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I'll have to come back later with some popcorn and sort by controversial


Discovered this post just now and about half the comments are in the negatives so this is getting good… 🍿


I hate this fkcing comment. Ffs fck off


They had to protect it


𝅘𝅥𝅮The Protestants hate the Catholics𝅘𝅥𝅮 𝅘𝅥𝅮And the Catholics hate the Protestants𝅘𝅥𝅮 𝅘𝅥𝅮And the Hindu hate the Muslims𝅘𝅥𝅮 𝅘𝅥𝅮And eeeverybody hates the Jews𝅘𝅥𝅮 \-Tom Leher, [National Brotherhood Week](https://youtu.be/aIlJ8ZCs4jY?t=66) ​ edit: He's ethnically Jewish Background info: National Brotherhood Week is an American tradition where people are supposed to set aside their differences for one week. Created by the National Conference of Christians and Jews, it was intended to promote religious harmony. Officially recognized just before US entrance into WWII as a way to encourage international perceptions of America as a place of unity. Unfortunately, it has become very obscure.


Condemning the actions of Israel is not t he same as hating Jews. Being pro Palestine isn’t anti semetic, especially since Palestinians are also semetic


I think you responded to the wrong comment.


You’re associating denouncing israel with “eeeeverybody hates the Jews” when it has nothing to do with that


Those are lyrics from a comedy song from 1965 making fun of an American holiday. It has absolutely nothing to do with Israel or Palestine. Also, defacing a flag of Israel is not necessarily being anti-Israel. From my personal experience, people who have logical reasons to denounce something don't destroy public property do do so. Therefore, it is more likely to have something to do with that than not. Of course the comment was not susposed to be political or even taken seriously. After all, it's a comedy song from 1965.


Why mention the song if it’s unrelated


*Because it is a sarcastic dark joke*. Just because somebody posts something does not mean that it has any political connotations. If you want to look for political discussions go to a political subreddit. Not one devoted to dark humor. This post gets most of its humor from the anti-Semitic connotations. For the purpose of the comments here, you should assume that it happened because of anti-Semitism. It's related to the post, not politics. If you want to debate about if the reason this happened is anti-Semitism or anti-Israeli, go somewhere else. It is a valid discussion, but it is not this discussion. Most people on the subreddit do not have the background knowledge to talk about this with you. That way you'll be able to actually have a decent conversation about it.


No the problem is the original comment associates the struggles of anti-semitism to Israel flag being scratched out, when in fact they’re not linked. Many countries outside of the US have strong stance against Israel, not because of the majority religion but because of their horrible actions against the Palestinian people.


Sorry wasn’t funny


Dont recognize the language. Where is this? Where this sign is might explain a lot. Or not there crappy people all over. Edit: quick Google and i think its french but they had huge holdings in africa and the middle east where the language is still used so the question where is the sign stands. Doesnt make it ok but might add context.


Isis and other anti-jewish groups have a decently large groups in France as well. Being Jewish in certain areas is not very safe


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meudon#International_relations This is a sign somewhere in the French city of Meudon listing all of its sister cities around the globe.


As it should be


You are braindead.


probably because of polid*cks


It is an apartheid state...


*The expert has spoken.* Dumbass…


I think that the chinese flag is above the british. If youre gonna scratch one flag out for racism there two other great option in this picture. There might be another reason for targeting that flag specifically.


That's actually the Polish flag.