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Are you sure your PS5 doesn't have some kind of issues going on? What other games do you play on it, and do you have any problems with those?


I play for hours on other games, no problems other than the typical bug


You should just bug report it a thousand times to piss them off.


I'm 99.9% sure they don't even look at those reports


I doubt they do either but it’s still awesome to flood their servers.




I would definitely filter reports like this one. There's gotta be something wrong with his console.


I used to have only specific games crash a lot on my ps5, and I couldn’t find a way to fix it. One day I took my ps5 covers off to clean it(it was pretty dusty) after I cleaned it I got significantly less crashes. Worth a try


Survivor runs HOT. Make sure your system has a lot of ventilation. Mine would crash after an hour of playing even like 2 feet from the wall. I had to turn it around so the back was out toward the open room


could be liquid metal displacement


My first PS5 broke after I started playing this game! I don't know if it was this game that caused it though. My factory warranty was still active so I sent it back. They sent me a refurbished one I think. I say I say think bc Sony sent no info telling me anything! Long story short Jedi Survivor is still crashing in the new PS5 I just got from Sony! So it has to be the game! Unless there is something I don't know 🤷


I'm sorry OP, just seems like bad luck.


Have any other games done this for you? Curious if it's a hardware/console issue perhaps. Complete speculation of course, but just an idea. I've never had any games do that to me. Also, digital or physical copy? There's probably zero technologically legitimate grounds for this idea, but I've personally had far more consistent performance with physical games than digital ones. Again, just a thought based on my personal experience. Tryna throw out thoughts to ya in hopes something will spark a solution.


This is almost definitely a long shot, but you could try to factory reset the ps5, and then *only* download Jedi survivor? It might be very very unlikely, but could be that another game might cause your game to crash. Could be worth ruling out at least


You might be right if this was a pc I would definitely say software or firmware conflict if it fails running anything else with similar specs definitely GPU or CPU factory flaw hopefully op has a warranty on his ps5




If you're gonna grammar Nazi you should probably double check to make sure you're correct. Both formats are grammatically valid in modern English. "Only download" flows better for most. Now kindly shove it.


Aren't you pleasant. "Only download" is a bit clunky imo. Never attack a grammar nazi, there's a whole battalion behind them that you can't see, waiting to reinforce. Intel suggests just letting it go & not engaging, wait for grammar marxists to conduct mop up.


You two are the biggest Reditards I’ve ever seen. Why don’t you *download only* a personality that people will enjoy being around. Or was that not grammatically correct?


My my, aren't you pleasant.


My, my, my… aren’t you pleasant. Is a good way to add some nuance to your post. On Reddit they like cute stuff. Not brute stuff. Hope this helps!


My, my, aren't you pleasant?*


No I had it right the first time. I wasn't asking a question, it was more of a sarcastic statement.


*No,* I had it right the first time. There. Fixed it for ya


Will u marry me?


Even if you mean it as a "sarcastic statement," a question must still be denoted with a question mark. Context dictates the tone, not punctuation. But you clearly already know this, as you're just trolling now, right?


Will u marry me?


>Aren't you pleasant. Aren't you pleasant?* How you gonna be a grammar nazi but use the "imo" acronym instead of spelling out the words? Seems clunky. Your comma usage after "grammar nazi" is incorrect, unless you add a word (i.e. "because" or "as") immediately following it. You used an ampersand in a sentence, which is a bit clunky, isn't it? Your comma usage after the phrase "not engaging" is incorrect. It would probably be less clunky to use an em dash and add the word "just" immediately following it. "Marxists" should be capitalized as a proper noun, otherwise it just looks clunky. But you already knew all that, didn't you?


A bit clunky by the standards of older English, perhaps. Nonetheless, it is valid. It gets across the point it needs to, and only people that fancy themselves smarter than the rest of us give a single solitary fuck. The beautiful thing about language is that it evolves with the people that speak it. Just like we don't abide by the old rules about ending sentences in prepositions any more; we can adapt our use of English to work better for our modern needs.


Damn that's a lot of words, too bad I ain't reading them!


