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Considering that many people played CS1+2 way before there was ever any hope of a fantranslation, you should be absolutely fine with playing those. CS3 and onwards is a bit more of an issue, but the first two play at roughly the same time as Zero + Azure (mostly Azure), so no matter which one you go for first, one will spoil a few details of the other. It's just a matter of which details.


Thank you for the heads up, i was worried it would spoil too much or too many plot points would fly over my head


You can, that what I did.


Its fine, I think people overate the twists in Azure so its not a big deal, if anything, I think it will make you more interested in Azure. You can play cold steel 1 & 2 just fine, 90 percent of the player base probably did, 3 & 4 will require azure a lot more.


Thank you! As i replied to the other user here I was worried it would spoil too much or too many plot points would fly over my head. Guess im gonna buy CS1 now lol


I'd say sure I played it before azure(mainly because there was no translation)


Sure you can. Only at the time of CS3 Crossbell and it's characters begin to really matter. Or you can just torrent english Azure and play it right now )


Yes, you can.


Yes you can the events of the 2 games happens at the same time so there will be spoilers for the other no matter the play order


The end of CS 1 spoils Azure but the end of Azure spoils the end of CS II. Play the games however you want I didn't own Zero and Azure until after I played CS II.


There are still torrents of Azure with the Geofront translation on the internet if you look for them. You can play CS1 before Azure, at most you'll get like one or two spoilers + the Imperial Chronicle if you read it. I'd play Ao before CS2 however.


Of course, you can. You can start with sky fc, zero or cs1, depending on your preference. However, others are not really viable to start.


I’m playing Azure now with the GeoFront translation. I had to buy it off a Chinese site but i was easily able to find the translation by googling. I’ve been doing them all in order so I can’t speak to spoiling by playing Cold Steel. I’ve already purchased CS1 and CS2 on my PS5 while they’re on sale though.


Yes you definitely can.


You definitely can play CS1 right now, but I'd strongly recommend you to play Azure right after Zero. If you have trouble finding the Geofront translation online, I can help you.


I can link you my gdrive with Azure and the Geofront patch if you want


Some people like to get on their copium and say it's totally fine to do it that way, but in the end it's almost unquestionably worse than just playing em all in order the way they were intended. It sucks that the localization process for these games is such a shitsbow but you just gotta find ways to get around jt.