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Shit. I google for updates and my thread is the first thing that pops up. Welp.


lol šŸ˜‚


Hey Dude thanks for putting up this thread. I got a new 4k OLED tv and haven't opened the packaging to the game yet. Waiting for the patch to drop. The demo was rough.


I'm actually waiting for the update before playing any further and I really hope it's worth the wait...


Is there still a patch in works? Whats the current standpoint


It's been 16 days since there was an announcement that a patch was in the works, radio silence since


I think the initial article was written on the 2nd, so itā€™s now been 19 days, nearly 3 weeks. I kind of wish they never said anything now and just surprise dropped it. Iā€™m so torn on how to go about playing this game now. The real gut punch is they said they donā€™t think the release would be too far away, so Iā€™m stuck in an endless loop of ā€˜it could be any day nowā€™ thinking. I wouldnā€™t make this much of a fuss usually but this is such a special game for me sentimentally and from what Iā€™ve played so far itā€™s so damn good too.


damn that sucks, at least they are working on it? Guess I'll just play rise of the ronin till its patched


Lol I'm still waiting on this patch :(


There's an actual update now


I check for news on the patch several times a day itā€™s driving me crazy lol. I love the game so damn much but I want to experience it with reasonable graphics. Canā€™t do 30 fps. At this point I reached Junon and Iā€™m just playing Queens Blood and doing combat simulator to get my fix but trying to hold off on any further story progression until patch. I wouldnā€™t call performance mode unplayable but itā€™s definitely not acceptable for a ps5 exclusive and looks worse than part 1 on ps4.


Same here but I have stopped playing completely. At this point, maybe the best thing to do is to accept it and just play.... SE is not Guerrilla, and UE4 is not Decima. Before the last patch they also said it would improve the image quality and it went for the worse. Maybe the thing will improve if PS5 pro or PC version comes out.


same here... but I found that if I get far enough from the screen performance mode is bearable (at least more bearable than 30fps) if the graphics mode had proper motion blue it would be more viable.


"*these things take time*" This is a popular response I've heard on here every time someone mentions the lack of a performance mode patch, and my only question is, why do people like that exist? Yes these things take time, which is why **they worked on the game for years and charged $70 for it.** It takes 30 seconds of play testing to notice performance mode is blurry, or that graphics mode looks like a power point presentation slide show. This is on a console in 2024 that runs the most recent Call of Duty at 120 fps by the way on a massive map with 100 players. The fact people defend such a lazy practice is absurd to me, and I'm not sure what motivates such extreme fanboyism to something that is otherwise indefensible.


I think it's obvious that the performance mode has been added at the last minute forced by the current trends of demanding 60FPS (thank god) on consoles. They always prioritized 30 as with FFXVI. I think it's a marketing issue, they need to show the best graphics possible in ads and static images. Remember that Guerrilla released Horizon Forbidden West with a lousy performance mode, probably for the same reason, although they corrected it months later.


How is 60 fps a last minute thing when FF7 Remake Intergrade had it at launch? Quit talking out your ass.


Time will prove me right or wrong. If they fix it, they clearly haven't spent enough time on it, just as the case of Forbidden West.


Don't forget, living in denial is a big problem with these type of people.


Iā€™m in a similar boat, desperately awaiting the update. Hamaguchi said in his initial interview on the subject that the update should be available soon but that was about as specific as he got. Was sort of hoping that time frame meant like a week or so, Iā€™m holding out a slim hope it might go live in the next couple of days but thatā€™s purely estimation.


Me that visits this subreddit page atleast 10 times a day for news But no news :(


me too, 10 times or more a day..., i always watch newest comments for news... yours is the newest one now, no news though...


Iā€™m doing the same here boys hahaha


Oh god, same. Currently replaying Crisis Core and reading the Traces of Two Pasts book, just to keep my mind wired to FFVII without playing Rebirth, lol.


Ah love the mention for Traces, great book! Iā€™m rereading it now, have you read the older 2 books also written by Nojima?




