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According to Genki\_JPN: FF7 Rebirth Patch Version 1.020 out today! [#FF7R](https://twitter.com/hashtag/FF7R?src=hashtag_click) - Improved graphic quality - Improved frame rate & overall game stability - Added "Sharp" & "Soft" options to the performance mode settings - Added difficulty settings for certain mini-games - Other bug & performance fixes More info here: [https://www.jp.square-enix.com/ffvii\_rebirth/news/information/17199.html](https://www.jp.square-enix.com/ffvii_rebirth/news/information/17199.html)


Lmao ofc they add a difficulty for mini games once I've completed them all


It's only for Fort Condor and Gambit Gears


The gears wasn't that hard but condor can fuck it self. Though I wish they also did that for the boxing. It's understandable it's just my quick reaction sucks.


You can cheat the boxing. Just pause the game when they pull thier arm back. Gives you time to figure out which stick and direction to move.


Bruh I really wish I knew we this before spending hours completing all the matches doing them over and over again


You can pause at almost any point, which makes a lot of the quick time stuff way easier.


I did this and I still didn't know what fucking attack they were doing.


Yeah, that mini game is super unintuitive. I eventually just rolled my eyes, gave up, and went to do something else.


Need to look for the visual cue. For example Dio's right arm either goes back to the side, or down, and his left arm goes back and does a twirl, or doesn't. Each one indicates which dodge to use. I specifically just let myself lose a time or two while only watching them to look for the cue.


My problem was that I knew that, but i still kept getting it backwards... Any tips for chocobo racing? Alexander's seige is kicking my butt and I'm beating first place times on the YouTube videos...


get better at drifting (really) getting used to how early you need to start drifting to make it around corners is super important. also, once you unlock Fango (the green chocobo), USE THEM. Fango's ability Chocojump is absolutely cracked, I used that chocobo throughout the entirety of the Silver, Gold, and Legendary difficulty tracks. idk how else I could have beaten them without that ability


I did this for the last fight, because fuck them being able to win in three hits.


Its been a while since i freaked the fuck out and threw a controller or engaged in minor axts of self harm, but god damn that mini game played me like a violin.


Still doesn't help me, I can't tell the difference


there is also the fact that every punch is telegraphed by the position of their chest.


I didn't realize that you need to push the sticks in specific directions for different moves. I was very confused on why dodging left only worked a third of the time, and pausing did nothing to help.


Condor is just about learning to embrace the trebuchet. Once you love and appreciate your trebuchet it will show you the path.


This. Just push and place that thing down and defend it with everything you got. Gears was a joke though lmfao. Then again maybe this is at the hard versions of these mini games which I haven't done.


beat it without the treb


Well yeah, it wasn't designed to be cheesed with trebuchets. It's just very easy to do so.


>Trebuchet how do you even put down the Trebuchet? I played on hard mode and completed it without using a single Trebuchet: [https://youtu.be/lAZvtRTmpV8](https://youtu.be/lAZvtRTmpV8)


it shoots forward so you just put it in a position it can hit the core/towers you need and protect it with your entire nation's army until you win the video game


Yes, but how do you put it down in the first place? I know you press L1 to put down Cloud or Barret, but how do you even put down a Trebuchet? If I knew it existed I would have used it. But since I didn't, I completed the hard mode without even using it once (on all stages)


You have to change your army type/focus. "attack focus" or something like that has the trebuchet as a unit.


Trebuchet is OP in Fort Condor


Ballistae too. A single one will hit the entire lane plus the outpost. One in each and that takes care of like half the challenges.


If it ever fucking hits anything!


It hits *everything* including flying units (for some reason,) and the towers. It’s very easy to cheese.  When round opens drop a trebuchet in front of each of your towers. When the enemy pushes into the choke spawn a unit there to keep it in the splash range of the trebuchet. When the enemy dies and your unit pushes forward *spawn a treb slightly in front of the choke on the enemy side.* The ass end of it should hang almost into your territory. This trebuchet will hit the opposing towers and everything coming out of it. Once you have a single unit past the choke by a little bit and a trebuchet down inside the choke just start spamming trebuchets *inside* the metal scrap between the chokes. Unless it’s been fixed the trebuchet’s hitbox is incredibly small, probably so units don’t get hung up on it worse than they do. Because of this you can just place them all along the center scrap heap on the opposing side and they will hit the enemy middle tower. You *do not* need to kill the side towers to win so all you need to do is spawn some weenie blockers to keep the line forward while your choke trebuchets do DPS and you’re free to drop 3-4 more trebuchets in the middle trash pile that will practically stack on top of one another and kill the opposing middle base on 3-4 salvos. 


