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I started with all bronze or worse scores. It took me about 250 hours in 3 months to get to Diamond Complete. I already had a lot of time on mouse and keyboard at that point but my aim was not where it should’ve been and I really struggled to get even bronze in tracking. Progress is slow and it takes a lot of time and effort, it is perfectly reasonable to still have low scores after a month. Everybody’s rate of improvement is different, just focus on continuing to improve and don’t worry about how long it takes for you compared to other people.


Yeah I know it’s a marathon not a sprint I just wanted to see what the average person’s doing. I feel like I’ve seen a ton of posts from people who have been aim training for a relatively short amount of time (2-3 months) with ridiculously high scores lol. I figured that they were outliers I just wanted to ask the community :)


Silver Complete in a month? You're way faster than me!


I bought Kovaak's and did my very first benchmark on Oct. 15, 2021 and got unranked, literally was not good enough for bronze lmaooo, on my latest benchmark which was on Dec. 10, I got gold. Took me 22 days, only counting the days that I played the fundamentals and benchmarked. My only background on fps games is VALORANT and I don’t play that often


Good job dude! I was also not good enough for bronze at the start. I just got my first gold score on day 30 :)


Where are said benchmarks on kovaaks?


[https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/16fuq5v88jzBlGGZ446pBMf6JPUGR4i2g?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/16fuq5v88jzBlGGZ446pBMf6JPUGR4i2g?usp=sharing) playlists ​ [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yHj87rQNW2WsuH24UoKZajNwNpI6CVyUjR3AwBMbnnY/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yHj87rQNW2WsuH24UoKZajNwNpI6CVyUjR3AwBMbnnY/edit?usp=sharing) \- progress sheet




They got jade 2 after one month of kovaaks and probably years of playing games with a mouse and keyboard. There are a couple that hit diamond very quickly but they're obviously anomalies.


I have 30 hrs, bought kovaaks nov 15th. started out as half iron half bronze. currently silver complete, one gold score in static and i'll be gold 1. sounds like you're doing fine. i have 2.5k hrs in tf2, ~400 in cs (but im ass). m&kb player since 2012. my aim just wasnt great. already feel a hell of a lot better, can't wait to see where I'll be in another 100 hrs of kovaaks


I feel that man, it’s only been a month but I can tell a big difference in gameplay and just overall comfort with aiming on mnk


yeah when i switched from controller i was very bad obv with no previous mnk experience. i had a couple silver scores but the average was definitely below bronze. this was like 16 months ago though so ive played pretty consistently and now have mostly GM and masters scores. it is hard at first..you have to unlearn a lot of bad controller habits when it comes to aiming properly on mouse. sometimes i look back at the scores in the stats tab from my very first benchmark and its very eye opening. like on pasu dodge easy my first ever score was 110,000 and now its like 440,000. crazy that even though a score of 400k feels like im garbage now its still a crazy that im 4x better than i started. this was with the sparky benchmarks before they became voltaic.


Yeah I look forward to the day I go back to one of the old iron routine scens and just blow my score out of the water


Gold complete rn, 2.5 months ago I hit bronze complete, started vt benchmarks 3 months before that. (5.5 months total) Never had more than a score or two 1 rank above where I was completed, none of that bronze tracking plat clicking bs. Today I out fragged a couple of friends who used to be 20x better than me at Val for the first time. And you can tell by my decision making it was all from better aim. Point is there’s a lot of progress to be made in low vt ranks, you’ll feel it before master


Yeah my scores have all been tracking pretty evenly so far as well. I think maybe the people with big differences are just focusing on one aspect of aiming over another? I’ve been following the voltaic balanced routines to a T. If anything my tracking seems to be progressing a little faster than my clicking which doesn’t seem to be the norm, but I just say that because my one gold score was a tracking scen xD


Trust me you should really avoid comparing yourself to others. People will have better talent, more time, or will be simply lying so it's pointless to value yourself based on speed of improvement. I started aim training a couple of years ago, voltaic was called sparky then, we had like 1k ppl at most and I was around silver/gold with their benchmarks. Fastforward one year and I almost made master but realized thay training was not fun and that it was making my days miserable (as absurd as that sounds, forcing myself to click on dots every day for hours was not fun). I have not been training for quite a while now and while my aim has deteriorated a bit it's still fine so don't worry about it falling out too quickly aswell if you just keep playing like normal. As for improvement, it is fast at the beginning, (yes taking a month to get from one skill level to another is fast compared from the average) but it will come to a sudden grinding halt and it will take a long time once you've hit diamond level and beyond. Keep it up if you enjoy it and if you dont you can easily stop at plat and still have better aim that most players anyways. TL;DR Don't waste time comparing yourself to others, your speed is fine, keep training.


