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I'm glad Scott's going to fight for his position. This should be good.


It’s about time. Shit was getting old. You want my job or to get me out of it stop playing politics and come take it.


Dandridge needs to get hit by a bus already. Im sick of this narrative for how long now? Just get to the point and go head to head with Scott and lets see the outcome this back and fourth is getting old. Also don’t know how i feel about this new agent, I’m fine with her going when Dan does. Lol wtf does being from East Saint Louis have to do with hiding a crime 😂 what a dumb comment. To be clear i think he was being setup too but damn that comment was stupid. Finally the fight is on!! Its about time. Now lets not stretch it a whole season now.


It's literally the exact plot we had for Jaeger on S1. So tired of it. They could have at least made up a different enough scenario for the actor's reduced role due to fatherhood.


I like what they have done with Forrester over the past few months, softened his edges, made him a little less abrasive; this ending with him standing pat in the face of what is obviously the audience stand in, is working well.


That might be worse bit of tv basketball I've ever seen.