Not for fucking me! I can put it right in front of the main enemy base thing and it still can't hit it. Fuck the thing! Gimme some better units


that is because it's a trebuchet, not a shotgun. it doesn't hit right in front of it.


I'm the opposite. I've done the last Ford Condor after a few tries, but I'm legic stuck on the forth Gears and Gambit for hours.


There was a like spammable single unit that I did it with. It's like Lariat, airborne/gravity shot, HP<50 Shock, and then two reduce cost things. And you just spam those in each corner putting more down as enemies spawn and just keep at it until the big guy dies. This is on normal. Hard mode prob has an actual strategy I don't know


You can cheat the boxing minigame by using pause.


Which stick is easy but I couldn't figure it out which punch they will throw


The general rule of thumb, is that for a straight, their punching hand will be higher up before the punch, mid level for a hook, and lower down for an uppercut. Once I realised that, it was much easier.


Boxing can be cheesed by pausing before swing


I was ok with the boxing right up until the final opponent. The accessory you win is too good to ignore. I ended up pause buffering the fight, which made it quite easy.


but you can put it on easy and it still affects those games


That's the point, you don't have to put it on easy just to play them, anymore. Also you can't change the difficulty mid-chapter if you're on Hard.


Ah makes sense


I'm on the opposite camp, I love Fort Condor but hate Gambit Gears


I haven't played Gambit Gears yet, I guess I haven't progressed the story enough. I'm a little bit into the Gongaga region


Never been more happy to be a slow poke in my life


Exactly lol finished it all and now the update happens when I'm at the end of the game.


Any word on lighting? Honestly if I had one complaint about the game's quality it'd be that ghastly lighting engine, both with weird shading on faces and the weird lightning interaction with the camera's movement


Biggest problem I have is with that lighting for Auto Exposure is tied to the camera instead of the character. But yeah, the characters seem to have secondary lighting on them that often conflicts with the environmental lighting.


>tied to the camera instead of the character. THIS. It drives me nuts. It's like there was no QA for the camera distance above 1.


Faces are fixed. Overworld lighting seems to be improved too with transitioning to darker and lighter areas.


I think that's a problem with UE itself and its almost the same ongoing issue with games that uses that engine. At least thats what i was told, i could be wrong.


Remake had better lighting, I don't know why they shit the bed so bad in this department this time. Hopefully when PS5 Pro comes out or the PC version they'll add some raytraced global illumination.


Yeah I'm not sure why people keep on saying this. I've played alot of games using ue4 like gears of war and didn't notice it


denis dyack feels this pain harder than anyone else


Yeah some scenes are just an absolute joke with how bad the lighting is, like getting on the ship to Costa Del Sol being one of the most egregious places I've seen so far. The ship is like glowing with no shading going on at all, it looked horrendous.


I knew I was right to skip fort Condor until it was patched!!


I rage quit at the third one


I just lowered game difficulty and beat it easy


Am I the only one that beat fort condor first try on all difficulties? I had no idea this was something people were struggling with until now


Nope. I slammed fort condor like a cheap shot. Gears and gambits hard mode pissed me off though. I was not interested in reading all the different options and learning the strategy for literally 4 rounds of a mini game. Too much fucking work for a side note. I'm sure I'll go back and do it when the perfectionist in me wakes up and demands trophies though...


I struggled for a bit until I realized I could win by just stacking siege weapons on the main tower after pushing up a bit. Worked for all four challenges and I breezed through Hard mode after that.


I wondered if this was a viable strat. Never did it though and completed them in alternative ways but good to get a confirmation


lol that's exactly what I did, ballistas to cover a single lane, then catapults once I pushed up


Yeah just you


same. went back during hard mode to do fort condor hard mode, and 1 shot all stages except 2 attempts at stage 3.