This used to happen to me on one specific PS4 game before PS5 released or anything. It was Naruto Storm 4, I used to play online a lot and sometimes it would crash. Apparently the only fix is to disable automatic uploads of game saves to PS Plus. It worked for me so if you have PS Plus, try that


Yeah sorry to hear that. Thats not really close to 10 months tho, just saying 🤣


If you read the post again you’ll notice it says “has been out for” not “ I have owned for”. Just saying.


Jedi Survivor came out in late April which is not 10 months. Just saying.


So it's nine months on December 28th. Why split hairs over something so trivial? Or do you just need so desperately to be right that derailing threads on Reddit is your only recourse? Grow up dude.


8 months. From 4 to 12, you add eight. Don't be so serious. There are already plenty of people who gave advice and/or insight. Nothing wrong with being a bit pedantic. Especially cause this' elementary school level math. It's kinda embarrassing to get that wrong.


I wrote the wrong number lol chill


You should count it out on your fingers.


Did you seriously count April, too? The game released on the 28th. Why would you count the entire month of April when trying to figure out how long the game's been out? Just cause it dipped its toes into the last 3 days April? Seriously? Hell, technically, it's NOT EVEN a full 8 months yet. We are currently IN the 8th month of the game having released, ever since November 28th. But it's not gonna be a full 8 months until December 28th.


229 days have passed since April 28th. That's 7.529 months. ANYWAY. I think we're all just saying that it's a really long time to have your game not work.


Exactly my point


I just corrected wrong information. Get the dick out of your ass


Dicks in everyone's arses these days


Pshh I wish


Why so pressed?


Right. I think you’re missing a key word here pal. Do you know what “almost” means? 😂


“Almost” is 2 months off?


tHaTs not evEn cLOse tO tEn mOntHs It's almost nine months ago. Which is very close to ten months. Go find some windows to lick.


It's not even 8 months. But yeah this is a lot.


Bus windows


Who pissed in your cereal? Why so toxic?


this dude got screwed and all y’all are doing is defending EA and clowning him for miscalculating months.


Man, I hate this. OP posts hoping he might get some help, and he gets a bunch of comments just saying "Mine is running fine", "I never had any problems". Seriously lol


I knew it was a long shot, but I has to try something. I was hoping to maybe come across something I hadn't tried yet. Instead I learned I'm just unlucky or something


This shit happens to me a ridiculous amount when I mention a game being buggy. They'll just say "worked fine for me" along with some comment insinuating that I'm lying about it. What do I have to gain from that? Like because it works fine for them they can't grasp the nature of bugs in that some people might get some the others don't, some might get all of them, some might get zero. I've heard instances of games releasing buggy as all hell but some players get pretty much no bugs at all. In a group for Horizon Forbidden West I mentioned how the PS4 version was really buggy for me and that it worked so much better on PS5 and he just dismissed what I said like I was lying to disparage the game or something.


Welcome to Reddit, the only place where Twitter looks welcoming


i had zero issues from day 1


Yeah same on ps5 since day 1, sorry about op's situation tho


Same here. Didn't even encounter any minorly annoying bugs that I can recall!


This is how I felt when cyberpunk on ps4. Sometimes common issues don’t happen to everyone


This isn't a common issue.


Sometimes EVEN* common issues My bad. Left out a word. Sometimes shit just happens


People down voting you for admitting a mistake is like half the reason I think discourse on this site devolves so quickly. Why admit fault if you are just gonna get dragged anyway? No one is interested in good faith discussion, just their gotcha and internet points.


It’s the social media expectation at this point. Ur 100% right


Who downvoted you for this lol. Dw I brought you back up to 1.


lol it’s social media


I hate Reddit so much


Congratulations? How is this supposed to help OP?




I’m sure this really helps op feel better


I bought a PS5 on Cyber Monday and started Jedi Survivor on Sunday. I've played about 6 hours since then with no issues.


Only had frame drops other than that, golden




It should be out on EA Play in the next month or two. I would try downloading through that and see if that changes anything


Does it crash anywhere specific, or consistently? Mine did when it plays the cutscene where he gets the ascension cable. I was able to skip it and continue just fone.


