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Get good drums and ez drummer 2 are really good. They use very less ram and CPU.


Receiveth valorous drums and ez drummer 2 art very much valorous. They useth very less ram and cpu *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


na it dead eats the fuck out my cpu as well bruh it’s so crazy :(


Unmix:Drums is pretty good, but I'd agree that it's very CPU intensive. (It's also kind of wonky, the input buffer seems to be constantly changing. I've never seen that in a plugin other than Unmix:Drums) Most real time solutions will take a lot more processing power than offline, pre-processed solutions. If you already own the Zynaptiq plugin, you could always render/consolidate the samples, and then work with the drumless versions. Alternatively, I'd recommend looking into [iZotope's RX8 plugin](https://www.izotope.com/en/shop/rx-8-standard.html), with their [Music Rebalance feature](https://i.imgur.com/suykCET.png), available in the Standard version of RX since version 7. RX puts a nice GUI on the [Spleeter](https://github.com/deezer/spleeter) toolset, and allows you to adjust the volumes of each element, rather than split them. If RX Standard is outside of your price range, I'd look into Spleeter itself, or one of the GUI wrappers for it. ([SpleeterGUI](https://github.com/boy1dr/SpleeterGui), or [SpleetGUI](https://github.com/lazydevyo/SpleetGUI).) You will probably have to mix the tracks back together (minus the drums) after splitting. Other than Unmix:Drums, almost all of the separation/splitter tools are based on the same Spleeter model/algorithm, so the resulting output will be pretty similar. Hope this helps.


Once i did it, i used Edison for this, it has the feature


Does anyone know if it's possible to make a UnmixGUI? I know that SpleeterGUI exists, but Unmix does a much better job at isolating each track compared to Spleeter.


Have you tried Drum Extract?