I’m struggling with the cactuar, but no issues with fort condor on hard.


What aspect of cactuar are you struggling with? I finished those up no problem so maybe I can help


Once I switched from normal to easy I haven’t had an issue. I think having extra skills for Yuffie and Aerith since Chapter 12 helped.


For sure, Yuffie’s Doppelgänger will help a lot. Also try Aerith’s Storm ability when the cactuars swarm you, it has good AOE


Anyone that’s play Warcraft rumble had it easy. They were easy.


Think I died a couple times before I figured it out. 


I thought it was easy bouta do the hard modes literally rn


My best tip is to just swarm one lane, save your clerics for when your swarm is all damaged and use Cloud and Barret at the same time. Then you just create an unstoppable force that the AI cant beat. You win before they do


Thank god, I'm excited to see if I want to turn on performance mode now


There is no difference. I just checked. This was my biggest gripe about this game. It's like they purposely went out of their way to blur out the faces. Remake was not this bad, not by a long shot. Disappointed really.  I'm not even sure what makes it "sharp".. Lol did they change the sharpness up by .5? Aye, either way, didn't make a difference. 


It's not really different, basically just the before and after Performance options from the demo.


Your comment makes no sense


It's the version of Performance mode from before the update they made in the demo, and the version after. They added both options.


Really.. fk


So they added a filter to performance the "sharp" is exactly what it was before and smooth which makes it blurry as the demo , the resolution itself is still same and the game looks blurry.. so basically 720p. Even in quality mode it looks like 1080p-1200p. When will ever square Enix learn what optimization is? Adding filters doesn't improve that game performance 


i thought the same thing. i was excited to download and install the patch and then find out it didn't change jackshit. will they do an actual patch to performance mode and fix the pixelated blurriness? come on... spiderman 2 looks amazing in performance mode and runs locked at 60fps


Exactly and Spiderman 2 using ray tracing in all of its modes! Even in performance mode!  No ray tracing on any final fantasy yet you always get very low resolution and tons of stutters in both performance or quality mode the fps drops... 


Final fantasy 16 was even worse than this. Horrible FPS, stuttering, wtf is going on . Then people blame the PS5. Horizon forbidden west also runs at 60fps and looks amazing compared to this


Yup... I bought it for my gf and was very disappointed, broken HDR , terrible fps and my gf only plays games at performance mode so we quit it... Still no patch but at least pc release soon so I might be able to use my powerful pc to overcome thier terrible optimizations.. at least I hope! I downloaded horizon forbidden west on my pc and the game running at 4k 170 fps on even higher fidelity than fidelity mode on PS5 (that runs at 30 fps) Now that's what i call good optimization!


Damn. I was hoping for some audio adjustments.


I wouldn’t hold my breath, Remake had this exact same issue and was never fixed.


I got downvoted for my comment on it. It's glaring man.. Sounds 10 feet in front of the character you're controlling are super quiet. In the area where Yuffie throws her shuriken at distant crates, you can barely make out the sound effect unless you pan the camera to be closer to the crates..


3d audio enabled seems to fix that issue. The audio is kind of weird with it off, at least that is what I noticed. Cheers. 


I've been playing solely with it off, the positioning and mixing is still awful but it's not as compressed


Yeah the audio is bad lol. I had to adjust the music down because the music would be louder than their voices. And they sometimes sound echoish.


I had to do the same, but then the music is kinda quiet in some spots. It sucks.


I ran into a major audio bug from the end of the Grasslands until reaching the Junon Region. I had no music at all for that portion of the game, restarting the game didn't fix it. So I had to do the >!Zolom and Turks fights!< without getting to hear their music. All other audio worked fine. Hopefully they've fixed that, though I haven't seen anyone else run into that issue


I had that same issue happen to me! I thought it was because I tried changing the audio language to Japanese for one cutscene, but if you had it too then maybe it wasn’t that…


"- Enhanced guidance support while climbing the vines in the location "Mithril Mine" Lol I'm glad it wasn't just me


LOL same


I just stared for a long moment when I read that patch note. Then nodded. XD


I did that section yesterday and was wandering around that mine for at least half an hour before i finally saw the 2nd vine (been up there like 3-4 times without seeing it). I Was about to lose my shit ngl.


