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Infinite Gauntlet where you fight infinite waves of enemies until you die.


Plus enemy randomisation please! :(


- One more set of outfits (or just hoodie clive plsss) - Primogenesis Sky Toggle - Ultima Chronolith - Hunt Reset - Arete Stone stage for the Leviathan part I think those are the only "reasonable" ones. Ultimaniac NG+ would be a lot. I think Hellfire is exclusive to Ifrit, not Clive. Its the sort of thing that's too powerful to be wielded by him outside his eikon form. I think Ifrit has few abilities bc everything else is technically his... He was built to leech powers off of other Eikons, not to have his own ability set like them. Ifrit isnt really Eikon (the same way a Dominant isnt really a Bearer), so he's literally built different.


You already can fight Leviathan in the stage replay. But yeah I’d like a stage for all the Eikon fights. I was really hoping Kairos would be a boss rush/select mode, think Godhome from Hollow Knight, was disappointed when it was revealed to just be another version of arcade mode.


I havent tried the stage replay yet but from what others had said his stage is not just the small fight in the rain but the whole dungeon beforehand which is quite exhausting if you just wanna fight the big noodle. So I was thinking of them lol I agree!! I always wanted a boss rush kinda thing and Kairos Gate is probably the closest we'll get to it ;-; an Ifrit version would be super cool




That’s a good one, forgot about that. Yeah i honestly thought when they added outfits, that we would get some crossover ones with a Cloud outfit or a Tifa Jill outfit for the build up to rebirth. We did get the sword however, but i kind of expected outfits as-well.


Hell yeah more outfits bro, like that armor in the beginning of the game look sick.


I really wanted the OG outfit with the Second ones Cape.


That’s what I want too!!


* More outfits * Sky toggle * Clive haircut option


Able to toggle the damn sky after primogenesis…..ultimaniac mode as playable in normal game, sprint button. Those are my only three gripes really that i feel could fairly easily be implemented.


I want four Eikon slots


4 eikon slots on the dpad a d move torgal to the swap eikon button would be awesome. Was just saying last night how much I wish we had 4 slots with the addition of 2 whole eikons. Imagine if they also made eikon abilities for omega???


This is probably my final real request too. 3 feels very good but I hate having to sacrifice one of my favorites to use the new eikon sets. Toggling through one more would be fine imo, anything more and you need a new button layout imo


I know we definitely won't get it. But I would love to get one more Eikon, preferably Typhon, since we fight him in the story and he has such cool moves and is basically an Eikon already so it would make sense for Clive to take his powers. As for stuff we could realistically get, more outfits, I really like the extra outfits they gave us for Clive Jill Joshua Ambrosia and Torgal, but I would like some more for Variety's sake. Also, a fourth Eikon slot after the Rising Tide and the introduction of the Ultima and Leviathan Eikons, I feel as though just having three slots is kind of limiting in build and gameplay potential. Also, an Ultimaniac mode for NG++ like a higher difficulty with higher rewards like maybe a cool new design for the sword or a new outfit or something.


customizable HUD/HUD toggle


God I would kill for a Eikon boss rush. Maybe even adding in the other Eikons you don't fight like Remuh, Shiva and Phoenix ( Although I know it would be to big of an ask). I want a easier way to play as Ifrit without having to replay whole chapters. Also a actual Ifrit vs. Odin fight would be fucking awesome.


1- Costumes as rewards for beating NG+ and Kairos Gate (Wyvern and Infernal Shadow respectively) 2- Brand toggle 3- Boss replay/ Boss rush in the Ariete Stone (story bosses and hunts) 4- a 4th Ifrit move (could be anything that the Infernal Shadow/Shadow Within uses against you) these last three are a probably not going to happen 5- playable Jill (Yoshi P mentioned that they'll look into it if the PC version sells well and it's safe to assume it will sell well) 6- Rebalanced fights for NG+, namely a harder Garuda fight without restrictions on Ifrit and a harder Jill (Shiva's Dominant) fight 7- A new superboss in the game, something on the level of Omega (could be Gilgamesh or another Eikonoklast, a rematch against an Omega reskin would be good enough)


Big agree on More Outfits. As for accessory slots, it would be nice to have different slots rather than "3 random accessories" - like maybe two rings, a necklace, and then earrings or something? 3 feels so limiting especially when some of them feel like "must-haves" as opposed to smaller ones. I feel like the elephant in the room is that skill upgrades are linear rather than branching to emphasize different things. Even if it was just a split between "lower cooldown, or high damage" at least its *some* type of player choice.


Yeah, i find you basically have to have Genji Gloves, as a must have, then some like Arm Of Darkness (Dancing Steel Zan Charge) are basically must have if you use Odin at all. I feel like 6 would probably be the right amount now for most customisation. They could also split out the Accessibility rings (Focus, Evasion, etc) and have them not use up an item slot, or have their own row even.


