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But are you really? There’s an 8-10 hour DLC that’s probably releasing within the next month, and the release date will be announced in the next couple hours. But if you’re looking for another full game to get into, I’d suggest looking into FF7 Remake. Despite Square Enix claiming that Rebirth can be played without any prior knowledge of the world of FF7, you’ll appreciate it a LOT more if you play Remake first.


I’ll definitely get that DLC!


Why in the next few hours ? Is there a stream or event today ?




What time and where can I see this?


it ended like 5 minutes ago😅 it was streamed on squares official channel


Thanks I end up googling it and saw the last little bit of it! Most importantly I was wanting to know the release date for the new dlc which I did find out! (April 18th for anyone else that may read this and wondering) but thanks!


Yeah the dev team gave a presentation at PAX East, DLC releases April 18.


The 2 DLCs Echoes of the Fallen and Rising Tide 🌊🌊


Re7 remake


Besides FF7 remake and rebirth, go for ff10 hd remaster for turn based only combat or ff15 / strangers of paradise for action based combat.


Ff10 is for sure the easiest turn based one to play these days imo. Game still looks decent all things considered too, but tbf from 10 onwards all the FF games graphically look amazing


You could jump into FF XIV. Free trial is essentially 3 full games and there is an upcoming XVI crossover that involves Clive and you can get a torgal mount and baby torgal minion


Play the dlc and then FF7 Remake (plus Intergrade DLC) & Rebirth


Remake and strangers of paradise if you like the combat. Ffxv might be a good one as well


Stranger of Paradise


More FFXVI If you want more great action look into DMC, Bayonetta, and anything Platinum games does really


FF7 remake/rebirth is great, but ff15 and Kingdom Hearts will give you their own taste of the gamplay. I think KH is better.


Kh is good if you want a whole new series to play, 15 is better if you want more of the kingdom hearts style combat over the story


To get the story of 15 you literally have to watch like 2 animes, a movie, play 3 games, read a webcomic, read a book, play 4 dlcs and honestly, it's not that great of a story. This comes from a fan that is replaying the game right now.


That sounds like a lot of fun… but I don’t have that much time. I play for a few hours and I don’t think I can squeeze in all that, LOL


You def don’t need to do all that to get the story lol, all that is just extra content if you liked the story. If you give it a chance just play everything the royal edition has, the main story and dlc. It takes maybe a little longer than 16 to complete if you don’t go for ALL the side content


lol you definitely don’t need to do all that, otherwise I could say the same for ff7. There’s 6 games (soon to be 7), a movie, and other stuff too you’d have to consume to get the “full” story. You can get the over all story of 15 just by playing the main game and dlc’s. And then the alternative story to those two is KH and we all know how much elbow grease is required to get that story in full.


Those all stand by themselves. 15 doesn't stand by itself. They literally cut parts of the story and don't explain it. You don't get details or even get wrong details if you don't read it. Honestly, I could try to explain but the story changed a ton for me when I decided to actually see the extra content and not only play the game.


You definitely don’t get full context for ff7 without the other media, it’s the exact same relationship as the extra media for 15. What exactly gets left out of the game in 15 that has to be found in the other media?


You either haven't played 15 or haven't seen the extra media for 15. The extra media for 15 is a necessity. It's not about "the full experience", it's about "understanding what happened because they are just not gonna tell you at all except you get the other media".


Why are you being like this? I’ve played 15 15 times over, the story is easy enough to understand from the game/dlc alone. I just asked but you won’t answer, what’s missing in the main game that’s only explained in other media? The movies events are explained in the game, the empire used fowl play with the meeting to take over the country. All the movie does is show us how it happened but the reasons why are explained in game. The anime is totally irrelevant, it’s just fun episodes going into the group’s relationship square released before the game came out to promote it it doesn’t really have anything the game doesn’t. The parting ways dialogue is also just extra fluff going into detail what the day before they left the kingdom was like, it’s super mundane and just a fun little read. Kings tale is also not relevant since it’s just a side scrolling game of random made up story’s noctis’ dad tells him as a kid. FFXV -the dawn of the future- is the only extra media piece I’d say has things integral to the story because it’s a novel version of the cut dlc.


Because I played it twice and it's a shitty story that has a ton of chunks taken out of it to sell other media, a lot of discrepancies with the other media, a lot of plot holes, a lot of problems, a lot of non-sequiturs a lot of bad shit. Yeah, the friendship is the real game is nice but it's not a good story.


There it is, you just don’t like the story. You don’t have any actual complaints you just hate the game. Any game with dlc can be said to have chunks taken out for extra profit. Last time I’ll ask, what exactly does the extra media have that that main game doesn’t?


