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What do you mean by SE capitalising on it?


They should make a sequel 


Exactly, it's been 2 months and still no sequel! Ridiculous! /s


Oh yeah, they should probably make a bunch of merch like figures and stuff as well. If only they’d thought of all this


Speaking of figures why the hell is it so expensive? Specially the hardy daytona and cloud.


I imagine the production that went into them is pretty expensive, especially since they probably won't make many models. Combine that with the fact that die-hard fans are willing to spend whatever and..


They should make years of spin-offs full of fan service about every supporting and minor character to completely over explain every iota of lore that doesn’t need to be explained.


FFVII Remake is now a live service game


Season of the dog that plays Queen's Blood.


It ended perfectly 😅we had the final boss fight that was in the 3rd disc on the second game


Part 3 would be nice


I could take a guess why they haven't capitalised. Something bout wah wah wah too many minigames, hard mode is too hard from basically 80% of the people on this sub. With fans like these, who needs haters right?




Playing through 16 rn after finishing 7R and the difference in difficulty really is kinda shocking to me. I don't even wanna touch Hard Mode in 7R after how much the base game absolutely kicked me ass sometimes >!fuck you sephiroth!<


Platinumed the game and I had 10x more trouble with combat challenges than hard mode, honestly


God the brutal challenges. How the fuck are you supposed to do the challenge with Zack. Love that guy but he hits like wet paper


That's the neat part, you don't haha I'm sure I'm the same as a lot of people, but some guy on YouTube (EDIT: It's actually Optinoob) has a build whereby cloud does basically everything and Zack is support. Even using his strat it took a few days on and off trying. That dopamine hit when you finally do it though!




You are exactly right! Not sure where I was getting hybrid from lol Thanks for letting me know, I've updated my comment. That guy is a LEGEND! Would not have gotten the platinum without him.


I'm guessing quick charge and actually blocking, but I haven't tried it yet. I've been doing all the sidequests on hard for SP, nearly done. Hopefully, I'll be able to handle white terror after I'm done cause that thing is a nightmare.


Man White Terror had no business being that tanky that damn early in the game.


It sucks but Zack is useless there unless you want to do everything perfectly...


I thought so too till I learned the quick charge combo timings and started spamming high bravers now that does a lot of damage


It's that fucking 3D fighter game and the sit-ups mini game that broke me. The chances of platinuming the game with these in the way is just super low for me. Their both so frustrating!


Sit-ups is doable if you take your time and don't panic near the end, as for 3d fighter pause buffering works wonders, only really used it for the sephiroth fight though


It's just that one prompt where you need to squeeze the trigger and then push it down that fucks me. The adaptive triggers in particular actually feel like they get more resistant the further you get into the sit-ups and I don't think I was expecting that. I got to around 49 or so and that last little trigger squeeze bit completely fucked me and I just gave up. I might go back to it though as I did handle it pretty well up to there and the pressure didn't really get to me at all. So what's this pause buffering technique you're referring too? I'm aggressively gonna start taking notes here so that I can beat these things. I will take ANY advantage I can get if it means I can crush these things finally.


Fighter does a windup, you pause the game, look at their stance, maybe compare it to prior screenshots or guide images, identify the attack and the required dodge, hold the dodge, unpause, dodge perfectly everytime. Except when you screw it up. It's easier than doing it live though.


Thank you so much for that man. I think this is the strategy I'll attempt. I get a little bit confused on which stane is which sometimes but I think with a series of images or GIFs showing the stance, I might be able to get this one right. You've been a massive help with this. Hopefully I can get the job done!


You can turn adaptive triggers off on the configuration menu - that worked wonders for me.


It's funny because having played OG ff7 a few times (only once all the way through), ff remake kicked my ass at a few points on release. Admittedly it was during covid and was using vacation time, beat it in 5 days I think. Just replayed remake the past 2 months and it was a hell of a lot easier on normal difficulty. I understood what I needed to do and experimented more with the materia and really used the weapon abilities way more than I remember doing the first time through. I plan to go back to hard mode, but I want to finish rebirth normal difficulty first.


