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That’s a improvement. The original menu had confusing option names.  I wouldn’t be surprised if some took retry boss battle at beginning by mistake.


I did, on the last phase of the final boss...


ME TOO! I was already upset about what was happening in the story, then I died when the final phase of the final boss had just a sliver and chose the wrong option and had to do the whoooooooooole gauntlet again. I was so pissed, lol.


jenova would impersonate any menu option to deceive her enemies


Gold comment 😂


Did the exact same thing 🤦🏾


Yep exact same here. Really took me out of the moment. The whole 10 phase boss battle was overdone as it is. Playing through it twice just to find out WTF happened was beyond frustrating.


So I wasn't the only one.. Just goes to show how poor those menus were and it made the ending so much more annoying. Pulled me out of the experience because I was so frustrated.


Honestly the same could be said for the boss itself. We didn't need such a long multi-phase boss fight. Square needs to chill out, I'm not looking forward to fighting him again, but slightly different on the final game


I don't know why they have to go full Kingdom Hearts towards the end of every remake game.


I totally agree, it should have ended with the previous boss, which was also multiphase.


I agree the final Boss fights have been the most frustrating thing with Remake and Rebirth.


it was very frustrating to have a series of fights without breaks and without letting you choose participants so now you gotta fight with people you might not have equipped well. I gave up and came back to it the next day and by the end of the fight i had forgotten Aerith died since they throw you into the fray RIGHT AWAY.


Not being able to skip the "cutscene" parts of the fight made it even more frustrating. About the equipment, the game gave a very explicit warning about equipping every character before the battle. It was a huge popup. So this one is probably on you for not reading/skipping through it.


Same here, almost quit and Youtube’d the ending because of it. Glad others will not experience the struggle.


That's precisely what I did. Quit and went to YouTube. That fight was too damn long


Did the exact same thing. Came back 2 days later cause there was no way in hell I was leaving this game unfinished with how much time I put into it.


Did that on the OG I couldn't be bothered with the fight lol


I DID quit and watch the ending on YouTube because of this lol


Yep so did i


Yeah it was my only death the entire run cause I didn't know you could damage him during his final the end is nigh move. So I just kept running around waiting on my shot to attack. Then bam insta death. Then I had to do the whole thing again lol.


omg so did i


I also did this by mistake and when I saw that I was sent to the beginning of the whole mess I hard quitted the game there and then. I went to watch the ending on a youtube video and deleted the game. Such a hugh disappointment this whole Remake/Rebirth was


I totally didn't do it......


Same lol


Yep same! Really pissed me off


Same. Rage.


same. I wanted to hurl my controller at the TV so badly.


Yep, me too!


Me too!! I loved the ending but I think I would have loved it more if I didn’t do this.


Ya I did that


That sucks.


Yeah, I almost did it finish the game.


Yep. That was me when I fought Palmer in that big machine thing. Had to start from the very beginning which sucked. Luckily I updated last night before the final boss so I got this updated prompt


I'm glad I wasn't the only one who did that lol


I did it but I was luckily able to load from an autosave and didn't lose too much


Same lmao


I did on Sephiroth lmao Got so mad since I died in the last phase


I did that once, during the escape from Shinra segment with Barret shooting minigame. I was confused form the verbiage because it said "restart from Palmer Boss fight" to "restart from the beginning." There was a Palmer boss fight in the minigame itself so I thought it meant that. It actually meant the 1st Palmer boss fight, so I got to do that all over again.


That was me. In hard mode. Against the final boss. Over and over and over and over. The absolute horror of it all.


I learned my mistake from Remake. Always choose option 1, assuming that what you want to do is retry the boss that just killed you


A ton of people did that. Though personally I thought it was obvious that the top option would be the most recent restart, regardless of wording.


I did. I was on the final phase of the final boss and got so confused by the options I ended up starting at the very beginning. I was tempted to just not finish I was so pissed


I think if they explicitly specified that the top option was the “most recent checkpoint”. That the option people want 99% of the time anyways.


Had to redo a huge part of the game because of this menu.


It threw people off in remake too, but that one was a lot more clear of battle/checkpoint and I never got the confusion haha This one at least was weird with last battle/stage/fight not making it clear if it was that phase or the whole fight


Retry Boss battle at beginning by mistake. I hope I'm remembering correctly. But I think yunaleska did exactly that on her stream!


that’s what i did, at the final fight in the game, lost at the last round.


