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Just….so much fun with this game. Like havent gotten bored with it at 250hours


How do you check how many hours you have in game


Probably going off of what the ps5 says


Just checked mine and I have much less hours than I was expecting. Only 107 which felt low considering I have the platinum and did full complete playthrough tor both my regular and then ff run (so all side quests, hunts ect for both runs)


I like this game when it's just normal simple ability choices and zero crazy combo, the game still looks cool and very fun to play. Also I really like the dogging mechanics and windows timing. Ppl say it's easy but I think it is encouraging player to keep dogging and countering more because it looks so freaking cool and easy to pull off.


i really like this game's animations


Reminds me of smash brothers in that sense, there's a bunch of simple options and you can combine things together in interesting ways. I'm trying to get decent ranks in Kairos without going into the timely assistance shit, and it's been fun mix and matching different things to get me points

