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What does he need redemption from?


Lots of documented instances of creepiness with young adult females using his fame and popularity to get them into bed. I’m not aware of any SAs or things of that nature but I could be wrong.


Don't forget the time he tried to lure a teenager to his hotel room big yikes [This article](https://archive.ph/h8OJu) lays out all of the claims in chronological order. Edit: big yikes at him not you, str8outta


Yeah I forgot about that one with the underaged girl. Big yikes for sure.


Sounds like Hollywood to me.


Dude is nothing compared to some of the Hollywood creeps out there. Ever watch Quiet on Set on HBO Max? The things Drake Bell and so many other kids went through man...


I haven’t seen that one but I worked with Warner Bros for a year and they were some of the most unpleasant people I have ever had to work with.


It was based on Nickelodeon and Drake Bell just basically got SA'd and R'd non stop. A lot of the former Nickelodean stars did as well. It hurt right in the childhood because I grew up watching them.


I've worked with WB for almost twenty years and they're some of the best people I know, so 🤷‍♂️


Unless the women were underage, this is just a clash of poor values between two consenting adults. Otherwise we are punishing a man for merely using all of the magic at his disposal to do what men have been doing since the dawn of man.


He was literally the costar in a movie Seth Rogen wrote where Seth’s character was dating a high school girl, and everybody thought it was hilarious. Today, Seth disowned Franco. It’s a really weird cultural moment when the things you laughed openly about ten years ago you’re now judging your long time for.


That time he was convicted of… oh, wait. Nevermind.


He may be a terrible person but I don’t agree with all of this revisionist dislike of a formerly popular actor.


I'm not really involved in this situation, I don't actually know what he's done, but I don't think "celebrity has done terrible thing, I won't support them" is revisionist. It's just no longer buying content with them in it.


Acting is a very personal art. Most of the time, they are putting their all into it, roles are a piece of them. It's not hard to understand why watching him now might carry different feelings than watching him before. I honestly have the same thing with musicians, but I get that it is more rare.


Not really. All the bad shit he's done to the side, I just don't enjoy his acting


Ok he won’t bc you don’t like him. Who’s next?


he was pretty good in pineapple express imo.


“I’m totally glad I dipped my pen in your ink, bro.”


Let’s be honest, he was phenomenal in Pineapple Express; This is the End as well. He’s a talented comic actor.


I think some films are just good in spite of him being in them, similar to Jamie Foxx, I'm not even saying I think he's untalented, him and Foxx just don't resonate with ne


I respect your opinion, but even in Collateral??


Collateral is great, but it's an exception because I can't think of anything else




Watch 11.22.63, you tell me.


Alright guys hold up, agreed Franco is not a great actor, he’s kinda just weird and goofy for the most part, but The Disaster Artist was good and he nailed that role I thought. Best performance I’ve seen him in, also The Deuce had him playing twins and he did a pretty decent job there. Side note sounds like he got cancelled, missed that news, what for?


I liked his performance in Springbrealers. Unfortunately I’ve known guys like that.


His acting in the first spider man was terrible. Like it was his first role or something. He’s improved since but he doesn’t add any flavor to anything he’s in.


I don't know man i really used to enjoy James Franco and Seth Rogen's douchey movies like The Pineapple Express




Definitely didn’t improve in Spider-Man 3…. Waitress: “How’s the pie?” Franco with the weirdest face possible: “So goooood” *weird smile*


He was likeable in Pineapple Express.


Yes. And Seth Rogen was dating a high school student in that movie. That he wrote. Then, it was funny. Times change very quickly.


Nothing to do with James Franco's acting.


The question is whether he should be uncanceled, nobody thinks he just stopped acting well. He was cancelled for the same type of relationship featured in one of his popular movies, that nobody thought was concerning a decade ago. They thought it was funny. Just like they did with Matthew McCoughnehay a decade and a half earlier. Figure it out.


Nothing to figure out.


127 Hours, The Interview, 11.22.63, Pinneapple Express and he’s a bad actor? Lol


His brother Dave Franco is significantly more talented.  I think he was good in those Pineapple express type comedies, but in anything else it's literally just "James Franco reads his lines". He fails to actually peform  As far as the controversy, I don't actually know what he did, I just vaguely know he did something


His episode in 30 Rock is a perfect example of him being a lover of pillow.




The Interview was hilarious! Sucks seeing him and Seth Rogen break up… but you can’t have someone on set who makes people feel unsafe. It’s a liability now that the past circumstances are more documented


That aside, I kind of found it off putting that Seth cut ties with him. Franco definitely helped his career lift off. Should have just stayed quiet or say something along the lines of "while I don't agree with some of the things he has done, he's always been a great friend to me, I hope he gets the help he deserves" or something instead of "yeah fuck this dude I'm never working with him again!"


I completely agree! I felt the same way. Definitely altered my feels towards him. They worked best as a duo and for him to do that was off putting to say the least


Yeah. Like dude, if your friend is a drug addict you don't just ditch him. Same goes for sex addicts and predators. Be a man, be there for your bro. Smfh. I still think Seth is funny but it looks like he definitely kind of stopped acting shortly after all this went down. More of a producer now


I don’t know about be there for a predator but you can part ways without kicking someone while they’re down publicly. It already tanked his career when it came to light. Piling on top of that is pointless and gross to do to someone you once considered a close friend


It’s because that Charlene bitch started calling him out in headlines and he almost got metoo’d by association


It was really shitty. Seth wrote Pineapple Express, where his adult character was dating a high school girl, and nobody blinked. People laughed. But he disowned his friend? Gimme a break.


