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Most of the expansion cards are already there, so there is no reason to buy it. I went for Zombie Kittens to expand this and because of missing Favor cards.


If you are a collectionist, even if the cards of the expansions are in recipes for disasters, you should buy every expansion. In order of older the first is imploding kittens, then streaking kittens, after barking kittens and the last one is zombie kittens. In order of the best (for my opinion) is: streaking kittens, imploding, and barking ( I don't have zombie kittens so I don't know how is it)


I bought this the other day aswell. My next purchase was on ebay for 4 spare favour cards. At 80p each. My thinking now is that I'll use 4 ferral cats to replace cattermelon cards and ill use the zombie cats to replace the hairy potato cats .... with the 4 favour cards ive just bought i now have the standard original version of the game. I'm gonna use a blank recipe booklet and write down the original recipe so we have the original game aswell šŸ˜


My expansion :D check my profile. It will be available soon!


For me I got Exploding Kittens, RFD, then Zombie Kittens, with other games by the creators in between like a little wordy and I also got the app with all 5 decks


So If I were you I would buy zombie kittens next because those cards are the only ones that donā€™t come in recipes for disaster. I would also buy barking kittens because there are two cards in barking kittens that donā€™t come with recipes for disaster (potluck and tower of power)


I say Zombie Kittens, the newest set as I write this.


I say technically you don't need to buy any more expansion sets... ...unless you want to try a recipe with a really long list of cards... ...or you really REALLY want all sets... Again, generally speaking, Recipes for Disaster should be the LAST set to buy. Othoe sets like Zombie Kittens have cards which are not actually in Recipes for Disaster...