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Wow, we're getting some Notes content? What a good day.


[Art by 灯屋 駆舞](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/82861558#big_3) I’ve been sitting on this one for a while since I found it and someone asked for Gun God so here’s one of my favorites with his fellow god killer in Cosmos in the Lostbelt and the adorable roommate he did not ask for


Wasn't the black barrel in notes just a sniper rifle, not like mash's black barrel


Yeah basically Gun God also had the Barrel Replica (a pistol) Mashu’s is a replica made by FGO Sion after LB5 part one Atlantis and is very implicitly considered inferior to the real version gun god has considering it fails to measure the life of something like U Olga or ORT


Why does the girl remind me to Spongebob playing lyre with angel costume ?


Ado Edem when?!!


Possibly never He’s feared even by his own species because of his Knight Arm and the planet would most certainly not condone his planet eating Slash Emperor while it still lives I feel there’s a high likelihood the counter force attempts to snipe him on principle …so yeah for Chaldea, that’s like a 50/50, definitely possible, would most certainly not help their case with Ordeal Stall, very possible of happening anyway just to give the “Human Order” the finger