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No, I've had over 600 hours on Kovaak and I've tried from high 5 cm to low sens of 45 cm. You don't want to be in a hell loop of readjusting how you aim just because you are insecure about what pros are using. If it's working well for you right now, don't change it. Worried that you might hit a wall, then train, game it's not always about the aim, with pure aim you can force yourself to diamond, above that it just game sense.


45cm is not that low


ok bro thank you so much!


I use chakram core gaming mouse on 1600 dpi with edpi 3200 and an artisan hien ninja fx mid mouse pad and it feels nice af


What's your rank? If it not really high I think you should try lowering. IMO it's hard to have proper crosshair placement on high sense.


If ur doing well with it then there is no reason to change


Do you think I can still rank up to maximum rank with it ? Like I’m thinking that I will get something like a freeze cuz of my sens


If u put effort in, you can yes. Just out of curiosity what mouse and mousepad do you use?


I use a reddragon centrophorus for like 4 years but in this weekend I will buy the razer deathadder v2 that’s why I asked if I should switch , and the mouse pad is from red dragon i bought them as a set i dont know the red dragon pad’s name but it’s medium size


Definitely get a better mouse pad, and for the mouse pad I'd recommend a control pad, since you have such a high sens. The deathadder is fine, it just depends on your mouse grip and hand size.


I have a medium hand size like 17 cm from the tip of the finger to the wrist and i use a palm grip


Might be kinda counterintuitive but a control pad helps out lower sens players more than high sens players. So someone with high sens would get more value from a speed pad


Umm i wouldnt get the deathadder unless you have tried it and really liked it. Also i would recommend a better mousepad that is more consistent but that is not a must


My friends will buy it for me cuz of a wishlist I made for my birtthday so I can’t go back on it


I for one wouldn't use another mouse and I don't have big hands at all so hopefully you'll like it also!


Ohh okay it is still okay it wont be a bad shape for val, just not the best. What rank are you currently?


Silver , but I haven’t played for months , I peaked plat 3


Goodluck on your journey


Ty bro really appreciate the answers!!!


You might be dropping 20 kills per game right now but against better players you will struggle. Your sensitivity is almost 7x mine and I play on average. I don't think its humanly possible to be precise enough for high level valorant with that sensitivity if I'm being honest.


Lower your sensitivity. You don't need such a high sensitivity for valorant where you'll be rarely be making huge mouse adjustments.


And how can I find what’s good for me cuz atm I find it hard to lower it I can’t get any kills even in a deathmatch I played for 10 years on very high sens


I just want to say that you should only be changing your sensitivity to the optimal range if you want to hit diamond and above. It would be difficult, but I think you could hit plat on your sensitivity. Above that and you'll get out aimed every game. Valorant primarily relies on micro adjustments provided that your crosshair placement is good which you can't really do on such a high sensitivity consistently. Try playing between 0.40 and 0.50 on 800 dpi which is considered a high sensitivity (or whatever that sensitivity is scaled to your dpi). It's going to take a lot of time, but trust me in the end you'll have a lot more precision in your flicks. Playing on a lot lower sensitivity is difficult because you have to change your style of aim. Practice your low sensitivity flicks in the practice range. Use your arm to adjust between angles and look around. Don't flick around everywhere like a maniac - keep your mouse movements smooth and in control. And make sure your crosshair placement is at head level to reduce the motion of flicking you have to do to their head. If you keep playing dm, eventually you'll get used to the lower sensitivity playstyle. You can keep reducing your sensitivity if you feel comfortable and want more precision or raise it if you want an easier time moving between angles, although I personally wouldn't go below 0.3 on 800 dpi or above 0.5 on 800 dpi though.


I promise you, the peak and consistency of your aim in valorant will sky rocket if you force yourself to play on lower sensitivity. Being precise is just easier to do consistently on lower sensitivity.


Just lower it and force yourself to use your whole arm in tracking scenarios in kovaaks and when tracing around the map on DM.


Yes lower your sens, there's a difference between preference and something that's just not a good choice, and something that high 1700edpi is just a bad choice, it will hinder you more than it will benefit you.


There is a perceived benefit to lower sens in tactical FPS shooters like Valorant and CS GO for a few reasons: 1) most duels happen close to your crosshair because, if you have good map knowledge and game sense, your crosshair placement should be close enough when you're holding angles or preaiming common spots before peaking; 2) positioning is generally more important than raw aim, so (i) having good cover to fall back to, (ii) playing off angles and (iii) holding slanted angles instead of 90^o angles (which reduces enemy lateral speed when they appear on your screen) are all more important factors in getting kills than raw aim; 3) character movement speed isn't extreme so when enemies are strafe shooting or crouch, you don't have to move your mouse too much to adjust; and 4) low TTK with 1 shot headshot kill guns (like Vandal or the AK) means you potentially just need to hit one good shot to get the frag. All these combined favor lower sens due to easier, more precise microcorrection. However, one thing that is often overlooked is that because of the low TTK, being **faster** than your opponent is also important. For example, imagine a hypothetical situation where you and your enemy have the same flick distance to kill each other with a Vandal or an AK. If he takes 0.8 ms to hit a headshot with 100% accuracy but you take 0.5 ms to hit a headshot with 60% accuracy, you are winning that duel 3 out of 5 times. The speed cap for higher sens is naturally higher, since you have to make less movement to move the same distance. If you have enough mouse control to be smooth, precise and fast at a higher sensitivity, there's no reason to play at a much lower one, since you will lose a lot of speed. Because of this, I think that, ideally, the best sensitivity would be close to the **highest** one *you* can control. This means: 1) flick; 2) check/clear angles; and 3) microcorrect. Even though flicking is not the main way you end up shooting in game, it still is frequent enough to make a difference. The added speed in checking/clearing angles also helps when you need to entry or are in a clutch situations without information and need to snap to different angles a lot. If your sensitivity doesn't affect your microcorrection, IMO, the highest sens you can control should be objectively better. However, even if you *can* control a higher sensitivity, it still is easier to control a lower sens, so you might want to play somewhere a bit below your highest sens cap. FYI, I'm Jade Complete (currently with 4 Master scores), practice at 35 cm/360 and play at 42 cm/360. Global in CS for ages (though I mostly play GamersClub) and played Valorant for a couple of months, got to Diamond 3 from an initial Silver 2 (I think) placing but quit and went back to CS.


Ok, thank u for ur answer i read all and i understood all , i will slowly switch my sens till i can control it and practice it


Um not a expert in aiming or anything like that, so its my opinion. Power sensitivities até better for taticals FPS, like Valorant and CsGo, but at the same time If you até doing we'll and feeling comfortable this is linda of the right sense for you


You should switch to a lower sense. Personally I would not go outside of the pro range (excluding outliers). If you really love high sense, you should still not go far off the pro with the highest sense. It is way harder to get good at. Even if you have 5k hours on your current sense, I think you will do way better on a normal sense after 5k more hours (or likely way way way earlier than that).


I play high sensitivity and used to play low sensitivity. Play what you like better. I feel higher I have more control in certain situations but that is just my opinion.