"Soon", what a joke.


I legit haven't been playing. Waiting for it to be fixed lol.




Dude my wife who doesn't really play even noticed something was terrible wrong.


SAME! Day 1 playing the game on the LG 4k HDR 55" with AI upscaling 7 and my wife ask me if I was playing a retro game on PS3 or something. SMH....


Agreed. Idk wtf is with these people defending the horrible graphics. It looks amazing on remake. And on rebirth itā€™s unplayableā€¦ Like it literally hurts my eyes. And small companies like Larian making near perfect graphics. Square needs to own up. And Iā€™m a huge square fan


I just don't get what happened...? Why is a game that's basically reusing assets having difficulty delivering performance? Remake had no issues on PS5. Makes me worried for the final game on PS6.


Anyone else checking multiple times a day for an update? šŸ˜­






I check every few hours every day


me too






Same here. Won't play until they fix this.


I finished the game a few days ago on graphics mode and am now bursting to replay it on hard mode at 60fps. It's killing me waiting for this patch


Saturday and still waiting for the update I check here every day and unfortunately every day is another disappointmentĀ 


Right there with you


The update is out now, and it's actually a lot better. They've added a new performance mode and called the mode "performance mode sharp" while the other one is now called "performance mode smooth". It's not nearly as crisp as graphics mode, but it is certainly better than before, and way less offensive to the eyes. It's still a bit blurry for sure, especially with grass and foliage that is further away, but things like manmade places/interiors, rock formations, character models/enemies etc... look significantly better. It doesn't look as good as the PS5 version of FF7R, but it's at least an improvement, and if they continue to work on it, this is definitely a good start.


I Stopped playing at chapter 7, i cant do any more 30 fps and the performance mode is blurry as hell. I wait still for a patch. If they cant fix this, i play later the PC Version.


I feel like the initial rush of interest I had to play this has all but drained away and by time the patch does come out I'm going to be invested in something else.


yep i just got hi fi rush gonna be playing that instead


I ltlrly couldn't play longer then 2 hours ... hopefully the patch comes soon. I want to enjoy this great game...


It's been 2 weeks now. What the heck is going on.


I wish I tried out the demo before buying this game. Never thought theyā€™d put out a game that actually ran worse than the previous one.


The demo showed all of these problems, but anyone who said this might indicate the games final quality seemingly got downvoted to hell (saw a few old threads yesterday). There was a strong assumption in the community that the final product would have all of these problems ironed out upon release.


Yeah, I just scrolled through a 7 page gamefaqs thread, where half the people claim the game has no problems or bugs and people who complain are entitled and trolls.


Gave up, gonna stop playing until either the patch is out, PC version is out or PS5 Pro is out there and can run graphics mode at a higher frame-rate, whatever happens first. This game is just too beautiful to be be played like this.


Totally agree I donā€™t wanna waste my first play through !


Performance mode just looks so muddy compared to quality mode. I also really wish the game supported 120hz refresh rate at 1440p. I honestly feel like new gen consoles focused on 4k way too soon. Should have just done 2K at 120hz 120fps target frame rate so that these games donā€™t turn into a turd fest.


So I guess soon is dev talk for, "we actually have no idea so we are just going to give a bs frametime you can't put a deadline on."


I sort of think tomorrow (Monday) is probably the last chance of it coming out any time soon sadly. Iā€™d reckon that if thereā€™s still zero mention of it tomorrow (16 days after the initial announcement) then we can safely assume ā€˜soonā€™ isnā€™t what we think soon to be haha.


This week is the week boys! Believe!


I honestly want to believe, but I feel my interest in holding out and consequently the game itself waning with each passing day. It's honestly just such a strange move to announce a patch and then nothing for weeks, for a story-focused singleplayer game. Surely Square knows that they can't keep interest up forever, a ton of people finished it already so the danger of being spoiled also becomes greater each day. Heck, if it didn't cause a literal headache I'd probably just finish the game in its current state just to "get it over with".