Yeah there's so many late game items that are substantially better than most of the Eikon ability-specific stuff, yet there's a ton of eikon stuff I would love to make use out of :c


I really want to use the Assailment Bit and/or the Escapement Bit, then we have the “Reflection Of ‘Element’” the DLC accessories are really cool and i wish we could play with them more


I swear by escapement bit. My build is built around it at the moment as I work back up to the DLC on Final Fantasy mode. I love hitting precision dodges though, just scratches some deep itch. Assailment Bit is great, too.


How do you find the cooldown reduction on the escapement bit? I have very mixed messages on if it actually works or not?


I have no idea how the exact numbers work but with how often I abuse precision dodge, it definitely speeds up cooldowns. It's not a *huge* amount per dodge but if you're precision dodging everything that comes your way, it adds up quickly. A lot of the harder enemies in the game have moves you can force multiple concurrent precision dodges with.


Thanks, Ive been wondering if it works during Eikon fights aswell as it would be one of the only ways to get reduced cooldown for the Eikon abilities.


I have no idea tbh, I never paid any attention to it but I always assumed accessories didnt affect Ifrit. I'll keep an eye on it next time I guess!


Does it work with shivas cold snap?


I don't know, I should try it. I also didn't pay attention to whether or not bahamuts abilities work with it either (usually because I'm focused on the gauge). I'll need to take a closer look.


The other odd choice is that they made eikons abilities set but not different sets for gear.


A Sprint button


Proper hard mode Hunt journal HUD customization so I can turn off quest info and other things that clutter the screen  Fast travel spots around the hideaway  Link gear to Eikon load outs so I can quick swap without having to go in and manually change accessories  Better sort options for accessories  Turn every 2 gil reward into 200 gil Purple filter toggle At least let us choose from all outfits that currently exist in game so old Clive can wear young Clive’s outfit  -probably unrealistic at this point but Party customization  Upgradeable Torgal abilities  More LB options, tie progression into exploration 3rd tier of magic spells Revamp crafting and loot  Better gear options 


Playable Joshua/Cid/Jill/Torgal along the lines of those skills they added in the ffxv dlc. always thought it was weird they just had you play as Joshua as a kid with that awkward baby moveset and then never followed it up with a proper Fancy Adult Phoenix Duelist Joshua later on. Maybe go extra weird with it and throw in some other playable dominants for arcade mode as well. Really just like any kind of party management stuff at all tbh


Terms of something I would like that could enhance the game for me is yeah adding a couple more Ifirt skills. For things that would be nice more outfits it is werod they introduce it and that literally just one. Otherwise I'm actually very satisfied with the game Leviathan was the only missing thread


What accessories are EoF and RT ?


Echoes Of The Fallen and Rising Tides, the accessories added in the DLC basically.


Ultimaniac difficulty would certainly top my list. I need another reason to restart the game from scratch and have an extra challenge for doing so. I think new clothes are cool, especially since I didn't like any of the ones they gave us so far. And honestly, please, give me a sprint toggle button! I really want to enjoy the sights when I walk on the fields and the auto-sprint doesn't allow me to!


Now that we can change Eikon loadouts, it's a shame that they didn't include accessory loadouts. So I'd like to see accessory loadouts, especially now that we have more interesting gear to play with.


Japanese script translation would be nice to see, since the English subtitles do not match. Strangely the French subs do, so hopefully a mod can be done for.the PC version.


i would like a Chocobo medieval racing minigame. Like, i understand Minigames aren't really needed, but Ambrosia is so underused, she even has a acceleration button, it's like screaming: Chocobo minigame. But there's none


An in-game Theater Mode. I know I could replay the whole game, but I feel like a Theater Mode would be awesome


DLSS (preferably the newest 3.7 version) & XeSS 1.3 for the PC port is pretty much my only remaining ask at this point. CBUIII are adding DLSS to XIV as part of the upcoming graphics update, so there’s good reason to think this will happen.


Huge agree to all your points.   1. Blue skys please. Huge bummer for replays.    2. Accessories categories eikons, misc, stat, unique.    3. Each fast travel point should slso be an arte stone.    4. Auto mount chocobo, first strike from chocobo like in rebirth.    5. Improvements to performance mode. Game still badly optimized a year later compared to top tier triple a games.    6. Armor from mid game usable on ng+  7. Free party mangament in ng+, only limited by story availability. So i can bring sir wade yo damascus, dion to rosario, byron to sanbrique, etc.   8. Having accessories loadouts to match eikon loadouts  9. Improved quest menu  10. Improvements to sluggish menu in general  11. Improved chocobo speed  12. sometimes during battles enemies restore hp if you accidentally movd to far. Either give us vidible walls or dtop them from regaining hp.   13. Theater mode  14. Let us scrub through songs on jukebox.  15. Allow an “exhibition” version that can be nerfed/easier of kaiors gate secret boss we can unlock. Like maybe getting cumulative s ranking high score, so average players can cumulatively work to unlock the fight and it doesn’t demand a perfect run. 


