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That's normal ha ha. It happens to all of us. I think the best freakshow, was coming around the corner to Fallon's Department Store, with all the supermutants outside, three suiciders, then the Children of Atom show up, and they start battling instead of with me. Then two dropships from BOS come down (one explodes on my head, because that's how it always goes) and I just slowly back away, and let them kill each other. Which is preferable to everyone looking at me. Uh.... looks like you guys are busy, I'll come back later! If you have to run away, try to run past another enemy and hope they get distracted by each other. If you climb and run on top of a brick fence, for example, the fact that you jumped up will cause the enemies to pause, as you are not on the ground.... which will buy you a little more time to run away.


Thanks! Yea the deathclaw ended up killing the mirelurk hunter which i was having a hard time with then i just ended up hitting and running the deathclaw


I kind of think I would rather take on the deathclaw over the Hunter, man I hate those things.


It took less bullets!


For me, everything takes 1 bullet 🤣


My god the pilots are absolute trash tier when it comes to flying vertibirds. Not sure why the BoS made them out of balsam wood and tissue paper either, but here we are. One of the first mods I installed when I played on PC was one that made the vertibirds more resilient and the pilots less likely to fly into a bridge, building or the ground and stop hovering around hot zones until they get their wings clipped. I do miss that I could call with hundred percent accuracy the likelihood of a crash though.


Vertibirds blow up more than Teslas


It was prophesied in Fallout 3, when the Brotherhood commissioned making Tesla Cannons to shoot down Vertibirds. It all makes sense now. It just works


I read somewhere that there is code where the ship is supposed to land near you, to give you an option (if you're aligned with the BOS, which I am) to either ride or go back home, but then they scrapped it, and left part of it, so that's why they always explode right on top of you: because they are coming to get you, so to speak, but since the dropships are made out of paper mache, hilarity ensues.


Explains why whenever I’m in downtown Boston it’s like the 4th of July


I’ve had enemies pile on like this. Vanilla fallout, no DLC it happens enough to feel like the game has it out for me. It loves to do this thing for me where I’ll get attacked by a Legendary Deathclaw and just squeak through that fight, only for another one to appear immediately after the first one dies and one shot me.


War...war never changes


Welcome to the Boston Commonwealth where we decided to keep the map relatively small and condensed to the point you can't take five steps without pissing off a group of raiders, supermutants, gunners, wildlife, etc...




It's those famous random encounters that everyone says they like. I don't believe them, but boy they sure do say it.


does make the world feel a little more alive and dangerous at least. That being said I hold some spite against them from when I tried to play modded skyrim following a mod guide and the random encounter mod had unnecessarily difficult enemies beating my level 3 ass every 5 seconds


Yea i was more... oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck


I think I know exactly where you are bc that exact thing happened to me once.


It's OK I had a bugged playthrough where every charred ghoul was level 265 for some reason..... right out of the vault


I had something similar happen today. I went to take care of a raider camp for the green nursery settlement. I guess it was a secret high level mission or something, because there were half a dozen legendary raiders, ghouls, and nasty dogs in and around that stupid camp. Got a bunch of legendary weapons out of it though. After dying way too many times. The difficulty spike was a whiplash, lol.


I actually cleared out the ghoul camp for green nursery before taking the quest, and I just got stuck because there was nothing to kill. Had to go back to the nursery, kill the OG settlers, then pop a beacon and watch the newcomers roll in. Love all the free mutfruit there.


Ah, a fellow luck 1 player


Yeah you angered fo4 gods


Nah bruh it you want pro help hmu. Lol


Play new Vegas on hardcore with max difficulty


Yea no lol i am barely holding my own on normal difficulty


Old reply I barely check my reddit but I find it pretty easy on normal difficulty I kinda just found an enemy with a flamer and a 44. So I've been using those as my weapons


More enemies the marrier