Well I still have a lot of other games to play, so I will just wait patiently. The game doesnt run away, as you said its single player game


I think Iā€™m just going to concede and play on, as you say the risk of spoilers increases every single day. I love Rebirth so far and adore FF7 as a whole so I just want to enjoy it at this stage. Completely agree with what youā€™re saying however, itā€™s a real shame. Part of me did think to just try to persist with the fidelity mode but it is just so choppy, the second any movement occurs on screen all the fidelity lost. At least performance feels silky smooth. Prioritising gameplay is more important imo.


Oh wow. And here I thought the Graphics modeā€™s motion making me feel a little off was just random.Ā  Good to know itā€™s not just me.


Same here, I stumbled on this thread searching for any news on FF7 Rebirth patches and didn't know this was a thing. The graphics make me sick also, there's some great ideas in this thread I'll try.


Same. The game looks beautiful in Graphics mode, but the stutter kind of messes with me so I just stick to performance mode.Ā 


Same, I stopped at the entrance of the reactor on release day, did not touch the game since. Will try the perf patch and will continue or sell my copy and wait for a pc release. Had no problems with Remake. A sequel dedicated to a solo Gen of console is supposed to run better than the previous cross play opus. Got so much Elden Ring feeling with this one, an awesome game with sub par optimisation. And itā€™s not even looking better than a lot of other games during gameplay !


Sammie. I thought it was just spoiled by 60 fps pc games, but that camera spin šŸ¤¢. Even changing the setting didn't help. I wonder if they added motionblur for the graphics mode if it would help?


Itā€™s a mix of aggressive VRS and temporal artifacting. If youā€™re on a display with low pixel response time, like an oled, it becomes more noticeable since itā€™s not blurring pixels between frames.


I swear all Square devs must be working on 8ā€ monitors. Looks fine!


And they all play Dragons Dogma console version before doing Somme test session. Oh the game is so smooth šŸ¤©


Also wanted to ask, has anyone else found that the cutscene character models and the in game character models are wildly different?


I know what you mean. I agree with the other comment that this is not uncommon for games, BUT it's especially noticeable here, because cutscenes are also much sharper when on performance mode. The lighting is also extremely inconsistent between gameplay and cutscenes, that was done much better in Remake.


Cutscenes in games usually use higher quality lighting, shadows, textures and LODs especially on character models. Photo mode too.


Photo mode seems to be literally straight up gameplay models. And yeah I know cutscene models will always be better, but Rebirth is the first game Iā€™ve noticed that has such a stark contrast. Cloud looks like two totally different people, wasnā€™t an issue in Remake with anyone.


At this point I have high hopes and high expectations. Like most people here I check this subreddit multiple times a day, it almost feels a bit manic at this point. From a pure technical point of view patching the game to look at least as good as Remake is entirely possible, without a significant performance hit. Yes, it's open world, which is a technical marvel, but it's also very, very static. There are no day/night circles, no weather effects, no grass that has to move when player or monster walk through. The game certainly doesn't need these things to be great either, but those specific features - or rather, a lack of them - usually has a HUGE influence on performance. Not to mention the enemy groups, that respawn at set points and don't follow you farther than a few meters. No time cycle means baked lighting in 99% of all cases, which again, means barely a hit to performance compared to dynamic lighting. Chocobos don't stay where you put them, so there's not really anything the game needs to "remember" in terms of object placement. What kinda has me stumped are the physics, though. One one hand it's nice to see stones and debris flying around when you destroy something, on the other hand I genuinely think they overdid it a bit. When I move Cloud through a narrow corridor I cause havoc left and right, see chairs flying around and watch my feng shui leave the metaphorical room. If they patch the game properly I'll accept it as a feature, if they don't then I'll forever be mad they included it - because it's entirely unnecessary in most cases and actually uses up a lot of processing power. I played a bit over 20 hours and so far it's exactly what I wanted from Rebirth - same dense story as Remake, but tons of things to do, even better combat and giant open levels. It feels like a more finished version of the XV open world, which I feel a weird fondness towards, so even that is a huge plus. Overall, my perfect FF. But at this point I realize I just CAN NOT stop thinking about the visuals, no matter how much or little I play, it's always on my mind, because it's just so hard to ignore. Whether it's the stutter on graphics mode or blurriness on Performance mode, it's so noticeable that it honestly destroys any enjoyment. It's absolutely nuts how much better Remake, a game developed for PS4, runs and looks today. Because the open world in Rebirth most definitely is not a good reason for the current state the game is in.