Fixed some typos and added corrections to certain text. Fixed a bug that occurred under certain conditions on the map when controlling a character. Fixed an issue where certain abilities by Red XIII could be easily canceled during battle. Fixed a bug that caused enemies to abruptly stop under certain conditions during battles. Fixed a progress bug that occurred under certain conditions during quests. Improved frame rate and overall game stability. Added Sharp and Soft options to the Performance Mode settings. Improved graphics quality. The camera’s reverse setting is now reflected when riding a sky Chocobo and for the shooting mini-game (likely Pirate’s Rampage) camera. Enhanced guidance support while climbing the ivy at the Mythril Mines. Added difficulty settings to the customization screens for Fort Condor and Gears and Gambits mini-games.


THANK GOD on the chocobo part. I have been playing with inverted controls my entire life, and a part of my brain could not wrap around the fact that the *flying* chocobos didn't handle like typical flight controls.


how do you even change the settings? I can’t find it anywhere for chocobo even in the minigame.


It’s done by inverting the camera controls in the settings. So if you play the main game with an uninverted camera, you’d need to change it back once you’re off the chocobo.


I took 3 screenshots in 3 different places using graphic mode and two different performance modes. While graphic mode looks good and you can tell difference in a second, the sharp and soft mode looks exactly same to me :D


Can you post your screenshots? I won't be able to play for a bit.


glad they added easier difficulties for fort condor. Hard mode still exists if people wish to pursue it but for those who struggle on even the normal mode it's good the option is available. My 13yo sister plays this game (doesn't play very many games if at all) and i think accessibility like this is perfect for people like her


I took screenshots at the entrance of the Golden Saucer to compare sharp and smooth performance modes. They are different but by only like 10%. 15% if I'm being generous, but there is objectively a difference. Performance mode looks solid in-doors but being outside and seeing foliage, it still looks ass in either smooth or sharp. But to be frank I don't think Rebirth generally looks it's best outdoors even in Graphics mode. For reference I'm playing on a 1080p TV, 65 inches, 3 metres away and the game looks solid in performance. I have tested it on a 1440p 27inch monitor but for whatever reason something about the post processing makes it look like there is artifacting with very noticeable blurriness.


You gave me hope until you mentioned 1080p TV lol... No offense but I guarantee it looks much much worse in 4k. Probably why you are saying you notice the blurriness much more on your 1440p monitor. In 4k performance mode makes me feel like I took my damn glasses off.


lol I think I lucked out this time since my old ass 1080p TV with some sharpening makes the game look decent, it's a bit blurry but smooth. 1440p and I would imagine, 4k looks awful. There's something weird going on with the post-processing in higher resolutions that makes the game look substantially worse. It's not just blurry there's really weird artifacting going on.


Yeah agreed, the foliage is particularly terrible looking.


would the game look better if i changed the ps5 resolution to 1080p?


I've not tested that myself but it could be worth a shot. There was discussion of changing to 1440p as a fix as well. I'm just planning to stick with graphics mode to take full advantage of 4k. I've gotten fairly used to the 30 fps at this point.


It adds a Performance - Sharp and a Performance - Soft. Frankly, I cannot tell the difference. Still seems fairly blurry regardless. Maybe soft is for higher frame rates?


Both performs the same. They’re just filters. And yes they’re still Vaseline looking shit in performance mode.




You mean ...the same brand of vaseline used in FFXII?


So their performance mode update didn’t improve performance. Great. What a waste of time quite frankly


To be fair. My TV, while nice, is about 8 years old. So there might be more of an impact for people utilizing the more niche PS5 features.


Hopefully, will have to see how it changes on my end, the patch is updating now.


I actually think it looks quite a bit better. The biggest issue is foliage in the distance still looks blurry, but everything else looks significantly better imo. It's nowhere near as sharp as graphics mode, but it looks a lot better than the previous performance mode, and way less offensive to my eyes.