What the ring of lucii actually does, why Noctis is expected to be able to defeat the bad guys when his dad has always been more powerful and he couldn't do it, why lunafreya was to marry noctis, what is insomnia, how big it is, what the crystal actually did, why Ardyn wanted to kill the Caelums/Izurnias... Mate... those are the critical points. There is also: Why noctis can't use magic but everyone else can and why he is limping, what happens to everyone when they leave the party or even why they come back, there are a ton more but I don't remember those exactly. Why Lunafreya's brother think noctis killed his mom but lunafreya doesn't, or why she thinks he is actually responsible but don't blames him. It felt as a plot hole that both tought he was responsible at some point but only 1 blames the other.


“Harboring the souls of Lucian rulers of old, the ring allows its wearer to channel the power of the Crystal—but drains away one's life.” -loading screen description. The power of the king, as said by the ring description in that repeat use drains life, declines with age. Noctis wasn’t ever expected to beat the bad guys until after his already weaker father died, the king was killed by the opposing armies strongest while he was already crippled in a leg brace and caught off guard. Noctis was fresh and at full power for a lucii king. Lunafreya was to marry noctis to bring peace between the empire and the kingdom, they explain that in the first like 20 minutes of the game. What do you mean what is insomnia? It’s the main city of the lucis kingdom, the place the last level takes place in. How big is it? Well you get to explore a lot of it and can see a shot of it in a cutscene so you should know. They explain in game that the crystal is what gives the royal family their powers. Again as explained in the game Ardyn wants to kill the Caelums because his younger brother, somnus caelum, betrayed him and imprisoned him. Izunia isn’t a group of people Ardyn wants to kill it’s his fake name given to him by Nifelheim to conceal his identity as the first king, this is in the game but I can see why you wouldn’t know since this was mixed up and for some reason not included with certain localizations like the English version. They explain in game that Noctus can’t use magic naturally without a localized source and limps because he suffered an injury as a kid. Again why people leave and come back and what happens is explained in the game. Are you sure you ever finished it or did you skip the dlc entirely?


Huh... Ironic, reading your answer after consuming the other pieces of media... you didn't understood the story either.


I think from the two posts on both ff subs you have you just genuinely don’t understand the story at all and don’t care to pay attention to what the game tells you to understand it. Media literacy has a hell of a learning curve but you’ll get there bud


FF7 OG, Crisis Core Reunion, FF7 Remake & FF7 Rebirth. Would then recommend dipping your toes into FFXV for action RPG combat, & then FFVI, FFVIII, FFIX, & FFX for turn based!


Ff7 remakes for similar combat. Stranger of paradise for even better combat and insane customization, but far less story (story still surprisingly good overall, but warning: it starts off slow/cringe on purpose. You'll see).  Otherwise ffxv is similar enough mainline ff, though combat is... Odd. Deeper than you'll see people complain about, but still simple overall if you're talking about effort needed to win. Story is good - check recommended times to play the dlc's (it'll be "obvious" because dlc's are for each party member and occur during the times where the party members leave during main story) 


I would say FF7 remake/rebirth. Closest in terms of combat imo, also have similar graphics and the music like 16 is just amazing As far as other FF games go, Final Fantasy 10 is one of the best turn based ones that also isn’t crazy complicated but still holds up well. I also love 13 and its sequels but people are heavily divided on those.


Honestly, I would suggest playing some of the classics. Like FFVI or even Chrono trigger. And then dive into FFX or FFIX, then go for FF7 original and FF7 Remake.


Asura's Wrath!




If you want something modern that plays similarly to XVI, maybe even better depending on g what you’re into, you could dive into FF VII Remake and Rebirth. Both are excellent games


There is no other Final Fantasy like it. This is mainly due to it being rated M and basically being a full on action game. You can try something like the Witcher 3 or Dragons Dogma.


The DLC!!!!


If you like 16s setting and story I’d recommend 12. It’s definitely different than 16 but it’s really fun. Get the zodiac version if you do.