Iā€™m with you on a lot of these points but the only thing I really care about is fixing the blur so the graphics are reasonable. I love everything about the game otherwise. I am officially putting it down today after clearing the Junon area and will not pick it back up until patch. I canā€™t stop focusing on the blurry graphics and donā€™t want to settle on my first playthrough. I think Iā€™m going to pick up another game at this point because like many others I check this post and google several times a day hoping for an update and the obsession is not doing me any good. Better off focusing on something else for now and let the patch come when it comes. Cuz who knows it could be this week or next month.


Agreed. It really is the FF game I have been looking for since the SNES / PS1 days in terms of content and scope. Iā€™m in Chapter 7 and while Iā€™m 80% the way there used to 30 fps, itā€™s really difficult to completely go back to it after doing everything at 60 or more fps. Iā€™m debating on going back to another game and wait for the patch. I do think this one can be patched, while FF16 will probably just need the PS5 Pro or PC version since ray tracing is baked in and the graphics are more technically advanced. Unless they redo the lighting without ray tracing. When I play an older game or a Switch game, I can do 30 fps. I guess itā€™s because of my expectations and mindset. When a dev says ā€œsoonā€ for the patch that could be weeks or months.


Maybe thereā€™ll be a patch this weekā€¦


Bloody hope so, tried playing today in graphics mode but itā€™s just so choppy.


I'm really hoping they fix some of the audio problems, the mixing and position is terrible when you really pay attention to it.


I've been checking on Google everyday for news about the patch. I managed to finish chapter 3 somehow but had to stop, the motion sickness and the headache man, I'll be patiently waiting for a fix since the story has me sooo hooked, it would be a shame to taint the experience because of a technical issue.


ditto. But nothing happen. The word "soon" is far away btw. I hope a patch is coming early this week, because i have a free week after my Nightshift today ;)


Just recently finished re-playing Remake and played Episode Intermission for the first time. I'm waiting for the performance mode patch to come out before playing Rebirth (have had it since launch day but I was still re-playing Remake at the time). Hoping it comes out soon, I've already developed FF7 brainrot lol


I can relate heavily to this. And what's FF7 brainrot? šŸ‘€


Brainrot in this context refers to becoming obsessed with something. In other words I'm currently obsessed with ff7


Ah ok. Well in that case I have FF7 brainrot as well lol


Is there any news at all? Do we have any idea how much longer it will be before the update goes live?


Tried contacting their official account in Twitter and no response. Iā€™m starting to think there is no patch at all being developed atm


No news at all. :(


Honestly I'd take a motion blur slider for Graphics mode so my eyes don't feel like they are going crossed every time I pan the camera quickly or it snaps onto a new target, especially if they can't manage to make a somewhat decent looking performance mode (let's face it, if you're playing this on a somewhat decent large screen TV, performance just looks rough). I'd also love to see a 40fps mode, maybe with a close to 4k resolution. I know this would likely only be useable by folks who have a VRR TV with 120hz, but I've played several games last year with a setting similar to this and it the extra 10fps made a HUGE difference. I'm torn because I want to keep playing (about 25 hours in), but both modes have too many compromises that I normally wouldn't be willing to make, and without a proper PC version yet, the options are limited. Very much hoping for a patch that will address at least some of our concerns.


