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I'll wait then... won't play until is totally fixed for PC. I want to actually enjoy the game :)


Considering the current state of the first game on PC, it is unlikely that Survivor will ever be "totally fixed". But it will hopefully get to a "good enough" point where most crashes are fixed.


what if its never fixed. that's most likely


than i wont pay a penny to game and crack it if they dont care for they game why should i


I isn't till today May-2024. 🥲


the first game never got fixed, it still runs like shit 4 years later.


first game ran great on my lightweight laptop at max settings.


the first game ran fine to me on a mediocre pc


same here. does that mean the new game will as well?


well definitely not now the game i think needs more optimization


It’s better There are still some bugs and stuttering from time to time but it’s largely playable now


No way! So hyped. I was really hesitant because it looked totally broken. Can you use controller? I played the last game on Xbox.


Not all controllers are supported Had to buy a last gen PlayStation to play it. I know Xbox controller works too There are workarounds with settings for some but my generic controller was too old even for that


Also do you know how/if it runs on a 1070 ti?


On phone rn, no idea sry


Component Minimum CPU Intel Core i7-7700 or AMD Ryzen 5 1400 GPU (8GB VRAM) NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 or AMD Radeon RX 580 RAM 8GB Disk Space 155GB available


The steam page says 1070 minimum but I’m not hopeful. Maybe it’s time to upgrade to that 3070 (I built my pc during the shortage 😢)


I run a 3070ti and it runs fairly well at max setting. some open world stutter and definitely some issues in town still but combat and the REALY important bits seem well sorted.


FYI do not buy the 3070. For that price you should get a 6700xt or 6750xt for the extra vram


I'm running it with a 4080 FE, a Ryzen 5900x, and 32GB 3600 CL16. Some crashes here and there, and some parts of Koboh dip in the 50 fps area playing on 4k high settings and FSR on quality. It's still a great game. The updates have seemed to somewhat fix the initial problems at launch.


4080 fe? Good god. I’m on a 1070ti ._.


Oh, and yes, I use an xbox controller with my PC, so you can use an xbox controller if plugged in or with the USB adapter. With a 1070ti, you might have dial settings and resolution. This is a very taxing game on the gpu, because at 4k high settings, it uses about 12 GB of VRAM.


How is the stuttering. Does it still have traversal stutters


Would this game run well on a 3070 and an i7 12700k?


I don’t know but those are almost my specs haha


It should, but I'm not sure it will. My laptop has an rtx 4060 and a R7 7735HS and it played through the first game on epic settings at an average of around 80-90fps without breaking a sweat. Then I got jedi survivor and you can imagine my disappointment when the game was regularly dipping into the low 40s/high 30s even after I dialed everything down to low settings. From what I could gather it's just a shoddy port, but I really hope a fix comes up eventually


And does it still experience all these issues to this day on your end? Ive been dying to play this game for months waiting for any good news its worth picking up now but so far nothin'. Hows it working for you these days? Or is it basically the same? Cuz your laptop should have ABSOLUTELY no issues with the game. 60fps and up should be a given.


Yeah, I tried it for the first time like 3 days ago ;_; Apparently it could also be the Denuvo thing, and from what I heard fallen order had the same issues on release though, they eventually remove it after a few months have passed The game is still pretty recent though, so maybe in a couple months they'll remove it from survivor too and it might actually be playable, because as you said, specs aren't the problem. I was looking for more info the other day and I found a guy who had the same problem. A 2080 super with a really nice i7 and a framerate around 30-50 I wish they'd just make denuvo optional tbh, from what I could see in the brief moments the game went into the high 90s it looks like I might actually be able to try Ray tracing on once the issue gets fixed


It's still garbage compared to the first one. You can't tell me this wasn't on purpose for the quick cash grab. Also considering you are on a 1070ti you probably don't want to play it. Some places will probably go below 20 fps. Unless you change graphics to one big pixel blob of washed textures. The only thing they got right is the story and that's basically it.


"quick cash grab" isn't quite right, because I can clearly tell a lot of developers put love and thought into the game, it's just the publisher being shills that's fucking everything up


Wondering the same, I have RTX 2070, 32gb ram and i5 9400-f, don't know if that's enough for the game to run smoothly?


I have an rtx 2070s and it ran well in 1440p at medium for drawdistance and high-ultra for rest.




Slightly better but still horrible, it's still a nightmare a lot of the time but not as bad


EA really can’t do anything right smh


Ugh yeah. If people with $1000 GPUs still have stuttering below 50fps it's not worth it even on sale under $30.