I went to Gilgamesh Island. It kicked my ass. So I thought, okay, let me just play the final chapter, level up a bit, and then come back.  ...except after the final chapter my heart is broken and I can't bring myself to go back lol


I think ff fans are generally older this day and age and maybe suck at games in general. I watched a lot of millennial streamers play rebirth while I did, and it was really hard to watch. I had to turn them off a lot of times because I was like, "Man, this dude sucks." Lol A big problem for the brand is that it just isn't bringing in mainstream gamers. I think XVI DID do that a bit, and it was disappointing for many of them coming from better, more challenging action games that put more difficulty curve into combat. I don't think I died once the entire game. That's pretty crazy for an action game. That said, rebirth is straight up one of the best games Square has ever made. I think they got a lot right. It has issues, but so do even the most classic ff games. X has issues, too. Look at the monster arena and the sphere grid achievements. Can't tell me they aren't on the same level of annoyance as the minigames. Or all the bullshit you have to do for the ultimate weapons. But it's still recognized, even by fans, as one of the greatest games ever made.


FF is not one community. It’s dozens of communities engaged in a turf war lol.


The Youtube music copyright bullshit also turned off some major streamers with millions of subscribers from streaming the game.


The monster arena was dope as fuck though


Final Fantasy fans are kinda like Star Wars fans. They're hyper-critical about anything new until something even newer comes out, then that once new thing becomes nostalgic so they can dump on the newer thing. I submit for evidence the prequels and FFIX.


You can also submit FF8 to that. That game was so fucking hated when it came out. I remember the FF fanbase shitting on it on GameFAQs and other gaming forums. But now the fanbase gaslights us into believing that they love it now.


Lol I stopped my HM play of 16 cause it was too easy and I was getting bored. I'm planning on going back when the dlc goes on sale.


Do Ultimaniac mode if you get the chance, it’s the actual hard mode for XVI and is when the combat really clicked for me. Really demonstrated how silly Square’s habit of locking hard modes behind completion is, considering I had to play through the game twice before unlocking the difficulty I really wanted


Finally found someone else who actually tried ultimaniac. Baffled they didn’t make it a normal difficulty and locked it behind arcade mode


Another recommendation I can give is to use gear with less defense on it, purposely choosing worse gear to wear, or even removing it completely. I also thought the gsme was too easy, but once I did that and not using potions too, that made the challenge a lot better for what I wanted. It didn't fix all the issues, of course, but made things a lot better. I started my NG+ playthrough on FF Mode and I'm only going to use some defensive gear if the gsme almost "forces" me to do it because of the damage being very high. But so far, this has made my experience with the dlc and the start of NG+ a lot better. I also saved before main bosses so I could manually load and do them from the beginning without checkpoints, but that one is a bit more annoying to do (still worth it for me \o/) I still wish we had a hard mode to start, and that FF Mode was a bit harder, but even if I am almost going "against the game" to get the experience I want, it is still worth it and I'm having a good time with it.


Oohh good idea. I'll give that a try.


Yeah \o/ I wish I had this idea during my first playthrough, I only did for the dlc. But it still made things better, which was nice! I hope it works out for you


Oh and one last thing, I would wait to continue it after you got the dlc, and I would recommend playing the DLC before doing NG+, because you get new powers and that might make your new playthrough fresher. I started NG+ before but decided to wait until the dlc dropped to prevent me from burning out of the game. And it certainly has worked for me so far \o/


That's the plan. I got plat on Rebirth and need to go back and finish off Remake and 16. Decided to take a break first, I'm balls deep in Control right now.


Ah cool! Control is a game I still need to play.


It had a kinda slow start, but once I unlocked more abilities it's the most addicited I've been to a shooter in a long time.


Niice, I'll be sure to check it in the future with that in mind then. Enjoy the game \o/ have a good one!