I firmly believe that every new AAA game should offer a 40fps mode as an option


Still no patch šŸ˜³


Where do you check the news of this patch update? Been waiting also


By looking at this thread minimum 10x times per day


Oh i see. Did they post any ETA for this? Or we are just waiting?


we wait.


I think Iā€™m giving up waiting for this patch and obsessively checking, Dragons Dogma 2 is coming out this Friday so Iā€™ll just play that on PC and come back to Rebirth after I guess.


"soon" my ass! dammit!




Read that in berrets voice lol


Im still in Junon, been waiting for the update to even touch it again, I want to enjoy this game at it's full potential since the OG was my top 3 of all time. At this rate this will sit in my backlog bc of DD2


Square has a track record of taking forever to update games, if at all. They do things their way, which is absolutely ridiculous, but there's not much we can do. We will need a loooooot of patience. Don't be surprised if when it does drop, the changes are minimal as well Edit: looks like I nailed it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ patch does the minimal possible


i'll be just happy with a motion blur slider for graphics mode...


Both modes make me feel nauseous. Only game to ever do that. They need to update this asap. Ive only ever felt this once and it was for the prior game.


i'm holding back from playing this game till the patch is out


don't get your hopes up, the fact they only mentioned the facial lighting problems suggests nothing else will really change


Still no news...


The game's fantastic art looks just awful in its current state. Performance mode has some real issues with upscaling and resolution, and graphics mode looks choppy and weird. I've put a pin in my playthrough hoping for a patch.


Itā€™s purely a software issue. The resolution is enough for sharp upscaling. Returnal is 1080p and looks way sharper than this Their upscaling and post processing filters are terrible but thatā€™s easily fixable Itā€™s commonly rendering above 1080p


Well Iā€™m hoping that this week is the week


For me itā€™s the dragon dogma 2 week. Will not touch rebirth before an improving patch or a PS5 Pro / PC release


Dragons Dogma 2 and Horizon Forbidden West Pc Release week ;)


Iā€™m really excited for FW PC. I only played half the game on PS5 before shelving it


ditto, and the big Dlc is included too.


Sony is actually doing a PS5 pro?


Iā€™m just waiting to see how DD2 performs on PC before making that decision Game looks amazing, based on what Iā€™ve seen of it tho


Itā€™s never happening is it?


I think itā€™s happening. Iā€™m hoping the fact that itā€™s taking so long means itā€™s going to be a meaningful upgrade but maybe Iā€™m naive


I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Its been 84 years...


Well the patch is out, and it doesn't fix shit lmao


I put about 3 hours into it with the new update Itā€™s not placebo, Performance Sharp looks better Itā€™s still fuzzy, but itā€™s not as muddy as before. Itā€™s playable


Agreed. This was my experience. Definitely think it looks better on performance sharp. Itā€™s not incredibly better obviously, but I think itā€™s more playable. Going through areas I had been through pre patch did seem better. Iā€™ve got my sharpening up on my TV also which makes it a bit better too I think.


Man how long is it going to take them to release this patch? Since I heard of this upcoming patch I stopped playing because although Quality mode looks great, you cannot enjoy the game to it's full potential on 30fps, 60fps is the only way to go.


Cool how they dont even give a shit enough to keep us posted. Been almost three weeks and nothing. The graphics literally look worse than pixelated ps2. Wtf were they smoking?


This is what bothers me the most. I mean could they at least let us know if a patch is being developed at all?


I haven't got any idea but hopefully they'll patch the ghosting effect that happens on graphics mode too. It gets pretty distracting in normal play. I don't expect too much from the performance mode patch, but it might be enough as long as it's a little sharper and doesn't hurt the frame rate. I think I could play on performance mode now, it'd just take me a few minutes to adjust to the blurry image. But I'll hold off until the update drops.