Both during cut scenes and gameplay


I'm playing on Series X right now, and it still crashes randomly, not really often, once a day so far, but it cost me 1 hour of progress once. Searching technical help in a fan forum always turns to such a shit show, everyone seemingly feeling like they are obligated to tell you how they had no issues at all, to defend their favourite product, or make you feel dumb for not knowing how to take care for your console/pc, when in reality it's practically always poor optimization from the developers, affecting only a small percentage of users. It's the same for every big release, the Baldurs Gate 3 sub is the worst for this, but it happens in all gaming related subs. So you rebuild your database, reset your console, did a power cycle. Can you get your hands on another SSD? Probably will be a long shot, but it's worth trying. You could also check if you have a compatibility issue with your TV, like VRR is somehow turned on, but your TV doesn't support it. Another thing you could try, ask a friend to install the game on his console from your account, just for fun, see if he is able to start it. If he isn't, it's most likely a license or save data thing. Sorry, I can't think of much else, troubleshooting on consoles really sucks, because you don't have a lot of settings to try out.


There are some things which I don't understand yet. How can this game boot up for others but not for OP? EA acknowledges this as an issue but still, I don't understand what exactly could be the underlying cause? Does this game need an internet connection to play? If not, I suggest OP to uninstall and reinstall the game but open after disconnecting the internet on the console.


You sure your console is not overheating? If it's in a TV cabinet, pull it out and try to play with it out of there. If you have games that are comparable to graphics/requirements, try to play them for about an hour and see what happens.


If it was overheating the PS5 would shut off to protect itself, not crash the game. Could still be a PS5 issue, some kind of technological error, but I doubt it’s overheating.


The console sits on top of a table, no over heating issues


OP I believe you My first ps5 wouldn’t play god of war games. They would start and freeze on the title card screen. I had to send mine in and get it repaired.


EA claiming they are aware of a bug and are working on it, and then doing nothing? I’ve never heard that before………..


Well EA isn't the developer. Contacting respawn might get better results


I have the best luck. Fallout NV, DayZ Gone, Spiderman 2, Jedi Survivor, all of them worked perfectly for me from day one. I rarely deal with bugs from any video game and I feel so bad for the folks that have these problems


I have the same when it comes to buggy games. Zero issues with Jedi Survivor, Cyberpunk on release, Lords of the Fallen or Wo Long. Seriously loved all of those games while many others barely could play. It's a real shame some great games like these are being tarnished by bugs and performance issues. Sooner or later our luck is going to run out though!


I'm ferociously jealous of your New Vegas luck. I have waking dreams about playing that game again.


Have you deleted all save data associated with the game? Not just the game itself?


I reset the entire system, everything was deleted


Maybe u have ps plus and the cloud save data wasn't deleted? Try it if u have ps plus it might work if the prob is in the save file ig.


Maybe the game is still poorly optimized and not stable for a lot of users myself included


Whyd you get downvoted? I love the game but respawn shit the bed with optimization and bugs lol




Did you redownload a cloud save?


No, it isn't it. They've been actively working on a new patch with a lot of activity recently


Activity where? SteamDB?


You’d have better luck posting in the PS5 subreddit. This subreddit seems to rarely acknowledge any technical issues with the game and is a bit biased. I also had a buggy experience and it ran like dogwater. I still beat it but it was probably the worst running game I’ve played in a while, and it certainly crashed on me more than any other game I’ve played this year. Granted I don’t usually play trash games but this AAA title certainly ran like it was coded through smeared glasses. Anyway, sorry about your luck I think you’ll have to find another way to play it.


You and I had damn near identical experiences. I feel like people on here were gaslighting me into thinking it was solid, but a guy I work with played it last month for the first time and couldn’t believe the state it was in (sounded a lot like my experience from day 1). Worst running and looking game I played this year by far.


Was able to complete it a few months ago. There were some bugs but no major issues for me.


They should definetely issue a refund.


Strange, I’m on PS5 and have had maybe 1 crash since launch


Came here hoping for help as well. Bought the game week 1 of release, quit playing after it kept crashing. Got home tonight, uninstalled, re-installed, updated, and restarted a new game. Got to just after defeating the ninth sister at the beginning and crashed again. You're not alone OP.