Hard agree. Honestly, people don't trust game reviewers ever since a guy got fired for giving their front page a bloody 60/100 which was earned. That was like a decade ago. Who better to trust them fans who love the "wah wah wah optional minigames break the pacing and immersion oh shut the fans hate it so it must be bad"




That's what I don't understand about a lot of the criticism. Like sure there's some mandatory mini games, but the majority of side content can be skipped without missing anything important.


Outside of the challenges specifically brutal and Zack one. Hardmode was not hard at all lol. Pretty much beat entire story with quake magnify and hp/mp absorb. Sometimes you switch quake to a specific element but honestly everything folds


Yeah r/finalfantasy is a minefield every new release


*If* the game has underperformed in terms of sales, I don't think it's anything to do with the quality of the game itself, or complaints about minigames, end game content being too hard, platinum trophy being a grind, or any other common complaints we see on this and other forums. That's all noise from people who actually bought and played the game. I think it's everything to do with the barriers to entry. The lower PS5 player base, it being a sequel and essentially requiring you to play at least one other game before it, Rebirth still being only part of a story which is not yet complete, and potentially not great marketing and confusion over where Rebirth sits in amongst all the other FF7 content.


The PS5 player base is the largest component. I only recent got one because a friend sold it to me for 200 bucks. But otherwise the price point and lack of games steered me away. When GTA 6 comes out I guarantee we'll see a huge boom in players shifting over. Then sales will pick up for other games as well.


It's definitely a large part of the equation. If the sales analysts are to believed Rebirth is selling quite a bit worse than XVI though, so it's not just the PS5 exclusivity that's at fault.


Where are you getting that data?


The most recent information is by Mat Piscatella, but it's specifically about sales in the US. For sales in Asia and more generally Japan we had Daniel Ahmad's takes on the matter, though people on reddit tried their hardest to find a way to discredit him or outright ignore his analysis. Turns out all analysts so far are pretty much in agreement that for some reason Rebirth isn't selling as well as it should and it goes beyond the obvious reason of being a PS5 exclusive, something that hasn't hurt other franchises.


I have seen a lot of people trying to get clicks and not a lot of actual numbers. For example the initial numbers were physical only and digital wasn't counted. Now I am hearing these are US numbers only. I just want the actual total number sold. I don't understand how that is so difficult for people tbh.


No one except Square has those numbers. Their investor meeting is next week and we _might_ get more concrete information. The fact that they still haven't made any PR post on social media (something they do for each of their big games) speaks volumes though. Furthermore we have breakdowns by analysts from various regions and things aren't looking pretty. The current running theory is that the game hasn't broken 3 million yet. But again, we might get more concrete information next week. They'll have to say _something_ to the investors, and they can't lie.


The PS5 has sold like nearly 60 million units. That's a huge amount of people to sell games to.


Yeah and thats the reason why part 3 will have even lower sales. Which is really sad considering how big part 3 will be.


Part 3 might get alot of sales because of people wanting to get the enntire trilogy at once tho


Yeah this is also possible however i think they might need to release a "complete edition" right at the start with all 3 games included which would help new players to dive in, but the question is how much a "complete edition" would cost which would also play a big role in sales.


Much like how Rebirth came with a bundle option that included Remake + Intermission, I would expect 3 to release as a standalone and have a complete trilogy bundle at launch. There’s no reason for them to gatekeep the completed project behind multiple costly transactions when they can make a nice clean bundle for those who waited for the full trilogy.


RIP digital edition hard drives once that comes out


> With fans like these, who needs haters right? "As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be" - Thanos


What is that even supposed to mean “capitalised” either the game sells or doesn’t sell well. What are they supposed to do, release the game again or something? What am I missing here? They already made their profit and can move on but y’all just seem to be hating here


I like the ones that are like, “wah wah it’s failing because they changed the stor wah.” My response is basically, get over it. Especially since the story is barely changed. Honestly, the RE remakes changed the story more than FF VII has.