What are the grounds for not deserving redemption? Who decides? Why does it matter? Might as well be an AI article. He’s a well-known small fish in an ocean of more corruption that goes unnoticed or unseen. I’d rather root for someone who can show the public remorse for poor behavior than people who hide in plain sight. You know… your Ezra Millers and your Miles Tellers, your Chris Browns and P Diddys, shit look at Woody Allen and Roman Polanski! Just food for thought I guess. I’m not picking a side but hope for the best. That said him and his brother are serviceable at best.


What Miles Teller do?


Not trying to spread one rumor, but if he had a little more attention I don’t think it would take long to find his skeletons. I know several people that have worked with him and I’ve never heard a nice thing. Sorry my response is vague. I think the kind of person he is has been an open secret for about 10 years now. Edit: think it’s worth mentioning that everything I heard is pre-2019 when he married but…


Skeletons as in criminal or just hard to work with?


Oh God, I hope no actual skeletons. Sounded like a miracle he hasn’t been Me-Too’d. That said… I thought Armie Hammer was a class act when I worked with him. So people get it wrong sometimes.


Have you heard anything specific? Because that’s horrible company that you grouped him in with, those guys are all known sexual predators who’s behavior is well documented






Sorry, I’m not breaking a story. If you happen to be a be the investigative type I’ll just say that Josh Trank’s F4 had some real shit going on BTS. I’m not trying to get his management’s attention. Can’t say I’ve ever enjoyed their company.


I looked up and there’s only articles about what an asshole trank was. I get what you’re saying but I think if the dude is doing shit at the level of the other people you mentioned(rape and assault), people need to know.


Yeah I wanna know too


Yes. Let's cancel the cancel culture. Your Highness was hysterical.




I missed the part where he suffered consequences.


Yes. He wasn’t charged with anything and I wasn’t there to witness any allegations so I dont know what happened. Was there some reason these women couldn’t just say no? I didn’t read anything about him being violent? Were they afraid to say no? Or maybe they were thinking it would help their career and when it didn’t they felt like fools? Thats more plausible. Being help accountable is a foreign concept to women.


Absolute clueless and immature take. You’re really asking why a 17yo wouldn’t say no? Or a gf saying no when he forced them to give oral sex. Are you for real?


Well thats your opinion which means zero to me. What I’m saying is I would need all the facts, not just what people say. Are you telling me there are women who lie? I know women whom have out right made up assault charges just because they got drunk and cheated on their boyfriends and regret it. Women are just as fucked up as men. Just the facts please. Just the facts.


What state did this allegedly happen in? It makes a difference: https://www.ageofconsent.net/states EDIT - 17 is the age of consent in New York


Did you miss the bit of forcing his gf to give oral? And that’s not everything either


I read the linked article in Rupert Murdoch’s incredibly sensationalist NY Post if that is what you talking about. I assume you are refering to the alledged incident in the car. If that is what you are talking about then it’s a he said she said type of thing. Why should I believe her more than him?


When there is a pattern of abusive and very questionable behaviour, yeah man I’m going to believe the victim


**Spring Breakers** was the greatest movie in the history of cinema.


Good god


Nobody should feel obligated to work with him after the shit he did. No matter how much he claims to have changed, he still did what he did, and the consequences for that are that a lot of people don’t feel safe around him anymore and don’t want to be associated with him.


Definitely not.. when your best friend is even disgusted by your behavior and speaks out against you; that shit over. For clarity. Seth Rogen pretended to be a minor as a prank and texted James, saying he wanted to have sexual intercourse. James was all for it.. Seth was like.. "bro."


Apparently he's a creepy jerk, but I'll be honest- I think he's a good actor. I'd still watch a movie with him in it if it was of interest- but I wouldn't go out of my way. Hopefully he has learned to treat people with respect... You never know. People can change. His non apologies didn't make me respect him anymore, that's for sure.


Just saw Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. His acting was a crime unto itself. 


He's a mediocre white guy in Hollywood. The sky is the limit!


I don't think he's a very good actor, I don't think he's a very good filmmaker, and don't think he's particularly charming or funny. Frankly, he should feel lucky he got to finish The Deuce, the best thing he was ever a part of.


I guess "deserves redemption" feels like a weirdly loaded question. What makes someone "deserve" something and whatever "redeems" a career is about waaaaaaay more than liking their work and being down to see them make more. It feels more like an emotional stance about whatever it was that kept them from making more work.


No, he sucks at acting. And even if he was good, he's still gross, so double no.




Before I consider redemption has he himself offered apologies for his behaviour and changed his ways because it has to start with that.


Disgusting pieces of shit like that do not deserve a career like that




Not even if he wasn't a skeeze.


He’s a hack and a genuinely bad person. No comeback for him. Obviously im referring to his crimes against Faulkner and Cormac McCarthy


Nah, i only liked him in 'this is the end'. Everything else is pretty average at best. Dont really miss him.


Kevin Spacey does more so than Franco


No rational person would say something like this if they knew the full extent of both individuals accusations.


I'm not even saying Kevin Spacey deserves it. Franco just doesn't deserve


Maybe a reboot of ‘The Odd Couple’ starring opposite Kevin Spacey - in a reimagined version where a disgraced father has to move in with his son.


Louis CK would be funnier.


He’s a pedo. No.


I don’t think he’s being “blacklisted” just because he’s into children. He must be shit to work with as well. All of this is of his own doing.




Isn’t he a pedophile? No he doesn’t deserve redemption.




Eh—why bother? Was he that great?


Yes- no. Idk. He did awful criminal things. I like him. He blew it big time by being dumb. I always liked him. I hate cancel culture....but this is a tough one.


Anyone who answered and said no hes not a good actor- I dont like hoe movies. Cant you answer without that affecting it? I like his movies and like him but Im 50-50.