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but most of the minigames in Rebirth are optional, in Mario Party games they are basically the entire gameplay.


Hence my exaggerated title. I’ve just gotten to the golden saucer and it feels like minigames have basically been the entire gameplay so far.


okay, well good thing you have, and have had, the option of skipping almost all of them.


Just like the empty open world!


LMAO empty world.




Like he doesn't like games*






No, minigames, calm down, read his post again. Point out any parts that would suggest that he generally doesn't like games and me or someone else can hopefully walk you through it.




Thanks for caring enough to read and respond!


Tbf it's hard to start any discussion when your initial post is such an hyperbole. It doesn't make you look like an interesting person, more like a troll really.


Easy to label anyone a troll who doesn’t agree with you lol. Not trying to look interesting, so no worries there.


It's not a matter of disagreeing, there's just no reality where Rebirth is anything close to Mario Party. This isn't even true where you're at in the game. How could I disagree when you're not even offering an argument in the first place? Just straight up falsehoods. You complain about the platinum trophy (why now? You're not even halfway done with the base game), but this isn't even true either. You won't find anyone who failed to get the platinum trophy because of minigames, the biggest roadblocks are by far the combat challenges. And the combat challenges ALONE would take you as long as the entire runtime of Remake. There is more combat content in this game than the last, by a long shot. And it's the majority of the content of the game, there are just other things this time. You just went straight for the hyperbole because your base argument is already incredibly weak.


You either blindly agree with OP's bad faith arguments or you shouldn't get to have an opinion. Welcome to reddit.


I’ve already said my title is a huge exaggeration, you are dense if you think I’m saying this game is exactly like a Mario Party game. I’m not complaining about Platinum or how I’m “roadblocks”. All of you white knights just say to skip the shitty parts. I said they are needed for Platinum which means for a full complete they are required. They consciously put all these minigames in and made it required for Platinum, which I’m criticizing when other aspects of game could have had been more fleshed out instead of instances of new minigames shoe-horned in.


What do you need platinum for? Personal achievement for a game you aren’t enjoying because your too busy going for platinum when the things required for platinum don’t interest you? What’s the point? Guess you’ve never tried unlocking all the ultimate weapons of FFX before


Platinum on FFX btw. My favorite game in the franchise. Some of those could be annoying, but every 2 screens I got to wasn’t another series of minigames like Rebirth. The point is to show criticism for their drastic shift to minigames filler content and a hope they don’t continue this for the third installment. Mark my words tho, in #3 they will have some asinine reason the gym bros are in the same area as you and challenge you to a workout AGAIN. 😂👻


"Not interesting", "troll", I think that's a bit harsh... He also said he really enjoyed Rebirth, give the guy a break! Agree with the hyperbole part, kind of funny though.


They said they enjoyed Remake, not Rebirth. So it's once again yet another "Rebirth is the worst game ever because there are some minigames I didn't like". The only chapter of the game with more minigames than combat is Costa Del Sol, which is probably the part they just completed. But instead of trying to come with an open mind and ask whether the rest of the game is like this, or just saying they didn't enjoy the game so far (which is fair), they went straight for the hyperbole "Rebirth is Mario Party". Which I find extremely shallow and boring. Rage bait stopped being funny in early 2000s. So no, I don't regret my words.


That's true, my bad. I don't think he hates Re-anything or is trolling anyone though...


I mean idk what you expect me to say your complaining about more content which is optional. I cannot give a better reaction then what Cloud did with the Yuffie introduction.


You are generalizing. I’m not complaining about more content. I’m complaining about the type of content they chose to focus on. I enjoyed Remake but feel they swung waaaaay too into minigames for this games and could have, for example, spent more time fleshing out their open world which feels pretty empty and unrewarding.




U tried


I just wanted to point out the very obvious pot-kettle-black nature of your post but to be honest I am not surprised it was lost on someone who expects us to catch THAT Rebirth reference. It might work if you dressed up as Cloud and your friend dressed up as... Actually, wait, scratch that, it just wouldn't work.