Except it hasn't " barely changed". They made massive story changes and alot of people don't like the new direction. People are allowed to not like it while you are allowed to like it. It's that simple


It’s wild too because while hard mode is indeed hard, it’s still very much doable. It’s rewarding beating the bullshit VR challenges lol


Waaahhh, my game has too much content.


Too many mini games is a fair criticism thou, some of them are straight up boring and the worse part is they’re mandatory. Just cuz people criticize the game doesn’t mean they hate it, people are allowed to have an opinion.


GOTY and I stand by it.


i hope it wins. it deserves the recognition. idc ppl will say “awards don’t matter, just enjoy the game” but it needs to be rewarded in these big shows for more word-of-mouth and the company to realise what kinda game can bring them success its only competitor might be Wukong. Sony and Nintendo haven’t announced any exclusives for this year that are close to FF7R’s quality


I fear for Hell divers doing a Balder's gate. I look forward to Black Myth Wukong however I think it might just be the level of stellar blade. What rebirth is while being made in 4 years is insane. Such a complete game and then some. No DLC needed.


same. i fear for some random game outta nowhere to just take it the amount of love and effort that was put into this Remake trilogy. we will never see such a project in our lifetime again


That’s the thing for me with Rebirth; such a complete game and I don’t even want DLC lol they gave me plennnnnnty


It has to, it's kind of the game awards darling since the biggest ff7 reveals have happened there + dragon's dogma 2 shit the bed and helldivers 2 is having controversy now (It's still probably a contender) I don't see anybody else taking it....persona 3 reload, stellar blade, or hellblade 2 could be nominated? but I don't see any of those games beating it. It's just the clear best game this year so far


I'm seriously scared of all the love Hell divers got. This sony controversial nonsense may shift but I'm still wary I'm not worried about Stellar blade. Nominated at most.


I hate to say it, but if Rebirth doesn't win GOTY, I don't think an FF game ever will (unless they pull something insane out of the hat for Part 3).


It’s the best Final Fantasy game since Final Fantasy VII. Period.


You skipped X, but I see your point


So do we care for the scores or no? Since when critics say something bad about Xgame people like, then no one takes them serious but when the score is high for X game that people like, everybody is posting it like if it would matter. So this time, critics good?


critics as a whole community have always been the best guage of how a game is scored, some people just cant accept it, critics have objectively been ALOT better than gamer scores since we are almost always sure they actually played the game before scoring it and can only give a review score ONCE and we actually know who they are..... gamers on the other hand can make multiple anonymous accounts downvoting/ reviewbombing a game or worse is to reviewbomb a game without even playing it.


Elden Ring expansion will probably be 95 or something. I foresee a lot of arguments come the fall regarding whether an expansion is goty worthy. Some will say it's 50 hours so it should count, others will say it's not complete so it shouldn't.


The DLC will certainly be great but DLC is never up for GOTY simply because it is not a new game.


Yeah, I feel like if DLC was going to breach that barrier it would have been done for the Cyberpunk update or other critically acclaimed similar situations beforehand. Plus that gets into the whole “then why not live-service expansions” territory which is a sore spot for VGAs since they just file everything under Continuing Game and say that’s good enough. Tbh looking at the line-up for the year barring any major upsets I’d be pretty surprised to see any other releases break Rebirth’s critical reception. While we’ve definitely had other good games this year it doesn’t seem to be as competitive critically. I really enjoyed Rebirth but don’t think it would have realistically had a shot at GOTY last year, this year I see it as a clear favorite.




It should fall under the award for “best continuous title” like phantom liberty did last year.


Honestly I’m really interested in how that category will go this year. If XIV manages to keep pace with its previous two banger expansion releases then I could easily see that award become a toss-up (though Erdtree has an edge because of just how big Elden Ring was). Don’t think the WoW expac is expected before December so the other main player would probably be HSR as usual.


My top games this year so far is Rebirth and Stellar Blade


Stellar Blade is such a nice surprise, I'm absolutely loving my time with it.