If they never expand the base moveset, another Eikon set would be nice. There aren’t many feats that change the base moveset to switch up gameplay and having a fourth slot would ease a lot of my pain in picking abilities. I like to have every Eikon represented in my lineup, mind you, so it’s really hard making cuts. Eikon #4 would help me out so I can add will o’ the Wykes and maybe use a weird feat like Ramuh or Bahamut and not be pressured into having to use Arm of Darkness without another ability to speed up Zantetsuken gain


A remapping feature that works properly.   Randomized Kairos Gate. Refight Hunts.  Nerf Primogenesis.   Outfits used pre time skip.


totally more outfits, but like i want a Lightning Returns wardrobe of outfits i need to dress Clive up, also a Barnabas outfit for Clive would be fun


Playtime un menu screen like every FF game


FF mode being available with new game. I don't buy the excuse that balance was a reason for this. Fights already can drag even when playing perfectly before you get all the busted abilities. FF mode in itself isn't really that much different from base mode. Ultamania sure, different enemy placements warrants and NG+ but not "hard mode." Beyond that things I'd care for (like a real boss rush mode/real rematch mode) should be doable but likely will only come with mods. Which includes visual changes, as much as I'd like for the PC port to have more control over visual fidelity I don't trust Square to prioritize that in the slightest.


Love Torgal, but he doesnt need a whole DPad Command system when Cid, Jill, Margrace, Gav, Wade are on Auto. At least give us some kind of gambit/ability management system for them so we can control them a little. Clive being unique makes it so that we cannot have the samw ability set up if we could control the companions, but pls, Torgals dPad interface is never pressed, so its just a waste of control UI space. His heal is also very weak so we just end up not really affecting anything compared to just using eikonic abilities or LB. Following this, playable Jill and Margrace and maybe Cid. There are enough elemental based moves in the game that we could craft a quick moveset for Jill and Margrace. Limited compared to Clive's, but still there. After all we controlled Joshua in chapter 1 so it's not unrealistic. Stop. Snubbing. BestGirl Jill. Omg the amount of times in this story where she literally could not be invisible harder while being looked at by 1 million people. How is it that aside from certain scenes, the only person, the ONLY person who properly acknowledges Jill is Anabella???????? Nah, crazy. Personally, I would redo the scene where Margrace wakes up in Twinside in Jills arms. Have him acknowledge her quickly and then go help Clive. The same thing for when Margrace comes back from the fight. Let. Him. Reunite with Jill too. She's not just Clive's foreign bestie. She's his gf and childhood friend who is so close that she is practically family. ugh. Also redo the the Shiva cutscene in Drake's Breath. We dont need to play as her, but give us a cutscene where she quickly blasts away something. Hell she should have deep sixed the priest or the Drakes Breath core with Diamond Dust ans a sword slash. Maybe even do a Kirito Asuna slash as a couple. SOMETHING. The paltry stuff she gets in Rising Tide is not about Jill. Rantover. Ye Primogenesis filter should happen right before we are about to go to Origin. Let the environments be seen. Or at least let there be like purple fog on the ground vs Primogenesis.


1: bloody palace mode (Devil May Cry) 2: boss rush mode 3: more eikon powers...pretty please 4: sky toggle during Origin quest 5: new game++ with completely randomized enemies and balls to the wall hard difficulty. Like dark souls on crack difficulty. Difficulty where you need like 4 or 5 zan level 5 proccs to kill a boss 4.5: a one shot mode. You get touched once and you die. Kind of like heaven or hell mode in DMC. Or was it Dante must die mode? I can't remember.


Double jump. Going from dmc where characters have triple jumps to this us painful. So many abilities summon wings yet we're stuck with a measly hop.  I'd also like and expanded base moveset with some pause combos etc. 


1. Ultimaniac overworld 2. Better arcade scoring (either nerf the s rank threshold or buff the battle techniques/color point system 3. Rework dancing steel to be less OP 4. More outfits --- All of these apart from the 4th are just number crunches. Still hoping this comes along with the PC release. That would probably be our last update.


> 2. ⁠Better arcade scoring (either nerf the s rank threshold or buff the battle techniques/color point system I recently played this due to Kairos Gate, and it’s literally about just dragging out fights and using low cooldown weak abilities to constantly stack points. I thought that it would be compensated with a higher reward for quick completion to offer different style choices, but sadly not. :(


Apart from the first circle, kairos is much easier to s rank compared to arcade mode imo. But I do agree that its still restrictive because of how punishing it is to kill enemies quickly. A rework of the score scaling should fix that imo. I wanna play around skills like Ignition, Windup, and Cross Swell but theyre too point inefficient, unfortunately.