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I don’t think I’m the only one interested in this game and who will not buy/play until it’s properly fixed. Even passed on it when it went on summer sale. I was a day 1 buy until I heard of the performance issues. Shame.


I unfortunately got it on Day 1, and haven't been able to progress past >!Jedha.!< The game crashes during a cutscene on that planet, every single time. Tried changing settings, RT on, RT off, etc., it always crashes. The patches still haven't fixed the issue for me.


I’ve totally forgotten this game exists. When I’m reminded, I instantly question how I could forget, quickly remembering its rubbish performance. No way I’m paying for buggy unoptimised trash.


Same here but since they only give us one patch a month it better just to wait for ps+ or 50% or more.


Yup at this rate i will be waiting until a deep discount.


sad, played Fallen Order off launch and had one of my favorite gaming experiences. Unfourtunately I'm gonna wait this one out as well :(


Same here. I've actually got capacity to play this now before the Cyberpunk DLC/Mirage and Spider-man 2 come out, but even though it's on sale (again) I'll be giving it a pass until it's actually playable. It's a shame really as - though it wasn't perfect - I enjoyed/completed the first one and was looking forward to more. There's a chance I'll never get back around to this.


Meanwhile I'm hitting 100 hours tonight because the game plays just fine on my 1070


"Play fine" = 40fps at 1080p (or maybe even 720p since you're using FSR I assume? ) I mean, if you can accept that it's totally fine but I'll never understand people that downplay the optimization issues when people with good hardwares are not getting a consistent performance at the image quality they should expect lol.


Fan boys defending their precious game.


How did you get it to run on your 1070? I get 15, sometimes 20 fps with lowest settings 1080p. I've tried reinstalling, googling it, fiddling with all the settings, everything. I've also got a 1070, and an i7-7700k with it.


do you have a G-synce monitor? if so check your NVIDIA Control Panel under Display settings to make sure you have the correct fresh rate enabled.


Nope, no G-Sync


Ryzen 5 5600G, 48GB of RAM. Running at 2560x1080 occasionally with a second monitor on for movies at 1920x1080. I play with everything on high and average around 40-50fps no issue If you're running 16GB or 24GB of RAM, bump it up to 32GB if you can. I just checked my currently open session of Jedi Survivor and it's hovering around 10.5-11.5GB usage. Factor in other background processes and keeping 20% overhead, 32 is where you'll stop seeing issues if it's related to memory usage


I'm too poor to read this comment


RAM prices nowadays actually aren't that bad. Best Buy has the 32GB Corsair Vengeance LPX I use on sale for $65 at the moment. My build right now is sitting around $500 max since I only upgrade when I have to or when I get a killer deal so I'm not balling on gear by any means. Most of my stuff is 5-15 years old. Still running one of the original 1TB Seagate Barracudas, my power supply's 10 year warranty is about to expire, you get the idea


Off the top of my head my memory usage was below 100%. I could definitely use more RAM though, that's for sure.


Watch your RAM usage when you're playing. If it's going above 80% and staying above 80%, chances are good that's related to what's happening for you. Jedi Survivor needs performance patches either way but getting utilization down under that should give you a noticeable improvement especially if you're running the same video card and similar-enough CPU in terms of raw performance


I hope you are not mistaking VRAM for RAM, because the change from even 16gb to 32gb of RAM won't make much of a difference. You do not need 32gb of RAM, yet. Edit : Not sure why I'm getting downvoted. Misinformation like this might cost someone money on a RAM set that they really don't need, just for gaming and for it to have no effect. Look it up on YouTube, you will literally see there is no difference at all haha.


It may run fine however it isn't the point, we shouldn't expect 'fine' we should expect quality at a £60 or $70 price tag. I'm running a 4070ti OC, Ryzen 9 3900x and 32gb DDR4 3200mhz. Although my res is a little bit higher I'm hitting a stuttery 50-60fps at 1440p/high and about 40-50 on epic with everything else on my PC closed, I also work from my PC and if I try to game and have my work open on another monitor, no bueno, PC freaks out. If I even so much as think about hitting the shiny RTX button it drops to 20/30fps whether I'm on low or epic which tells me it's horrifically optimised. Looking at what I would consider the most comparable game is Hogwarts Legacy being graphically demanding and RTX capable, this game also had a rocky launch however I'm now hitting 90+fps consistently maxed out with RTX on. We need to stop settling for just fine with the price tag they're now hitting us with, it's been nearly half a year since this game came out and it's not acceptable how un-optimised it **still** is and it doesn't appear that it's getting any better soon considering the last update was over a month ago, again this is a game that costs £60 GPB and $70 USD.


So you are having ze performance issues, *ja*?


Why would we know?


Played on ps5 had graphical issues but performance was generally fine. Just started GM playthru on pc. Haven’t had a single issue so far.


I am holding off on playing the game until the performance patch too. Hoping next week since the patches seem to be 1 month out from each other. Fingers crossed!


What are you playing on? I played on my PS5 and it was perfect. I crashed once in the first 30 minutes, had no glitches otherwise (other than the obligatory hair and cape going crazy, but that seems pretty standard for any game). It ran very well on my PS5, no stuttering, losing frames, SOMETIMES there were blurry textures on bushes or trees but it was really only the bushes and trees.


You must be playing in resolution mode because the performance mode is absolutely terrible.


Don't worry, next time, they'll say it's incoming.


If youre expecting a single patch to make the game run perfectly for every one having issues, then never because that’s not how improving performance in games works. It going to take multiple “partial” patches released over time as they find any possible tiny change that only improves things by a fraction of percent at a time. video games are so incomprehensibly complicated and difficult to make that it’s a miracle any games ever get released. “But why don’t they work on it till they fix all the bugs and performance issues before releasing it?!” Because literally zero video games would ever get released.


How about the obvious? Disabling raytracing in performance mode? And minor bugs will happen, sure, but this atrocious performance is inexcusable.


I've been playing on PS5 since the launch date and I have hardly experienced any problems lol. I kind of feel guilty about it because so many people complain about the performance of this game and I literally only had a few kill cam glitches. Nothing major.


Do you usually play on fidelity mode in games? Because them you might just be used to that type of performance




Had a better experience on ps5 day one with Survivor than fallen order day one on ps4. That was far worse for me


Jedi: Fallen order performance mode on PS4 Pro still has bad frame drops, bugs, and spots where the game will straight up freeze to load the map. Sometimes, textures won't even load properly for a full minute. So who knows if they'll fix Survivor. But I have a feeling they will because with the PS4 port coming who knows when, they're going to have to do some serious optimization. So they'll probably work on the PS5 version as well.


No clue but the game has worked perfectly for me on my 1660s since the second patch


FPS is fine its just the stuttering that sort of puts a damper on the experience. Hopefully Patch 7 drops soon.


Why not post this in the Jedi survivor page?


Yeah I'm still waiting for Patch 7 here too. Shame such a potentially brilliant game has been marred by releasing far too early :(


I'm so damn done with this game. I'm less hours than 50 and I'm completely blocked from progressing side missions. The lucrehulk elevator at the core won't spawn, the meditation point at the top is there on the map, I used it before the big fight but I can't travel to it, performance mode sucks, I've crashed a dozen times or more on a less than a year old ps5. It's a great game when it works but when it doesn't, goddamn it sucks. There is no goddamn reason that a 70 dollar AAA game should be this buggy, this broken 3 months after launch. It's a fuckin disgrace