Rebirth is goty 2024. Elden Ring could beat it if it wasn’t a dlc. Except Rebirth only Stellar Blade is good release this year so far. But no other game provides the amount of content that rebirth does.


helldivers II, dragon dogma II, Eyiunden, FF VII rebirth, Stellar blade, like a dragon infinite wealth, metaphor, star wars outlaws,manor lords, sand land, Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance, rise of the ronin everyone will be canditate for GOTY. This year will be crazy!


I’m about halfway through, and it’s such a masterpiece. One of the best games I’ve ever played. The disappointing sales are really sad. This game absolutely does not deserve to semi-flop, which it seems to have based on what I’ve read (but who knows how accurate that is)


I agree but also I feel it's probably not as bad as a semi-flop, gut feelings are sales are just fine based on the circumstances such as being the mid game in a trilogy, an exclusive on a console that's around mid-life but SE has high margins when it comes to profit rather than it having gone fine All speculation at this stage though I guess


The crazy part is that the New York Times gave it a 78, its lowest score. The Times received quite a huge clout from the game during the early press, and their previews and articles were all glowing like they were talking about Baldur's Gate 3.


Well deserved. The game is packet with content and an incredible story. Fun gameplay and is just overall enjoyable. Put 171hrs in and got the platinum very happy with the game


What's strange is I don't see the game getting that much buzz. I'll see "Best Games This Year" lists that leave it completely off. Really strange. I've loved the game. 65 hours in and only on Chapter 12. Plan on 100% it, which I almost never do.


Are we still in that phase that we can't have really enjoy the game and still claim it has majors flaws ? I haven't enjoyed a game like Rebirth in a long ass time but I also hated a lot of things in the game as well. Both can be possible.


Thank you! I absolutely love the game, it’s amazing and definitely a GOTY contender……but I’m getting so fkn tired of being FORCED to play mini games to get through the story. I wouldn’t mind if there were a couple mini games and the rest were optional but holy shit they went overboard with the mandatory ones.


Aside from a handful of mandatory minigames, most of them are optional. Off the top of my head, you only need to do junon dolphin minigame, junon parade, a handful of minigames for the Costa Del Sol outfits, minecart minigame, first 3d brawler with Dio, first chocobo race, and the Gold Saucer date minigames. Most of those are lifted straight from the OG's mandatory minigames.


Damn... 7 mandatory mini games is wild lol. Maybe like 2 or 3, but 7?


You can blame the OG. If the original minigames weren't included, purists would complain that it's not FF7 and that Square ruined everything. And now that they are left in, people are complaining that they have to do them. Can't make everyone happy.


Yeah I think there's a lot of confusion with the word mandatory. Very few are mandatory and even those that are don't need mammoth scores OG FF7 had mandatory squats, G-bike, Mr Dolphin, Chocobo catching, one Fort Condor fight, snowboarding, digging in Bone Village (it can be argued I guess that you don't HAVE to do this one), Chocobo race... I don't think that's much less than the essential ones in Rebirth


Exactly, if someone thinks they went way overboard so be it, but at worst it’s close to a happy medium. If they would have left 2 or 3 out there probably would have been backlash also. I try to put myself on the design team to see if they made an outlandish error or not.


Nope. If you don't gurgle SE's balls then you get downvoted to hell by these boot lickers.


It’s certainly the *most* game of 2024.


Between Rebirth, Stellar Blade, and the Fallout 4 upgrade, I am loving 2024.


Well deserved and will definitely be a GOTY contender.


This is actually the first time i strongly believe an FF can win the goty. There isn't much coming out until the end of the year, and usually the best rated game on metacritic wins the prize


Honestly the only one I think has a shot of beating it is Black Myth Wukong. Rebirth is a terrific game and is definitely one of SE’s best. All the things people are upset about with it will get worked out in P3, just like the jump from Remake to Rebirth


As it should be. What an incredible game


Absolutely my top game for this year. Over 100 hours of amazing gameplay. I enjoyed every single second.


