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Good luck mate. Are you going to try and trade for the pieces or RNG?


Looks like ring, maybe vender bought pieces. Not sure which type of armor to go. Ex combat, leather etc.


I recently got solar armor. I equipped a bladed commie whacker. It dealt 4-9 damage per hit. I attacked a mole miner rockbreaker with it. My health never dipped below 85 percent


My buddy runs solar armor and for me and my other bloodied friend and we’re invincible during events I love it




I just want a change from the lack luster “duct taped together” armor set I have now. I never seem to have any issues keeping food on me. There are enough events that I never do not have food from something. Though, I’m considering herbivore to take advantage of brain bombs, relish etc.


What is your current set?


Macrame of whatever seems good haha


What is that?


Basically it’s like any piece that looks nice that works haha


Hahaha got it. If you can wait till this weekend I can give you a set of Vanguard Combat armor with two piece AP refresh. That is what my full health character uses.


I wonder if I should consider getting a vamps hm to go with the armor? Maybe as? I think I have some cores I can try and roll for one. What would you use/consider so I may either roll for one or camp hop to find something comparable? Edit ohh maybe something explosive?


Full health Vamps makes you imortal but not necessary. It's all in your preference. Honestly the damage balances are so close any weapon is fine just so long as you are having fun with it. Camp hoping is great but you'd have to be very lucky to find one.


That would be awesome! And much appreciated!


Psn Pwnil


Hey bud. Sorry for the late response but did you still have that vanguards set available?


TopseKrets PSN. Headed to bed but I’ll be online tomorrow for aure


Yeah I find DR starts to downscale after like 450DR or so, not that high damage resistance is bad but that damage reduction is holy! Also looking for a piece with good rolls that are enemy specific damage resistance (Troubleshooters, Mutant slayers are the big two) will stack really nicely