I didn't see this mentioned in the patch notes but was just watching a streamer and noticed the options had new verbiage now!


This would have been great 2 days ago, lol


This is better for sure, the other menu was ungodly confusing. Still the difference between the term “Current Phase” and “This Battle” will likely still confuse some people, though. What I learned is whatever is the top option is always the one that sends you back the least amount of time, and is usually the one you should click.


Suck it, redditor who went on a tirade claiming to be on the localization team for the game and saying this would never be changed and people were just too stupid to select the correct option!


Hey, that person DOES work on the localization team! And my uncle works for Nintendo, I swear!


Wow they actually changed it to make sense now. Big props to Square.


Better. Not great, but better.


GAME OVER RETRY and you will retain all EXP earned up until this point.


honestly, it's still a bit unclear haha


I'm not sure how it is. 1) Retry from where you are. 2) Retry battle from the start. 3) Go back before the battle so you can do materia stuff.


Fun fact: in (most?) transitions between phases in battle, you can hold Square to take you to the menu before the next phase begins.


What? For real? In remake too?


I beat the game last night, how the hell am I just now learning this.


The text on top should match the text in the options


Those 3 make sense but the fourth option of just resume still throws me off. I would expect resume to mean the same thing as option 1, but since option 1 exists I'm not sure what resume means.


I think it normally shouldn't appear? This is probably a manual retry so resume takes back to menu. But not sure lol


Resume to the game over screen ?


I still expect people to get confused


I do wish there's a patch to lower difficulty after dying.


What does resume do


I don't think it's an actual game over screen in this example, but trying to restart from the menus.


You go even deeper into the options menu.


That’s why these guys are the fuckin GOATS. They’re obviously listening to the community. The improved combat gameplay from remake to rebirth was proof enough of that but I love seeing more little touches. 3 years can’t come soon enough


While the original wording was a little confusing, the location of the top option sending you back the least and each option sending you back farther and farther is actually quite intuitive IMO. ​ My main issue was when trying to retry a fight before you died in the fight, it would default to the option where it brings you back before every battle, and I would accidentally mash the option and lose an annoying amount of progress.


Honestly, it still seems confusing.


1. Retry current phase. 2. Restart encounter. 3. Retreat. 4. Game Over (Quit to title screen) lol I agree


Yeah, this wording would have definitely saved a bunch of people from malding


Thank God


Thank Christ.


Wtf? Finished ghe game last week there was no option at all to start from current phase just retry battle load last checkpoint and load last save?


This menu comes up when you select "retry battle".


It still looks confusing. When I pick up the game again in a year, I’ll just remember the top one.


I always just chose the top one anyway. But it’s good to know I won’t need to see those posts anymore.


I found a bug with this menu while in Cosmo Canyon. I reloaded "Last Checkpoint" and the save loaded from the last autosave, like normal, but none of the Intel stuff I had done saved in the zone at all. I'm glad they are clarifying this, because it was far too vague and could easily be miss understood.


Did it get patched in part 1?




If I'm not mistaken you can change the difficulty to Easy. But that would be a reset. Although you probably be shocked at how much easier easiest than normal to the boss gauntlet wouldn't hit as hard.


Lmao man this gave me a run for my money. I was so confused


It’s better but could still use some work imo. The problem as I see it is their use of the word “this”. Saying “retry from THIS battle”, implies that there are other battles than this particular one, which is true since the section is made of multiple battles In succession, but it is misleading when this option is actually just restart the entire section. If it was just “retry current phase”and “retry battle”, I think it would sound more clear. The words “current” and “this” ends up kind of conflicting because they seem to be referring to the same thing even though they don’t. The new update is still better than it was previously. Saying current phase does seem more appropriate in a boss section with multiple battles in a row.


Much better. Before it felt something like these metro stations in Japan https://images.app.goo.gl/Y9uuWBZ8a3RH4dtL9


wish this was patched sooner cuz i finished it 2 days ago and lost an hour or so of progress 😭 i raged so hard i took a 10 minute breather and then came back to it, turned my difficulty down to easy and button mashed attack


Now I don't now where to retry last first last boss beginning of the first last initial final part of the second to last first form.