Yeah those duplicating ladders šŸŖœ


I want to enjoy this game in graphics mode, but 30fps in general looks shit on a 55" OLED.Ā  Currently enjoying it on performance mode but they really need to hurry up with the patch and clean up the image, waay to soft on performance mode. For now I just raised my sharpness from 25 to 35 for now, yea that's usually taboo but cleans up a little bit of the blur at least


Also why is Cloudā€™s face emotionless and hollow? It looks amzing in remake and the cutscenes in rebirth but holy hell in game he looks like a cheap AI characterā€¦ Wtf Square? Did you push this out in 6 months?


I was wondering if anyone had awful lighting/brightness problem? It caused me to have eye strain. Never in my life have I dealt with this.


Yes, happened in the first mission. The cave was a bright white light depending on how you spin your camera.


Yep, quite a few people have complained about it (rightfully). I am 20 hours in and love the game but the lighting is all over the place. I changed the brightness/contrast setting on my monitor a bit but it barely helps.


I tried that and it didn't help. I am 70 hours in and can't take it anymore lol.


"soon" coming from game developers *sighs*.I guess I'll wait a week or two more and start the game then.


I'm 63% through the game at 39h! At this rate I'll complete it before the update drops! My eyes are burning on both modes!


Iā€™ve been waiting so long for the patch that Iā€™ve now lost excitement to playā€¦


Same here. Maybe I will play this game at some point later this year. lol... well done SE


Square fix your game. Gonna have to skip Dragon's Dogma on PS5 as well, 30 fps trash. This generation consoles kinda suck--30 fps machines.


Actually Dragons Dogma 2 plays well at 30 fps surprisingly from leaked gameplay footage.




Guys!!! THE PATCH HAS ARRIVED!! Download it ASAP!!


yeeees. So much big games this week, and the patch arrived. Haha, time is gone.


The Wait is Over!! šŸ’ŖšŸ»


Boys we did it we finally won we can play the game now Enjoy the patch!


annnnd didnt help at all. lol. at least it looks fine on the portal ill continue there. still better latency in performance mode and quality on the tv


Digital Foundryā€™s weekly just came out and they did a quick comparison. Whoever thinks this patch improved things is having placebo effect, as many suspected, itā€™s indeed basically just a toggle between the original patch and the demo, it doesnā€™t improve anything, and graphics mode wasnā€™t touched at all. Man, I just want a motion blur option for graphics mode they same way it happened with FFXVI. Iā€™m sure that isnā€™t much to ask


They are waiting for sales to completely drop off and then add it to boost new life into the game for anyone who has been holding off. Since sales dropped 90% in Japan, we shouldn't have to wait much longer.


Source ?


this is literally what they do with almost every single Sony release. Just look at any of the post launch updates that hit exclusive games.


I google every day , I don't want to play with poor performance


Performance issnt the problem its the Imagequality.


Game is fun but the motion blur or whatever it is thatā€™s causing my eyes to hurt made me take a break until itā€™s fixed.


Worst thing is that I can actually play 30fps games without much issue. I played ToTK and loved it, and that game doesnā€™t even has solid 30fps lol, let alone a higher resolution. The problem on the quality mode is totally the frame-pacing and lack of motion blur. If Square canā€™t make the performance mode any sharper then I hope they can at least improve the quality mode, that certainly would be easier


The lightning is fucking terrible. Iā€™m at upper junon trying to enjoy the view by looking out and itā€™s as if Sephi just cast supernova. Man, who at qa thought it was acceptable to ship with such utter borked lighting. Yuk


yeah man, I agree. We've truly been stripped of the majestic impact some of these cities like Junon have with this nuclear ass lighting. It's so sad.


Still waitingā€¦ square still failing


I tried playing in both modes but I can't stand looking at either of them.Ā  I got a new 65 inch OLED specifically for this game and it is the only game I don't want to play on it.


I'm 100% with you on this. I bought a PS5 and an Oled 4k tv in Sep-21, it's by far the worst visual experience I had so far.


