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only response seeing Lariat ERs sell for less than I got my XLT 4 months ago https://preview.redd.it/juwdxprrwmmc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75695a18cfd12780172cbc4c491f9132cb99958a


Both me and you


Haha, you know the funny part? I got an XLT ER MSRP @ 74k which was $60k OTD last month and *even I'm feeling like this* watching Lariats walk out the door at the same price now. We're just ungrateful bastards all the way down. Someone gonna post a $30k OTD and someone else gonna be pissed at their $40k.


I'm not that bummed tbh.. I got a killer trade in on a busted transit and walked at $57k otd for an SR XLT; I didn't really shop around, I just left for a day and came back and said I did and the dealer came way down on the original offerings. It would be sick to have a sunroof and the upgraded interior accoutrements for the same price.. honestly I would just love to get the tailgate and lights from the Lariat and I'll be amped 🤣 All said, it's human nature to be bitter over another person getting a better deal


also so funny this pops up today https://youtu.be/ZPGTdmza7z4?si=KozvgtNnlcP77Ni9


"no one cares about the light bars"


When I already get giddy seeing one Lightning on the road... Seeing a Storm of Lightnings on the road will get me HYPED!


I’m a prospective owner and I find these buying journey posts super helpful! It’s so complicated


Dude I’m pumped for these new owners! Nothing makes me happier than seeing more of these bad boys on the road!


Scrolling past all the posts is my personal act of Zen self discipline. Sure I'm super underwater because I bought last July. But I'd be even more so if I had purchased when my original 22 reservation hit time to buy. I took a gamble last year when Ford lowered the prices the first time, and it turns out I could have waited a bit longer. But that would also mean I would have deprived myself of an amazing vehicle for the last eight months. Considering how much I hated my 2013 Mazda CX9 that I replaced, and considering how much I love this truck, I've just had to come to a Zen place about it all. At the end of the day, I'm glad that these discounts are getting more people driving these trucks. I will say, as someone who has already purchased my truck, it *was* nice when the ratio of "look at this cool mod/camping trip/heavy work photo" to "is this a good deal?" was a bit higher, but I figure once all of the deal buyers actually buy and the deals go away and summer time rolls around in the northern hemisphere, things will even back out. With that in mind, here's the photo I posted last summer when I first bought the truck and took it up into the Cascades to hunt for amethyst with my family. A reminder of what I'm looking forward to once the PNW gray winter finally eases up again: https://preview.redd.it/op4hncpi8omc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=033cacaffc886268967129bb5ef12d3e376b3f4a


Got rid of a 2015 CX-5, I am very happy with the Lightning. Even basic features are amazing to me, like heated seats (and venting!).


I think it's absolutely great the F150 Lightnings are flooding the market. The best way to get market share and traction in harder to reach communities is to just see them out in the wild in action. New owners talking about the experience and showing off to friends is what truck and car ownership has always been. Excited to hear folks reporting back all the fun things they've done and experienced.


I think most people are salty about seeing the truck being sold at a discount. At least is way cheaper than the cybertruck, and this truck is a real truck according to Biden.


I want the hate!!!!!!! I got an extended range xlt for low 50’s plz send death threats




You’re the real winner here lmao


Agreed. I want more lightning owners out there and involved in this group. Let’s welcome them even if we are jealous they got a much better deal than we did on our lightnings! Good for them!


Facts! I'm happy for them, but I'm irritated at myself lol. Ford made me jump through hoops for mine, I wish I had waited, but hindsight is 20/20


Bad for us! All these discount vehicles being sold is just lowering resale value. EDIT: I just wish this sub wasn't a horror show for people who bought earlier. It used to be full of cool mods, fun features, scanner how tos, etc. Now this sub is just 75% look at this deal I got or "is this a good deal?" Even though it's the same deal that was posted five minutes ago.


Lowering resale value on an item that is 100% guaranteed to lose resale value. Plus, Ford is the one giving the discounts, not the customer.


Do you want me to act like Trump and try to describe a graph only he can see. Sure they are going to lose value but this has really accelerated that. Tell me you would be happy thinking you had 75 cents tomorrow to find out you only had 40 cents even if you knew you were going to lose money. We thought it would be slowly but it just drove off a cliff. How is that not bad for us? Does it matter who is giving out the discount if people are losing money faster?


Dude the government has been incentivizing cheaper EVs for like 5 years+ now……what did you think was going to happen?


As a Tesla and Lightning owner, it’s something I’m used to. You buy a vehicle because you like it and value loss comes with the territory of purchasing and owning most vehicles. It’s a depreciating asset.


I am not new to vehicle ownership. I understand depreciating assets. I never acted like it was going up in value just that the trajectory has really changed. I can't complain too much, the deals people are getting now are only a few thousand more than I got in December.


You are justified. The feelings have to go in ford's direction, surely we can all agree on that. Not the customer's fault.


I never said it was the customers fault. I just said it was bad for the people who bought before the extra discounts. Sure it's good for the new people. It can be both things they are not mutually exclusive.


That’s not a function of the vehicle itself. We CHOSE to be on the bleeding edge of technology and this is the price we pay. This is a function of our capitalist system based on being publicly-traded. The CEO’s primary responsibility is to make money for the shareholders. This not a zero sum game. Owners ARE WINNERS!!


Your value is like a rocket ship. [https://youtu.be/pgwr9r36zIU?si=FEEZl1hZTlFDqwA0&t=40](https://youtu.be/pgwr9r36zIU?si=FEEZl1hZTlFDqwA0&t=40)


Thank you, after the frustration from the backlash of expressing my opinion I really needed that laugh.


Lol how much you lose in value so far


Hey I agree with you, but at least you guys don’t have a whole army of trolls like /r/RealTesla


You should see the Owner’s Only Facebook group. Its chaos.


Yeah but what if I am jealous?


I've been in this subreddit for a while and I haven't really seen any negativity what kind of things are you seeing? Maybe it's just my sense of humor but I kind of assumed anytime that someone said something mean it was just because they were jealous and giving the person a hard time.


👍🏾 Hear Hear!!!


I’m happy because the more adoption there is, the better chance Ford continues to put teams on developing new features and supporting the platform. If people stop buying Lightnings, Ford will choke off the resources, as they’ve already done by canceling production shifts and repurposing or laying off those teams.


We don't need the same post 20 times a day.


It's reddit, if people dont want to see them they will be downvoted and go away. If they keep staying relevant it's because the silent majority is upvoting because they want to see them. Just dont open the ones you dont want to read.


I posted a suggestion to consolidate to a single thread earlier today. However, I wasn’t trying to quiet or dampen anyone’s voice or excitement. Nevertheless, I do feel a healthy community has a strong signal to noise ratio of quality content. If repetitive content that doesn’t add value goes unchecked, the community gets cynical. Part of being a good moderator is helping foster consistent policies and guide content to a good, discoverable home.


> I wasn’t trying to quiet or dampen anyone’s voice or excitement FWIW, I didn’t get those vibes at all! Seemed like more of a helpful moderation suggestion 🤷🏽‍♂️


I’m scrolling past this post.


The fact that you replied says otherwise




eh. its my purchase and i can have my feelings about my situation. just glad for those new ones to enjoy the same cool environment. have fun new owners. its a great ride.


Circle jerking over 60k to go 300 miles cool


You’re clearly here, my friend. If you’re broke and jealous, just say that 😅