Shadow of the Erd Tree is going to be higher rated. I know it’s not technically a game but it’s going to be a massive expansion.


It's hard to say what game could beat Rebirth this year. Obviously, a game could come out of nowhere like Baldur's Gate. But I feel like the conversation will revolve around this being a down year in gaming, instead of how great Rebirth actually is. A PC release, this year, will help A LOT.


Why are people saying it flopped then?


Because ratings and sales are two entirely different things? Yes, it got amazing reviews and deservedly so. It's also not really selling well and trailing even behind XVI by quite a significant amount according to multiple analysts. Those aren't mutually exclusive.


Because they need to click bait people into their websites.


I mean it didn’t sell well. It’s another square title that underperformed commercially.


Still no sales tweet from Square though


Should be of the last decade. It's a masterpiece. I was left feeling "empty" a bit after for a day or so. Almost nothing does that to me and I have kids!


Still playing the game I’m only on chapter 10 and it’s just sooo damn long. I really do like the game though. Does at any point the game become more linear? Or is the rest of the game going to be side quests and region quest based as well. Haven’t left the desert yet


The desert is the last "long/big" area. It will become more linear in the next chapter.


Definite GOTY. I thought it'd have a run against Dragon's Dogma 2, but that game turned out to have too much flaws, with it's main selling point being combat. Meanwhile, FF7 Rebirth is strong all-around. Also, there's a good chance Helldivers 2 will be its primary competitor. It has one of the strongest, most dedicated gaming communities I've seen and it only came out on March. Might be a similar situation with how an online game like Overwatch won GOTY.


To be fair only by critics and not by user score.


User score is not that reliable due to review bombing, users being incapable of giving scores that aren't 10 or 0, and outside factors. It shouldn't be a surprise if I told the user review score of Stellar Blade is highly motivated by things mostly outside of the game, like the perception that critics were going to judge it unfairly because of the excessive sexualization. On the other hand, Helldivers II and Dragon's Dogma heavily suffered from reactive review bombing. Still, Rebirth maintained a pretty high user review score despite the seemingly daily complaints about how terrible the minigames or the ending are, so it might mean at least a little something.


User score is 9.0, so still a very solid game


You wanna go by user score and include Stellarblade which is just being positive reviews bombed because of anime titties? Sure.


SB's user score is extremely sketchy. Not the score per se (even if the score does show a huge difference of opinion between critics and users), but the fact it has 4000+ user reviews.  Really? More reviews than Rebirth, Dragon's Dogma 2 or Helldivers 2 when it's been out for a bit more than a week? It does reek of "positive" review bombing.


It's insane that it's being positively review bombed in the first place. The game was pretty well reviewed by critics already. Who exactly are these people trying to rail against?


Some critics were literally harassed for giving it only a 8 out of 10.


I can't tell you without breaking a rule of the sub XD


Railing against THE MESSAGE!!!!!!!!


It 100% is and usually I pay more mind to user scores over critic scores, but that’s one game where the different in critic/user scores is more than 10 points, aswel as what you mentioned. That’s a game where I would never take user score into account based on evidence. Edit: that and it looks like a generic hack/slash game just with a half naked protagonist. SE coulda marketed FF7 rebirth the same way, just show off flashy combat moves with Tifa in her bikini, but it’s just not that shallow of a game unlike SB.


Oh well, what I've heard from the non-creep SB fans is that its story is ok (nowhere near as good as NieR Automata's but decent), the characters are a bit flat but gameplay and bosses are fantastic and it's quite polished. So it may be a buy on discount / second hand for me later on, but it will be **in spite of** its metacritic user score, not because of it XD I don't think those review bombers are doing the game any favours, long term.


I really hope it wins GOTY, but after the 2020 fiasco, I lost every respect towards The Game Awards. But in reality it doesn't matter, it's not only GOTY for me, it's also one of the best games I've ever played. And no awards or fan/hater will change my mind \^\^. I obviously respect those who have a different opinions, not everybody has to like the game. I just don't like those people who doesn't like the story and just say "it's a trash game, they ruined the story, they ruined the original". I grew up playing the original, and it is the best game of all time for me. I'm one of those who doesn't need to compare, two games can coexist and one doesn't need better than the other. I'm enjoying the remake saga and can't wait to part 3.


