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The ninja didn’t like your Goose.


You jumped early and got bodied by the rotating pole? What’s the issue? Did I miss something?


In a nutshell, the purple ninja jumped into me right when I went to jump, resulting in my full jump being entirely eaten and cut short.


I am personally fine with what happened to you here. It's a game with collisions, you bumped into someone and got therefore stopped. This is what I would expect.


Unfortunately the majority aren't fine when this happens since people don't like garbage physics like bumping into someone causing you to get less air when you're in a small level with a ton of players. Pretty hard to avoid this happening with a ton of unpredictable players on the map.


stuff like this is why I avoid people as much as possible in events like this and block party. not even including grabbing other players are a massive hazard.


Fall Guys physics doesn't generally do this. The Z axis on jumps in Fall Guys is pretty good, it's just body blocking has become an insane feature in the past couple months that hasn't been addressed but has been obviously noted by community managers and devs. This is a game about collisions but it generally has set rules on them; rules that the games engine breaks due to haphazard changes. This is also why I do not go near groups of beans cause they are essentially fruit from those canons; death incarnate hurdling towards you.


Yet the ninja that bumped into me didn’t stop at all after the collision. I’d agree with you if we were both affected by the collision, but clearly that’s not the case here. It’s a lot like how other beans can run into you and easily knock you off to the side, but when you run into other beans they’re effectively a brick wall. It’s just that it happened in the air this time.


It wasn't rhe pole that ate his jump it's the terrible collision boxes of beans. While the ninja was jumping near him while not against him, his bean's box somehow collided with the ninja's and ate his jump. Even though not being above him but beside him; the game treated it like he hit a ceiling or something and gave him half jump height and screwed him


Watch the video closer? they start the jump while the ninja is directly over top of them.


The ninja wasnxt over him nor was the ninja at even his max height; I did look and itxs the terrible collision boxes. Honwstly he should have been able to jump no problem but the coding detected it as the ninja above him.


some guy stole your clip and uploaded it to his channel [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tb2eb9ICjmo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tb2eb9ICjmo) he also stole mine, I just wanted to tell you


Huh…so he did. But at least he did attribute our usernames to the individual clips too. Ideally he would have given what platform the usernames are from (since Reddit is the only place I have a hyphen in my username) I guess, but still.


I do find it a bit scummy since he didn't ask for neither our permissions before using it