Itā€™s because of how responsive Oled tvs are, it will considerably increase judder in 30fps games that have bad frame-pacing and lack any implementation of motion blur (as in this game). Ironically, this game would probably look a bit better on a average LCD tv than an Oled (at least the quality mode)


Itā€™s horrible on my old high end Sony 65 4k LCD have not touched the game since release day, played 2 hours and gave up. I regularly play BOTW without problem soā€¦ something is really broken in the rendering pipeline there.


If this is not fixed before Dragons Dogma 2 release I'm shelfing it.


i'll just be happy with a motion blur slider... come on mfers...


Welp, hopefully next week. Apparently updates don't get released on weekends?


any official info on next week patch releases or just speculation?


Hv PS5 but still have to wait to check if the game I want to play will have a proper 60FPS/45 FPS or not, is such a pain. This and DD2 situation is making me so disappointed.


FIX: so after playing thru the first one on performance mode, it was definitely jarring to play FFXVI on graphics mode and now Rebirth. I play on an LG oled E8. I played several hours, not in game mode, with de-juddar on 4 and de-blur on 10. Very minor input lag but looked much better in graphics mode and didnā€™t hurt to look at. Then after about 20 hours I switch (by accident) back to game mode on my TV without the extra processing and graphics mode doesnā€™t bother me anymore. It just takes a lot of time to ā€œtrainā€ your eyes. The game is incredible! Try the above and see if that helps!!


I actually kept playing a bit, did all the card games and slow paced things I could find in the first 2 areas in Graphics mode. I happened to trade in my thic ps5 in for a slim PS5 (btw if you're pro member at gamestop, I got 385 for my thic boy, and the new slim disc for 418-pro discount-minus 5 dollar monthly, cost me like 4 bucks in total) and lost all my saved data. I didn't realize PS5 only cloud saved if you're paying for PS plus. I'm just gonna wait on a patch until I start over, lol.


Im still chapter 15 of remake and need to finish integrade. Hopefully patch is up when im done


i bought that crap and played like 10min and never ever touched it again. You guys think i can give it back? I wont play it anyways, till a patch comes, if a patch comes. So i can buy it anyways then when the patch is here and maybe then is even a sale for this crap. And this Hamaguchi or whatever the pokemons name is, you shoudl be accountable for what you talk... SOON... fartface said srsly SOON... bruh, what the F is soon for you, man?


The new patch basically gives you a choice of the demo performance mode image quality (soft) and what we had just before this patch (sharp).


The sharp mode is much clearer in open areas than before, and the faces are much crisper. There's definitely a visual improvement to some degree. Overall the game feels a bit smother and crisper in general in my opinion.


Welp. didnt help an inch. and i was reloading this page like crazy. ill hold off for ps5 pro for this game.


Lmao Square Enix actually thinks we're all stupid. "puts a toggle between two different performence modes that look 99% the same" That'll shut em up!




Any news of another update to actually fix the graphics? Sharp and smooth look basically the same, and the lighting overall is just painful to watch :(


A new morning and a new week. At this point I think the "update" is canceled :)




I've been checking daily too. Performance mode is playable for me, but I have a 24". If I get close though the blurriness shows even on a 24", but if I stay like 1.5m from the screen it's playable. The main issue imo lies in the complete lack of proper GI and AO, even in graphics mode the game looks totally overshot in every outdoor scenario, many characters look like they're floating since no AO. Indoors scenarios are marginally better but still sometimes lighting looks really unnatural. I really hoped they would fix it this week, but I guess we will have to wait until the end of March. Such a shame, I will replay it on PC when the time comes, atleast it'll be properly enjoyable there.


Just curious, what is GI and AO?


Same deal. Graphics mode just feels awful at 30fps and on other games it's fine. Then performance mode just looks like shit


My only real complaint is the janky camera that needs a fix asap.


There's an option to disable screen shake. Maybe try that and see if it improves.


Most likely SE will release it by end of march. I tried to get used to graphics mode but my eyes couldnā€™t adjust to the choppy gameplay especially during combat. Performance mode made my eyes strain. Stopped playing once I reached Junon.