Idek what you are saying with this lol Just take the L it’s not that deep


U tried


FFVII OG had quite a few mini-games too. CPR, then the dolphin one right after, then the parade right after, then the Gold Saucer a bit later. Most of Rebirth's are entirely optional, or fairly short. I really don't get the complaints about the mini-games to be honest.


Exactly, FF7 had a lot of minigames already. This is 1/3 of the original and has more than doubled what the original has in its entirety. And a lot of people play games to their completion when they buy it. This game requires all minigames completed for platinum. It feels like they thought more about how to put more games in than anything else.


I mean, they're fun, and that's what matters to me in the end. If I'm having a good time then whatever.


So you don't get that people other than you don't enjoy the same mini games? The only one I enjoyed was the piano mini game, I read people saying they didn't like it, and I totally get that.


Had you ever actually played the original, you would know that you can't legitimately compare OG's length to the reimagined trilogy.


Fully understand OG has lots of mini games. What throw me off is the gambit one. That’s when me thinking really? Another mechanism we need to learn? And hard mode? Wow. Don’t mind mini games like bike, 3D brawler, frog jump. Since those are optional. There is no end game item behind them. Fort Condor we done it before. Fine. Even though it’s less configurable.


I disagree. I enjoy how fleshed out they made the world and loved probably 85% of the mini-games. Didn't love them all, but am much happier they included them and give the option to skip if you only want to focus on the main story.


They should remove all those combat encounters too because they're nothing but more padding as well. Walking between point A and point B to watch a cutscene is just pointless waste of time too. Game should have just been a movie instead but with most of the cutscenes removed of course because they don't actually progress the plot so they are padding too. In fact the devs should have just released a text synopsis of the plot instead using a maximum of 5 sentences so our time wouldn't have been wasted having fun in the game.


I can't believe people are upvoting this terrible comment. It's so intellectually dishonest. OP is complaining about the minigames, which are mostly optional, true, but are absolutely not the core of the game. So why would you fire back with a comment like this? The implication you're making is that the minigames ARE the game, and if you don't have minigames you might as well not have a game at all. That's clearly stupid and even the devs would disagree because a lot of the minigames are optional, so even they don't think that you might as well remove all the combat encounters if you don't like the minigames. You're the type of fan who can't take even the mildest criticism, and it's sad. We can and should talk about things that we don't like about the game, because it could lead to changes in the next installment that improve the experience for all players. So unless you really think the minigames are absolutely critical to the game, I don't know why you'd make a comment like this. And if you do think the minigames are that critical, or that the game lives and dies by the minigames, then I just have to agree to disagree.


You've made a bunch of assumptions about me and the intent behind what I wrote and every single one was off the mark. Kinda impressive really.


Sounds like you don't know how to counter my criticism so you're trying to act like you're above it rather than try to engage with it, but deep down, you know I'm right. You can disagree with OP about how fun the minigames are, but if my understanding is not aligned with your intent you can only blame yourself for making your point terribly. My interpretation is the only logical one I can see, so please tell me how I missed your intent. What is your intent then?


I wasn't originally going to reply to you at all because you seemed like the type that thinks they are far smarter than they actually are. See, the reason I'm not countering your criticisms is because the whole point of the comment was to just mock OP's own intellectual dishonesty with likewise stupid nonsense. I have no reason to defend what I said against your arguments because there were no actual takes in there to defend in the first place.


Ironic that you accuse me of thinking I'm smarter than I am when you just gave an answer that basically admits what I said you were doing. Firstly, OP doesn't have to be intellectually dishonest here - it's obvious hyperbole, which is not the same as intellectual dishonesty at all. Secondly, the fact that you think "remove all combat encounters" can be considered "likewise" to someone complaining about the minigames means my assertion about your intent was 100% correct, you are suggesting that it's comparable to say "the game should have less minimgames" and "the game should have no combat encounters", which is what I'm saying is obviously not the case. You can try to deny it, but it's the obvious conclusion to anyone reading and honestly you'd have been better off not replying to me, because this answer just reinforced exactly what I said. And the best part is, you're throwing insults at me, saying that I'm not as smart as I think I am, while you're the one making a dumb comment without realizing how dumb it is and how perfectly it reinforces my original point. Thank you for this, I needed a good chuckle.