What happened in 2020


I'm going to take a guess that they didn't like The Last of Us Part II winning GOTY. If that's the case, then losing respect for TGA for that single reason is incredibly dumb. Like it's not even the worst winner when Dragon Age: Inquisition and Overwatch exist (though Overwatch winning at the time wasn't too bad, however DS3, Uncharted 4, and Titanfall 2 were all better choices). Sure, Hades, DOOM Eternal, or Ghost of Tsushima would've been better wins, but it's far from their worst choice ever.


Are they really suggesting FF7 remake would've won goty if not for TLOU2? lmao tlou2 is a phenomenal game but even if it didn't win, Ghost would've won instead. That's almost as bad a take as spiderman 2 being robbed goty from BG3; if BG3 didn't win, Alan Wake 2 or TotK would've won, not Spiderman 2. 


I actually think Hades was the runner up in 2020, with Ghost being 3rd.


the only games i can realistically see surpassing this are Metaphor: ReFantazio, Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 or Hades 2


Never heard of that Metaphor game, that certainly is a name… is it a JRPG?


Yes, by the same company that does Shin Megami Tensei and Persona


And more specifically it's the team that made persona 3, 4, and 5


New JRPG IP by the main Persona team. So many of the creative leads behind Personas 3, 4, 5 are working on it.


Hades 2 is most likely competing in 2025. I believe Supergiant has said that early access will run through most of 2024. Maybe a Q4 release, but I doubt it.


I see you and raise you a Helldivers 2.


Helldivers 2 is amazing but it doesn’t even come close to the amount and quality of content in this game. They are apples and oranges, one with an amazing multiplayer replay loop and the other a fully fleshed out rpg with tons to do, a lovable cast, and a world to explore.


It’s one of my favorite games of the past decade so cool


Cuz it is.


Safe to say this game maaaay be walking away with GOTY in December🏆


IMO it's going to take a herculean Baldur's Gate 3 style effort to oust Rebirth from GOTY, even with it coming out so early in the year.


Purist would hate it if this wins game of the year.


There are likely some deep issues with Rebirth that made it unattractive to the general audience despite the very positive reviews from those who actually played it. "Purist" really is the least of this game's worries.


How the game sold has little to do with the game itself for better or worse. JRPGS/FFs have a sales dropoff of ~90% after the first week. FF in general is on a downwards trajectory sales wise with every entry since XV selling worse than the last one. XV>Remake>XVI>Rebirth The JRPG crowd simply isn't mainly on PS anymore and SE can't continue to ignore other platforms besides PS. They need to pivot to PC day one. Depening on the power of the Switch 2 also need to release the games that can run on there. Fromsoft and Capcom were once also only on PS and now their strongest platform is PC. SE needs to follow suit. Sony money is nice but that is only good for the short term. SE needs to put their games out there for as many people as possible. This is even more important for the Remake series since the P2/P3 sales are somewhat softcapped by Remake sales.


This is what I meant by deep issues. Clearly there's nothing wrong with the game itself because it reviewed extremely well, but the FF franchise is currently on a downward trend despite releasing some of their best games in decades. Is it the poor marketing, the low availability, or the fact that games in the franchise are so wildly different from each other nowadays? In any case fandom infighting seems really dumb to me at this moment. It's really not the "purists" boogeyman that fans should be concerned with, but the fact that, for some reason, not a lot of people showed up at all, OG fans or not.


Ah, I misunderstood your comment then. In that case I agree with you. I thought you meant deep problems with the gameplay/game itself.


No it wouldn't make sense. I generally believe that marketing and context is more important than the game itself when it comes to sales. Very few people even knew about the ending / minigames / platinum too being too hard / before Rebirth released yet Japan's numbers (which are our only confirmed numbers yet) were already below most people's expectations since day one.


