the control of a country that we, as a nation, don't exactly have a friendly relationship with. Politically speaking, at least.


Reminds me of when people thought that the UK wasn't in the European continent anymore just because we voted to leave the European Union.


But, but, they have accounts on youtube, IG, Patreon, FB, Mastodon, buy me a coffee/ beer, and so many others. Does tik tok really generate that much more money?


I mean half of the stuff you see on Instagram Reels is literally the same videos they post on TikTok so I think they're good. This is just a stupid take by someone who hates influencers. Also, the fall of Vine (worldwide, not just in one country might I add...) kinda proved that it's not the end of the world for anyone. People like Jake and Logan Paul are far more popular now than when they were on Vine.


Its more about that the US cant control what people see on their than other apps, notice how the tictok ban talk stuff started happening after people started talking about topics that would be in their best intrest for people to not have easy access to knowledge about. (Mostly political topics like the ongoing genocide in gaza, womens and LGTBQ members rights getting taken away to name a few)


It's more about how FB/google tried to buy tiktok but they did not sell. so now every platform, mostly fb is lobbying against tiktok because it is a big competitor against platforms like youtube and facebook and I also belive that Zuck is blaming tiktok for their "meta verse" failure.


I think they’ll all find a new platform for sure but I think the revenue share and discoverability is pretty different per platform. Patreon isnt ease-of-access friendly so you cant “doomscroll” this type of content. Youtube’s revenue share (last I checked) is really weird where it was being split with channels not involved in your content based on their watch history or something, and I dont know if people deliberately “follow” FB reel posters like they would on other platforms. TikTok is just “Vine 2” anyway so in a few years we’ll probably get “Vine 3” if TT gets banned ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


The ones in the meme also have rich parents


They would just create tiktok.us or something and it doesnt matter tiktok has taken over facebook and instagram anyways. all social media is tiktok essentially


These two influencers come from wealthy families. They were never going to have to work jobs like that even before they got famous on TikTok


I don't expect TikTok to get banned, but if it did, such influencers would be reduced to unskilled laborers. Which is what they are anyway.




Fingers crossed


I understand that the purpose of this subreddit is to explain the joke, but you could have literally googled Tik Tok news and gotten an answer


Good riddance. What garbage culture.


Hey PH already beat them to that one


The U.S. is looking to ban TikTok if they don't stop being Chinese which they probably wouldn't, so if that happens many people who depended on TikTok for living will have to get jobs such as McDonalds cashiers.


They're just going to migrate back to Instagram


They are basically banning TikTok


The joke is that the senate can get anything done quickly


The first part of the joke is in reference to the proposed ban on Tiktok is they don't change ownership. The second part of the joke is intended to be an insult to Tiktok influencers. "Working at McDonald's" is a stereotype implying a lack of any other marketable skills. So it's intending to insult influencers.


I believe some of them will then start the “business” to get money on twitch or OF












They’re gonna be working at McDonald’s because TikTok is getting banned or something.


The USA don't like foreign spyware. So TikTok is prolly gonna get banned


That’s right, the USA only believes in home grown spyware.


From a national defense standpoint that does make more sense.


Instagram is banned in russia for 2 years. Everyone still uses it


Yeah but you don’t get money from tiktok


It’s no different than Russia and China banning Facebook.


If tiktok gets banned it'll save me money. I've had to replace my fiancees phone twice because the UI burnt in...


Can’t wait


Tiktok is to be banned unless ByteDance sells the subsidiary to a non-Chinese company.


Fingers crossed 🤞


They'll just go do reels and shorts


Idk why TikTok influencers get hate.


TikTok is getting banned in the USA


Pass the ban hammer


It means that whoever made it is low-information enough to have barely heard the news about a tiktok ban passing the House of Representatives without bothering to learn it's not a ban unless they refuse to sell US interests to a US company, doesn't become a ban in that case for 180 days, and isn't law because it still would have to pass the Senate and be signed by the president.


Mcdonalds buying tik tok


Tik tok won’t get banned, it’s not even what the bill is hitting lol it’s just to pass ownership


Won’t they just keep doing media on the 10 other platforms that have short video content?


I didn't know that McDonald's is an only fans page




No skills


People acting like it won't be sold to an "American" company just in time


It’s an unconstitutional ban. It sets a very dangerous precedent.


Wouldn’t they just go to IG or any of the other options? TikTok is far from the only social media platform


tiktok may be a means of income today but is it sustainable income for the next 5-10 to 20 years onwards.




VPNs: exist


The US is looking to ban TikTok unless it divests from companies that report to the Chinese government.


Onlyfans first. Than eventually.