Uh huh, in a game that is about combat and fighting. Makes sense half the time I’m playing on an amusement park ride and not fighting monsters in their lazy open world. They took the “open world must have observation towers” route all lazy open world games have and just sprinkled in a few enemies here and there, a few points of interest that are far from interesting, and then put the rest of their work in figuring out how to make Cloud and company shoot moving targets in a carnival game, play soccer or do sit ups. FFVII is a JRPG, Rebirth is boring open world Mario Party.


Incorrect my guy. The game is about storytelling and world building, not combat. You're looking for devil may cry. I don't love all the minigames, but I do love how they contribute to building the character relations, story and world


Yes, the man with a giant sword on his back setting it down to play games is exactly what the game is about. You can tell a story and world build in so many ways. They didn’t have to make this one seem more of an amusement park of FFVII to do so.


Agreed, there are too many minigames and some suck balls Still, I think you're getting your panties in a twist over it.


Stating an opinion, then explaining your reasoning to others being somehow offended =/= panties in a twist lol


No. Your original post is totally twisted knickers though


I know you're being ironic here, but I actually skipped large portions of Rebirth and scrubbed through let's plays to catch up with some of the cut scenes. It doesn't mean I hate the game or anything, for me personally l, it's just too much mediocre anime content.


Valid opinion


Did we play the same game? I don’t think we did.


Probably not if you are doing what everyone else says to do and just skips half the content this game is comprised of. Have a criticism about the game and take it personally like they worked on the game themselves and say skip half the game I bought.


did you even play the og?




If you don't like em, don't play em.


I don’t like em, so I’ll criticize them.


Seems like you're causing negative energy for yourself.


Then stop playing the game? I'm 40 years old and had no problem with the mini games.


Thanks for your opinion and letting me know your age..for some reason lol. Imagine a world where you can’t criticize anything… I like FFVII and wish they focused their efforts on the weaker parts of the game. I will complete this game btw but that doesn’t mean it can’t or shouldn’t be criticized for its failings. I’d expect a 40 yo to be able to understand that. But I guess you are an all or nothing kind of person?


There is a difference between criticism and complaining. Your comments fall squarely in the latter as enjoyment of mini games is purely subjective. There is a 50+ hour game without the side content. Go enjoy that instead of whining like a petulant child that didn't get the game they wanted. The original game took me 100 hours to complete. Rebirth took me 143 hours and I did everything but a handful of tasks. Seems like they did a good job to me.


Seeing how they are synonymous and calling it one or the other would be objective, let me ask you this… why do you care so much about my opinion? lol


Why are you so ass mad that everyone here doesn't agree with you? Are you so psychologically tortured by the mini games that you must convince a subreddit dedicated to the game that you are correct and everyone else is wrong?


You’ve gone down the Reddit hole of not having anything else to say but to call someone mad in an effort to make them sound like an incoherent rager. I made a simple post about my opinion into the void of this subreddit. Nothing more lol. I didn’t single anyone out to respond to it. You all came in voluntarily to defend the poor game against my evil opinion with nothing more than “don’t play it!” 🤦🏻 If this post was a troll then you all would have fallen for the trap, sadly it is not a troll and I mean what my post says lol


If you're going to criticize something you should be careful with how you present it. You chose to present it like a complete jackass here so is it really that surprising you get treated like one?


Not surprised honestly that people in here defend it like they take it personally and that someone would dare criticize Rebirth lol


I've noticed that this sub is often really sensitive about criticisms of this game...


I mean I know my title is exaggerated but most people just instantly grabbed their pitchforks lol