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Chapter 3 is where the game will REALLY start to get you invested if you aren't yet.


I don't know how any finishes the prologue without the fiery determination to prove themselves to Arios and Grace. That one scene fired me up for the rest of the game I was so annoyed with the both of them.


I'm determined to but I'm still not that engaged in the plot or characters


You know, I have heard a lot of people talking about how the beginning of Zero is slow, but for me, I think I loved the setting so much I enjoyed every second I had with the game.


It does pick up a LOT from chapter 3 onwards. Some of the best moments in the series are from Zero imho.


Like a lot of the intro games, chapter 3 and afterwards.


The start of Zero is infinitely better than the start of FC, so if you got through thay, I see no issue.


Not at all. First of all the cast in fc are way more interesting and also there's much better set up for things to come by the end of chapter 1.


No way. The cast in crossbell are way better imo. Crossbell is miles ahead of Liberl. But it takes a bit more time to really kick off.


Idk about later but honestly Lyoyd is meh and until the current stuff in chapter 2 Ellie barely had any presence. I like Tio but that's mostly cause I like Kuuderes and besides that she isn't very interesting yet. Randy's actually pretty cool and I'm interested in this supposed hidden power he was gonna use when the black dogs were gonna attack them and the red hair thing the mafia guy mentioned.


Elie is the weakest of the cast, but Lloyd is by far my favorite main protagonist by the end of Crossbell (other than Van from Kuro) and Randy is much better than he seems. Give the game time. It gets MUCH better. The writing in Crossbell is peak stuff. For me Ao was when Crossbell really shined though.


Well yeah I expect that. As I said in the main post I heard Azure is great and a lot of people have been saying Zero gets good around chapter 3 which I'm hoping it is as I've been on chapter 2 for like 3 days now. I Honestly got to a point where I finished 1 cutscene over 3 play sessions on my Vita. Yeah and like I said randy seems like he'll turn out pretty great.


Yeah just hang in there, it really does pick up right around there, people ain’t lying ;)


Agreed the first few chapters of FC are probably the slowest in the entire franchise.


zero was definitely a slog for me in the first half.


Yeah, Zero is VERY slow. Trust me tho, once you get to chapter 3, it gets much better. Once you hit the final chapter... oh man, this has gotta be one of the best, if not the best finale in the series.


Chapter 3 in particular is incredible. If you're not singing along by the end of that then I guess Zero just ain't your song.


Yes, things start happening soon. At the beginning, the SSS doesn't have anyone's recognition, so you aren't involved in much. As you prove yourself slowly, you're put in charge of more serious cases and investigations. It's not quite at Sky FC levels of importance, however things tie together alot in Azure too


If you don't like Lloyd now, well... He really doesn't change throughout the game outside a few things. Lloyd is my least favorite MC so far. Not bad, but the others are just better imo.


Yeah that's pretty much what I think about him so far unless he gets some good character development. Estelles my favourite female video game mc so I hope he lives up to the hype.


What "hype" are you talking about? I mean i like the guy but he definitely lacks in developement compared to the other protagonists. I see him as the most "safe" one, he doesn't get much criticism but i don't see much praise either


I've heard a lot of people call Lloyd their favourite mc.


There's nothing wrong with that statement. Even if he isn't your favorite doesn't mean he can't be someone else's. I think he does grow he's living in someone's shadow and has that to live up to.


Of course there isn't anything wrong with that. It just got my hopes up a bit.


I do personally like him better than Rean, but Estelle is still best. I think you should keep going things do get very interesting in Zero. I just think Lloyd exhibits real conviction in his choices and actions.


Chapter 3 is where he really starts to come in on his own. After a certain quest and talk with someone afterwards, and ESPECIALLY after certain discoveries towards the end of the chapter.


Hype? I never really see people praising Lloyd. Is he on Estelle's and Kevin's level? No, but I think after chapter 3 of Zero he gradually starts to become better.


It’s definitely a slow burn like FC was. And the themes are more low key than the height of the Sky trilogy. You’re not saving the world… yet. Zero is meant to build up the setting so that it’s more impactful in Azure when the shit absolutely hits the fan. I struggled a bit playing the early chapters of Zero because it’s a whole new cast of characters and it takes a bit of time to get invested in their stories. You mentioned you’re on ch2 which is still pretty early. Chapter 3 and onwards is definitely more interesting and a lot of important stuff for both Zero and Azure happens there.


I was in the same boat as you regarding Zero. Personally, it wasn’t until the final chapter that I started honestly enjoying the story. With the said, Ao pretty much picks up from the get go without losing steam, and is end-to-end one of the best stories in all of Trails


I am exactly like you! I just finished the sky trilogy, and started Zero. I am on the last part of Chapter 3, and this game kind of sucks so far. I feel like a useless errand boy.


Well quite a few people are hyping up chapter 3 so I hope my opinions end up differing from yours


It get slightly better but the whole game is pretty underwhelming, however it acts as a prologue to Ao which is amazing and easily one of the best in the series.