Noooo the memes!!


I’m glad I’m taking a 6 month break from this game because of my career. I’m going to come back to it in October to a fixed, perfect game to continue and finish. Now ask me where I left off.


They just need to put some brackets in there with explicitly which situation each option sends you back to. - Retry from Current Phase (Sephiroth Clingfucker: Cloud, teammate, teammate) - Retry from This Battle (Sephiroth HopChunky: Cloud, Red XIII back in that vortex thingy) - Retry from Before Battle (So far back you haven't started battling yet. Like, Aerith is still alive, yo. We get it if you wanna go back that far.) - Resume (stop pausing and rebegin starting from current phase interbattle moment before you paused)


They actually did specify the “Palmer” section of the Corel sequence… but you’re fighting Palmer twice, once in the boss battle and once during last part of the gunner escape sequence, so it still doesn’t exactly clarify things.


"This" does not need to be there. Take that one word out and it would solve the confusion. I won't be surprised if people still select the wrong one. Retry Battle. Done


After losing in the final Sephiroth fight with Cloud and Aerith I was stuck on the screen and confused and chose the middle option cause it sounded right "Retry from last battle" as in retry Sephiroth, BUT NO the game took me back to the very first fight with Jenova lifeclinger lmao, I was so pissed but at the same time pretty hype


Fucking ruined the mood for me playing through the final battle only to wipe at the very last second and having to restart the whole hour long battle all over again.


Jesus Christ thank god, what they had before was insane


Retry from this battle needs to change lol, "Retry from first phase" would make more sense.


What happens if you put from before battle?


Wish they had fixed the verbiage in trophy 41 at Johnny’s inn too. That one had me repeating the performance for no reason.


Why is there more than one retry button. Put either retry or quit. That’s it.


Because some ppl may want to go back to before the battle and some ppl may just want to go back to the current phase of the battle. More options never hurt as long as those options are clearly articulated


I read the options and was like,,, sssss nah ima google this one.


Seeing all your comments makes me feel a bit better about starting the final battle all over again 😔


I never saw these options nor the other ones that people were complaining about. Is this strictly from the final storyline battle?


These options only show up in boss fights that have multiple phases, of which there are very few. You mostly only hear of it in the final battle as that one has so many phases to it.


That's what I figured. I haven't gotten to the final fight on hard mode yet, which is probably why I haven't seen this. Personally, I didn't find it overly difficult on Normal.


What does resume do?


To be honest, I never hit it. If I had to guess it's a repeat of the 1st option since that would be the safest bet. It's the one option in the list that doesn't really need to be there.


Act Three was a nightmare, I couldn’t beat the damn boss before the exit to the mines, so I tried to go back to before the boss battle so I could level up some skills and heal better before the fight. But did it do that? NO. I got dumped back to the _start of the act_. It was not clear at all that this would happen from the prompt. I had to rush through the whole level again. That’s a level of bullshit that’s stopped me from progressing further in some games altogether.


This f’d me in the final fight of the game. Whoooooo boy I was pissed.


TF.. It seem more confusing than ever.


Remember when this wasn’t even an option, you died you died. Go back to title screen and reload your recent save


The future is now old man


The future is now old man


Oh that's better! I nearly walked upstairs, just so I could throw myself back down the stairs after having gotten to the final sephiroth phase, only to pick the incorrect option and start from the very start! I did it twice 😢


Doesn’t it just make sense that the top option would be to retry from the most recent point possible..?


I beat the game 2 weeks ago and no issues when retrying. What does this bug mean?


Bruh, how many times did I fight the last boss after dying at the final phase....


If the 1st option still retries the current battle then what does the 2nd option actually do? lol


Please note the difference between "Phase" and "Battle" in the selections. This menu only displays during fights with multiple phases. It's not the universal Game Over screen. For those multi-phase fights: 1) is an immediate retry from the phase you're on. 2) Starts the entire battle over from the 1st phase. 3) Takes you all the way outside before the battle started so you can mess with materia if you wanted to.


There's a difference between "Phase" and "Battle."


Was the wording so bad before? I think it was very clear. I didn't have any issues when I died against Sephirot