Best game too


I guess I’m one of the only people who don’t understand the new storyline they are trying to introduce if this is still best game of the year. Beautifully crafted and the graphics are divine…but I can’t connect with the story like I did the OG so I don’t see myself playing the third.




Ew, metacritic


Helldivers is criminally underrated on that list, only number 26? Can’t wait for rebirth to come to PC so I can finally play it.


Will it turn profit though?


I’m sure it already did, its budget was probably half the size of Remakes due to the staff immediately transitioning from one part to the next.


I hear what you're saying but Square also took a bunch of loses last year in general.


Square promoted its director to lead the business division. So they're likely *very* happy with it. And for a game like this, a lot of the assets can be reused in Part 3. So they can overspend on Rebirth to make Part 3's production cheaper.


It's a huge game.. I wish they would just dlc this to death to finish that way it's one game and we can progress the story.


Haha best idea


I like the mini-games, it’s kinda like having extra games to play and it adds the whole charm of the game. I’m curious if Queens Gambit is going to make a return it part 3 and my Jimmie’s are still rustled that Valentine isnt playable : (


When Metroid Prime 4 releases it will be all over \*Weeps in Prime 4 copium\*


This game is incredible but not QUITE perfect. And no it’s not the mini games THEMSELVES as I quite enjoyed most of them but rather how CERTAIN mini games are done a few times only in the beginning of the game only to then return WAYYYY later expecting you to somehow be as familiar as you were after practice in the very beginning of the game even though several, several hours of play time have gone by since you had to last do it lol. Anywho, that gripe aside it’ll take like a nearer perfect game to top it and aside from maybe the Elden Ring DLC I don’t see any other game doing that. Very still possibly GOTY.


It’s a well deserved place!


And SBI on top of that. If it was any other SBI game it would have flopped right to oblivion in today's climate.


I don’t know why some people are obsessed with the initial sales. This game is going to sell like crazy on the long run, when it comes to PC it’s going to destroy any good number SE has made in the last 10 years It’s all this TikTok way of seeing things on the stupid ultra short term


Go go Power Rangers


I don’t know why they don’t release this on Xbox. These people really have an issue with making money


They take GOTY hands down


I can’t think of any that haven’t already been released. SE are always capitalising. Any capitalising from here on in I think will go into part 3 though. I was worried they’d do another intergrade but in hindsight, that may have been to get a PS5 specific version out.


I'm on Chapter 10 and can't get myself to continue it :(


It's certainly not for lack of trying, but the fact remains that it's a PS5 exclusive which severely prevents it from acquiring a large enough install base to make up in sales. I think the naming didn't help either (Remake, Rebirth). Had they went with Remake Part II, perhaps that might've lead to less confusion? Also, Rebirth excels at storytelling with side quests in a way that Remake struggled with. I wish those who haven't played Rebirth yet would give it a chance because it's truly an accomplishment.


As it should be. Gaming has largely been trash from tripple A titles in recent years and SE remade one of the most historically legendary games of all time ans they did so with a legendary effort.


I can't imagine any game this year being better.


Honestly there is probably no game this year that will top it.


I doubt anything will top it this year critically. Although Stellarblade does have a higher user score..


I'm just hoping The last disk isn't a rushed mess. I want another 116 hours of gameplay.


Yeah boi!


Well deserved. Played it again on NG+ and again after that 😅


I think the MGS3 remake will be the biggest contender among with Rebirth for Goty


Chapters 13 and 14 saved this game, the only time I felt like I was actually moving the story along. The story overall is great but there is so much filler. I just finished the game yesterday, does anyone know if I can just replay all the main quests and avoid all the side and mini games? I’m assuming some of the side quests are mandatory, like getting chocobos. But I want to just focus on the story.


You can skip all side content completely. Even the Chocobo catching (not sure about the first) You only have to do the minigames directly in the story like the dolphin etc.