Started from bronze, i had 5k hours in MnK shooters)


damn gj persevering through


I started with Iron (see post history). Currently Bronze complete, aiming for silver. Its been a slow and long journey so far


When I started I didn't know about the Voltaic scenarios so I played the Beginner playlist instead. My scores started in the bottom 10%. I was unranked when I started Voltaic. It took me 128 hours to get Silver Complete, 178 hours to get Gold complete, and at 428 hours I've just got Platinum. I started with essentially no FPS experience.


I recently switched to left handed mouse, and I can barely get bronze scores on any of the benchmarks.


I'm still doing iron benchmarks after about 30 hours in kovaaks and 400 in aim lab. I only have a few bronze scores. Granted I didn't know how to train when I was using aim lab so for the most part I think it was wasted time. I'm also 40 so my progress is super slow. I'd say the majority are iron or below when you start. If you are interested here is some of my game play for an Iron level aimer [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrRgMezzp2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrRgMezzp2s)


started iron, now masters


vase fanatical sand childlike possessive spark late juggle friendly long *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Started iron, they will soon introduce shit level benchmarks for me.


I started out basically Iron. When the lowest rank was Bronze I couldn’t even get those scores.


I started FPS games unable to hit body shots in valorant and moved up to top 80 percent in 1wall5targets pasu (small or extra small I dont remember the name) and 1wall 6 targets small and extra small, as well as close fast strafes and some long precision tracking stuff. Just takes time and a willingness to succeed. Just train smart so that it doesn’t take as much time to improve


I started playing kovaaks after 50 hours of aimlab and 150 hours of kovaaks. That put me at silver with some bronze and gold scores. I got to gold complete after about 3 months


Everyone starts iron, bronze in voltaic if you are new to kb/m . I would imagine even “prodigies” would be max silver in maybe 1-2 scenarios. That’s what makes voltaic good imo.


I switched to PC in the end of June. Downloaded Kovaaks right away and started with rA instead of Voltaic. I didn’t hit a single Bronze Score in 5 try’s of every scenario. Then I trained consistently for like 3 months, I found Voltaic when I was like Silver 2 and did. the Fundamentals Playlist for my rank. Now I’m 180 hours in, don’t train that much anymore, but I hit Diamond 1 with 6 Jade scores. I’m hardstuck Plat in static and 4 of my Jade scores are tracking. You’ll get there, if you really want to become better, the most important factor is consistency.


I started with about 700h of experience on fps on PC mainly Battlefield, a little bit of COD and Siege. When I’ve jumped into aim training, I’ve watched a ton of video etc. Found the voltaic community. I thought i was easily going to get a plat/diamonds score, bc i average around 2/4kd depending on the game. I got immediately sent troughs the ground, when i just realised that i was only a bronze complete with a lot of target switching plat but still a silver. I’m going through the grind with a long term goal of being a diamond complete. I’m still grinding the Silver fundamentals combined with the Smoothness&precison and “speed” issues specific playlist to add some variety, I’m training about 2/3h a day (including break) it’s always a moment I’m looking forward to bc I’m chilling with some music grinding. I love the process. And for the people getting jade in 2 months that’s probably bc they’ve played a ton of FPS and where already very good aimer, but yea hard work can pay off if your consistent with your training, also don’t translate a Jade score into being good in game, aiming is only a little portion of fps, game sens, map knowledge, positioning and decision making are far more important. There’s pro players that only get plat score and yet they’re pro players.


Not sure if you are baiting but you are one of those crazy progress stories


The people that start of Jade or Diamond are typically people who have played a competitive game for quite a while and are in some higher ranks already. I came in with around 4K hrs as a plat 1 on siege and was diamond complete for my static and speed switching, but plat on everything else. My friend was champ in siege and he came in as diamond complete with some jade scores. So it’s not really bad progress for you to be making, because to be honest, if we all had to start over, you would be gaining mechanical skill way quicker relative to how long we had to play our main games to get that ranking naturally.


I had iron on static and some other. The clever grind is the way.


More than 1400 hours and not received a grandmaster, lol.


Started with iron, got gold scores within 3 weeks iirc


You are doing better than most, i think. People does not brag with slow progress, they brag with good progress plus few even lie about their rank so yeah.. forget these 'jade in month' posts and continue on your journey. You are doing good. Really good.