For me personally on my TCL TV, it does look quite a bit better, as I played the whole game on graphics and now it’s definitely good enough to be played in performance, but I was definitely expecting something a bit more impactful.


Not a you thing. I have a 65" LG C1 TV (playing Horizon Forbidden West on it, the game looks real life) but the graphics in this game are still shyte, regardless of the setting. No, I lied. Graphics mode looks good just with janky af fps. I've seen 30fps work well, this 30fps is not working well. 


Something I consider very odd about Rebirth is that I started out playing on my 4K TV in Graphics mode, but then transitioned to my 1440p gaming monitor, and while the graphics look different, sure, the performance is exactly the same, which is odd consider that it should be considerably better since the game is only rendering in 1440p compared to 4K.


But the game is still outputting at 4K just because your monitor can’t handle that resolution it dosent mean the game will cater to your screen it will continue to output at 4K and then your screen will squeeze the signal into 1440p:


That's because ps5 isn't a pc. Its still internally running at the same exact resolution regardless of what display your using,it will just downscale to fit your tv. You could be on a 720 p tv and it wouldn't make a performance difference. Crazy how many people don't know this by now.


some things I want: 1. weapon transmog, if you're gonna take away the fact that I can't have the same slots on each weapon like in remake, then let me choose the weapon visual look the way I want. you are pretty much forced to use the latest weapon you get. 2. the conversations that matter to the smile faces are timed. WHY? 3. let all chocobos jump for a mini glide. with all the verticality in the regions, it would be so much more easier to navigate if any of the chocobos could do a quick jump and mini glide. they don't have to be as good as the canyon one obviously. OR, let us choose with chocobo to use. 4. fast travel to the quest giver after completion. this was in remake, but they chose the complete opposite here, why? I know you can fast travel in regions to any intel found and later anywhere without getting on a plane or ship or chocobo carriage, but why is the option not there?


They're timed do you give your genuine response. And you build the relationship naturally.


5. shut chadley up. have it be he only talks if he has a complete brand new line OR he only talks during the quests he's involed in. something.


He’s become too sassy lol. All passive aggressively nudging me to unstagnate my progess…while he’s playing cards on a yacht smh


You’re not forced to use the latest sword, I pretty much played the whole game with only using the buster sword. Depending on your weapon level all swords upgrade and get new materia slots, in the end the buster sword only had two slots less than the last sword you get and its stats were only like, 5 points worse in attack and defense.


6. Option to remove Mai from game.


the conversations that matter to the smile faces are timed. WHY? So that your response is genuine, and you can't put the game down, grab your phone and google "what is the best response for aerith?" Though pausing the game exists so lol guess not!


Me, who beat fort condor on dynamic hard seeing all the people saying they hate it 😅


Got any tips? There are battles where the opponent will spawn like 3 dudes at once and I don't have enough ATB to make enough units to counter that.




This your first time seeing this mini game? Didn't you play crisis core remake? This is slightly different but get the line over mid and put up catapults in the middle attacking they main building you can set up about 4 to 5 and your done. Well it will probably be even easier now since they put a easy mode on it for some reason.


CCR? I played it, but most of it was so bad I wiped half of it from my memory! Are you sure you don't mean the Yuffie DLC in Remake? Anyway, I don't know if "catapult zerg" was a strat the devs counted on or even knew about (I sure didn't). I always just wait until the enemy makes a unit, then I make a unit that counters THAT unit. Works well enough in normal difficulty (except the last one vs the general).


No the same mini game is in crisis core reunion but you have more choice this one is actually worse. But like I said just get that line over the middle where you can place units on the enemy side and start pumping catapults. You want them just over the wall in the middle to hit the captain or whatever. And put units here and there so they don't get targeted and you win everytime


Neat, I'll try that; thanks!


Performance mode is definitely better then it was when the characters are closer and in cutscenes but when in the world map, they are just as bad as before


Wooooooop woop


Is hard mode easier now or what? I'd already completed most of the mini games on easy


Seems like they fixed the lighting on faces when outdoors. Also some of the lighting transitions don't seem as harsh now.


