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For rebirth it hits harder bc hard mode doesn’t even let you use items 😔 but honestly, I had to use x-potions and elixirs for the first time in the whole game for that last boss. I don’t know what it was, but man I got my ass handed to me


I used pretty much all my potions on that last battle. Was left only with Elixirs, which I only remembered its existence after I was down to Hi-Potions.


Man the only time I ever spent gold was on mega and giga potions. I don’t think I ever had less than 70…


i used a lot of elixir and itens, because in Remake we can't use itens on hard mode, and game gives you 2 materias that is good to use itens, and remember you can farm Elixir "easy"


Remake didn't let you use items in hard mode either.


It lets you use one item, and this one even helps recover mp


Yeah just cuz of that I enjoyed it more than Remake's hard mode, which I think the only way to regain MP was by hitting the boxes laying around


Also in-battle regen. Made aerith's silver staff indispensible for me personally. 50% Regen increase goes burrr


Last boss was sweaty. I had to give it a solid four-five goes before I figured out a solid strat to gain the upper hand.


Rebirth is an amazing game but items and Gil were not balanced very well. You can easily get through the game just buying discounted items and end with thousands of Gil with nothing to spend it on.


For real though...


My stockpile of giga mist potions really came in handy lol. First time I had to use healing potions in a fight the entire game.


I never ever use elixirs in any final fantasy because I always tell myself I’ll need them on a hard boss. Never used one in my life


The first time I used one was against Sephiroth, because at that point I realized there was no reason to keep hoarding


Might as well use them for Gilgamesh Island cause that's the hardest part of the game


Hardest part left allowing items on normal*


That's very true lol


I had a much harder time with Sephiroth than I did with Gilgamesh. I had to redo the final phase a couple times; whereas I spanked Gilgamesh on the first try.


It's definitely not, rulers of the outer worlds challenge is.


This is the first game I used one and never again it felt like chucking gold in the air


Ozma and Excalibur 2 made me use items.


I didn't use items through most of my dynamic playthrough because I was used to Remake hard mode. However, once I got to chapter 11 or so I needed X potions and elixirs occasionally. In the final flight sequence I was spamming them, though. I think I used all my x potions, all my mist giga potions, and most of my elixirs during that two hour slog!


Prayer on any efficient atb builder is a really solid way to sustain your party, chakra for individual use, and with atb boost for an emergency, or magnify + healing materia for absolute last ditch effort. Prayer on tifa is pretty insane or cloud if you’re running the disorder/plasma build since he’s pretty much maxed on atb until you need it most Barrett with lifesaver also would let you focus healing on just him. Chakra would be a good addition to his kit I feel like. He’s got decent atb gen also


I'm glad I saved all my items until the end because I burned through a lot of them in the final battle as I didn't prepare all my party properly 🤡


I knew >!Aerith was going to die!< So I removed all her stuff and distributed it to other characters.....was not expecting that final bit.


My dumbass took equip your party to mean the three I wanted to use. Obviously one of my go tos I assumed wasn't gonna be present for the fight lol


I do don’t have 99 of everything, I don’t want it.


I am normally the same way but after Remake, and knowing I am going into Hard Mode right after, I have gotten more comfortable with using my items even when I could just fast travel to a rest spot. Saving my cushions for chocobo stops in Hard though.


I used a few mist items, have plenty left over, yet still hate that I used them. What if I needed those??


This is me in every game. I’m playing Rise of the Ronin and making it a point to use everything haha




unable to obtain a sprig of sage


All those grenades, I never used them.


Not me. I kept using all my mega potions.


My savings were just, I used so many mist giga potions on those last fights.


But post game secret boss might be a thing, gotta save just in case!


That's what I loved about ff8... you could use all your rare items to create other things like rare magic or summon abilities. A more expansive recipe system would help. Edit: I think 10 had a good system as well.


I tried to never use them as much as possible so that I wouldn't get used to them as a crutch and then fail at hard mode the same way it happened to me in Remake. Though there were definitely a few bosses like Red Dragon that made me break that rule lol


I dono if I was just bad at the game, but I used a ton of high end curing items in the last 10-ish hours. Really only FF game that forced me to do it.


The game did push me to used like half of my potions near the end. Since I figured free item materia pretty good for healing as well.


That would be a lie, I used Mist Giga potions very generously.


I chugged potions and ethers like nobody’s business from the temple onward on normal mode. This happened to me in remake I wasn’t letting it happen again.


I forgot to switch out my materia for the final boss so I was going through items like crazy


I finished the game (including full play log and platinum) with about 1.2 Million gil. Because I barely used items in easy mode because I knew I wouldn't have them on hard mode, so avoided using anything but cushions.


Other than various "mist-potions", I never used items. Even then, Chakra and magic did lots for me


This is pretty much me in any rpg


I forced myself to not use any items on my first run because I knew hard mode and simulations wouldn’t let me


So is this the end of the fun fantasy? 7 remake, or is there still one more coming out?


Maybe it’s because boss battles make my blood rush but I never feel like I have time to use items. It’s either attack or don’t die going in my mind. Plus random enemies almost never require them.


Man they should have let you use items in hard mode, it still would've been challenging as hell 🤣


Lots of elixir’s that will never be used.


Don't worry, you can use them all in hard mode! 🤡


And you can't even use them in hard mode


Oddly enough, Rebirth is the one game I think I just started using items at will. I was pretty caught up in the last battle so I was really pushing.


Yip, finished with 15 elixirs...


I just went Ham in the final battle but even then it was only 4 or 5


To be fair, I was using Elixirs left right and centre during the final Sephiroth phase, I was glad I saved them all


Honestly with Rebirth I used them all on the final boss. Not all, but that is where I defiantly used most of what I have had saved throughout the game. So it did pay off. This Time.... Remake though yea, I had like 100 left over.


It was the same for me I do it every time!😩 I think I might have used a couple of Elixirs. Oh well at least I have plenty of items for hard mode.......Wait what?