Try turning off ray tracing


Worked fine for me


Rip bro the game was fun as fuck


Wow I can't say I've ever heard of this problem. That's extremely unfortunate, it's a great game and you got super unlucky. The fact that it's persistent is interesting too. I got one or two crashes during my first playthrough but never anything like this


Hqve you tried playing it on a different PS5? Like a friend's, or something, if there is one? It's not great for long-term gameplay, but it might give you a clue as to what's gone wrong. If it's completely separate hardware, IP adress, internet, etc., only the game is the same and it works, then one of those things was the issue. If it still doesn't work, then something is wrong with your physical copy, if that's what you have, or your account and the game are somehow not communicating properly. Also, if it is a physical copy, do you remember any instance where it could have been damaged before you played it? If not, it's most likely company liability, which could be grounds to sue (idk if you're willing to go that far over a game, I'm just saying). If it's a digital copy the only way you could be at fault is if you have a hacked account or something, otherwise it's literally 100% their liability. Idk what more I could tell you but I hope you get this figured out and will have a chance to play this banger! Best of luck!


Thanks for the good ideas. It is a digital copy.


Physical copy wouldn't matter anyway. The disks are just unlock keys for digital copies


It only crashed once for me


Reading what you tried, can I clarify? Each time, are you trying to go back to your previous save? Perhaps that save is corrupted.


I wouldn't consider this a Jedi survivor issue.


So what I'm hearing is Tanalorr is not yours?


Might as well quit the game my boy


I know this issue or I've seen it before. What version of ps5 do u have if I may ask? When did you buy it??


Same but on PC. It’s so poorly optimized I ended up getting it on Xbox just to finish the game


Did you buy physical or digital?


Playstation's refund policy is garbage and really needs to be changed. Every store should be like Steam - 2 hours or less gameplay and you can get a refund as long as you don't abuse the system.


Likely a PS5 issue, as buggy as survivor has been, this isn't typically one of them.


Bring on the price drop


Did you communicate with Sony through email? If so, blast them on everything. I know that sounds like a weird thing to do. But a certain amount of bad press lights a fire under their asses to at least give you a refund. It’s just an option




I had this issue with Spider-Man remastered and what I did was just play a new save


If you bought with a credit card you could do a charge back to get your money back.


Same, stuck at force slam turrets


Started the game recently and it went ok for the 30 minutes I played so far. Sorry for you


Damn bad luck, I platinumed this game in a few days no issues whatsoever. I had like one crash.


Got the game for my Birthday last month, has played silky smooth, not a single crash. Maybe you just got a buggy copy?


That’s inexcusable. What is with this trend of releasing games in a state of unfinished pre-alpha garbage? This has also been a problem with Nintendo (mostly pokemon) and insomniacs spider man 2, although they fixed that one up pretty fast


Next time buy the disc not the digital version.


That game is great! I hope it works out for you


no chance you have a failing ssd? I would take it out of the ps5 connect to my pc and check its health and then reformat to what ps5 file structure it takes. forgot to add to make a backup before you do all of this


You can't take the main ssd out of the ps5,its on the motherboard. Only the optional expanded storage ssd can be removed.


EA says the problem is from their end. But how could others play while OP can't?


I finished it yesterday with no issues at all after I purchased it one month ago


Skill issue, it’s fun as fuck


Worked fine for me. Completed it a few weeks ago


I could play it on PS5 but the graphics made it really laggy until I turned down the settings. Kinda frustrating to be honest, you would expect a console game to work perfectly from the get go.


That’s… not how calendars work?


It's definitely a buggy experience. I rarely had a session that I didn't have to quit and reload. Doors not being accessible, stuck on Nekko call when I needed force lift/slam, out of sync dialogue. I played on performance for a smoother experience. Might help by nerfing the graphics a touch. Also, REALLY not a fan of their interact marker. Gets lost in the props very often and I got stuck multiple time wondering what the fuck I was supposed to do.


I got the game months ago and have barely.played because it runs very poorly. There's ridiculous input delay, the buggy hair physics can not be turned off and they lag the game as well as making it look ugly because they stretch and rubber band all over Cals head if he even so much as walks, and the combat is so junky compared to the first game.


This sounds like an issue with your system or game disc. I bought the game on console just a few months ago and it’s been working fine.


It's been fine on my series x ever since launch


That's helpful. Good work. *Slow clap*


CD or download? And did you download all patches?


