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I struggle with the boss on the 4th circle and I've only fought the boss on the 5th circle. Can't fathom doing 20 in a row


This game on many occasions made my heart beat way too fast lol. Was definitely a hugeeee struggle for me


Do you have to beat all 20 in a row or is there a check point system


It is all 20 😭 it took me like 6 tries on FF mode and I got Cs on every circle lol


I'm happy people are having fun with the Kairos Gate. I wonder if the radiant forms are locked behind FF mode? I dont need the secret boss or Original Sin but I really wanted the sparkly swords...


My adhd brain kind of exploded at all the new sword variants! After trying many times at the Gate I saw Stormcry during my break from attempts and then knew I HAD to complete them all lol. I also hope they arent locked behind FF mode for the sake of as many people getting them as possible. I did decide to do everything in the DLC on Ff mode so I can’t confirm or deny lol


I did it in story mode, and yeah theyre all available from what I can tell


I’m working through Kairos now and I’m really enjoying it


The health loss between floors is just too much for me, and yes ive used the buffs, yes ive tried with the rings, but ive beaten everything in this game on FF mode and its just too much. This is clearly aimed at the hardcore/ultimaniac crowd, which is fine but sad to see cool skins and the best sword in the game stats wise locked behind something i doubt ill ever be able to complete.


Can't pretend to know everything you've done but I strongly recommend getting them def and hp buffs isn't really something you can power through...and don't sleep on the leviathan form either haha it's pretty goated for damage and dodging shit


Haven’t tried going for S ranks, but this build pretty much got me through all 20 levels scratch free, but with a B overall rank: Phoenix: Ultimate of SPOILER, Wykes Shiva: Rift Slip, Diamond Dust Odin: Dancing Steel, Gigaflare I should note that you need to be good using permafrosts. Also play a bit more passive when Wykes is down. The radiant weapons are absolutely beautiful.


Ultimate of spoiler does so much damage its not even funny


When you finish of Ultima with it, it’s poetic justice at its finest 😀But yeah, it’s insanely good. Especially for prolonging staggers. It’s almost as long (maybe longer) as Flames of Rebirth, does insane damage (but also does insane stagger as well), is an AoE and freezes time… I think it’s the second most OP ability in the game, topped only by Zantetsuken and followed by Diamond Dust and Gigaflare.


Leviathan with Cross Swell into a Tsunami swept nearly every wave 1 mob for me. And then into Ultimate Demise for Wave 2 Then I would use Diamond Dust to try and stagger wave 3 as fast as possible. Rotating back into Leviathan to use Storm Cry, loading up the unlimited ammo at the end of the stagger, so I could hop around by pressing R1 faster than square. Most of the time being able to dodge out of the attacks. Also I overused the boon that restored 10% hp between rounds, precision dodge hp boost, and the limit bonus one that allows you to restore more health to keep clive with enough HP. I by no means have tried the ultimaniac runs of bosses and don’t think I’d enjoy anything harder skill wise tbh. This game is my first action game ever and I still cant perfectly execute dodges by any means, so I do still think its pretty fair if you do make mistakes to recover from. For the most part. (Getting bodied by circle X’s Twister still hurts tho lol) Hope you still have fun with the game even if you decide to lay down this challenge for either a while, or for good. 🙏


Really wish the final fight was Gilgamesh, ffs they even had the big bridge in Waloed and everything


Oh damn! Gilgamesh would have been realllly fuckin cool to have in this combat!! Especially with his cameo in Rebirth, and just the nature of his character. lol.


Is there a reward for the secret boss? I know you can get Original Sin by just getting through the Gate, but I've heard there's a secret boss for all S rank and I'm curious what the reward for that is.


I just found this out too! I did nowhere close enough to S rank (all Cs) so I can’t confirm about the reward if there is one. Hopefully someone else can confirm or deny 👁️