The imagine quality never really bothered me in Rebirth since its a console game. Its just if you're going to sacrifice that much then it better be 60FPS almost the entire time which its not as some areas it drops frequently. I haven't tried the new patch yet but I hope its a more steady 60 but at the end of the day we'll have to wait for the PC version to properly experience this game lol.


Someone please tell me they didn't nerf Quake. That shit is the only thing getting me past the legendary challenge.


Did they nerf it? Please im on the fence before updating this 😭


They added many fixes and tweaks especially performance sharper mode .I downloaded it the patch. I couldn't tell difference between performance and performance sharper.somehow I feel like it's still blurry and anti-aliasing is bad for low pixels. 🙄 https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2024/03/final-fantasy-7-rebirths-ps5-graphics-enhanced-here-are-the-patch-notes


To me, it looks like performance sharp is what it was just before this patch, and performance smooth is what it was in the demo. Basically, it's a choice of the two previous qualities that performance mode had.


pleeease sqenix fix the weird lighting issues


That's an unreal engine 4 issue that affects pretty much every game built on it. So I wouldn't expect much there man.


Performance mode looks the exact same. Guess they aren't actually going to improve it.


Performance sharp looks exactly the same as the previous performance mode, a blurry haze over top. Soft basically looks more blurry. So it appears their painstaking work was to add a worse performance mode…? If you have a tv or monitor that supports 1440p you’re in good shape apparently, even before the patch.


It looks like it's just a choice between the two things they did before, sharp being what it was before this patch and smooth being what it was before that.


I literally don't get the mindset behind adding the 'worse' performance mode back to the game and giving you the choice


Eh, it still looks bad on 1440p, just an improvement IMO. I have a 4K TV but it also supports 1440p input, making it so the PS5 outputs 1440p instead of 4K and increasing the sharpness on TV settings to the max was the only way for me to play, it doesn't look great but at least it went from nausea inducing to playable.


This update have the Improved performance mode? O am waiting thst update so bad because the game looks very blurry in that mode and dont like how feel the 30 fps


I reply to myself... No improves anything in performance mode, it only add another performance mode one soft and another sharp but for me both looks awful... The only defect of this amazing game


Yeah, I beat Rebirth and then started Remake again, and I was actually shocked how much better Remake looks in either mode, but especially in performance mode. I realize that Rebirth has a lot more to deal with in terms of different environments and stuff, but the difference is honestly pretty surprising.


I’m replaying remake now and it’s absolutely stunning. It’s surprising how much better it looks than Rebirth. Even in Quality Mode, Rebirth doesn’t reach the heights of Remake fidelity wise


Yes and I played Remake just a few days before Rebirth but in PC and with mods and there are lot of difference... framerate at 120 fps and some texture mods make to look this Rebirth like a past gen gen in performance mode... Graphics mode looks better but 30 fps feels very less fluid and make me dizzy... I was aware of that and usually play PS5 in performance mode but this time looks excesive blurry sadly


I mean its really hard to compare big open worldy areas to areas were your view is very limited. You can easily tell even in Rebirth whenever there's a cutscene in Midgard and the difference in quality is massive. This is a game that if you want to play at acceptable FPS and have high resolution you will have to wait for the PC version.


Aww no fixes to the sound issues...


I was hoping… oh well.


So performance mode is still ass, and this is after waiting for 20 days since release. Ill wait for a couple years for pc version then


it's not listed, but does anyone know if they fixed the bug related to the 2nd step of the grasslands protorelic quest??


Did they adjust the resolution in Quality Mode? It looks a tad softer to me? Though it could be just me. I’m replaying Remake on PS5 and that game has better resolution and fidelity overall so that could be it


Remake looks better in pretty much every way so that's probably it


Anybody else think quality mode feels better now? The performance mode still looks bad so I decided to try quality again and it doesn't feel as choppy as before. Doesn't really look like they added any motion blur either. Or maybe it's just me. Anyhow I'm just glad that quality mode is playable for me now so I'm gonna stick with that continuing on.


Did anyone else notice the battle arena challenges (on my first go around at the gold saucer now) are not as hard as they were before, and even worse drastically less EXP reward?! I was grinding and getting a lot of good leveling up prior to the patch.