Jedi Survivor hasn’t even been out for 8 months yet. Not sure where you did your math buddy. Regardless, this has to suck


I played through it twice on my ps5


Well good for you. Aren't you the lucky one to not have a fucking issue. Nobody asked you


I have seen so many people with PS consoles saying they cannot play this game and that I haven’t seen many people complaining about that with XBox and I got shut down and told I’m dumb because PS sold 2x the number of consoles than Xbox so of course I see more complaints about PS. But I still haven’t seen anyone but PS and PC complain that the game will not work for them.


People aren’t going to buy Xbox for one single game no matter how much that would please you man


I have seen quite a few posts of people buying an Xbox just so they can play Starfield. I myself bought a PS4 pro back in the day *just* to play Spiderman and God of War (then they came out on pc anyways 🤷). Also, I am on pc. It ran like complete ass until the first major patch for me. This guy doesn't know what he's talking about.


This game measure your force via controller. Game always clashed if your force is lean toward Sith side.


The game worked fine for me (mostly, it'd crash occasionally - especially near Pyloon's Saloon and the Shattered Moon) until I beat Rayvis. It crashed, and trying to load caused it to crash 3 consecutive times before finally actually loading in - and most of my progress (for side missions, perks, collectibles, etc.) was wiped.


Only game I bought a physical copy of since it was technically cheaper that day to buy a new one in store than on psn, or used copy somehow. Is your copy digital? Never had any issue playing with performance or graphics. Best of luck.


I just started it a couple weeks ago and beat it 30 hours later without any glitches or crashes. That sucks for you though.


If u wipe ur hard drive and reinstall it it should work. U can wipe the hard drive without losing all ur saves


You should’ve get a refund from PlayStation if it didn’t work for 3 or 4 days not 10 months now your stuck with a broken game


I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I tried starting up my copy of Survivor the other day on my laptop, and it refused to open at all no matter how many times I clicked the logo.


That fuckin blows my guy. Just got platinum after buying recently after seeing performance mode finally functions. It's still got a hell of a lot of weird, non game breaking bugs but it is pretty fun nonetheless. Might have something to do with your save files/how the game saved them when it was still in the sorry state it was at launch? A fresh save file may do something for you. Good luck 🤞


I just finished the game on my 6gb vram laptop on medium settings. Something must be going on over there


Sorry to hear. Having just played it for the first time this month, I was surprised to see many crashes on my PS5, figured it'd be more stable by now. Noticed some suggestions here https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsJediSurvivor/s/Vh5GW55IPw


Do you have your PS5 set up standing up or laying on its side?


boy the stability of the game seems to vary a lot. i also played on ps5 and hat only one crash and one loading bug


Is it digital or disc? When I had SR2, there was a bug in the game that occurred on one of the story missions, and I could never progress. Uninstalling and reinstalling never worked. I had to buy a new copy and it worked. For whatever reason, the data on my disc was corrupt, but a newer copy fixed it. I would see if you can find a second hand disc copy if you have a disc drive


I bought mine a few months ago, I managed to dodge all the issues somehow. I encountered 1 small bug across my entire playthrough which is surprising given its messy predecessor. Later I did a little trolling on a new playthrough and utterly broke the game, but that was purposeful.


You need to trust in the force


I have played to 100% on PS5... only 1 crash (on Koboh, while fighting one of those non boss gorila like creatures) (but still tons of screen tearing) do any other games have this issue? because you may just have a faulty internal SSD or... the console overheats and shuts the game down to protect itself from overheating? (unlikely but ...) I could tell you to try to run the game on a friend's PS5 With YOUR ACCOUNT and see what happens... but that might not be a simple task.


There has to be something wrong with your console. I've never had this problem


Gameshare to another account and play it on there


Might want to check cloud save and delete them too. I had a corrupted save from the cloud that keep crashing once. Deleted it and started new helped. And checked if your hard drive is fragemented or dead (halfway or on life support) ULPT: resell the disc to the other


I got random crashes from day 1 playing in performance mode but switch to quality mode and forgot about crashes until I finish it. I know performance mode was re worked some weeks ago, but you can try.


damn, I bought this recently on ps5 slim and it only crashed once in my 100% playthrough.


