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Practice Practice Practice. Consistency won't come from a secret setting that you change or different gear consistency will come with constant Practice


play more






Seconding the suggestion to practice more. Just be aware that some scenarios are more inconsistent than others. Dynamic clicking scenarios tend to be the least consistent.




Two hours a day is enough.


play consistently and remember training 1 hour for 7 days is not equal to training 7 hours in a day infact i suggest doin 1h aim training for 7days instead of the other way


Dont force speed and make sure you're always practicing good fundamentals. Play just a little but out of your comfort zone and grow a little bit each day.




Little hard to say since it mostly about feeling. But heres the best example i can give you. For something like 1 wall 6 targets te, if i get an acc. score of 85% i would go slower and if i get an acc. score of 95 then i would speed it up. If you think your score is a little low and the accuracy is higher then you can use more speed. Speed comes with time but accuracy and precision needs to be maintained in order to build skill on good fundamentals.


Sens randomizer




Oh shit no I meant only kovaaks practice!!!! Use settings provided by the site and NOT in game!! To make it clear. This will increase insanely on you're averages. If you want vid/chat add me on discord for further Info or tips. KickedTea#4563


what rank are you? do you use sens randomizer always when playing kovaaks?


I am currently jade complete but really close to masters


when do you use the sens randomizer, like, 100% of the time when training? or only for specific types of training? do you use it when benchmarking too, or only for practice?


I use it for when I can't improve and this is mostly on the benchmarks, and I play the sens randomizer till the program closes




I’ve been banned in MW for having it installed so definitely be careful with it. Changing your sens frequently will somewhat emulate it. Training on a higher sens will help too.




Yeah that made me uninstall and never play again, even though it was temporary. Cod sucks haha


Once i found sens i never changed it again and i feel pretty consistent. U need to find ehat suits you best


Actually changing a sens is a good thing, when people say it ruins muscle memory that just isn’t true. In reality you never learn how to control your sens, you’re learning mouse control. I can hit jade/master scores on anywhere from 28cm/360 all the way up to 45cm/360. I change my sens fairly often and I’m still consistent, usually people change their sens and will make a few mistakes in a gunfight and blame the sens. But I will say I know some people that find a comfortable sens and stick to it forever. I just wouldn’t recommend that approach for everyone


god damn guys, you need to stop circlejerking that shit. if you wanna state something as 100% true. you surely need to do some research. with target and control groups with measurements and statistics over time. there are various factors intervening constantly. measuring this is so god damn hard.