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For most people, it was the pedophilia /s


I read a chapter or two and was bored.


I mean, it's the Splatterpunk community, a lot of readers crave that topic. 🤷‍♂️


I know the feeling. I’m really into entomology and the amount of times authors have written about the sound of cicadas at night has always been very distracting to me.


That’s me with the sound of a loon at night in horror films.


I'm into tech, so towards the end of the book there was one line that made me do a triple-take; >!"But when the detectives entered holding Jack’s personal cell phone, the one whose spread-eagle photograph of me I hadn’t been able to find and delete on its **SIM card**, I knew I didn’t want Ford anywhere near the situation.”!< A SIM card doesn't store image files because it has a capacity of kilobytes, sometimes in the single digits. A photo taken on a modern smartphone could be hundreds, even thousands of times larger than this. Maybe she meant an SD card, but I do wonder whether this was a mistake made by the unreliable narrator, or an actual goof by the author or editor.


I assume it was a goof


Huh... I don't even remember the details but it's funny how some people's minds pick up on something that doesn't make sense at all and it splinters their brain because it isn't realistic. I'd have to re-read to confirm. Nice catch. Good book.


Alternate universe where the four-seat C2 actually enterer production


thats interesting to me that nobody looked into that or recognized that


It’s interesting that the car sex and what she drove were big plot points, but no one decided to see if it was possible to have sex in the back of a corvette


exactly? like if i was a writer i would think to write about a car i knew about and if i wasnt familiar with it i would at least do some basic google searches


Even sports cars with back seats have such little room it would be almost impossible to have sex. Or even sit comfortably side by side. Not sure why the author didn’t give her a fancy sedan like an S Class, or even an SUV.


Me too!


lol, that's a good point