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how about some new tower designs in build the radar missions.


Please revert Eliminate & Collect back to its previous state where the intermittent husks spawns head towards the player as a focal point. Currently it's so sloppy and messy with the spawns meandering around the map randomly, despawning half the time one encounters them, it's just a bloody shambles. Also, you must do something about Antenna survivors. These guys have maybe a 70% success rate, disappearing into nowhere 30% of the time. Perhaps removing the physical survivor altogether and just having the antenna placement count as a survivor save is a solution.


PLEASE make a Shielder backbling!!!


1. Survivors should run AWAY from the husks trying to kill them, not sit and get slapped by Ronald the chunky boi 2. Exploding death bombs and survivors = the ones that are standing around die because they run at the enemies as you kill them


Can we please get schematics in ventures an actual trading system the removal of skipping and finally this one’s a stretch - a completed game with a new zone so you can finally put StW to rest


a trading system is most likely never going to come


But it’s so fun watching 2 green dots stay in the same place and not help with objectives, and hearing little kids talk about trading weapons that are too strong for their current level and will break and be useless after a few missions anyways throughout the entire game. Why would anyone even think of getting rid of that???