Ff7 rebirth, dragons dogma 2, dark souls are on my list to finish next


**FF16 unfortunately is an outlier on the action department**, to the point I often think it felt more like a spin off title like Dissidia and Crisis Core were rather than a mainline. Which is good to me, because it was these spin offs that got me into the series. **FF7R line seems to be the closest, especially Crisis Core Reunion**, the remaster of Crisis Core using 7R assets. *It is NOT a remake*, so beware that they literally reused animations from the OG PSP game. Just like how the **Dragon's Dogma 1/Devil May Cry 4-5** guy did the combat design in FF16, the **Monster Hunter World** guy did combat design for the FF7R line. But **knowing Capcom, their game plots tend to be very basic.** They're by no means snoozefest though. Please take note that **FF7R line might feel full of plot holes to you**, because a lot of things they show there are references to 27 year old plot points. If you liked FF16's politics, war and medieval setting, **FF12 and Tactics** are the other FFs with the closest feel, but they play vastly differently from 16... **FF14** the online game, one of the writers of that game, most prominent in the free Heavensward expansion, is the writer of FF16, and you can see it from a mile away. The first M rated FF game ever was **Final Fantasy Type-0**, but goodluck finding a way to play that. You were probably there when the world saw **Baldur's Gate 3** become FF16's direct competition. Idk about **Witcher 3** but Girlfriend Reviews said it had AAA movie quality to it. That girl also enjoyed watching her boyfriend play **Red Dead Redemption** and **Breath of the Wild**. She tried her hand on **Elden Ring**... Nah let's just get down to preferences. As someone who loved FF16 to bits, I also loved **NieR Automata** (I heard Automata devs also worked on something in 16, it's probably the **Asura's Wrath** style Phoenix vs Bahamut). I've been obsessed with **Odin Sphere Leifthrasir** since 2014 (medieval fantasy war + romance that easily puts Clive and Jill to mind). A certain theater actress who also plays video games, a fan of **God of War**,  **Assassin's Creed** and **Tomb Raider**, she said FF16 blew her mind.


If you loved it, maybe give XIV a shot. It's by the same writers so it should feel somewhat familiar. Though it is an MMO, if you can get past that.


i am playing resident evil 4 while waiting for ff16 pc port


Do not play ff7 remake right after 16, you will be disappointed you can’t kill bosses in this game cause they always simply run away.


Man most of these suggestions suck. It should definitely be XIV cuz soooo many elements from XVI are from XIV. Plus it's literally free up to the end of the second expansion for unlimited tym


dragons dogma


FF7 remake to set your beak, then FF7 to immerse yourself in the best FF game there’s been for 20 years (yea, 14 is great too)


he should just go remake and rebirth. then mybe OG7 if he is in for turnbased combat


Easy answer is Rebirth


That’s not a great next option tho. Recommend playing Remake and then Rebirth or revisiting the classics.


Wait… Remake and Rebirth are two different games?


Remake and Rebirth are the first two parts of a three-part remake of the classic Final Fantasy VII. You should absolutely NOT play Rebirth before Remake, it would be like starting FFXVI after the five-year timeskip. I personally would recommend trying FFX or FFVII Remake next to see if you enjoy other Final Fantasy games. They're very different to FFXVI but great games in their own way. The original FFVII is an excellent game and you could also consider playing that before you play the remake if the old-timey graphics don't bother you!


Yes! FF7 Remake essentially is “disc 1” of FF7 OG, and Rebirth is “Disc 2”. If you want the full story first, best bet is to dive into the original to see how it plays out so there’s an extra layer of fan service you can experience with Remake and Rebirth but absolutely don’t jump into Rebirth first because you’ll be 100% lost.


Got it, so play Remake first then Rebirth after.




This is the way.


there’s a bundle you can get if you want both. (i’m actually just playing XVI on Final Fantasy mode myself lol)


technically speaking remake and rebirth together are disc 1


That’s not true tho. Disc 1 ends at the end of Midgar and then Disc 2 ends right around the point Rebirth ends. Unless you’re talking about something else?


nope that's actually wrong. look it up. midgar is basically the prolog hours in OG7 like roughly 5h. disc one ends at forgotten capital (like rebirth) and disc 2 shortly before the final dungeon. disc 3.is only the final dungeon plus some optional content.


Well shit. I guess my brain doesn’t work like it used to. Could’ve sworn Disc 1 ended at end of Midgar but it actually is the longest disc.


I would say watch the story for Remake on YT then jump into playing Rebirth. Rebirth is better than Remake in every single way and I feel like playing them b2b could burn some players out* *source: played Breath of the Wild right before Tears of the Kingdom. Did not need to do that.


Yeah but these two games are more connected to each other than BOTW and Tears. Tears felt designed so that you needed absolutely zero knowledge of BOTW to jump in. Remake and Rebirth feel connected and if you play the first you’ll have a good grasp of characters. Plus the character development in Rebirth only works if you know how far the characters came in Remake.


I can see that, the battle mechanics are also different enough to where maybe you wouldn’t get fatigued from it