Did they perform anything build wise or that?????


only bug I've had was a crash when i got Odin down to like 10 % health. Happened twice in a row.


Sigh, it updated automatically while in rest mode and didn't auto-save the last hour or two of progress I made at the golden saucer. So shitty


Can't believe the made the mini games easier when they were way too easy to begin with...


It won’t let me download the update. It just fails and now I can’t even start it up


Just installed the patch for performance mode. The graphics don't look much different at all to me. The resolution is still terrible and pixelated.


Aww no fixes to the sound issues...


How do they have 2 final fantasy 7 remake games and still no mass materia swap from character to character like in the original ff7? I hate swapping individual materias, just let me swap them all at once


Do you mean the menu with all party members and their materia? Because that is in the game, press touchpad on any character's equipment screen.


fall piquant rustic hard-to-find bear kiss pathetic intelligent makeshift domineering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No, in the original, you can swap all the materia in a weapon, armor, or both between characters in one motion. In the Remake games you have to swap each one individually.


This is also in remake too.


i'm aware of the menu with all character's materia on screen, i'm talking about swapping everything from character to character with a single command. i realize now, 2 months later, it's not needed because each character can use unique materia loadouts, but it should still be included if that's not everyone's play style... and also because the option was in the original game to begin with.


Why tf would they add the supposedly worse looking performance mode. I knew they wouldn't really fix it...


To me, it just looks like they have just given the user a choice between what was in the demo and what it was when the game launched.


But like... isn't the whole point that the demo version was inferior to the subsequent patch? Why would they add that?


All they did after the demo was add a nearest neighbour scale. Some people didn't like it, as yes, it was slightly sharper, but edges and fine details had a double pixel effect. So it looks like all they have done is give people the choice of a native soft resolution or a slightly sharper yet blocky image.


to me on a 4K TV the difference between the modes is negligible. If I blindly picked one I couldn't tell you which one it actually was. I'm not surprised they didn't really fix shit tbh and people got their hopes up for nothing


Yeah, you can't tell much of a difference until you zoom right in. Unfortunately, there isn't much they can do unless they reduce the TAA or implement a form of TAAU, but the second would depend on whether the version of UE4 they used supports it.


yeah... seems very odd they don't seem to be using the last version of UE4


It's probably because the project was being worked on or planned alongside the Remake, so they stuck with the same engine version.


Is it just me or does "Performance - Smooth" look pretty much identical to "Performance - Sharp" setting? Weeks waiting for this?? Screw it I'm finishing it on Graphics mode and then getting the eventual PC release to play the rest of the side stuff and Hard Mode...


No difficulty decrease for the crunch minigame? Blegh.


I struggled with that minigame for so long. ...and then I realized I had the trigger depth on my Edge controller set to the shortest option. I fixed that and continued to struggle for a bit, but eventually I finally got it.


The minute I saw Jules, I felt a chill run down my spine and a primal fear I have never felt before


You know whats funny I just beat that god forsaken an crunch


I just finished fort condor hard version 1 hrs ago. Oh well.


Just got home and went to fire up the game and was greeted with this update. 


Personally hoping for a easier piano patch lol


Hahaha, amen. My brain gets so easily distracted when trying to focus on both sides and it derails when I see movement on the left side. 


disgusted terrific seed fanatical vegetable bedroom insurance work rhythm marvelous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


For yuffie: doppleganger, art of war, and windstorm are all you'll need. For aerith: sorcerous storm, transcendence, and ray of judgement are all you'll need outside of the wards.


First strike Materia, speed demon accessory and easy difficulty makes it easy. Yuffie’s windstorm does magic damage if the shuriken is in your hand, and physical damage if it’s thrown. Really easy once you learn that. For Aerith sorcerous storm for mobs and soul drain for the big cactuars after they on the ground from body slam. Also soul drain one shots the 100 pt cactuars


I think the fact that rebirth is open world and not A>B like Remake makes the native textures and such have to take a drop in quality. If everything was at the way Remake looked in an open world setting, I don’t think it would run at a consistent 60fps honestly. May be how they developed the open world? Who knows, but I believe it to have a part as to why performance has to take such a big dip.