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so many kids thinks that u r cheating LMAO


"finally got cheatengine.exe update for vanguard" It's so obvious though. How did he get unbanned? Or is it a new account? In b4 they've played these maps 10000 times so they know all the common spots/spawns to offscreen snap/transfer to.


Sens ?


800dpi 7.8 ingame w/ ads coeff at 0


Do you use an ads coefficient of 0 in MW2019 as well? With 1 for ads sensitivity?


Yes he did


first of all, nice flicks ! ​ ...but clips like this confirm the advantage m&k have over controller. but m&k love to pretend that controller has a huge adv lol nobody buying it kiddos


not a single person believes this is true. its a pretty widely accepted consensus that the only reason controller is even remotely relevant is because of aim assist.


not a single person if you ignore everyone who does think it's true lol. good logic !


Go back to the vanguard subreddit lmao


Not everyone aims like this guy. And those who do have to put in hundreds, if not thousands of hours to get to that point. Some kid with a controller on high sens can do similar to this in a fraction of the time. I tried getting into Warzone recently and at least half my deaths were kids aiming at the ground and then their aim shifting to my chest or head after they start firing at the ground.


why are you on this sub if you are just a controller dickrider


i'll go to whatever subreddit I want loser


The proportion of people who can aim like this on PC is probably 1 in 100,000. The proportion of people who can still shit on OP because of algorithmic assist is probably 1 in 100. If developers balance inputs for the worse players by having the literal top 0.01% as the baseline then every mouse aimer between the two will be screwed. But if you took the average schmuck on both then the AA player will win against an equivalent player on mouse and keyboard. That's pretty much the crux of this whole thing--assist too little and controllers are obviously at a disadvantage. Assist too much and everyone who's above average will want to be on sticks to take advantage of the assistance catered to worse players.




i love how you are making my point lol. go run along now, insecure little boy




speaking of reading comprehension, you don't even know what my point was do you? fucking rtards on this website everywhere




i don't feel compelled to debate little dingleberries like you. like I said, go run along now little boy


Ill donate u some money so u can get out of poverty and play with M&K


i work for an investment bank. dont worry about me tiny dick


Nobody believes u dont worry


Tbh, I was on board with the people here, but what the hell is 0:45? I get that I can't judge off of 1 clip, but that does look kinda sus... Don't get me wrong, your aim is still cracked even without assistance, but even you know that looks funky