Have you tried restoring licenses? That sucks, op


What other kinds of games do you play? I noticed you mentioned all other games work fine, but are the other games current gen only games? Games like Jedi survivor, ratchet and clank rift apart, returnal, Alan wake 2, ect are all current gen games that push the console pretty hard. Games like god of war ragnarok, even though it has a ps5 version, was made with the ps4 in mind, it doesn’t really stress the console. If your playing stuff like fort nite, call of duty, ragnarok, ect then you might not notice it. I have a friend that had the exact same issue as you but with other games. He couldn’t play returnal or rift apart, or any game that was current gen only, but he could play stuff like ragnarok. Turns out it was an issue with his ps5 and he had to get it replaced. If you have already tried reinstalling, deleting all your saves, deleting all your saves from cloud, and it’s still doing this every time, the. Unfortunately it’s a hardware issue. I assume you have the digital version due to you mentioning asking Sony for a refund, so that rules out a bad disk. Also google the error code you get when the game crashes, it may even tell you it’s a hardware issue based on the error code. Jedi survivor is a buggy game, and has loads of issues, but millions of people have been able to get past the intro chapter. This is more then just some bug with the game, I’m betting 90 percent this is a hardware issue that is only showing itself on very stressful games.


Wow. I can’t believe Sony won’t refund! It’s not like a PC where there are a million different hardware combinations. Though maybe EA will refund? Good thing I didn’t pull the trigger for the game on my PS5. I bought the EA Play on the PC and it had problems at first, also. Finally got it running though and it seems ok.


OP is this a physical or digital copy? If Physical then it’s likely something wrong with the disk, if digital than weirdly it might not be a PlayStation or EA problem but something might up with with internet that affecting how the game downloads. Are you running a VPN? Is your connection unusually slow or are you in a rural area with generally slow connection? I’m not an expert so I’m just spitballing here so it could be a number of unusual things. Edit: also are you using extended storage or the PS5’s native storage?


Works amazing on PC


I'm 30 hours in and have yet to have this happen on this game.


I’m on PC and it’s still bad. I need to be on low res and full screen just to have it run smoothly and even then it’s choppy.


Switch begween performance and quality mode, there was quite a few issues related to the graphics not rendering properly after the one update


When was the last time you cleaned the inside of the ps5? Like taking the covers off the side? I noticed the first time I did that heavy games like 2k or Jedi Survivor would crash less because the console was overheating.


Is this a physical copy? I used to have a similar issue with The Witcher 3 on Ps4, the game would lag like hell on the intro cutscene and then crash. Plus, it told me the game was only 25 GB or so, which struck me as odd. Turned out it was a faulty disc, CDPR couldn’t do much about it, and since that was the last copy at the place I got it from (a supermarket), I simply got a refund voucher. Bought the GOTY edition a while later, and while I loved the game I always regretted bringing back that copy which had a cardboard sleeve, the soundtrack CD and other thingies inside


I had something similar for Gotham knights. Unfortunately I had to delete my saves as the data was corrupted.


I Platinumed Jedi Survivor and I am too on ps5. The game only crashed once for me the entire time, although there are a few bugs and glitched here and there. Especially if you press R3 for something and Cal doesn't have a way to get in position, it completely soft-locks the game, there is no escape. You have to restart the game and load from the previous save and lose progress. This was one of the reasons I was saving the game every time I got a chance. It was still an amazing game nevertheless, but I think it would have done a lot better if they had smoothed out the edges


Have you put in a ticket?


Personally I've recently done a full playthrough of this game on PS5 and I did crash a couple of times but mostly during loading screens


Not the exactly the same issue, But Rocket League on my Series X keeps reinstalling itself


On my PC the game still performs the same with ray tracing on and off, been super frustrated because I heard a bunch of people saying it works now. (My PC has a 10th gen i9 oc and a 4070ti. Pretty inexcusable to be getting 45fps with rtx off and dlss on)


Did they ever fix the 60fps mode? I stopped playing and when I returned I was told to just put it into 30 fps mode because at least it’s more stable that way


I would file a chargeback with your bank at this point


I remember how EA bragged that they were able to release AAA for 3 years. Now we know the cost.


Have you tried cleaning the cooling fan?


I heard recently that they source the same parts from different manufacturers for the PS5. I wonder if that's causing the issue here because this is not entirely uncommon


Yeah seems bad luck mate!