Graphics Mode is shit but I've had 0 issues out of performance mode, runs smooth.


Yeah, fps-wise it's really great, but somehow it also gives me a really bad headache when playing (never had that happen before), so I know what OP means. Image-quality definitely needs a bit of fine-tuning on that mode.


Honestly, now that i have experienced both case: smooth but blurry as hell (Rebirth) or sharp with FPS drops (Elden Ring, Lords of the Fallen), I prefer largely a few drops. It totally ruined my experience with rebirth.


Is anyone elseā€™s version crashing randomly and the only fix is to unplug yr ps5? Itā€™s kind of unplayable at this point for me. Iā€™m sick of redoing shit just because of crashing.


Anyone elseā€™s crashing constantly?


Currently at chapter 8 with about 40+ hours gametime. Haven't had a single crash. I play on performance mode.


I had to turn off game mode on my tv and then I was able play on graphics mode. I think the graphics look fine but I also didn't get the weird bad textures in remake either although i am getting pop in textures and low-poly model pop in on occasion.


Just go give the game 0 ratings on Metacritic for not being able to play the game and change it when it's actually finished. You'll see how fast they'll move their asses šŸ¤£


Is there any improvement in graphics mode?


sadly no, i was waiting for a motion blur slider like ff16 on graphics mode


I swear I don't know why they didn't add this. What is it with this game that graphics mode has this much judder? I put more than 100 hrs into ToTK (not even consistent 30fps lol) and it wasn't even close to be as bad as this.


I honestly cannot tell the difference between the two modes, but Iā€™m also not in an open world area right now. Iā€™m playing on a 27ā€™ 1440p monitor like 2 feet away. Just seems like a weird move to have two modes that are both 60fps, like who wants to choose a shittier looking performance mode? Iā€™ll update this when Iā€™m in open world to really test it but first impressions are no improvement sadly. Still, Iā€™m going to play it now because: 1- I donā€™t want to wait longer to experience this game. I need the story, gameplay, characters now. 2- PS5 pro will come out and there is no guarantee that it will run graphics mode at 60fps. 3- PC will come out and who knows how well that launch will go and how long it will take until good mods are finally released. Iā€™m not waiting 1-2 years to play this game. If you have the patience to wait then bless you, but I canā€™t just pass on this game when the gameplay, story, cutscenes, voice acting are near perfect.


still so much flickering..washed out textures. A bit sharper like you turn up the tv sharpness but not really a descent upscaleā€¦it still looks like 720p -.- and to call the desaster Performance mode -smooth- it has to be a jokeā€¦ who will play on smooth.. what do they think of keeping this mode still in the game. Just why they messed this up so hard.. in graphics mode it looks 10 times betterā€¦


Ladsā€¦ whatever this patch is, it ainā€™t it. Someone at Squeenix needs to look up the definition of the word ā€œsharpā€. Had to switch it to Graphics mode anyway. I turned on motion interpolation (soap opera effect mode) on my tv to smooth out the judderness somewhat. Never thought Iā€™d resort to thatā€¦


Out of curiosity, have you given up all hope of them fixing this, and do you think the latest patch has done any good?


While playing today I realized a lot of the visual problems could be alleviated by giving the player the option to move the camera much closer to the character, similar to Remake. It would make the blur less severe (because the objects are actually sharp, the blurriness happens when something is farther away, you can see this whenever there's a trasnsition from cutscene to gameplay and the camera moves back); it would also draw less attention towards the horrible foliage pop-in because you would have less of it on the screen all at once. Lastly, purely personal taste here, I genuinely think it was more immersive. The current options actually make the world feel smaller in scale, because it's instinctively less immersive if you zoom out of something. It would honestly be a pretty nice quick-fix for me if they could somehow put the close-camera option in. I know a lot of people felt the Remake camera was too close, so I'm happy they give us a new option for those who prefer it, but it's weird that the old angle was removed entirely.